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[Merge] lp:~ashfall/divmod.org/1320678-remove-imaginary into lp:divmod.org


Ashwini Oruganti has proposed merging lp:~ashfall/divmod.org/1320678-remove-imaginary into lp:divmod.org.

Requested reviews:
  Divmod-dev (divmod-dev)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1320678 in Divmod: "Migrate Imaginary to Github"

For more details, see:

Removes Imaginary from lp:divmod.org
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Divmod-dev is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~ashfall/divmod.org/1320678-remove-imaginary into lp:divmod.org.
=== modified file 'Divmod.pth'
--- Divmod.pth	2013-06-27 06:02:46 +0000
+++ Divmod.pth	2014-05-18 17:55:49 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: axiom,combinator,epsilon,xmantissa,nevow,formless,xquotient,reverend,sine,hyperbola,imaginary,examplegame -*-
+# -*- test-case-name: axiom,combinator,epsilon,xmantissa,nevow,formless,xquotient,reverend,sine,hyperbola -*-
@@ -8,6 +8,4 @@

=== removed directory 'Imaginary'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/COMPATIBILITY.txt'
--- Imaginary/COMPATIBILITY.txt	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/COMPATIBILITY.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Imaginary provides _no_ source-level compatibility from one release to the next.
-Efforts will be made to provide database level compatibility (i.e. data from
-one release can be loaded with the next).  However, although we will try to
-ensure that data will load, there is no guarantee that it will be meaningfully
-upgraded yet.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/DEPS.txt'
--- Imaginary/DEPS.txt	2013-07-10 00:22:10 +0000
+++ Imaginary/DEPS.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Python 2.7
-Twisted 13.1
-Epsilon SVN-Trunk
-Axiom SVN-Trunk

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/ExampleGame'
=== removed directory 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/furniture.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/furniture.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/furniture.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: examplegame.test.test_furniture -*-
-    Furniture is the mass noun for the movable objects which may support the
-    human body (seating furniture and beds), provide storage, or hold objects
-    on horizontal surfaces above the ground.
-        -- Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furniture
-L{imaginary.furniture} contains L{Action}s which allow players to interact with
-household objects such as chairs and tables, and L{Enhancement}s which allow
-L{Thing}s to behave as same.
-This has the same implementation weakness as L{examplegame.tether}, in that it
-needs to make some assumptions about who is moving what in its restrictions of
-movement; it should be moved into imaginary proper when that can be properly
-addressed.  It's also a bit too draconian in terms of preventing the player
-from moving for any reason just because they're seated.  However, it's a
-workable approximation for some uses, and thus useful as an example.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from axiom.item import Item
-from axiom.attributes import reference
-from imaginary.iimaginary import ISittable, IContainer, IMovementRestriction
-from imaginary.eimaginary import ActionFailure
-from imaginary.events import ThatDoesntWork
-from imaginary.language import Noun
-from imaginary.action import Action, TargetAction
-from imaginary.events import Success
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary.objects import Container
-from imaginary.pyparsing import Literal, Optional, restOfLine
-class Sit(TargetAction):
-    """
-    An action allowing a player to sit down in a chair.
-    """
-    expr = (Literal("sit") + Optional(Literal("on")) +
-            restOfLine.setResultsName("target"))
-    targetInterface = ISittable
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        """
-        Do the action; sit down.
-        """
-        target.seat(player)
-        actorMessage=["You sit in ",
-                      Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),"."]
-        otherMessage=[player.thing, " sits in ",
-                      Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),"."]
-        Success(actor=player.thing, location=player.thing.location,
-                actorMessage=actorMessage,
-                otherMessage=otherMessage).broadcast()
-class Stand(Action):
-    """
-    Stand up from a sitting position.
-    """
-    expr = (Literal("stand") + Optional(Literal("up")))
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        """
-        Do the action; stand up.
-        """
-        # XXX This is wrong.  I should be issuing an obtain() query to find
-        # something that qualifies as "my location" or "the thing I'm already
-        # sitting in".
-        chair = ISittable(player.thing.location, None)
-        if chair is None:
-            raise ActionFailure(ThatDoesntWork(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage=["You're already standing."]))
-        chair.unseat(player)
-        Success(actor=player.thing, location=player.thing.location,
-                actorMessage=["You stand up."],
-                otherMessage=[player.thing, " stands up."]).broadcast()
-class Chair(Enhancement, Item):
-    """
-    A chair is a thing you can sit in.
-    """
-    implements(ISittable, IMovementRestriction)
-    powerupInterfaces = [ISittable]
-    thing = reference()
-    container = reference()
-    def movementImminent(self, movee, destination):
-        """
-        A player tried to move while they were seated.  Prevent them from doing
-        so, noting that they must stand first.
-        (Assume the player was trying to move themselves, although there's no
-        way to know currently.)
-        """
-        raise ActionFailure(ThatDoesntWork(
-                actor=movee,
-                actorMessage=u"You can't do that while sitting down."))
-    def applyEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        Apply this enhancement to this L{Chair}'s thing, creating a
-        L{Container} to hold the seated player, if necessary.
-        """
-        super(Chair, self).applyEnhancement()
-        container = IContainer(self.thing, None)
-        if container is None:
-            container = Container.createFor(self.thing, capacity=300)
-        self.container = container
-    def seat(self, player):
-        """
-        The player sat down on this chair; place them into it and prevent them
-        from moving elsewhere until they stand up.
-        """
-        player.thing.moveTo(self.container)
-        player.thing.powerUp(self, IMovementRestriction)
-    def unseat(self, player):
-        """
-        The player stood up; remove them from this chair.
-        """
-        player.thing.powerDown(self, IMovementRestriction)
-        player.thing.moveTo(self.container.thing.location)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/glass.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/glass.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/glass.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: examplegame.test.test_glass -*-
-This example implements a transparent container that you can see, but not
-reach, the contents of.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from axiom.item import Item
-from axiom.attributes import reference
-from imaginary.iimaginary import (
-    ILinkContributor, IWhyNot, IObstruction, IContainer)
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary.objects import ContainmentRelationship
-from imaginary.idea import Link
-class _CantReachThroughGlassBox(object):
-    """
-    This object provides an explanation for why the user cannot access a target
-    that is inside a L{imaginary.objects.Thing} enhanced with a L{GlassBox}.
-    """
-    implements(IWhyNot)
-    def tellMeWhyNot(self):
-        """
-        Return a simple message explaining that the user can't reach through
-        the glass box.
-        """
-        return "You can't reach through the glass box."
-class _ObstructedByGlass(object):
-    """
-    This is an annotation on a link between two objects which represents a
-    physical obstruction between them.  It is used to annotate between a
-    L{GlassBox} and its contents, so you can see them without reaching them.
-    """
-    implements(IObstruction)
-    def whyNot(self):
-        """
-        @return: an object which explains why you can't reach through the glass
-        box.
-        """
-        return _CantReachThroughGlassBox()
-class GlassBox(Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    L{GlassBox} is an L{Enhancement} which modifies a container such that it is
-    contained.
-    """
-    powerupInterfaces = (ILinkContributor,)
-    thing = reference()
-    def links(self):
-        """
-        If the container attached to this L{GlassBox}'s C{thing} is closed,
-        yield its list of contents with each link annotated with
-        L{_ObstructedByGlass}, indicating that the object cannot be reached.
-        """
-        container = IContainer(self.thing)
-        if container.closed:
-            for content in container.getContents():
-                link = Link(self.thing.idea, content.idea)
-                link.annotate([_ObstructedByGlass(),
-                               ContainmentRelationship(container)])
-                yield link

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/japanese.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/japanese.py	2007-08-17 04:46:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/japanese.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Japanese language data.
-This module contains a dict named 'hiragana' which maps hiragana
-unicode characters to romaji pronunciations, as well as a
-'romajiToHiragana' dict which maps romaji pronunciation to *lists* of
-hiragana characters. There are multiple hiragana characters with the
-same pronunciation, thus the multiple values per romaji in the
-romajiToHiragana dict.
-# Hiragana.
-hiragana = {
-    u'\u3042': 'A', u'\u3044': 'I', u'\u3046': 'U', u'\u3048': 'E',
-    u'\u3081': 'ME', u'\u3080': 'MU', u'\u3082': 'MO', u'\u3084': 'YA',
-    u'\u3086': 'YU', u'\u3089': 'RA', u'\u3088': 'YO', u'\u308b': 'RU',
-    u'\u308a': 'RI', u'\u308d': 'RO', u'\u308c': 'RE', u'\u308f': 'WA',
-    u'\u3091': 'WE', u'\u3090': 'WI', u'\u3093': 'N', u'\u3092': 'WO',
-    u'\u304b': 'KA', u'\u304a': 'O', u'\u304d': 'KI', u'\u304c': 'GA',
-    u'\u304f': 'KU', u'\u304e': 'GI', u'\u3051': 'KE', u'\u3050': 'GU',
-    u'\u3053': 'KO', u'\u3052': 'GE', u'\u3055': 'SA', u'\u3054': 'GO',
-    u'\u3057': 'SHI',u'\u3056': 'ZA', u'\u3059': 'SU', u'\u3058': 'JI',
-    u'\u305b': 'SE', u'\u305a': 'ZU', u'\u305d': 'SO', u'\u305c': 'ZE',
-    u'\u305f': 'TA', u'\u305e': 'ZO', u'\u3061': 'CHI', u'\u3060': 'DA',
-    u'\u3062': 'JI', u'\u3065': 'ZU', u'\u3064': 'TSU', u'\u3067': 'DE',
-    u'\u3066': 'TE', u'\u3069': 'DO', u'\u3068': 'TO', u'\u306b': 'NI',
-    u'\u306a': 'NA', u'\u306d': 'NE', u'\u306c': 'NU', u'\u306f': 'HA',
-    u'\u306e': 'NO', u'\u3071': 'PA', u'\u3070': 'BA', u'\u3073': 'BI',
-    u'\u3072': 'HI', u'\u3075': 'FU', u'\u3074': 'PI', u'\u3077': 'PU',
-    u'\u3076': 'BU', u'\u3079': 'BE', u'\u3078': 'HE', u'\u307b': 'HO',
-    u'\u307a': 'PE', u'\u307d': 'PO', u'\u307c': 'BO', u'\u307f': 'MI',
-    u'\u307e': 'MA'}
-romajiToHiragana = {}
-for k, v in hiragana.iteritems():
-    romajiToHiragana.setdefault(v, []).append(k)
-# Katakana.
-# katakana = {
-#     }

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/mice.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/mice.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/mice.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: examplegame.test.test_mice,examplegame.test.test_japanese -*-
-import random
-from zope.interface import implements
-from axiom import item, attributes
-from imaginary import iimaginary, events, objects, action, language
-from examplegame import japanese
-class Mouse(item.Item):
-    """
-    A silly mouse which squeaks when actors enter the room it is in.
-    @ivar _callLater: The scheduling function to use. Override in unit
-    tests only.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IEventObserver)
-    squeakiness = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    How likely the mouse is to squeak when intruded upon (0 - 100).
-    This mouse is so angry that he will pretty much always squeak.
-    """, default=100)
-    _callLater = attributes.inmemory()
-    def activate(self):
-        from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self._callLater = reactor.callLater
-    def prepare(self, concept):
-        """
-        An event was received. Squeak if it represents the arrival of a dude.
-        """
-        if isinstance(concept, events.ArrivalEvent):
-            return lambda: self._callLater(0, self.squeak)
-        return lambda: None
-    def squeak(self):
-        actor = self.store.findUnique(
-            objects.Actor,
-            objects.Actor._enduringIntelligence == self)
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=actor.thing,
-            otherMessage=u"SQUEAK!")
-        evt.broadcast()
-class ChallengeCollision(Exception):
-    """
-    Raised when a L{HiraganaMouse} is asked to start issuing challenges when it
-    is already issuing challenges.
-    """
-class ChallengeVacuum(Exception):
-    """
-    Raised when a L{HiraganaMouse} is asked to stop issuing challenges when it
-    is already not issuing challenges.
-    """
-class HiraganaMouse(item.Item):
-    """
-    A mouse which occasionally challenges those in its location to
-    transliterate Hiragana.
-    @ivar _callLater: The scheduling function to use. Defaults to the
-    reactor's callLater method. This is parameterized for the sake of
-    unit tests.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IEventObserver)
-    challenging = attributes.boolean(doc="""
-    Whether or not this mouse is currently creating random challenges.
-    """, default=False)
-    challengeInterval = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    Number of seconds between challenges.
-    """, default=15, allowNone=False)
-    _currentChallenge = attributes.text(doc="""
-    The Hiragana character which the mouse has most recently issued as a
-    challenge.
-    """, default=None)
-    _callLater = attributes.inmemory()
-    _currentChallengeCall = attributes.inmemory()
-    def activate(self):
-        from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self._callLater = reactor.callLater
-    def _actor(self):
-        """
-        Get the h-mouse's associated actor. PRIVATE. WHY DID I DOCUMENT THIS.
-        """
-        return self.store.findUnique(
-            objects.Actor,
-            objects.Actor._enduringIntelligence == self)
-    def _numDudes(self):
-        """
-        Get the number of actors (other than the h-mouse) in the
-        h-mouse's location. PRIVATE.
-        """
-        actor = self._actor()
-        numDudes = len([actor
-                        for dude
-                        in actor.thing.findProviders(iimaginary.IActor, 1)
-                        if dude is not actor])
-        return numDudes
-    def maybeChallenge(self):
-        """ 
-        Start challenging if there is anyone around to challenge (and
-        this h-mouse isn't already challenging).
-        """
-        if not self.challenging and self._numDudes() >= 1:
-            self.startChallenging()
-    def prepare(self, concept):
-        """
-        An event was received. Start or stop challenging as
-        appropriate, based on whether there is anyone to challenge.
-        """
-        if isinstance(concept, events.ArrivalEvent):
-            self.maybeChallenge()
-        elif isinstance(concept, events.DepartureEvent) and self._numDudes() == 0:
-            self.stopChallenging()
-        elif isinstance(concept, events.SpeechEvent) and concept.speaker is not self._actor().thing:
-            self.responseReceived(concept.speaker, concept.text)
-        return lambda: None
-    def startChallenging(self):
-        """
-        Start shouting hiragana in the hope that someone knows what it means.
-        @raises ChallengeCollision: If this h-mouse is already challenging.
-        """
-        if self.challenging:
-            raise ChallengeCollision()
-        self.challenging = True
-        self._scheduleChallenge()
-    def _scheduleChallenge(self):
-        """
-        Schedule a challenge to happen in the number of seconds set in
-        the instance attribute 'challengeInterval'.
-        """
-        self._currentChallengeCall = self._callLater(self.challengeInterval, 
-                                                     self._challengeAndRepeat)
-    def stopChallenging(self):
-        """
-        Stop shouting hiragana.
-        @raises ChallengeVacuum: If this h-mouse is not currently challenging.
-        """
-        if not self.challenging:
-            raise ChallengeVacuum()
-        self.challenging = False
-        self._currentChallenge = None
-        self._currentChallengeCall.cancel()
-        self._currentChallengeCall = None
-    def _challengeAndRepeat(self):
-        """
-        Shout a challenge and then schedule another one.
-        """
-        self.challenge()
-        self._scheduleChallenge()
-    def getCurrentChallenge(self):
-        """
-        Return the Hiragana character which is this mouse's current challenge,
-        if it has one.
-        @rtype: C{unicode} or C{None}
-        """
-        return self._currentChallenge
-    def vetteChallengeResponse(self, romajiResponse):
-        """
-        Return True if the given response matches the current challenge, False
-        otherwise.
-        """
-        hiragana = japanese.romajiToHiragana.get(romajiResponse.upper(), None)
-        return hiragana is not None and self.getCurrentChallenge() in hiragana
-    def responseReceived(self, responder, romajiResponse):
-        """
-        Called when some speech is observed.
-        """
-        me = self._actor().thing
-        if self.vetteChallengeResponse(romajiResponse):
-            self._currentChallenge = None
-            verb = u"salute"
-        else:
-            verb = u"bite"
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=me,
-            target=responder,
-            actorMessage=language.Sentence(["You ", verb, " ", responder, "."]),
-            targetMessage=language.Sentence([language.Noun(me).shortName(), " ", verb, "s you!"]),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([me, " ", verb, "s ", responder, "."]))
-        # Fuck the reactor, Fuck scheduling, why does responseReceived
-        # need to be concerned with these stupid scheduling details
-        # when all it wants to do is respond basically-immediately.
-        self._callLater(0, evt.broadcast)
-    def challenge(self, character=None):
-        """
-        Say only a single random hiragana character.
-        """
-        if character is None:
-            character = random.choice(japanese.hiragana.keys())
-        self._currentChallenge = character
-        actor = self._actor()
-        action.Say().do(actor, None, character)
-def createMouseCreator(mouseIntelligenceFactory):
-    """
-    Create a createMouse function, which can be called to create a
-    mouse object. Used for the 'Create' command plugin system.
-    """
-    def createMouse(**kw):
-        store = kw['store']
-        mouse = objects.Thing(**kw)
-        mouseActor = objects.Actor.createFor(mouse)
-        mousehood = mouseIntelligenceFactory(store=store)
-        mouseActor.setEnduringIntelligence(mousehood)
-        return mouse
-    return createMouse
-createMouse = createMouseCreator(Mouse)
-createHiraganaMouse = createMouseCreator(HiraganaMouse)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/quiche.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/quiche.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/quiche.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: examplegame.test.test_quiche -*-
-This module is a mid-level proof of concept of various features in Imaginary.
-Currently its implementation is a bit messy and it assumes lots of things about
-the reader's knowledge, but we are working on more thoroughly documenting it
-and making it into a good example of how to build functionality that interacts
-with multiple systems (currency, containment, object creation) in Imaginary.
-from zope.interface import implements, Interface
-from axiom import item, attributes
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects, events, language
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary.creation import createCreator
-class ICoin(Interface):
-    """
-    Something small and probably flat and round and which probably serves as
-    some form of currency.
-    """
-class Coinage(object):
-    implements(ICoin)
-    powerupInterfaces = (ICoin,)
-class Quarter(item.Item, Coinage, Enhancement):
-    thing = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    The object this coin powers up.
-    """)
-class VendingMachine(item.Item, objects.Containment, Enhancement):
-    implements(iimaginary.IContainer)
-    capacity = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    Units of weight which can be contained.
-    """, allowNone=False, default=1)
-    closed = attributes.boolean(doc="""
-    Indicates whether the container is currently closed or open.
-    """, allowNone=False, default=True)
-    thing = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    The object this container powers up.
-    """)
-    _currencyCounter = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    The number of coins which have been added to this vending machine since it
-    last ejected an item.
-    """, allowNone=False, default=0)
-    def coinAdded(self, coin):
-        """
-        Called when a coin is added to this thing.
-        @type coin: C{ICoin} provider
-        """
-        self._currencyCounter += 1
-        if self._currencyCounter >= 5 and self.getContents():
-            self._currencyCounter = 0
-            try:
-                obj = iter(self.getContents()).next()
-            except StopIteration:
-                evt = events.Success(
-                    actor=self.thing,
-                    target=obj,
-                    otherMessage=language.Sentence([self.thing, " thumps loudly."]))
-            else:
-                evt = events.Success(
-                    actor=self.thing,
-                    target=obj,
-                    otherMessage=language.Sentence([
-                        language.Noun(self.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                        " thumps loudly and spits out ", obj,
-                        " onto the ground."]))
-                state = self.closed
-                self.closed = False
-                try:
-                    obj.moveTo(self.thing.location)
-                finally:
-                    self.closed = state
-            evt.broadcast()
-    def add(self, obj):
-        coin = ICoin(obj, None)
-        if coin is not None:
-            self.coinAdded(coin)
-        else:
-            return super(VendingMachine, self).add(obj)
-def createVendingMachine(store, name, description=u""):
-    o = objects.Thing(store=store, name=name, description=description)
-    VendingMachine.createFor(o)
-    return o
-createCoin = createCreator((Quarter, {}))
-createVendingMachine = createCreator((VendingMachine, {}))
-createQuiche = createCreator()

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/squeaky.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/squeaky.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/squeaky.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: examplegame.test.test_squeaky -*-
-This module implements an L{ILinkAnnotator} which causes an object to squeak
-when it is moved.  It should serve as a simple example for overriding what
-happens when an action is executed (in this case, 'take' and 'drop').
-from zope.interface import implements
-from axiom.item import Item
-from axiom.attributes import reference
-from imaginary.iimaginary import IMovementRestriction, IConcept
-from imaginary.events import Success
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary.objects import Thing
-class Squeaker(Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    This is an L{Enhancement} which, when installed on a L{Thing}, causes that
-    L{Thing} to squeak when you pick it up.
-    """
-    implements(IMovementRestriction)
-    powerupInterfaces = [IMovementRestriction]
-    thing = reference(allowNone=False,
-                      whenDeleted=reference.CASCADE,
-                      reftype=Thing)
-    def movementImminent(self, movee, destination):
-        """
-        The object enhanced by this L{Squeaker} is about to move - emit a
-        L{Success} event which describes its squeak.
-        """
-        Success(otherMessage=(IConcept(self.thing).capitalizeConcept(),
-                              " emits a faint squeak."),
-                location=self.thing.location).broadcast()

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/__init__.py'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_furniture.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_furniture.py	2013-07-03 23:55:37 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_furniture.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-This module contains tests for the examplegame.furniture module.
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import CommandTestCaseMixin, E, createLocation
-from imaginary.objects import Thing, Exit
-from examplegame.furniture import Chair
-class SitAndStandTests(CommandTestCaseMixin, TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for the 'sit' and 'stand' actions.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Create a room, with a dude in it, and a chair he can sit in.
-        """
-        CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.chairThing = Thing(store=self.store, name=u"chair")
-        self.chairThing.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.chair = Chair.createFor(self.chairThing)
-    def test_sitDown(self):
-        """
-        Sitting in a chair should move your location to that chair.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "sit chair",
-            ["You sit in the chair."],
-            ["Test Player sits in the chair."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.player.location, self.chair.thing)
-    def test_standWhenStanding(self):
-        """
-        You can't stand up - you're already standing up.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "stand up",
-            ["You're already standing."])
-    def test_standWhenSitting(self):
-        """
-        If a player stands up when sitting in a chair, they should be seen to
-        stand up, and they should be placed back into the room where the chair
-        is located.
-        """
-        self.test_sitDown()
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "stand up",
-            ["You stand up."],
-            ["Test Player stands up."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.player.location, self.location)
-    def test_takeWhenSitting(self):
-        """
-        When a player is seated, they should still be able to take objects on
-        the floor around them.
-        """
-        self.test_sitDown()
-        self.ball = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'ball')
-        self.ball.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "take ball",
-            ["You take a ball."],
-            ["Test Player takes a ball."])
-    def test_moveWhenSitting(self):
-        """
-        A player who is sitting shouldn't be able to move without standing up
-        first.
-        """
-        self.test_sitDown()
-        otherRoom = createLocation(self.store, u"elsewhere", None).thing
-        Exit.link(self.location, otherRoom, u'north')
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "go north",
-            ["You can't do that while sitting down."])
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "go south",
-            ["You can't go that way."])
-    def test_lookWhenSitting(self):
-        """
-        Looking around when sitting should display the description of the room.
-        """
-        self.test_sitDown()
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "look",
-            # I'd like to add ', in the chair' to this test, but there's
-            # currently no way to modify the name of the object being looked
-            # at.
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player and a chair."])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_glass.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_glass.py	2013-07-03 23:55:37 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_glass.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Tests for L{examplegame.glass}
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import CommandTestCaseMixin, E
-from imaginary.objects import Thing, Container
-from examplegame.glass import GlassBox
-class GlassBoxTests(CommandTestCaseMixin, TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{GlassBox}
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Create a room with a L{GlassBox} in it, which itself contains a ball.
-        """
-        CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.box = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'box',
-                         description=u'The system under test.')
-        self.ball = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'ball',
-                          description=u'an interesting object')
-        self.container = Container.createFor(self.box)
-        GlassBox.createFor(self.box)
-        self.ball.moveTo(self.box)
-        self.box.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.container.closed = True
-    def test_lookThrough(self):
-        """
-        You can see items within a glass box by looking at them directly.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "look at ball",
-            [E("[ ball ]"),
-             "an interesting object"])
-    def test_lookAt(self):
-        """
-        You can see the contents within a glass box by looking at the box.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "look at box",
-            [E("[ box ]"),
-             "The system under test.",
-             "It contains a ball."])
-    def test_take(self):
-        """
-        You can't take items within a glass box.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "get ball",
-            ["You can't reach through the glass box."])
-    def test_openTake(self):
-        """
-        Taking items from a glass box should work if it's open.
-        """
-        self.container.closed = False
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "get ball",
-            ["You take a ball."],
-            ["Test Player takes a ball."])
-    def test_put(self):
-        """
-        You can't put items into a glass box.
-        """
-        self.container.closed = False
-        self.ball.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.container.closed = True
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "put ball in box",
-            ["The box is closed."])
-    def test_whyNot(self):
-        """
-        A regression test; there was a bug where glass boxes would interfere
-        with normal target-acquisition error reporting.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "get foobar",
-            ["Nothing like that around here."])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_japanese.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_japanese.py	2013-07-03 23:55:37 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_japanese.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-import weakref
-from twisted.internet import task
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects, events, action
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-from examplegame import mice
-from examplegame import japanese
-class MouseChallengeMixin(object):
-    """
-    A mixin meant to be used in TestCases which want to assert things
-    about mouse challenges.
-    The subclass must be sure to provide a C{player} instance
-    attribute, which is the L{IThing<iimaginary.IThing>} provider of
-    the player which observes the mouse, and a C{mouseName} attribute
-    which should be the mouse's name.
-    """
-    def assertChallenge(self, concept):
-        """
-        Assert that the given concept is a challenge from the mouse
-        named self.mouseName, as observed by self.player.
-        """
-        said = commandutils.flatten(concept.plaintext(self.player))
-        self.failUnless(said.startswith(u"A %s says, '" % (self.mouseName,)), repr(said))
-        self.failUnlessIn(said[-3], japanese.hiragana)
-        self.failUnless(said.endswith("'\n"), repr(said))
-class HiraganaMouseTestCase(MouseChallengeMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Test that there is a mouse that says hiragana and stuff
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.clock = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Clock")
-        self.clockContainer = objects.Container.createFor(self.clock, capacity=10)
-        self.mouse = mice.createHiraganaMouse(
-            store=self.store,
-            name=self.mouseName)
-        self.mouseActor = iimaginary.IActor(self.mouse)
-        self.mousehood = self.mouseActor.getIntelligence()
-        self.mouse.moveTo(self.clock)
-        (self.player,
-         self.playerActor,
-         self.playerIntelligence) = commandutils.createPlayer(self.store,
-                                                              u"Mean Old Man")
-        self.player.moveTo(self.clock)
-        self.reactorTime = task.Clock()
-        self.mousehood._callLater = self.reactorTime.callLater
-    def test_mouseCanSqueak(self):
-        """
-        When explicitly told to challenge with a given romaji syllable, the
-        mouse should say a hiragana letter.
-        """
-        events.runEventTransaction(
-            self.store,
-            self.mousehood.challenge,
-            character=u"\N{HIRAGANA LETTER A}")
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 1)
-        event = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[0]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(event.otherMessage.plaintext(self.player)),
-            u"A %s says, '\N{HIRAGANA LETTER A}'" % (self.mouseName,))
-    def test_randomHiragana(self):
-        """
-        When explicitly told to challenge without specifying a syllable, the
-        mouse should say a random one.
-        """
-        events.runEventTransaction(self.store, self.mousehood.challenge)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 1)
-        event = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[0]
-        self.assertChallenge(event)
-    def test_ji(self):
-        """
-        Two hiragana characters map to the romaji 'ji'.  Test that we do the
-        right thing for them.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.challenge(character=u"\N{HIRAGANA LETTER DI}")
-        self.failUnless(self.mousehood.vetteChallengeResponse(u"ji"))
-        self.mousehood.challenge(character=u"\N{HIRAGANA LETTER ZI}")
-        self.failUnless(self.mousehood.vetteChallengeResponse(u"ji"))
-    def test_zu(self):
-        """
-        Two hiragana characters map to the romaji 'zu'.  Test that we do the
-        right thing for them.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.challenge(character=u"\N{HIRAGANA LETTER DU}")
-        self.failUnless(self.mousehood.vetteChallengeResponse(u"zu"))
-        self.mousehood.challenge(character=u"\N{HIRAGANA LETTER ZU}")
-        self.failUnless(self.mousehood.vetteChallengeResponse(u"zu"))
-    def test_mouseStartsChallengingWhenPlayersArrive(self):
-        """
-        When a player arrives, the mouse should go into the 'I am
-        challenging' state.
-        """
-        # Whitebox
-        self.assertEquals(self.mousehood.challenging, False)
-        evt = events.ArrivalEvent(actor=self.player)
-        self.mouseActor.send(evt)
-        self.assertEquals(self.mousehood.challenging, True)
-    def test_mouseSchedulesChallenges(self):
-        """
-        After telling a mouse to start challenging, it should schedule timed
-        events to say challenges.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        concepts = self.playerIntelligence.concepts
-        self.assertEquals(len(concepts), 1)
-        self.assertChallenge(concepts[0])
-    def test_mouseStopsChallengingWhenPlayersLeave(self):
-        """
-        When the 'last' player leaves, the mouse stops challenging.
-        """
-        # Whitebox
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        evt = events.DepartureEvent(location=self.clock,
-                                    actor=self.player)
-        self.player.moveTo(None)
-        self.mouseActor.send(evt)
-        self.assertEquals(self.mousehood.challenging, False)
-    def test_mouseStopsSchedulingChallenges(self):
-        """
-        When a mouse is told to stop challenging, it should cancel any
-        challenges it had scheduled.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.mousehood.stopChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        self.assertEquals(self.playerIntelligence.concepts, [])
-    def test_stopChallengingWhenNotChallengingFails(self):
-        """
-        Don't stop challenging when you're not challenging.
-        """
-        self.assertRaises(mice.ChallengeVacuum, self.mousehood.stopChallenging)
-    def test_startChallengingTwiceFails(self):
-        """
-        Don't start challenging twice.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.assertRaises(mice.ChallengeCollision, self.mousehood.startChallenging)
-    def test_challengeRecurrence(self):
-        """
-        After a challenge is issued another one should be issued later.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        self.assertIn(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(), japanese.hiragana)
-        self.mousehood._currentChallenge = None # Clear his challenge evilly
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        self.assertIn(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(), japanese.hiragana)
-    def test_twoMenEnter(self):
-        """
-        Test that when *TWO* players join, the mouse doesn't schedule too many
-        challenges.
-        """
-        otherPlayer = commandutils.createPlayer(self.store,
-                                                u"Polite Young Man")[0]
-        # Send an arrival event because setUp doesn't
-        firstEvent = events.ArrivalEvent(actor=self.player)
-        self.mouseActor.send(firstEvent)
-        otherPlayer.moveTo(self.clock, arrivalEventFactory=events.MovementArrivalEvent)
-        self.playerIntelligence.concepts = []
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 1)
-        self.assertChallenge(self.playerIntelligence.concepts[0])
-    def test_twoMenLeave(self):
-        """
-        Test that when two players are near the mouse, the mouse doesn't
-        unschedule its challenge until they both leave.
-        """
-        otherPlayer = commandutils.createPlayer(self.store,
-                                                u"Polite Young Man")[0]
-        otherPlayer.moveTo(self.clock)
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        firstEvent = events.DepartureEvent(location=self.clock,
-                                           actor=self.player)
-        secondEvent = events.DepartureEvent(location=self.clock,
-                                            actor=otherPlayer)
-        otherPlayer.moveTo(None)
-        self.mouseActor.send(secondEvent)
-        self.playerIntelligence.concepts = []
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 1)
-        self.assertChallenge(self.playerIntelligence.concepts[0])
-        self.player.moveTo(None)
-        self.mouseActor.send(firstEvent)
-        self.failIf(self.mousehood.challenging)
-    def test_getCurrentChallenge(self):
-        """
-        Test that we can introspect the current challenge of a mouse.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        self.failUnlessIn(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(), japanese.hiragana)
-        self.mousehood.stopChallenging()
-        self.assertIdentical(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(), None)
-    def test_vetteChallengeResponse(self):
-        """
-        Test that the correct response to the current challenge is accepted by
-        the mouse.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        romaji = japanese.hiragana[self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge()]
-        self.failUnless(self.mousehood.vetteChallengeResponse(romaji))
-        for romaji in japanese.hiragana.values():
-            if romaji != japanese.hiragana[self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge()]:
-                self.failIf(self.mousehood.vetteChallengeResponse(romaji))
-    def test_respondToChallengeCorrectly(self):
-        """
-        Test that when a correct response is received, the current challenge is
-        expired and the mouse salutes you.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        correctResponse = japanese.hiragana[
-            self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge()]
-        self.mousehood.responseReceived(self.player, correctResponse)
-        self.reactorTime.advance(0)
-        self.assertIdentical(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(), None)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 2)
-        c = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[1]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(c.plaintext(self.player)),
-            u"%s salutes you!\n" % (self.mouseName,))
-    def test_respondToChallengeInorrectly(self):
-        """
-        Test that when an incorrect response is received, the current challenge
-        is not expired and the mouse bites you.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        correctResponse = japanese.hiragana[
-            self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge()]
-        for ch in japanese.hiragana.values():
-            if ch != correctResponse:
-                self.mousehood.responseReceived(self.player, ch)
-                break
-        else:
-            self.fail("Buggy test")
-        self.reactorTime.advance(0)
-        self.assertIn(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(),
-                      japanese.romajiToHiragana[correctResponse])
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 2)
-        c = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[1]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(c.plaintext(self.player)),
-            u"%s bites you!\n" % (self.mouseName,))
-    def test_playerSaysCorrectThing(self):
-        """
-        Test that when someone gives voice to the correct response to a mouse's
-        current challenge, the mouse acknowledges this with a salute.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        action.Say().do(
-            # http://divmod.org/trac/ticket/2917
-            iimaginary.IActor(self.player),
-            None,
-            japanese.hiragana[self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge()])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(), None)
-        self.reactorTime.advance(0)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 3)
-        c = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[2]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(c.plaintext(self.player)),
-            u"%s salutes you!\n" % (self.mouseName,))
-    def test_playerSaysIncorrectThing(self):
-        """
-        Test that when someone gives voice to the correct response to a mouse's
-        current challenge, the mouse acknowledges this with a salute.
-        """
-        self.mousehood.startChallenging()
-        self.reactorTime.advance(self.mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        action.Say().do(
-            # http://divmod.org/trac/ticket/2917
-            iimaginary.IActor(self.player), None, u"lolololo pew")
-        self.failIfIdentical(self.mousehood.getCurrentChallenge(), None)
-        self.reactorTime.advance(0)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 3)
-        c = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[2]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(c.plaintext(self.player)),
-            u"%s bites you!\n" % (self.mouseName,))
-    def test_activationUsesReactorScheduling(self):
-        """
-        Test that the default scheduler of the mouse is the Twisted
-        reactor, since that is the scheduler that needs to be used
-        with the actual Imaginary server.
-        """
-        deletions = []
-        ref = weakref.ref(self.mousehood, deletions.append)
-        # This is a hack to reload the mouse since it gets its
-        # _callLater set in setUp.
-        del self.mouse
-        del self.mouseActor
-        del self.mousehood
-        self.assertEquals(deletions, [ref])
-        mousehood = self.store.findUnique(mice.HiraganaMouse)
-        from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self.assertEquals(mousehood._callLater, reactor.callLater)
-class HiraganaMouseCommandTestCase(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    H-mouse tests which use the command system.
-    """
-    hiraganaCharacterPattern = u"'[" + u''.join(japanese.hiragana.keys()) + u"]'"
-    speechPattern = mouseName + u" says, " + hiraganaCharacterPattern
-    def test_oneManEnters(self):
-        """
-        Test that when a fellow jaunts into a venue inhabited by a mouse of the
-        Nipponese persuasion, a hiragana allocution follows.
-        """
-        clock = task.Clock()
-        closetContainer = commandutils.createLocation(
-            self.store, u"Closet", None)
-        closet = closetContainer.thing
-        mouse = mice.createHiraganaMouse(
-            store=self.store,
-            name=self.mouseName,
-            proper=True)
-        mouseActor = iimaginary.IActor(mouse)
-        mousehood = mouseActor.getIntelligence()
-        mousehood._callLater = clock.callLater
-        mouse.moveTo(closet)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, closet, u"north")
-        self._test(
-            "north",
-            [commandutils.E("[ Closet ]"),
-             commandutils.E("( south )"),
-             commandutils.E(u"Here, you see " + self.mouseName + u".")],
-            ["Test Player leaves north."])
-        clock.advance(mousehood.challengeInterval)
-        self._test(None, [self.speechPattern])
-    def test_creation(self):
-        """
-        Test the creation of a hiragana-speaking mouse using the thing creation
-        plugin system.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            u"create the 'hiragana mouse' named " + self.mouseName,
-            [commandutils.E(u"You create " + self.mouseName + u".")],
-            [commandutils.E(u"Test Player creates %s." % (self.mouseName,))])
-        for thing in self.location.findProviders(iimaginary.IThing, 0):
-            if thing.name == self.mouseName:
-                break
-        else:
-            self.fail("Could not find the mouse!  Test bug.")
-        clock = task.Clock()
-        jimhood = iimaginary.IActor(thing).getIntelligence()
-        jimhood._callLater = clock.callLater
-        self._test(
-            u"drop " + self.mouseName,
-            [commandutils.E(u"You drop %s." % (self.mouseName,))],
-            [commandutils.E(u"Test Player drops %s." % (self.mouseName,))])
-        clock.advance(jimhood.challengeInterval)
-        self._test(
-            None,
-            [self.speechPattern],
-            [self.speechPattern])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_mice.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_mice.py	2013-07-03 23:50:20 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_mice.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.internet import task
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import iimaginary, events, objects
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-from examplegame import mice
-class IntelligenceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.locationContainer = commandutils.createLocation(
-            self.store, u"Place", None)
-        self.location = self.locationContainer.thing
-        self.alice = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Alice")
-        self.actor = objects.Actor.createFor(self.alice)
-        self.alice.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.intelligence = commandutils.MockIntelligence(store=self.store)
-        self.actor.setEnduringIntelligence(self.intelligence)
-    def test_intelligenceReceivesEvent(self):
-        """
-        Enduring intelligences should receive events.
-        """
-        evt = events.Success(
-            location=self.location,
-            otherMessage=u"Hello, how are you?")
-        self.actor.send(evt)
-        self.assertEquals(self.intelligence.concepts, [evt])
-    def test_persistentIntelligence(self):
-        """
-        Whitebox test that enduring intelligencii are actually persistent.
-        """
-        self.assertIdentical(
-            self.store.findUnique(
-                objects.Actor,
-                objects.Actor._enduringIntelligence == self.intelligence),
-            self.actor)
-class MouseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.clock = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Clock")
-        self.clockContainer = objects.Container.createFor(self.clock, capacity=10)
-        self.mouse = mice.createMouse(store=self.store, name=u"Squeaker McSqueakenson")
-        self.mouseActor = iimaginary.IActor(self.mouse)
-        self.mousehood = self.mouseActor.getIntelligence()
-        self.mouse.moveTo(self.clock)
-        self.player = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Mean Old Man")
-        self.playerActor = objects.Actor.createFor(self.player)
-        self.playerIntelligence = commandutils.MockIntelligence(
-            store=self.store)
-        self.playerActor.setEnduringIntelligence(self.playerIntelligence)
-        self.player.moveTo(self.clock)
-    def test_mouseSqueaksAtIntruders(self):
-        """
-        When a mean old man walks into the mouse's clock, the mouse will squeak
-        ruthlessly.
-        """
-        clock = task.Clock()
-        self.mousehood._callLater = clock.callLater
-        evt = events.ArrivalEvent(actor=self.player)
-        self.mouseActor.send(evt)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 0)
-        clock.advance(0)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 1)
-        event = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[0]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(event.otherMessage.plaintext(self.player)),
-            u"SQUEAK!")
-    def test_mouseCanSqueak(self):
-        events.runEventTransaction(self.store, self.mousehood.squeak)
-        self.assertEquals(len(self.playerIntelligence.concepts), 1)
-        event = self.playerIntelligence.concepts[0]
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(event.otherMessage.plaintext(self.player)),
-            u"SQUEAK!")
-    def test_mouseActivation(self):
-        """
-        Activating a mouse should set the scheduling mechanism to the
-        reactor's.
-        """
-        from twisted.internet import reactor
-        self.assertEquals(self.mousehood._callLater, reactor.callLater)
-class MouseReactionTestCase(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin,
-                            unittest.TestCase):
-    def testCreation(self):
-        """
-        Test that a mouse can be created with the create command.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "create the mouse named squeaker",
-            ['You create squeaker.'],
-            ['Test Player creates squeaker.'])
-        [mouse] = list(self.playerContainer.getContents())
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(iimaginary.IActor(mouse).getIntelligence(), mice.Mouse))
-    def testSqueak(self):
-        """
-        Test that when someone walks into a room with a mouse, the mouse
-        squeaks and the person who walked in hears it.
-        """
-        mouse = mice.createMouse(store=self.store, name=u"squeaker")
-        clock = task.Clock()
-        intelligence = iimaginary.IActor(mouse).getIntelligence()
-        intelligence._callLater = clock.callLater
-        elsewhere = commandutils.createLocation(
-            self.store, u"Mouse Hole", None).thing
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, elsewhere, u"south")
-        mouse.moveTo(elsewhere)
-        self._test(
-            "south",
-            [commandutils.E("[ Mouse Hole ]"),
-             commandutils.E("( north )"),
-             commandutils.E("Here, you see a squeaker.")],
-            ['Test Player leaves south.'])
-        clock.advance(0)
-        self._test(None, ["SQUEAK!"])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_quiche.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_quiche.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_quiche.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from imaginary import objects, iimaginary
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-from examplegame import quiche
-class VendingTest(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    def testTheyExist(self):
-        self._test("create the 'vending machine' named vendy",
-                   ["You create vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player creates vendy."])
-    def testPopulateVendingMachine(self):
-        self._test("create the 'vending machine' named vendy",
-                   ["You create vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player creates vendy."])
-        self._test("create a quiche named quiche",
-                   ["You create a quiche."],
-                   ["Test Player creates a quiche."])
-        self._test("open vendy",
-                   ["You open vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player opens vendy."])
-        self._test("put quiche in vendy",
-                   ["You put the quiche in vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player puts a quiche in vendy."])
-    def testBuyingQuiche(self):
-        self._test("create the 'vending machine' named vendy",
-                   ["You create vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player creates vendy."])
-        self._test("drop vendy",
-                   ["You drop vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player drops vendy."])
-        self._test("create a quiche named quiche",
-                   ["You create a quiche."],
-                   ["Test Player creates a quiche."])
-        self._test("open vendy",
-                   ["You open vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player opens vendy."])
-        self._test("put quiche in vendy",
-                   ["You put the quiche in vendy."],
-                   ["Test Player puts a quiche in vendy."])
-        for i in range(5):
-            self._test("create the quarter named quarter%s " % i,
-                       ["You create quarter%s." % i],
-                       ["Test Player creates quarter%s." % i])
-        for i in range(4):
-            self._test("put quarter%i in vendy" % i,
-                       ["You put quarter%s in vendy." % i],
-                       ["Test Player puts quarter%s in vendy." % i])
-        self._test("put quarter4 in vendy",
-                   ["You put quarter4 in vendy.",
-                   "Vendy thumps loudly and spits out a quiche onto the ground."],
-                   ["Test Player puts quarter4 in vendy.",
-                    "Vendy thumps loudly and spits out a quiche onto the ground."])
-    def testProgrammaticQuichePurchase(self):
-        location = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"room")
-        icloc = objects.Container.createFor(location, capacity=500)
-        vm = quiche.createVendingMachine(store=self.store, name=u"Vendy", description=u"VEEEENDYYYYY")
-        vm.moveTo(location)
-        icvm = iimaginary.IContainer(vm)
-        icvm.closed = False
-        theQuiche = quiche.createQuiche(store=self.store, name=u"quiche")
-        icvm.add(theQuiche)
-        icvm.closed = True
-        for i in range(4):
-            quarter = quiche.createCoin(store=self.store, name=u"quarter%s" % (i,))
-            icvm.add(quarter)
-        quarter = quiche.createCoin(store=self.store, name=u"quarter4")
-        icvm.add(quarter)
-        self.failUnless(icloc.contains(theQuiche))

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_squeaky.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_squeaky.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_squeaky.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import CommandTestCaseMixin
-from imaginary.objects import Thing, Container
-from examplegame.squeaky import Squeaker
-class SqueakTest(CommandTestCaseMixin, TestCase):
-    """
-    Squeak Test.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Set Up.
-        """
-        CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.squeaker = Thing(store=self.store, name=u"squeaker")
-        self.squeaker.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.squeakification = Squeaker.createFor(self.squeaker)
-    def test_itSqueaks(self):
-        """
-        Picking up a squeaky thing makes it emit a squeak.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "take squeaker",
-            ["You take a squeaker.",
-             "A squeaker emits a faint squeak."],
-            ["Test Player takes a squeaker.",
-             "A squeaker emits a faint squeak."])
-    def test_squeakyContainer(self):
-        """
-        If a container is squeaky, that shouldn't interfere with its function
-        as a container.  (i.e. let's make sure that links keep working even
-        though we're using an annotator here.)
-        """
-        cont = Container.createFor(self.squeaker)
-        mcguffin = Thing(store=self.store, name=u"mcguffin")
-        mcguffin.moveTo(cont)
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "take mcguffin from squeaker",
-            ["You take a mcguffin from the squeaker."],
-            ["Test Player takes a mcguffin from the squeaker."])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_tether.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_tether.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/test/test_tether.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import CommandTestCaseMixin, E
-from imaginary.objects import Thing, Container, Exit
-from imaginary.garments import Garment
-from examplegame.furniture import Chair
-from examplegame.tether import Tether
-class TetherTest(CommandTestCaseMixin, TestCase):
-    """
-    A test for tethering an item to its location, such that a player who picks
-    it up can't leave until they drop it.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Tether a ball to the room.
-        """
-        CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.ball = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'ball')
-        self.ball.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.tether = Tether.createFor(self.ball, to=self.location)
-        self.otherPlace = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'elsewhere')
-        Container.createFor(self.otherPlace, capacity=1000)
-        Exit.link(self.location, self.otherPlace, u'north')
-    def test_takeAndLeave(self):
-        """
-        You can't leave the room if you're holding the ball that's tied to it.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "take ball",
-            ["You take a ball."],
-            ["Test Player takes a ball."])
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "go north",
-            ["You can't move, you're still holding a ball."],
-            ["Test Player struggles with a ball."])
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "drop ball",
-            ["You drop the ball."],
-            ["Test Player drops a ball."])
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "go north",
-            [E("[ elsewhere ]"),
-             E("( south )"),
-             ""],
-            ["Test Player leaves north."])
-    def test_allTiedUp(self):
-        """
-        If you're tied to a chair, you can't leave.
-        """
-        chairThing = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'chair')
-        chairThing.moveTo(self.location)
-        chair = Chair.createFor(chairThing)
-        self.assertCommandOutput("sit chair",
-                                 ["You sit in the chair."],
-                                 ["Test Player sits in the chair."])
-        Tether.createFor(self.player, to=chairThing)
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "stand up",
-            ["You can't move, you're tied to a chair."],
-            ["Test Player struggles."])
-    def test_tetheredClothing(self):
-        """
-        Clothing that is tethered will also prevent movement if you wear it.
-        This isn't just simply a test for clothing; it's an example of
-        integrating with a foreign system which doesn't know about tethering,
-        but can move objects itself.
-        Tethering should I{not} have any custom logic related to clothing to
-        make this test pass; if it does get custom clothing code for some
-        reason, more tests should be added to deal with other systems that do
-        not take tethering into account (and vice versa).
-        """
-        Garment.createFor(self.ball, garmentDescription=u"A lovely ball.",
-                          garmentSlots=[u"head"])
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "wear ball",
-            ["You put on the ball."],
-            ["Test Player puts on a ball."])
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "go north",
-            ["You can't move, you're still holding a ball."],
-            ["Test Player struggles with a ball."])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/tether.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/tether.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/examplegame/tether.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: examplegame.test.test_tether -*-
-A simplistic implementation of tethering, which demonstrates how to prevent
-someone from moving around.
-This implementation is somewhat limited, as it assumes that tethered objects
-can only be located in players' inventories and on the ground.  It also makes
-several assumptions about who is actually doing the moving in moveTo; in order
-to be really correct, the implementation of movement needs to relay more
-information about what is moving and how.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from axiom.item import Item
-from axiom.attributes import reference
-from imaginary.iimaginary import IMovementRestriction, IActor
-from imaginary.eimaginary import ActionFailure
-from imaginary.events import ThatDoesntWork
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary.objects import Thing
-class Tether(Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    I am a force that binds two objects together.
-    Right now this force isn't symmetric; the idea is that the thing that we
-    are tethered 'to' is immovable for some other reason.  This is why we're in
-    the example rather than a real robust piece of game-library functionality
-    in imaginary proper.
-    The C{thing} that we are installed on is prevented from moving more than a
-    certain distance away from the thing it is tethered C{to}.
-    This is accomplished by preventing movement of the object's container;
-    i.e. if you pick up a ball that is tied to the ground, you can't move until
-    you drop it.
-    """
-    thing = reference(reftype=Thing,
-                      whenDeleted=reference.CASCADE,
-                      allowNone=False)
-    # XXX 'thing' and 'to' should be treated more consistently, or at least the
-    # differences between them explained officially.
-    to = reference(reftype=Thing,
-                   whenDeleted=reference.CASCADE,
-                   allowNone=False)
-    implements(IMovementRestriction)
-    powerupInterfaces = [IMovementRestriction]
-    def movementImminent(self, movee, destination):
-        """
-        The object which is tethered is trying to move somewhere.  If it has an
-        IActor, assume that it's a player trying to move on its own, and emit
-        an appropriate message.
-        Otherwise, assume that it is moving *to* an actor, and install a
-        L{MovementBlocker} on that actor.
-        """
-        # There isn't enough information provided to moveTo just yet; we need
-        # to know who is doing the moving.  In the meanwhile, if you have an
-        # actor, we'll assume you're a player.
-        if IActor(movee, None) is not None:
-            raise ActionFailure(
-                ThatDoesntWork(
-                    actor=self.thing,
-                    actorMessage=[u"You can't move, you're tied to ",
-                                  self.to,
-                                  "."],
-                    otherMessage=[self.thing, u' struggles.']))
-        MovementBlocker.destroyFor(self.thing.location)
-        if self.to != destination:
-            MovementBlocker.createFor(destination, tether=self)
-        return False
-class MovementBlocker(Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    A L{MovementBlocker} is an L{Enhancement} which prevents the movement of a
-    player holding a tethered object.
-    """
-    implements(IMovementRestriction)
-    powerupInterfaces = [IMovementRestriction]
-    thing = reference(
-        doc="""
-        The L{Thing} whose movement is blocked.
-        """, reftype=Thing, allowNone=False,
-        whenDeleted=reference.CASCADE)
-    tether = reference(
-        doc="""
-        The L{Tether} ultimely responsible for blocking movement.
-        """,
-        reftype=Tether, allowNone=False,
-        whenDeleted=reference.CASCADE)
-    def movementImminent(self, movee, destination):
-        """
-        The player this blocker is installed on is trying to move.  Assume that
-        they are trying to move themselves (via a 'go' action) and prevent it
-        by raising an L{ActionFailure} with an appropriate error message for
-        the player.
-        """
-        raise ActionFailure(
-            ThatDoesntWork(
-                actor=self.thing,
-                actorMessage=
-                [u"You can't move, you're still holding ",
-                 self.tether.thing,u'.'],
-                otherMessage=
-                [self.thing, u' struggles with ', self.tether.thing,u'.']))

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary'
=== removed directory 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary/plugins'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary/plugins/monsters.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary/plugins/monsters.py	2007-08-17 04:46:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary/plugins/monsters.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from imaginary.creation import CreationPluginHelper
-from examplegame.mice import createMouse, createHiraganaMouse
-mouse = CreationPluginHelper(u'mouse', createMouse)
-hiraganaMouse = CreationPluginHelper(u'hiragana mouse', createHiraganaMouse)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary/plugins/quiche.py'
--- Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary/plugins/quiche.py	2007-08-17 04:46:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/ExampleGame/imaginary/plugins/quiche.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: examplegame.test.test_vending -*-
-from imaginary.creation import CreationPluginHelper
-from examplegame.quiche import createQuiche, createCoin, createVendingMachine
-quichePlugin = CreationPluginHelper('quiche', createQuiche)
-vendingPlugin = CreationPluginHelper('vending machine', createVendingMachine)
-quarterPlugin = CreationPluginHelper('quarter', createCoin)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/LICENSE'
--- Imaginary/LICENSE	2006-02-26 02:37:39 +0000
+++ Imaginary/LICENSE	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2005 Divmod Inc.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/MANIFEST.in'
--- Imaginary/MANIFEST.in	2008-07-16 19:12:33 +0000
+++ Imaginary/MANIFEST.in	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-include NAME.txt
-include DEPS.txt
-include NEWS.txt
-include LICENSE
-graft imaginary
-graft axiom

=== removed file 'Imaginary/NAME.txt'
--- Imaginary/NAME.txt	2006-02-26 02:37:39 +0000
+++ Imaginary/NAME.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-See: http://achewood.com/index.php?date=04272005
-Imaginary numbers are so named not because they are fictitious, but because
-they are along a different axis from real numbers.
-Divmod Imaginary is a simulationists take on the realm of role playing,
-interactive fiction, and multiplayer dungeons.  It incorporates gameplay
-features from each area while attempting to provide a richer environment
-than is generally available from existing systems.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/NEWS.txt'
--- Imaginary/NEWS.txt	2009-11-30 01:08:55 +0000
+++ Imaginary/NEWS.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-0.0.5 (2009-11-25):
-  - Remove the dead imaginary.objects.Thing.locate method
-  - Introduce an interface intended to be provided by administrative actors
-    and require it for the "illuminate" command.
-  - Remove the custom SSH server and instead plug in to the Mantissa SSH
-    application server.
-  - Remove all uses of "axiom.dependency.installOn".
-  - Fix a bug which caused newly created avatars to not be announced when
-    they arrived at the starting location.
-  - When presenting an ambiguity error to an actor, enumerate the possible
-    resolutions.
-  - Fix certain terminal handling issues with east asian characters.
-0.0.4 (2008-08-12):
-  - A "plain" Thing type has now been added and is available to the
-    "create" command.
-  - "scrutinize" now works when the target is not a container.
-  - a "list thing types" command has been added, to allow viewing
-    types of things that can be created.
-  - "create" now allows users to specify if a thing is considered a
-    common or proper noun.
-  - Improved grammar in action text for various verbs.
-  - Added a "set" action for changing thing attributes.
-  - Changed noun resolution to match substrings and to match
-    case-insensitively.
-0.0.3 (2007-01-23):
-  - Work with Axiom dependency api
-0.0.2 (2006-09-20):
-  - Some changes
-0.0.1 (2006-06-16):
-  - Imported from Pottery repository
-  - Imported from Imagination repository

=== removed file 'Imaginary/README.txt'
--- Imaginary/README.txt	2009-06-26 20:38:23 +0000
+++ Imaginary/README.txt	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-Imaginary is an experimental simulation-construction toolkit.
-Be warned!  We aren't kidding when we say "experimental".  Many features are
-not implemented yet and documentation is incomplete.  We think there are some
-pretty cool ideas here, but if you are intending to use this system, be
-prepared to participate heavily in its development.
-This document is mainly concerned with getting an Imaginary server up and
-running, to the point where you can edit the code and see things change.  Some
-familiarity with Python, Twisted, Nevow, Axiom, and Mantissa are all helpful,
-but we will try to make sure they aren't really required just to get started.
-While we have tried to make it possible to get a taste of what is possible
-here, if you want to make any serious progress, you will want to join the IRC
-channel "#imagination" on chat.freenode.net and start asking questions.  If you
-are curious about what needs to be done, have a look here:
-    http://tinyurl.com/2tuo9o
-The first step in configuring a new installation of Imaginary will normally be
-creating a new Mantissa database.
-(This is assuming you have already set up Combinator, installed Twisted, and
-all necessary Divmod dependencies. If not, see
-http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/CombinatorTutorial for more information.)
-First run the following command:
-      axiomatic mantissa
-And answer the prompts appropriately. Please take note of the new password you
-enter for the "admin" user, as you will need it in a few steps.
-This should create a directory called "mantissa.axiom", containing the server
-for a web interface that will allow you to install "offerings" (plugins for
-Mantissa, in this case, Imaginary), create users, and grant them
-privileges. You can start this webserver with the following command: (the -n
-option will run it in the foreground on the current terminal)
-    axiomatic start -n
-You should now be able to access this server at http://localhost:8080 in your
-web browser.
-Click the "Sign In" link in the upper right hand corner, and log in as "admin"
-with the password you chose previously while configuring Mantissa.
-If you logged in successfully, you should now be presented with a list of
-"offerings" that can be installed. Click on "Imaginary" to install it.
-Next, mouse over the "Admin" menu at the upper left of the screen and then
-click on the "Products" sub-menu.
-In the "Installable Powerups" section, check the box corresponding to
-"Imaginary Game".  Then click the "Installable Powerups" button below.  You
-will hopefully be presented with a green confirmation dialog to confirm your
-success.  This creates a "product" which can be given to users.
-Mouse over the "Admin" menu again and click "Local Users".  You should be
-presented with a page including a table of users - probably with only the
-"admin" user in it.  Click the word "Endow" in the "Actions" column of that
-table, then select the product with "ImaginaryApp" in it (again, this is
-probably the only one presented) and click the "Installproducton
-admin@localhost" button.  You should again be presented with a green
-confirmation dialog.  Hooray!
-Ideally, you will now be able to ssh into your Imaginary server. In a new
-terminal, ssh to localhost on the Mantissa server's SSH port (by default, this
-is 8022).  For example:
-         ssh -p 8022 admin@localhost@localhost
-Note the odd username/host specifier - "admin@localhost" is the user, and the
-last "localhost" specifies the host to connect to.
-Log in with the same password you used to log in to the web interface.  You
-should be presented with a screen including several options, one of which is
-"imaginary".  Use tab to highlight that option (the highlighted option should
-appear red), then hit enter to select it.
-At the Imaginary character prompt, choose to create a new character; enter a
-new username (e.g. not "admin").  You will then join the game as that new
-Once in the game, you should see a row of dashes along the bottom of the
-display.  To confirm your new MUDness, try typing "look" and hit enter; You
-should see some indication of the generic place that you are in, the available
-exits, and other players in the area, though initially you won't see much more
-than "[The Place]".
-You can enter "actions" for a list of actions, and use "help" along with one of
-them ("help dig") for specific information on how to use them. You can even log
-in via other telnet windows, create additional accounts, and interact with your
-initial user (for example, beating them to death with "hit").
-When you've tired of self-abuse, you can stop your Imaginary server by hitting
-control-c in the terminal where you ran "axiomatic start -n".

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/axiom'
=== removed directory 'Imaginary/axiom/plugins'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/axiom/plugins/imaginaryversion.py'
--- Imaginary/axiom/plugins/imaginaryversion.py	2008-07-16 19:12:33 +0000
+++ Imaginary/axiom/plugins/imaginaryversion.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2008 Divmod, Inc.
-# See LICENSE file for details
-Register an Axiom version plugin for Imaginary.
-from zope.interface import directlyProvides
-from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
-from axiom.iaxiom import IVersion
-from imaginary import version
-directlyProvides(version, IPlugin, IVersion)

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/imaginary'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/__init__.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/__init__.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary,examplegame -*-
-Virtual simulation framework.
-from imaginary._version import version
-version                         # exported
-# Verbs are only registered when they are imported, and important verbs are
-# found in the following modules:
-from imaginary import action, creation
-action                          # exported
-creation                        # exported
-# Ideally there would be a nice, passive way to register verbs which would only
-# load them as necessary rather than forcing the entire package to get
-# imported, but this will work okay for now.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/_version.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/_version.py	2009-11-30 01:08:55 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/_version.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# This is an auto-generated file. Use Epsilon/bin/release-divmod to update.
-from twisted.python import versions
-version = versions.Version(__name__[:__name__.rfind('.')], 0, 0, 5)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/action.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/action.py	2013-09-22 10:01:56 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/action.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1299 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_actions -*-
-import time, random, operator
-import pprint
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import log, filepath
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from axiom import iaxiom
-from axiom.attributes import AND
-import imaginary.plugins
-from imaginary import (iimaginary, eimaginary, iterutils, events,
-                       objects, text as T, language, pyparsing)
-from imaginary.world import ImaginaryWorld
-from imaginary.idea import (
-    CanSee, Proximity, ProviderOf, Named, Traversability)
-## Hacks because pyparsing doesn't have fantastic unicode support
-_quoteRemovingQuotedString = pyparsing.quotedString.copy()
-class UnicodeWord(pyparsing.Token):
-    def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True):
-        maxLoc = len(instring)
-        while loc < maxLoc and instring[loc].isspace():
-            loc += 1
-        start = loc
-        while loc < maxLoc and not instring[loc].isspace():
-            loc += 1
-        end = loc
-        return end, instring[start:end]
-class _ActionType(type):
-    actions = []
-    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
-        infrastructure = attrs.pop('infrastructure', False)
-        t = super(_ActionType, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
-        if not infrastructure:
-            cls.actions.append(t)
-        return t
-    def parse(self, player, line):
-        """
-        Parse an action.
-        """
-        for eachActionType in self.actions:
-            try:
-                match = eachActionType.match(player, line)
-            except pyparsing.ParseException:
-                pass
-            else:
-                if match is not None:
-                    match = dict(match)
-                    for k,v in match.items():
-                        if isinstance(v, pyparsing.ParseResults):
-                            match[k] = v[0]
-                    return eachActionType().runEventTransaction(player, line, match)
-        return defer.fail(eimaginary.NoSuchCommand(line))
-class Action(object):
-    """
-    An L{Action} represents an intention of a player to do something.
-    """
-    __metaclass__ = _ActionType
-    infrastructure = True
-    actorInterface = iimaginary.IActor
-    def runEventTransaction(self, player, line, match):
-        """
-        Take a player, input, and dictionary of parse results, resolve those
-        parse results into implementations of appropriate interfaces in the
-        game world, and execute the actual Action implementation (contained in
-        the 'do' method) in an event transaction.
-        This is the top level of action invocation.
-        @param player: A L{Thing} representing the actor's body.
-        @param line: A unicode string containing the original input
-        @param match: A dictionary containing some parse results to pass
-            through to this L{Action}'s C{do} method as keyword arguments.
-        @raise eimaginary.AmbiguousArgument: if multiple valid targets are
-            found for an argument.
-        """
-        def thunk():
-            begin = time.time()
-            try:
-                actor = self.actorInterface(player)
-                for (k, v) in match.items():
-                    try:
-                        objs = self.resolve(player, k, v)
-                    except NotImplementedError:
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        if len(objs) == 1:
-                            match[k] = objs[0]
-                        elif len(objs) == 0:
-                            self.cantFind(player, actor, k, v)
-                        else:
-                            raise eimaginary.AmbiguousArgument(self, k, v, objs)
-                return self.do(actor, line, **match)
-            finally:
-                end = time.time()
-                log.msg(interface=iaxiom.IStatEvent,
-                        stat_actionDuration=end - begin,
-                        stat_actionExecuted=1)
-        events.runEventTransaction(player.store, thunk)
-    def cantFind(self, player, actor, slot, name):
-        """
-        This hook is invoked when a target cannot be found.
-        This will delegate to a method like C{self.cantFind_<slot>(actor,
-        name)} if one exists, to determine the error message to show to the
-        actor.  It will then raise L{eimaginary.ActionFailure} to stop
-        processing of this action.
-        @param player: The L{Thing} doing the searching.
-        @type player: L{IThing}
-        @param actor: The L{IActor} doing the searching.
-        @type actor: L{IActor}
-        @param slot: The slot in question.
-        @type slot: C{str}
-        @param name: The name of the object being searched for.
-        @type name: C{unicode}
-        @raise eimaginary.ActionFailure: always.
-        """
-        func = getattr(self, "cantFind_"+slot, None)
-        if func:
-            msg = func(actor, name)
-        else:
-            msg = "Who's that?"
-        raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-            events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                actorMessage=msg,
-                actor=player))
-    @classmethod
-    def match(cls, player, line):
-        """
-        Parse the given C{line} using this L{Action} type's pyparsing C{expr}
-        attribute.  A C{pyparsing.LineEnd} is appended to C{expr} to avoid
-        accidentally matching a prefix instead of the whole line.
-        @return: a list of 2-tuples of all the results of parsing, or None if
-            the expression does not match the given line.
-        @param line: a line of user input to be interpreted as an action.
-        @see: L{imaginary.pyparsing}
-        """
-        return (cls.expr + pyparsing.LineEnd()).parseString(line)
-    def do(self, player, line, **slots):
-        """
-        Subclasses override this method to actually perform the action.
-        This method is performed in an event transaction, by 'run'.
-        NB: The suggested implementation strategy for a 'do' method is to do
-        action-specific setup but then delegate the bulk of the actual logic to
-        a method on a target/tool interface.  The 'do' method's job is to
-        select the appropriate methods to invoke.
-        @param player: a provider of this L{Action}'s C{actorInterface}.
-        @param line: the input string that created this action.
-        @param slots: The results of calling C{self.resolve} on each parsing
-        result (described by a setResultsName in C{self.expr}).
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError("'do' method not implemented")
-    def resolve(self, player, name, value):
-        """
-        Resolve a given parsed value to a valid action parameter by calling a
-        'resolve_<name>' method on this L{Action} with the given C{player} and
-        C{value}.
-        @param player: the L{Thing} attempting to perform this action.
-        @type player: L{Thing}
-        @param name: the name of the slot being filled.  For example, 'target'.
-        @type name: L{str}
-        @param value: a string representing the value that was parsed.  For
-            example, if the user typed 'get fish', this would be 'fish'.
-        @return: a value which will be passed as the 'name' parameter to this
-            L{Action}'s C{do} method.
-        """
-        resolver = getattr(self, 'resolve_%s' % (name,), None)
-        if resolver is None:
-            raise NotImplementedError(
-                "Don't know how to resolve %r (%r)" % (name, value))
-        return resolver(player, value)
-def targetString(name):
-    return (
-        _quoteRemovingQuotedString ^
-        UnicodeWord()).setResultsName(name)
-class TargetAction(Action):
-    """
-    Subclass L{TargetAction} to implement an action that acts on a target, like
-    'take foo' or 'eat foo' where 'foo' is the target.
-    @cvar targetInterface: the interface which the 'target' parameter to 'do'
-        must provide.
-    """
-    infrastructure = True
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IThing
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 2
-    def resolve_target(self, player, targetName):
-        return _getIt(player, targetName,
-                      self.targetInterface, self.targetRadius(player))
-class ToolAction(TargetAction):
-    """
-    Subclass L{ToolAction} to implement an action that acts on a target by
-    using a tool, like 'unlock door with key', where 'door' is the target and
-    'key' is the tool.
-    @cvar toolInterface: the L{zope.interface.Interface} which the 'tool'
-        parameter to 'do' must provide.
-    """
-    infrastructure = True
-    toolInterface = iimaginary.IThing
-    def toolRadius(self, player):
-        return 2
-    def resolve_tool(self, player, toolName):
-        return _getIt(player, toolName,
-                      self.toolInterface, self.toolRadius(player))
-def _getIt(player, thingName, iface, radius):
-    return list(player.search(radius, iface, thingName))
-class LookAround(Action):
-    actionName = "look"
-    expr = pyparsing.Literal("look") + pyparsing.StringEnd()
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        ultimateLocation = player.thing.location
-        while ultimateLocation.location is not None:
-            ultimateLocation = ultimateLocation.location
-        for visible in player.thing.findProviders(iimaginary.IVisible, 1):
-            # XXX what if my location is furniture?  I want to see '( Foo,
-            # sitting in the Bar )', not '( Bar )'.
-            if visible.isViewOf(ultimateLocation):
-                concept = visible.visualize()
-                break
-        else:
-            concept = u"You are floating in an empty, formless void."
-        events.Success(actor=player.thing,
-                       actorMessage=concept).broadcast()
-class LookAt(TargetAction):
-    actionName = "look"
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("look") +
-            pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.White() +
-                               pyparsing.Literal("at")) +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("target"))
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IVisible
-    def resolve_target(self, player, targetName):
-        """
-        Resolve the target to look at by looking for a named, visible object in
-        a proximity of 3 meters from the player.
-        @param player: The player doing the looking.
-        @type player: L{IThing}
-        @param targetName: The name of the object we are looking for.
-        @type targetName: C{unicode}
-        @return: A list of visible objects.
-        @rtype: C{list} of L{IVisible}
-        @raise eimaginary.ActionFailure: with an appropriate message if the
-            target cannot be resolved for an identifiable reason.  See
-            L{imaginary.objects.Thing.obtainOrReportWhyNot} for a description
-            of how such reasons may be identified.
-        """
-        return player.obtainOrReportWhyNot(
-            Proximity(3.0, Named(targetName,
-                                 CanSee(ProviderOf(iimaginary.IVisible)),
-                                 player)))
-    def cantFind_target(self, player, name):
-        return "You don't see that."
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 3
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        if player.thing is not target:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                target=target,
-                actorMessage=target.visualize(),
-                targetMessage=(player.thing, " looks at you."))
-        else:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                actorMessage=target.visualize())
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Illuminate(Action):
-    """
-    Change the ambient light level at the location of the actor.  Since this is
-    an administrative action that directly manipulates the environment, the
-    actor must be a L{iimaginary.IManipulator}.
-    The argument taken by this action is an integer which specifies the light
-    level in U{candelas<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candela>}.
-    """
-    actorInterface = iimaginary.IManipulator
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("illuminate") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.Word("0123456789").setResultsName("candelas"))
-    def do(self, player, line, candelas):
-        """
-        Attempt to change the illumination of the player's surroundings.
-        @param player: a manipulator that can change the illumination of its
-            room.
-        @type player: L{IManipulator}
-        @param line: the text being parsed
-        @type line: L{str}
-        @param candelas: the number of candelas to change the ambient
-            illumination to.
-        @type candelas: L{str}
-        """
-        candelas = int(candelas)
-        oldCandelas = player.setIllumination(candelas)
-        otherMessage = None
-        if oldCandelas == candelas:
-            actorMessage = u"You do it.  Swell."
-        elif candelas == 0:
-            actorMessage = (
-                u"Your environs fade to black due to Ineffable Spooky Magic.")
-            otherMessage = actorMessage
-        elif oldCandelas == 0:
-            actorMessage = u"Your environs are suddenly alight."
-            otherMessage = actorMessage
-        elif candelas < oldCandelas:
-            actorMessage = u"Your environs seem slightly dimmer."
-            otherMessage = actorMessage
-        elif candelas > oldCandelas:
-            actorMessage = u"Your environs seem slightly brighter."
-            otherMessage = actorMessage
-        events.Success(actor=player.thing,
-                       actorMessage=actorMessage,
-                       otherMessage=otherMessage).broadcast()
-class Describe(TargetAction):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("describe") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("description"))
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 3
-    def do(self, player, line, target, description):
-        target.description = description
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage=("You change ", target, "'s description."),
-            otherMessage=(player.thing, " changes ", target, "'s description."))
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Name(TargetAction):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("name") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("name"))
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 3
-    def do(self, player, line, target, name):
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage=("You change ", target, "'s name."),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " changes ", target, "'s name to ", name, "."]))
-        evt.broadcast()
-        target.name = name
-class Open(TargetAction):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("open") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IContainer
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        dnf = language.Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase()
-        if not target.closed:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                target=target.thing,
-                actorMessage=language.Sentence([dnf, " is already open."])))
-        target.closed = False
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            target=target.thing,
-            actorMessage=("You open ", dnf, "."),
-            targetMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " opens you."]),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " opens ", target.thing, "."]))
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Close(TargetAction):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("close") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IContainer
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        dnf = language.Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase()
-        if target.closed:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                target=target.thing,
-                actorMessage=language.Sentence([dnf, " is already closed."])))
-        target.closed = True
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            target=target.thing,
-            actorMessage=("You close ", dnf, "."),
-            targetMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " closes you."]),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " closes ", target.thing, "."]))
-        evt.broadcast()
-def tooHeavy(player, target):
-    return eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-        actor=player, target=target,
-        actorMessage=(target, " is too heavy to pick up."),
-        otherMessage=(player, " struggles to lift ", target, ", but fails."),
-        targetMessage=(player, " tries to pick you up, but fails.")))
-def targetTaken(player, target, container=None):
-    if container is None:
-        return events.Success(
-            actor=player, target=target,
-            actorMessage=("You take ", target, "."),
-            targetMessage=(player, " takes you."),
-            otherMessage=(player, " takes ", target, "."))
-    idop = language.Noun(container).definiteNounPhrase()
-    return events.Success(
-        actor=player,
-        target=target,
-        tool=container,
-        actorMessage=("You take ", target, " from ", idop, "."),
-        targetMessage=(player, " takes you from ", idop, "."),
-        toolMessage=(player, " takes ", target, " from you."),
-        otherMessage=(player, " takes ", target, " from ", idop, "."))
-class Remove(TargetAction):
-    expr = ((pyparsing.Literal("remove") |
-             pyparsing.Literal("take off")) +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IClothing
-    actorInterface = iimaginary.IClothingWearer
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        from imaginary import garments
-        try:
-            player.takeOff(target)
-        except garments.InaccessibleGarment, e:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                target=target.thing,
-                actorMessage=(u"You cannot take off ",
-                              language.Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                              u" because you are wearing ",
-                              e.obscuringGarment.thing, u"."),
-                otherMessage=language.Sentence([
-                    player.thing,
-                    u" gets a dumb look on ",
-                    language.Noun(player.thing).hisHer(),
-                    u" face."])))
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            target=target.thing,
-            actorMessage=(u"You take off ",
-                          language.Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                          u"."),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([
-                player.thing, u" takes off ", target.thing, u"."]))
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Wear(TargetAction):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("wear") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IClothing
-    actorInterface = iimaginary.IClothingWearer
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        from imaginary import garments
-        try:
-            player.putOn(target)
-        except garments.TooBulky, e:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                target=target.thing,
-                actorMessage=language.Sentence([
-                    language.Noun(e.wornGarment.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                    u" you are already wearing is too bulky for you to do"
-                    u" that."]),
-                otherMessage=language.Sentence([
-                    player.thing,
-                    u" wrestles with basic personal problems."])))
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            target=target.thing,
-            actorMessage=(u"You put on ",
-                          language.Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                          "."),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([
-                player.thing, " puts on ", target.thing, "."]))
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Equipment(Action):
-    expr = pyparsing.Literal("equipment")
-    actorInterface = iimaginary.IClothingWearer
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        from imaginary import garments
-        equipment = list(player.store.query(
-            objects.Thing,
-            AND(
-                garments.Garment.thing == objects.Thing.storeID,
-                garments.Garment.wearer == player),
-            sort=objects.Thing.name.ascending))
-        if equipment:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                actorMessage=[
-                    u"You are wearing ",
-                    language.ItemizedList(equipment),
-                    u"."])
-        else:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                actorMessage=language.ExpressString(
-                    u"You aren't wearing any equipment."))
-        evt.broadcast()
-class TakeFrom(ToolAction):
-    actionName = "take"
-    expr = ((pyparsing.Literal("get") ^ pyparsing.Literal("take")) +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target") +
-            pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.White() +
-                               pyparsing.Literal("from")) +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("tool"))
-    def cantFind_target(self, player, targetName):
-        return "Nothing like that around here."
-    cantFind_tool = cantFind_target
-    def do(self, player, line, target, tool):
-        # XXX Make sure target is in tool
-        targetTaken(player.thing, target, tool).broadcast()
-        try:
-            target.moveTo(player.thing)
-        except eimaginary.DoesntFit:
-            raise tooHeavy(player.thing, target)
-class PutIn(ToolAction):
-    toolInterface = iimaginary.IThing
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IContainer
-    def cantFind_target(self, player, targetName):
-        return "That doesn't work."
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("put") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("tool") +
-            pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.White() +
-                               pyparsing.Literal("in")) +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    def do(self, player, line, tool, target):
-        ctool = iimaginary.IContainer(tool, None)
-        targetObject = target.thing
-        if ctool is not None and (ctool.contains(targetObject) or ctool is target):
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    target=targetObject,
-                    tool=tool,
-                    actorMessage="A thing cannot contain itself in euclidean space."))
-        dnf = language.Noun(targetObject).definiteNounPhrase()
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            target=targetObject,
-            tool=tool,
-            actorMessage=("You put ",
-                          language.Noun(tool).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                          " in ", dnf, "."),
-            targetMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " puts ", " tool in you."]),
-            toolMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " puts you in ", targetObject, "."]),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " puts ", tool, " in ", targetObject, "."]))
-        evt.broadcast()
-        try:
-            tool.moveTo(target)
-        except eimaginary.DoesntFit:
-            # <allexpro> dash: put me in a tent and give it to moshez!
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    target=targetObject,
-                    tool=tool,
-                    actorMessage=language.Sentence([
-                            language.Noun(tool).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                            u" does not fit in ", dnf, u"."])))
-        except eimaginary.Closed:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    target=targetObject,
-                    tool=tool,
-                    actorMessage=language.Sentence([dnf, " is closed."])))
-class Take(TargetAction):
-    expr = ((pyparsing.Literal("get") ^ pyparsing.Literal("take")) +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    def cantFind_target(self, player, targetName):
-        return u"Nothing like that around here."
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 1
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        if target in (player.thing, player.thing.location) or target.location is player.thing:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                actorMessage=("You cannot take ", target, ".")))
-        targetTaken(player.thing, target).broadcast()
-        try:
-            target.moveTo(player.thing)
-        except eimaginary.DoesntFit:
-            raise tooHeavy(player.thing, target)
-def insufficientSpace(player):
-    return eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-        actor=player,
-        actorMessage="There's not enough space for that."))
-class Drop(TargetAction):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("drop") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    def cantFind_target(self, player, targetName):
-        return "Nothing like that around here."
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 1
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        if target.location is not player.thing:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage="You can't drop that."))
-        try:
-            target.moveTo(
-                player.thing.location,
-                arrivalEventFactory=lambda target: events.ArrivalEvent(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage=("You drop ",
-                                  language.Noun(target).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                                  "."),
-                    target=target,
-                    targetMessage=(player.thing, " drops you."),
-                    otherMessage=(player.thing, " drops ", target, ".")))
-        except eimaginary.DoesntFit:
-            raise insufficientSpace(player.thing)
-_directionNames = objects.OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS.keys()
-    operator.xor, [
-        pyparsing.Literal(d)
-        for d in _directionNames]).setResultsName("direction")
-def expandDirection(direction):
-    """
-    Expand direction aliases into the names of the directions they refer to.
-    """
-    return objects.DIRECTION_ALIASES.get(direction, direction)
-class Dig(Action):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("dig") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            DIRECTION_LITERAL +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("name"))
-    def do(self, player, line, direction, name):
-        direction = expandDirection(direction)
-        if iimaginary.IContainer(player.thing.location).getExitNamed(direction, None) is not None:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                actorMessage="There is already an exit in that direction."))
-        room = objects.Thing(store=player.store, name=name)
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(player.thing.location, room, direction)
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage="You create an exit.",
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " created an exit to the ", direction, "."]))
-        evt.broadcast()
-        # XXX Right now there can't possibly be anyone in the
-        # destination room, but someday there could be.  When there
-        # could be, broadcast this to them too.
-class Bury(Action):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("bury") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-    def do(self, player, line, direction):
-        direction = expandDirection(direction)
-        for exit in iimaginary.IContainer(player.thing.location).getExits():
-            if exit.name == direction:
-                if exit.sibling is not None:
-                    evt = events.Success(
-                        location=exit.toLocation,
-                        otherMessage=language.Sentence([
-                            exit.sibling, " crumbles and disappears."]))
-                    evt.broadcast()
-                evt = events.Success(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage="It's gone.",
-                    otherMessage=language.Sentence([
-                        language.Noun(player.thing).nounPhrase(),
-                        " destroyed ", exit, "."]))
-                evt.broadcast()
-                exit.destroy()
-                return
-        raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage="There isn't an exit in that direction."))
-class Go(Action):
-    expr = (
-        (pyparsing.Literal("go") + pyparsing.White() +
-         targetString("direction")) |
-        (pyparsing.Literal("enter") + pyparsing.White() +
-         targetString("direction")) |
-        (pyparsing.Literal("exit") + pyparsing.White() +
-         targetString("direction")) |
-    actorInterface = iimaginary.IThing
-    def resolve_direction(self, player, directionName):
-        """
-        Identify a direction by having the player search for L{IExit}
-        providers that they can see and reach.
-        """
-        directionName = expandDirection(directionName)
-        return player.obtainOrReportWhyNot(
-            Proximity(
-                3.0,
-                Traversability(
-                    Named(directionName,
-                          CanSee(ProviderOf(iimaginary.IExit)), player))))
-    def cantFind_direction(self, actor, directionName):
-        """
-        Explain to the user that they can't go in a direction that they can't
-        locate.
-        """
-        return u"You can't go that way."
-    def do(self, player, line, direction):
-        location = player.location
-        evt = events.Success(
-            location=location,
-            actor=player,
-            otherMessage=(player, " leaves ", direction.name, "."))
-        evt.broadcast()
-        try:
-            direction.traverse(player)
-        except eimaginary.DoesntFit:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                actor=player,
-                actorMessage=language.ExpressString(
-                        u"There's no room for you there.")))
-        # This is subtly incorrect: see http://divmod.org/trac/ticket/2917
-        lookAroundActor = iimaginary.IActor(player)
-        LookAround().do(lookAroundActor, "look")
-class Restore(TargetAction):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("restore") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("target"))
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IActor
-    def cantFind_target(self, player, targetName):
-        for thing in player.thing.search(self.targetRadius(player),
-                                         iimaginary.IThing, targetName):
-            return (language.Noun(thing).nounPhrase().plaintext(player),
-                    " cannot be restored.")
-        return "Who's that?"
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 3
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        target.hitpoints.current = target.hitpoints.max
-        target.stamina.current = target.stamina.max
-        if player is target:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                actorMessage="You have fully restored yourself.")
-            evt.broadcast()
-        else:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=player.thing,
-                actorMessage=("You have restored ", target.thing, " to full health."),
-                target=target.thing,
-                targetMessage=(player.thing, " has restored you to full health."),
-                otherMessage=(player.thing, " has restored ", target.thing, " to full health."))
-            evt.broadcast()
-class Hit(TargetAction):
-    expr = ((pyparsing.Literal("hit") ^
-             pyparsing.Literal("attack") ^
-             pyparsing.Literal("kill")) +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("target"))
-    targetInterface = iimaginary.IActor
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 3
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        if target is player:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(u"Hit yourself?  Stupid.",
-                                           actor=player.thing))
-        cost = random.randrange(1, 5)
-        if player.stamina < cost:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntWork(u"You're too tired!",
-                                      actor=player.thing))
-        damage = random.randrange(1, 5)
-        player.stamina.decrease(cost)
-        thp = target.hitpoints.decrease(damage)
-        events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            target=target.thing,
-            targetMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " hits you for ", damage, " hitpoints."]),
-            actorMessage=language.Sentence(["You hit ", language.Noun(target.thing).definiteNounPhrase(), " for ", damage, " hitpoints."]),
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([player.thing, " hits ", target.thing, "."])).broadcast()
-        if thp <= 0:
-            xp = target.experience / 2 + 1
-            player.gainExperience(xp) # I LOVE IT
-            targetIsDead = [target.thing, " is dead!", "\n"]
-            events.Success(
-                actor=player.thing, target=target.thing,
-                actorMessage=["\n", targetIsDead, "You gain ", xp, " experience"],
-                targetMessage=["You are dead!"],
-                otherMessage=targetIsDead).broadcast()
-            target.thing.destroy()
-class Say(Action):
-    expr = (((pyparsing.Literal("say") + pyparsing.White()) ^
-             pyparsing.Literal("'")) +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("text"))
-    def do(self, player, line, text):
-        evt = events.SpeechEvent(speaker=player.thing, text=text)
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Emote(Action):
-    expr = (((pyparsing.Literal("emote") + pyparsing.White()) ^
-             pyparsing.Literal(":")) +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("text"))
-    def do(self, player, line, text):
-        evt = events.Success(actor=player.thing,
-                             actorMessage=[player.thing, " ", text],
-                             otherMessage=[player.thing, " ", text])
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Actions(Action):
-    expr = pyparsing.Literal("actions")
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        cmds = dict.fromkeys(
-            getattr(cmd, 'actionName', cmd.__name__.lower())
-            for cmd
-            in self.__class__.actions).keys()
-        cmds.sort()
-        player.send((iterutils.interlace(" ", cmds), "\n"))
-class Commands(Action):
-    """
-    The I{commands} action provides a pointer to inexperienced players that
-    they should be thinking in terms of I{actions} instead.
-    This has no world side-effects; it just provides some user-interface
-    information to the player.
-    """
-    expr = pyparsing.Literal("commands")
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        player.send("Try 'actions' instead.")
-class Search(Action):
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("search") +
-            targetString("name"))
-    def do(self, player, line, name):
-        srch = player.thing.search(2, iimaginary.IVisible, name)
-        evt = events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage=language.ExpressList(
-                list(iterutils.interlace('\n',
-                                         (o.visualize()
-                                          for o
-                                          in srch)))))
-        evt.broadcast()
-class Score(Action):
-    expr = pyparsing.Literal("score")
-    scoreFormat = (
-        '/----------------------------------------------------------------------------\\\n'
-        '| Level: %20d Experience: %10d\n'
-        '| Hitpoints: %16s\n'
-        '| Stamina: %18s\n'
-        '\\----------------------------------------------------------------------------/\n')
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage=self.scoreFormat % (player.level, player.experience, player.hitpoints, player.stamina)).broadcast()
-class ExpressWho(language.BaseExpress):
-    header = (u"/============ Currently Playing ===========\\")
-    footer = (u"\\================ Total %(playerCount)03d ===============/")
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        players = self.original.connected
-        return [[T.bold, self.header], u'\n',
-                [[language.Noun(p).shortName().vt102(observer), u'\n']
-                 for p in players],
-                [T.bold, self.footer % {'playerCount': len(players)}], u'\n']
-class Who(Action):
-    expr = pyparsing.Literal("who")
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        player.send(ExpressWho(player.store.findUnique(ImaginaryWorld)))
-class Scrutinize(TargetAction):
-    """
-    Show detailed information about the model structure of a game object.
-    """
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("scrutinize") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            targetString("target"))
-    def targetRadius(self, player):
-        return 3
-    def do(self, player, line, target):
-        v = dict((k, getattr(target, k))
-                  for (k, ign)
-                  in target.getSchema()
-                  if hasattr(target, k))
-        targetContainer = iimaginary.IContainer(target, None)
-        if targetContainer is not None:
-            v['contents'] = list(targetContainer.getContents())
-            exits = list(targetContainer.getExits())
-            if exits:
-                v['exits'] = exits
-        s = pprint.pformat((target.__class__.__name__, v))
-        # XXX FIXME Send a real Concept
-        player.send(s, '\n')
-class ExpressInventory(language.BaseExpress):
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    def __init__(self, original):
-        self.original = original
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        return [[T.fg.yellow, "Inventory:\n"],
-                [T.fg.green,
-                 [(language.Noun(o).shortName().vt102(observer), '\n')
-                  for o
-                  in iimaginary.IContainer(self.original).getContents()]]]
-class Inventory(Action):
-    expr = pyparsing.Literal("inventory")
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        events.Success(actor=player.thing,
-                       actorMessage=ExpressInventory(player.thing)).broadcast()
-class Set(TargetAction):
-    """
-    Direct model-level state manipulation command.
-    """
-    expr = (
-        pyparsing.Literal("set") + pyparsing.White() +
-        targetString("attribute") + pyparsing.White() +
-        pyparsing.Literal("of") + pyparsing.White() +
-        targetString("target") + pyparsing.White() +
-        pyparsing.Literal("to") + pyparsing.White() +
-        targetString("value"))
-    def do(self, player, line, attribute, target, value):
-        """
-        Dispatch handling to an attribute-specific method.
-        @type attribute: C{unicode}
-        @param attribute: The model-level attribute of which to manipulate
-            the value.  Handling of each attribute will be dispatched to a
-            C{set_}-prefixed method for that attribute based on this value.
-        @type target: L{Thing}
-        @param target: The model object to manipulate.
-        @type value: C{unicode}
-        @param value: The new value for the specified attribute.
-        """
-        try:
-            method = getattr(self, "set_" + attribute.upper())
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage="You cannot set that."))
-        else:
-            method(player, line, target, value)
-    def set_GENDER(self, player, line, target, value):
-        """
-        Attempt to change the gender of a thing.
-        @param target: The thing to change the gender of.
-        @param value: A string naming a gender on L{language.Gender}.
-        """
-        try:
-            target.gender = getattr(language.Gender, value.upper())
-        except AttributeError:
-            gender = {language.Gender.MALE: "male",
-                      language.Gender.FEMALE: "female",
-                      language.Gender.NEUTER: "neuter"}.get(target.gender)
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage=("Only male, female, and neuter are valid "
-                                  "genders.  You remain ", gender, ".")))
-        else:
-            if player.thing is target:
-                # XXX Why can't I do something with Noun to collapse these
-                # cases?
-                event = events.Success(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage=(u"You set your gender to ", value, "."))
-            else:
-                event = events.Success(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    target=target,
-                    actorMessage=("You set ", language.Noun(target).hisHer(),
-                                  " gender to ", value, "."),
-                    targetMessage=(player.thing, " set your gender to ",
-                                   value, "."))
-            event.broadcast()
-    def set_PROPER(self, player, line, target, value):
-        """
-        Attempt to change the name of a thing from a proper noun to a common
-        noun or the other way around.
-        @param target: The thing to change.
-        @param value: The string C{"true"} or C{"false"}.
-        """
-        if value == "true":
-            target.proper = True
-            phrase = '" a proper noun.'
-        elif value == "false":
-            target.proper = False
-            phrase = '" a common noun.'
-        else:
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage=("Only true and false are valid settings "
-                                  "for proper.")))
-        events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage=('You make the name of "',
-                          language.Noun(target).shortName(),
-                          phrase)).broadcast()
-class Help(Action):
-    """
-    A command for looking up help files.
-    @cvar helpContentPath: The path in which to search for files.
-    @type helpContentPath: L{filepath.FilePath}
-    """
-    expr = (pyparsing.Literal("help") +
-            pyparsing.White() +
-            pyparsing.restOfLine.setResultsName("topic"))
-    helpContentPath = filepath.FilePath(imaginary.__file__).sibling(
-        "resources").child("help")
-    def do(self, player, line, topic):
-        topic = topic.lower().strip()
-        try:
-            helpFile = self.helpContentPath.child(topic).open()
-        except (OSError, IOError, filepath.InsecurePath):
-            player.send("No help available on ", topic, ".", "\n")
-        else:
-            player.send(helpFile.read(), '\n')

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/copyright.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/copyright.py	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/copyright.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# <major> <minor> <patch> <alpha | pre | final | zzz> <iteration>
-version_info = (0, 1, 0, 'alpha', 0)
-# Sortable version information.  This will always only
-# increase from an older version to a newer version.
-hexversion = (version_info[0] << 24 |
-              version_info[1] << 16 |
-              version_info[2] << 8 |
-              ['alpha', 'pre', 'final', 'zzz'].index(version_info[3]) << 4 |
-              version_info[4])
-# Human-readable format
-if version_info[3] == 'final':
-    version = '%d.%d.%d%s' % version_info[:-1]
-elif version_info[3] != 'zzz':
-    version = '%d.%d.%d%s%d' % version_info
-    version = "SVN-trunk"
-# Longer human-readable format
-longversion= "Imaginary " + version

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/creation.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/creation.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/creation.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_create -*-
-This module contains code associated with creating objects in game.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted import plugin
-import imaginary.plugins
-from imaginary import objects
-from imaginary import events
-from imaginary import language
-from imaginary.iimaginary import IThingType
-from imaginary.eimaginary import ActionFailure, DoesntFit
-from imaginary.action import Action, insufficientSpace
-from imaginary.action import targetString
-from imaginary.pyparsing import Literal, White, Optional, restOfLine
-def getPlugins(iface, package):
-    """
-    Get plugins. See L{twisted.plugin.getPlugins}.
-    This is in place only so the tests specifically for creation can replace
-    it.  Please use L{twisted.plugin.getPlugins} instead.
-    """
-    # XXX the tests should not need to do that, make it per-instance or
-    # something...
-    return plugin.getPlugins(iface, package)
-def createCreator(*enhancements):
-    """
-    Create and return a function which can create objects in the game world.
-    This is a utility function to make it easy to define factories for certain
-    configurations of power-ups to be used with Imaginary.  It doesn't do
-    anything magical; you can replicate its effects simply by writing a
-    function that calls L{Enhancement.createFor} on the set of L{Enhancement}s.
-    L{createCreator} exists because you will frequently need to do that, and it
-    can be tedious.
-    @param enhancements: The arguments to this function are a list of 2-tuples
-        of (L{Enhancement}-subclass, keyword arguments to that class's
-        constructor).
-    @return: a function which takes keyword arguments that will be passed on to
-        L{objects.Thing}'s constructor, and will return a L{Thing} with an
-        instance of each class in C{enhancements} installed, via C{createFor},
-        on it.
-    @rtype: L{Thing}
-    """
-    def create(**kw):
-        o = objects.Thing(**kw)
-        for enhancementClass, enhancementKeywords in enhancements:
-            enhancementClass.createFor(o, **(enhancementKeywords or {}))
-        return o
-    return create
-class CreationPluginHelper(object):
-    """
-    A helper for creating plugins for the 'Create' command.
-    Create will search for L{IThingType} plugins and allow users to
-    instantiate a new L{objects.Thing} using the one with the name which
-    matches what was supplied to the action.
-    """
-    implements(plugin.IPlugin, IThingType)
-    def __init__(self, typeName, typeObject):
-        """
-        @type typeName: C{unicode}
-        @param typeName: A short string describing the kind of object this
-        plugin will create.
-        @param typeObject: A factory for creating instances of
-        L{objects.Thing}.  This will be invoked with four keyword arguments:
-        store, name, description, and proper.  See attributes of
-        L{objects.Thing} for documentation of these arguments.
-        """
-        self.type = typeName
-        self.typeObject = typeObject
-    def getType(self):
-        return self.typeObject
-def creationSuccess(player, creation):
-    """
-    Create and return an event describing that an object was successfully
-    created.
-    """
-    phrase = language.Noun(creation).nounPhrase()
-    return events.Success(
-        actor=player,
-        target=creation,
-        actorMessage=language.Sentence(["You create ", phrase, "."]),
-        targetMessage=language.Sentence([player, " creates you."]),
-        otherMessage=language.Sentence([player, " creates ", phrase, "."]))
-class Create(Action):
-    """
-    An action which can create items by looking at the L{IThingType} plugin
-    registry.
-    """
-    expr = (Literal("create") +
-            Optional(White() +
-                     (Literal("an") | Literal("a") | Literal("the")).setResultsName("article")) +
-            White() +
-            targetString("typeName") +
-            White() +
-            Literal("named") +
-            White() +
-            targetString("name") +
-            Optional(White() +
-                     restOfLine.setResultsName("description")))
-    def do(self, player, line, typeName, name, description=None, article=None):
-        """
-        Create an item, and notify everyone present that it now exists.
-        """
-        if not description:
-            description = u'an undescribed object'
-        for plug in getPlugins(IThingType, imaginary.plugins):
-            if plug.type == typeName:
-                proper = (article == "the")
-                o = plug.getType()(store=player.store, name=name,
-                                   description=description, proper=proper)
-                break
-        else:
-            raise ActionFailure(
-                events.ThatDoesntMakeSense(
-                    actor=player.thing,
-                    actorMessage=language.ExpressString(
-                        u"Can't find " + typeName + u".")))
-        creationSuccess(player.thing, o).broadcast()
-        try:
-            o.moveTo(player.thing)
-        except DoesntFit:
-            raise insufficientSpace(player.thing)
-def listThingTypes():
-    """
-    Return a list of C{unicode} strings each of which gives the name of a type
-    which can be created with the create command.
-    """
-    return sorted([type.type for type in getPlugins(IThingType, imaginary.plugins)])
-class ListThingTypes(Action):
-    """
-    An action which tells the invoker what thing types exist to be created with
-    the L{Create} command.
-    """
-    expr = Literal("list thing types")
-    def do(self, player, line):
-        """
-        Tell the player the thing types which exist.
-        """
-        events.Success(
-            actor=player.thing,
-            actorMessage=[(t, "\n") for t in listThingTypes()]).broadcast()

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/eimaginary.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/eimaginary.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/eimaginary.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.cred import error
-# Authentication errors
-class BadPassword(error.UnauthorizedLogin):
-    pass
-class NoSuchUser(error.UnauthorizedLogin):
-    pass
-# Base Imaginary error
-class ImaginaryError(Exception):
-    pass
-# Input handling errors
-class NoSuchCommand(ImaginaryError):
-    """
-    There is no command like the one you tried to execute.
-    """
-class AmbiguousArgument(ImaginaryError):
-    """
-    One or more of the inputs specified can not be narrowed down to
-    just one thing.  This can be due to the presence of multiple
-    things with similar names, or due to the absence of anything named
-    similarly to the given input.
-    @ivar action: The action which was being processed when an ambiguity was
-    found.
-    @type part: C{str}
-    @ivar part: The part of the command which was ambiguous.
-    Typically something like 'target' or 'tool'.
-    @type partValue: C{str}
-    @ivar partValue: The string which was supplied by the user for the indicated part.
-    @type objects: C{list} of C{IThing}
-    @ivar objects: The objects which were involved in the ambiguity.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, action, part, partValue, objects):
-        ImaginaryError.__init__(self, action, part, partValue, objects)
-        self.action = action
-        self.part = part
-        self.partValue = partValue
-        self.objects = objects
-class ActionFailure(ImaginaryError):
-    """
-    Wrapper exception for an Event that caused an action to fail (such that the
-    transaction in which it was running should be reverted).
-    """
-    def __init__(self, event):
-        ImaginaryError.__init__(self)
-        self.event = event
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<Action Failure: %r>' % (self.event,)
-class ThingNotFound(ImaginaryError):
-    """
-    Resolving a Thing by identity failed.
-    """
-# Game logic errors
-class DoesntFit(ImaginaryError):
-    """
-    An object tried to go into a container, but the container was full.
-    """
-class Closed(ImaginaryError):
-    """
-    An object tried to go into a container, but the container was closed.
-    """
-class CannotMove(ImaginaryError):
-    """
-    An object tried to move but it was not portable so it couldn't.
-    """

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/enhancement.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/enhancement.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/enhancement.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_enhancement -*-
-This module contains objects for application code to use to implement behaviors
-that attach to objects in a simulation.
-class Enhancement(object):
-    """
-    An L{Enhancement} is an object attached to a L{imaginary.objects.Thing}
-    that provides some additional functionality.
-    This class is a mixin; it expects to be mixed in to an L{Item} subclass,
-    since it passes itself as an argument to L{Item.powerUp}.
-    Note that an L{Enhancement} embodies the behavior, but not the physical
-    attributes, of the object in question.
-    For example, let's say you wanted to implement a cell phone in Imaginary.
-    You would make an L{Enhancement} called C{CellPhone} which had various
-    attributes, for example C{phoneNumber}.  Then you would do C{phoneBody =
-    Thing(...)} to create a physical 'phone' object in a world.  Next, you
-    would do C{cellPhone = CellPhone.createFor(phoneBody, ...)}, which would
-    create a C{CellPhone} object that endowed your physical 'phone' with the
-    properties of being an actual phone, like having a phone number, ringing
-    when dialed, etc.
-    Note that it is not enough to simply create your C{CellPhone}, as it will
-    not have a physical body, and therefore not exist in the world.
-    @ivar thing: a L{imaginary.objects.Thing} powered up with this
-         L{Enhancement}.  All subclasses which mix in L{Item} should declare
-         this as an L{attributes.reference} attribute.  Unless your
-         L{Enhancement} subclass is specifically designed to exist
-         independently of its L{Thing}, or to accept other types for this
-         attribute, it should also be declared as C{(allowNone=False,
-         reftype=Thing, whenDeleted=CASCADE)}.
-    """
-    def installed(self):
-        """
-        Override the C{installed()} hook that C{axiom.dependency} provides.
-        When L{Enhancement} was called C{ThingMixin}, the suggested mechanism
-        to install simulation components was to use the dependency system,
-        which was wrong, c.f. U{http://divmod.org/trac/ticket/2558}.
-        @raise RuntimeError: to indicate that you shouldn't use this
-            functionality.
-        """
-        raise RuntimeError("Use Enhancement.createFor, not installOn(), "
-                           "to apply an Enhancement to a Thing.")
-    def applyEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        Apply this L{Enhancement} to its C{thing} attribute, by powering it up.
-        """
-        self.thing.powerUp(self)
-    def removeEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        Remove this L{Enhancement} from its C{thing} attribute, by powering it
-        down.
-        """
-        self.thing.powerDown(self)
-    @classmethod
-    def createFor(cls, thing, **kw):
-        """
-        Create an L{Enhancement} of this type for the given
-        L{imaginary.objects.Thing}, in the given L{imaginary.objects.Thing}'s
-        store.
-        """
-        self = cls(store=thing.store, thing=thing, **kw)
-        self.applyEnhancement()
-        return self
-    @classmethod
-    def destroyFor(cls, thing):
-        """
-        Destroy the L{Enhancement}s of the given subclass associated with the
-        given L{Thing}, if one exists.
-        @param thing: A L{Thing} which may be the value of the C{thing}
-            attribute of an instance of the given L{Enhancement} subclass.
-        @type thing: L{Thing}
-        """
-        it = thing.store.findUnique(cls, cls.thing == thing, default=None)
-        if it is not None:
-            it.removeEnhancement()
-            it.deleteFromStore()

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/events.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/events.py	2009-08-18 00:20:31 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/events.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_actions.TargetActionTests.test_resolveTargetCaseInsensitively -*-
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import context
-from imaginary import iimaginary, language, eimaginary
-from imaginary.idea import Proximity, ProviderOf
-class Event(language.BaseExpress):
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    actorMessage = targetMessage = toolMessage = otherMessage = None
-    def __init__(self,
-                 location=None, actor=None, target=None, tool=None,
-                 actorMessage=None, targetMessage=None, toolMessage=None,
-                 otherMessage=None):
-        if location is None and actor is not None:
-            location = actor.location
-        self.location = location
-        self.actor = actor
-        self.target = target
-        self.tool = tool
-        if actorMessage is not None:
-            self.actorMessage = iimaginary.IConcept(actorMessage)
-        if targetMessage is not None:
-            self.targetMessage = iimaginary.IConcept(targetMessage)
-        if toolMessage is not None:
-            self.toolMessage = iimaginary.IConcept(toolMessage)
-        if otherMessage is not None:
-            self.otherMessage = iimaginary.IConcept(otherMessage)
-    def conceptFor(self, observer):
-        """
-        Retrieve the appropriate L{IConcept} provider for a given observer.  If
-        the observer is this L{Event}'s C{actor}, it will return the
-        C{actorMessage} for this event, and so on for the tool and the target.
-        If it doesn't match a L{Thing} known to this event, it will return
-        C{otherMessage}.
-        """
-        if observer is self.actor:
-            msg = self.actorMessage
-        elif observer is self.target:
-            msg = self.targetMessage
-        elif observer is self.tool:
-            msg = self.toolMessage
-        else:
-            msg = self.otherMessage
-        return msg
-    def reify(self):
-        """
-        Determine which objects should receive this event and return a callable
-        object which will deliver it to them.
-        Note that this occurs during event propagation, and you probably don't
-        need to call it directly.
-        @see: L{iimaginary.IEventObserver.prepare} and
-            L{TransactionalEventBroadcaster} for a more thorough description of
-            how this method is used to interact with transactions.
-        @return: a 0-arg callable object which, when called, will call the
-            results of all L{IEventObserver}s which were contained within this
-            L{Event}'s location when this method, L{Event.reify}, was called.
-        """
-        L = []
-        for observer in (self.location.idea.obtain(
-                Proximity(0.5, ProviderOf(iimaginary.IEventObserver)))):
-            sender = observer.prepare(self)
-            if not callable(sender):
-                raise TypeError("Senders must be callable", sender)
-            L.append(sender)
-        return lambda: map(apply, L)
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        c = self.conceptFor(observer)
-        if c is not None:
-            return [c.vt102(observer), '\n']
-        return u''
-class TransactionalEventBroadcaster(object):
-    """
-    Collect a bunch of output events as a transaction is being executed, then
-    distribute them when it has completed.
-    Events can be added normally or as revert events.  Normal events are
-    broadcast after the transaction is successfully committed.  Revert events
-    are broadcast if the transaction failed somehow and was been reverted.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.ITransactionalEventBroadcaster)
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._events = []
-        self._revertEvents = []
-    def addEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Add a normal event.
-        @param event: A no-argument callable to be invoked when this
-        transaction has been committed.
-        """
-        if not callable(event):
-            raise ValueError("Events must be callable", event)
-        self._events.append(event)
-    def addRevertEvent(self, event):
-        """
-        Add a revert event.
-        @param event: A no-argument callable to be invoked when this
-        transaction has been reverted.
-        """
-        if not callable(event):
-            raise ValueError("Events must be callable", event)
-        self._revertEvents.append(event)
-    def broadcastEvents(self):
-        """
-        Send all normal events.
-        """
-        events = self._events
-        self._events = self._revertEvents = None
-        map(apply, events)
-    def broadcastRevertEvents(self):
-        """
-        Send all revert events.
-        """
-        events = self._revertEvents
-        self._events = self._revertEvents = None
-        map(apply, events)
-def runEventTransaction(store, func, *args, **kwargs):
-    """
-    This takes responsibility for setting up the transactional event
-    broadcasting junk, handling action errors, and broadcasting commit or
-    revert events.
-    """
-    broadcaster = TransactionalEventBroadcaster()
-    def runHelper():
-        # Set up event context for the duration of the action
-        # run.  Additionally, handle raised ActionFailures by
-        # adding their events to the revert event list and
-        # re-raising them so they will revert the transaction.
-        try:
-            return context.call(
-                {iimaginary.ITransactionalEventBroadcaster: broadcaster},
-                func, *args, **kwargs)
-        except eimaginary.ActionFailure, e:
-            broadcaster.addRevertEvent(e.event.reify())
-            raise
-    try:
-        result = store.transact(runHelper)
-    except eimaginary.ActionFailure:
-        broadcaster.broadcastRevertEvents()
-        return None
-    else:
-        broadcaster.broadcastEvents()
-        return result
-class ThatDoesntMakeSense(Event):
-    """
-    An action was attempted which is logically impossible.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, actorMessage="That doesn't make sense.", **kw):
-        super(ThatDoesntMakeSense, self).__init__(actorMessage=actorMessage, **kw)
-class ThatDoesntWork(Event):
-    """
-    An action was attempted which is phyically impossible.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, actorMessage="That doesn't work.", **kw):
-        super(ThatDoesntWork, self).__init__(actorMessage=actorMessage, **kw)
-class Success(Event):
-    """
-    You do it.  Swell.
-    """
-    def broadcast(self):
-        """
-        Don't really broadcast.  Add this event to the events which will be
-        sent when the action (or whatever) execution transaction is committed
-        successfully.
-        """
-        broadcaster = context.get(iimaginary.ITransactionalEventBroadcaster)
-        if broadcaster is not None:
-            broadcaster.addEvent(self.reify())
-        else:
-            self.reify()()
-class ArrivalEvent(Success):
-    """
-    An event representing the arrival of an object.
-    """
-class MovementArrivalEvent(ArrivalEvent):
-    """
-    An event representing the arrival of an object at a location from an
-    origin.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, thing, origin=None, direction=None):
-        self.thing = thing
-        self.origin = origin
-        self.direction = direction
-        self.location = self.thing.location
-    def conceptFor(self, observer):
-        if observer is self.thing:
-            return None
-        if self.origin is not None:
-            msg = [" arrives from ", self.origin, "."]
-        elif self.direction is not None:
-            msg = [" arrives from the ", self.direction, "."]
-        else:
-            msg = [" arrives."]
-        msg.insert(0, self.thing)
-        return language.Sentence(msg)
-class DepartureEvent(Success):
-    """
-    An event representing the departure of an object at a location to a
-    destination.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, location, actor, **kw):
-        """
-        @type location: L{iimaginary.IThing} provider.
-        @param location: The location that the actor is leaving.
-        @type actor: L{iimaginary.IThing} provider.
-        @param actor: The actor that is leaving.
-        """
-        super(DepartureEvent, self).__init__(location, actor, **kw)
-class SpeechEvent(Success):
-    """
-    An event representing something somebody said.
-    @ivar speaker: The Thing which spoke.
-    @ivar text: The text which was spoken.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, speaker, text):
-        """
-        @type speaker: L{iimaginary.IThing} provider.
-        @param speaker: The actor emitting this speech.
-        @type text: C{unicode}
-        @param text: The text that the actor said.
-        """
-        self.speaker = speaker
-        self.text = text
-        Success.__init__(
-            self,
-            location=speaker.location,
-            actor=speaker,
-            actorMessage=["You say, '", text, "'"],
-            otherMessage=language.Sentence([speaker, " says, '", text, "'"]))

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/garments.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/garments.py	2011-09-16 18:52:54 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/garments.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_garments -*-
-Layered clothing.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from axiom import item, attributes
-from imaginary import iimaginary, language, objects
-from imaginary.eimaginary import ActionFailure
-from imaginary.events import ThatDoesntWork
-from imaginary.idea import Link
-from imaginary.creation import createCreator
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-class Unwearable(Exception):
-    pass
-class TooBulky(Unwearable):
-    def __init__(self, wornGarment, newGarment):
-        self.wornGarment = wornGarment
-        self.newGarment = newGarment
-        Unwearable.__init__(self, wornGarment, newGarment)
-class InaccessibleGarment(Exception):
-    """The garment is covered by another, therefore it cannot be removed.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, wearer, garment, obscuringGarment):
-        self.wearer = wearer
-        self.garment = garment
-        self.obscuringGarment = obscuringGarment
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s tried taking off %s which was covered by %s" % (
-            self.wearer, self.garment, self.obscuringGarment)
-    u"crown",
-    u"left eye",
-    u"right eye",
-    u"left ear",
-    u"right ear",
-    u"neck",
-    u"chest",
-    u"back",
-    u"left arm",
-    u"right arm",
-    u"left wrist",
-    u"right wrist",
-    u"left hand",
-    u"right hand",
-    u"left fingers",
-    u"right fingers",
-    u"waist",
-    u"left leg",
-    u"right leg",
-    u"left ankle",
-    u"right ankle",
-    u"left foot",
-    u"right foot"
-    ]
-class GarmentSlot:
-    pass
-for gslot in GARMENT_SLOTS:
-    gslotname = gslot.upper().replace(" ", "_").encode('ascii')
-    setattr(GarmentSlot, gslotname, gslot)
-class Garment(item.Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    An enhancement for a L{Thing} representing its utility as an article of
-    clothing.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IClothing,
-               iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor,
-               iimaginary.IMovementRestriction)
-    powerupInterfaces = (iimaginary.IClothing,
-                         iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor,
-                         iimaginary.IMovementRestriction)
-    thing = attributes.reference()
-    # templated / constant stuff
-    garmentSlots = attributes.textlist(allowNone=False)
-    bulk = attributes.integer(allowNone=False,
-                              default=1)
-    garmentDescription = attributes.text(doc="""
-    Description of this as an individual garment.
-    """, allowNone=False)
-    # transient / mutable stuff
-    wearer = attributes.reference()
-    wearLevel = attributes.integer(default=0)
-    def conceptualize(self):
-        return language.ExpressString(u'This can be worn.')
-    def expressTo(self, observer):
-        """
-        Describe the garment as it looks when it is worn.
-        The garment's normal description is C{self.thing.description} or
-        somesuch.
-        """
-        return self.garmentDescription
-    def nowWornBy(self, wearer):
-        """
-        This garment is now worn by the given wearer.  As this garment is now
-        on top, set its C{wearLevel} to be higher than any other L{Garment}
-        related to the new C{wearer}.
-        """
-        self.wearer = wearer
-        self.wearLevel = wearer.store.query(
-            Garment,
-            Garment.wearer == wearer).getColumn("wearLevel").max(default=0) + 1
-    def noLongerWorn(self):
-        """
-        This garment is no longer being worn by anyone.
-        """
-        self.wearer = None
-        self.wearLevel = None
-    def movementImminent(self, movee, destination):
-        """
-        Something is trying to move.  Don't allow it if I'm currently worn.
-        """
-        if self.wearer is not None and movee is self.thing:
-            raise ActionFailure(
-                ThatDoesntWork(
-                    # XXX I don't actually know who is performing the action
-                    # :-(.
-                    actor=self.wearer.thing,
-                    actorMessage=[
-                        "You can't move ",
-                        language.Noun(self.thing).definiteNounPhrase(),
-                        " without removing it first."]))
-def _orderTopClothingByGlobalSlotList(tempClothes):
-    """
-    This function orders a dict as returned by getGarmentDict in the order that
-    they should be shown to the user.
-    @param tempClothes: {clothingSlot: list of clothing objects (top last)}
-    @type tempClothes: dict
-    """
-    if not tempClothes:
-        return None
-    yetDescribed = []
-    for universalSlot in GARMENT_SLOTS:
-        slotlist = tempClothes.pop(universalSlot, ())
-        if slotlist:
-            topGarment = slotlist[-1]
-            if topGarment not in yetDescribed:
-                yetDescribed.append(topGarment)
-    # if somebody decided to make a wacky slot that is not in the universal
-    # slots list, just describe it last.
-    for k in tempClothes.keys():
-        x = tempClothes.pop(k)
-        if x:
-            topGarment = x[-1]
-            if topGarment not in yetDescribed:
-                yetDescribed.append(topGarment)
-    assert tempClothes == {}, (
-        "tempClothes not empty after all clothes eliminated: " +
-        repr(tempClothes))
-    return yetDescribed
-class Wearer(item.Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    The clothing-wearing component of an object that can wear clothing; e.g. a
-    person or mannequin.
-    """
-    _interfaces = (iimaginary.IClothingWearer,
-                   iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor,
-                   iimaginary.ILinkContributor,
-                   iimaginary.ILinkAnnotator,
-                   )
-    implements(*_interfaces)
-    powerupInterfaces = _interfaces
-    thing = attributes.reference()
-    def getGarmentDict(self):
-        c = {}
-        for garment in self.store.query(Garment, Garment.wearer == self,
-                                        sort=Garment.wearLevel.ascending):
-            for usedSlot in garment.garmentSlots:
-                c.setdefault(usedSlot, []).append(garment)
-        return c
-    def putOn(self, newGarment):
-        """
-        Wear a new L{Garment} on this L{Wearer}, first moving it to this
-        L{Wearer}'s C{thing} if it is not already there.
-        @param newGarment: the article of clothing to wear.
-        @type newGarment: L{Garment}
-        @raise TooBulky: if the bulk of any of the slots occupied by
-            C{newGarment} is greater than the bulk of any other clothing
-            already in that slot.  (For example, if you tried to wear a T-shirt
-            over a heavy coat.)
-        """
-        c = self.getGarmentDict()
-        for garmentSlot in newGarment.garmentSlots:
-            if garmentSlot in c:
-                currentTopOfSlot = c[garmentSlot][-1]
-                if currentTopOfSlot.bulk >= newGarment.bulk:
-                    raise TooBulky(currentTopOfSlot, newGarment)
-        newGarment.thing.moveTo(self.thing)
-        newGarment.nowWornBy(self)
-    def takeOff(self, garment):
-        """
-        Remove a garment which this player is wearing.
-        (Note: no error checking is currently performed to see if this garment
-        is actually already worn by this L{Wearer}.)
-        @param garment: the article of clothing to remove.
-        @type garment: L{Garment}
-        @raise InaccessibleGarment: if the garment is obscured by any other
-            clothing, and is therefore not in the top slot for any of the slots
-            it occupies.  For example, if you put on an undershirt, then a
-            turtleneck, you can't remove the undershirt without removing the
-            turtleneck first.
-        """
-        gdict = self.getGarmentDict()
-        for slot in garment.garmentSlots:
-            if gdict[slot][-1] is not garment:
-                raise InaccessibleGarment(self, garment, gdict[slot][-1])
-        garment.noLongerWorn()
-    # IDescriptionContributor
-    def conceptualize(self):
-        """
-        Describe the list of clothing.
-        """
-        return ExpressClothing(self.thing, self.getGarmentDict())
-    # ILinkContributor
-    def links(self):
-        for garmentThing in self.store.query(objects.Thing,
-                                  attributes.AND(
-                Garment.thing == objects.Thing.storeID,
-                Garment.wearer == self)):
-            yield Link(self.thing.idea, garmentThing.idea)
-    # ILinkAnnotator
-    def annotationsFor(self, link, idea):
-        """
-        Tell the containment system to disregard containment relationships for
-        which I will generate a link.
-        """
-        if list(link.of(iimaginary.IContainmentRelationship)):
-            if link.source.delegate is self.thing:
-                clothing = iimaginary.IClothing(link.target.delegate, None)
-                if clothing is not None:
-                    if clothing.wearer is self:
-                        yield _DisregardYourWearingIt()
-class _DisregardYourWearingIt(object):
-    """
-    This is an annotation, produced by L{Wearer} for containment relationships
-    between people (who are containers) and the clothing that they're wearing.
-    A hopefully temporary workaround for the fact that clothing is rendered in
-    its own way and therefor shouldn't show up in the list of a person's
-    contents.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IElectromagneticMedium)
-    def isOpaque(self):
-        """
-        I am opaque, so that clothing will show up only once (in your "wearing"
-        list, rather than there and in your "contained" list), and obscured
-        clothing won't show up at all.
-        """
-        return True
-class ExpressClothing(language.BaseExpress):
-    def __init__(self, thing, garments):
-        self.thing = thing
-        self.garments = garments
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        heshe = language.Noun(self.thing).heShe()
-        L = _orderTopClothingByGlobalSlotList(self.garments)
-        if L is None:
-            return language.Sentence([heshe, u' is naked.']).vt102(observer)
-        return language.Sentence([
-            heshe,
-            u' is wearing ',
-            language.ItemizedList([language.Noun(g.thing).nounPhrase()
-                                   for g in L]),
-            u'.']).vt102(observer)
-createShirt = createCreator(
-    (Garment, dict(garmentDescription=u'an undescribed shirt',
-                   bulk=2,
-                   garmentSlots=[GarmentSlot.CHEST,
-                                 GarmentSlot.BACK,
-                                 GarmentSlot.RIGHT_ARM,
-                                 GarmentSlot.LEFT_ARM])))
-createUnderwear = createCreator(
-    (Garment, dict(garmentDescription=u'an undescribed pair of underwear',
-                   bulk=1,
-                   garmentSlots=[GarmentSlot.WAIST])))
-createPants = createCreator(
-    (Garment, dict(garmentDescription=u'an undescribed pair of pants',
-                   bulk=2,
-                   garmentSlots=[GarmentSlot.RIGHT_LEG,
-                                 GarmentSlot.LEFT_LEG,
-                                 GarmentSlot.WAIST,
-                                 GarmentSlot.LEFT_ANKLE,
-                                 GarmentSlot.RIGHT_ANKLE])))

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/idea.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/idea.py	2010-04-24 18:00:14 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/idea.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary -*-
-This module implements a highly abstract graph-traversal system for actions and
-events to locate the objects which can respond to them.  The top-level
-entry-point to this system is L{Idea.obtain}.
-It also implements several basic retrievers related to visibility and physical
-from zope.interface import implements
-from epsilon.structlike import record
-from imaginary.iimaginary import (
-    INameable, ILitLink, IThing, IObstruction, IElectromagneticMedium,
-    IDistance, IRetriever, IExit)
-class Link(record("source target")):
-    """
-    A L{Link} is a connection between two L{Idea}s in a L{Path}.
-    @ivar source: the idea that this L{Link} originated from.
-    @type source: L{Idea}
-    @ivar target: the idea that this L{Link} refers to.
-    @type target: L{Idea}
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *a, **k):
-        super(Link, self).__init__(*a, **k)
-        self.annotations = []
-    def annotate(self, annotations):
-        """
-        Annotate this link with a list of annotations.
-        """
-        self.annotations.extend(annotations)
-    def of(self, interface):
-        """
-        Yield all annotations on this link which provide the given interface.
-        """
-        for annotation in self.annotations:
-            provider = interface(annotation, None)
-            if provider is not None:
-                yield provider
-class Path(record('links')):
-    """
-    A list of L{Link}s.
-    """
-    def of(self, interface):
-        """
-        @return: an iterator of providers of interfaces, adapted from each link
-            in this path.
-        """
-        for link in self.links:
-            for annotation in link.of(interface):
-                yield annotation
-    def eachTargetAs(self, interface):
-        """
-        @return: an iterable of all non-None results of each L{Link.targetAs}
-            method in this L{Path}'s C{links} attribute.
-        """
-        for link in self.links:
-            provider = interface(link.target.delegate, None)
-            if provider is not None:
-                yield provider
-    def targetAs(self, interface):
-        """
-        Retrieve the target of the last link of this path, its final
-        destination, as a given interface.
-        @param interface: the interface to retrieve.
-        @type interface: L{zope.interface.interfaces.IInterface}
-        @return: the last link's target, adapted to the given interface, or
-            C{None} if no appropriate adapter or component exists.
-        @rtype: C{interface} or C{NoneType}
-        """
-        return interface(self.links[-1].target.delegate, None)
-    def isCyclic(self):
-        """
-        Determine if this path is cyclic, to avoid descending down infinite
-        loops.
-        @return: a boolean indicating whether this L{Path} is cyclic or not,
-            i.e. whether the L{Idea} its last link points at is the source of
-            any of its links.
-        """
-        if len(self.links) < 2:
-            return False
-        return (self.links[-1].target in (x.source for x in self.links))
-    def to(self, link):
-        """
-        Create a new path, extending this one by one new link.
-        """
-        return Path(self.links + [link])
-    def __repr__(self):
-        """
-        @return: an expanded pretty-printed representation of this Path,
-        suitable for debugging.
-        """
-        s = 'Path('
-        for link in self.links:
-            dlgt = link.target.delegate
-            src = link.source.delegate
-            s += "\n\t"
-            s += repr(getattr(src, 'name', src))
-            s += " => "
-            s += repr(getattr(dlgt, 'name', dlgt))
-            s += " "
-            s += repr(link.annotations)
-        s += ')'
-        return s
-class Idea(record("delegate linkers annotators")):
-    """
-    Consider a person's activities with the world around them as having two
-    layers.  One is a physical layer, out in the world, composed of matter and
-    energy. The other is a cognitive layer, internal to the person, composed
-    of ideas about that matter and energy.
-    For example, when a person wants to sit in a wooden chair, they must first
-    visually locate the arrangement of wood in question, make the determination
-    of that it is a "chair" based on its properties, and then perform the
-    appropriate actions to sit upon it.
-    However, a person may also interact with symbolic abstractions rather than
-    physical objects.  They may read a word, or point at a window on a computer
-    screen.  An L{Idea} is a representation of the common unit that can be
-    referred to in this way.
-    Both physical and cognitive layers are present in Imaginary.  The cognitive
-    layer is modeled by L{imaginary.idea}.  The physical layer is modeled by a
-    rudimentary point-of-interest simulation in L{imaginary.objects}.  An
-    L{imaginary.thing.Thing} is a physical object; an L{Idea} is a node in a
-    non-physical graph, related by links that are annotated to describe the
-    nature of the relationship between it and other L{Idea}s.
-    L{Idea} is the most abstract unit of simulation.  It does not have any
-    behavior or simulation semantics of its own; it merely ties together
-    different related systems.
-    An L{Idea} is composed of a C{delegate}, which is an object that implements
-    simulation-defined interfaces; a list of L{ILinkContributor}s, which
-    produce L{Link}s to other L{Idea}s, an a set of C{ILinkAnnotator}s, which
-    apply annotations (which themselves implement simulation-defined
-    link-annotation interfaces) to those links.
-    Each L{imaginary.thing.Thing} has a corresponding L{Idea} to represent it
-    in the simulation.  The physical simulation defines only a few types of
-    links: objects have links to their containers, containers have links to
-    their contents, rooms have links to their exits, exits have links to their
-    destinations.  Any L{imaginary.thing.Thing} can have a powerup applied to
-    it which adds to the list of linkers or annotators for its L{Idea},
-    however, which allows users to create arbitrary objects.
-    For example, the target of the "look" action must implement
-    L{imaginary.iimaginary.IVisible}, but need not be a
-    L{iimaginary.objects.Thing}.  A simulation might want to provide a piece of
-    graffiti that you could look at, but would not be a physical object, in the
-    sense that you couldn't pick it up, weigh it, push it, etc.  Such an object
-    could be implemented as a powerup for both
-    L{imaginary.iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor}, which would impart some
-    short flavor text to the room, and L{imaginary.iimaginary.IVisible}, which
-    would be an acceptable target of 'look'.  The
-    L{imaginary.iimaginary.IVisible} implementation could even be an in-memory
-    object, not stored in the database at all; and there could be different
-    implementations for different observers, depending on their level of
-    knowledge about the in-world graffiti.
-    @ivar delegate: this object is the object which may be adaptable to a set
-        of interfaces.  This L{Idea} delegates all adaptation to its delegate.
-        In many cases (when referring to a physical object), this will be an
-        L{imaginary.thing.Thing}, but not necessarily.
-    @ivar linkers: a L{list} of L{ILinkContributor}s which are used to gather
-        L{Link}s from this L{Idea} during L{Idea.obtain} traversal.
-    @ivar annotators: a L{list} of L{ILinkAnnotator}s which are used to annotate
-        L{Link}s gathered from this L{Idea} via the C{linkers} list.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, delegate):
-        super(Idea, self).__init__(delegate, [], [])
-    def _allLinks(self):
-        """
-        Return an iterator of all L{Links} away from this idea.
-        """
-        for linker in self.linkers:
-            for link in linker.links():
-                yield link
-    def _applyAnnotators(self, linkiter):
-        """
-        Apply my list of annotators to each link in the given iterable.
-        """
-        for link in linkiter:
-            self._annotateOneLink(link)
-            yield link
-    def _annotateOneLink(self, link):
-        """
-        Apply all L{ILinkAnnotator}s in this L{Idea}'s C{annotators} list.
-        """
-        allAnnotations = []
-        for annotator in self.annotators:
-            # XXX important to test: annotators shouldn't mutate the links.
-            # The annotators show up in a non-deterministic order, so in order
-            # to facilitate a consistent view of the link in annotationsFor(),
-            # all annotations are applied at the end.
-            allAnnotations.extend(annotator.annotationsFor(link, self))
-        link.annotate(allAnnotations)
-    def obtain(self, retriever):
-        """
-        Traverse the graph of L{Idea}s, starting with C{self}, looking for
-        objects which the given L{IRetriever} can retrieve.
-        The graph will be traversed by looking at all the links generated by
-        this L{Idea}'s C{linkers}, only continuing down those links for which
-        the given L{IRetriever}'s C{shouldKeepGoing} returns L{True}.
-        @param retriever: an object which will be passed each L{Path} in turn,
-            discovered during traversal of the L{Idea} graph.  If any
-            invocation of L{IRetriever.retrieve} on this parameter should
-            succeed, that will be yielded as a result from this method.
-        @type retriever: L{IRetriever}
-        @return: a generator which yields the results of C{retriever.retrieve}
-            which are not L{None}.
-        """
-        return ObtainResult(self, retriever)
-    def _doObtain(self, retriever, path, reasonsWhyNot):
-        """
-        A generator that implements the logic for obtain()
-        """
-        if path is None:
-            # Special case: we only get a self->self link if we are the
-            # beginning _and_ the end.
-            path = Path([])
-            selfLink = Link(self, self)
-            self._annotateOneLink(selfLink)
-            finalPath = path.to(selfLink)
-        else:
-            finalPath = Path(path.links[:])
-            self._annotateOneLink(finalPath.links[-1])
-        result = retriever.retrieve(finalPath)
-        objections = set(retriever.objectionsTo(finalPath, result))
-        reasonsWhyNot |= objections
-        if result is not None:
-            if not objections:
-                yield result
-        for link in self._applyAnnotators(self._allLinks()):
-            subpath = path.to(link)
-            if subpath.isCyclic():
-                continue
-            if retriever.shouldKeepGoing(subpath):
-                for obtained in link.target._doObtain(retriever, subpath, reasonsWhyNot):
-                    yield obtained
-class ObtainResult(record("idea retriever")):
-    """
-    The result of L{Idea.obtain}, this provides an iterable of results.
-    @ivar reasonsWhyNot: If this iterator has already been exhausted, this will
-        be a C{set} of L{IWhyNot} objects explaining possible reasons why there
-        were no results.  For example, if the room where the player attempted
-        to obtain targets is dark, this may contain an L{IWhyNot} provider.
-        However, until this iterator has been exhausted, it will be C{None}.
-    @type reasonsWhyNot: C{set} of L{IWhyNot}, or C{NoneType}
-    @ivar idea: the L{Idea} that L{Idea.obtain} was invoked on.
-    @type idea: L{Idea}
-    @ivar retriever: The L{IRetriever} that L{Idea.obtain} was invoked with.
-    @type retriever: L{IRetriever}
-    """
-    reasonsWhyNot = None
-    def __iter__(self):
-        """
-        A generator which yields each result of the query, then sets
-        C{reasonsWhyNot}.
-        """
-        reasonsWhyNot = set()
-        for result in self.idea._doObtain(self.retriever, None, reasonsWhyNot):
-            yield result
-        self.reasonsWhyNot = reasonsWhyNot
-class DelegatingRetriever(object):
-    """
-    A delegating retriever, so that retrievers can be easily composed.
-    See the various methods marked for overriding.
-    @ivar retriever: A retriever to delegate most operations to.
-    @type retriever: L{IRetriever}
-    """
-    implements(IRetriever)
-    def __init__(self, retriever):
-        """
-        Create a delegator with a retriever to delegate to.
-        """
-        self.retriever = retriever
-    def moreObjectionsTo(self, path, result):
-        """
-        Override in subclasses to yield objections to add to this
-        L{DelegatingRetriever}'s C{retriever}'s C{objectionsTo}.
-        By default, offer no additional objections.
-        """
-        return []
-    def objectionsTo(self, path, result):
-        """
-        Concatenate C{self.moreObjectionsTo} with C{self.moreObjectionsTo}.
-        """
-        for objection in self.retriever.objectionsTo(path, result):
-            yield objection
-        for objection in self.moreObjectionsTo(path, result):
-            yield objection
-    def shouldStillKeepGoing(self, path):
-        """
-        Override in subclasses to halt traversal via a C{False} return value for
-        C{shouldKeepGoing} if this L{DelegatingRetriever}'s C{retriever}'s
-        C{shouldKeepGoing} returns C{True}.
-        By default, return C{True} to keep going.
-        """
-        return True
-    def shouldKeepGoing(self, path):
-        """
-        If this L{DelegatingRetriever}'s C{retriever}'s C{shouldKeepGoing}
-        returns C{False} for the given path, return C{False} and stop
-        traversing.  Otherwise, delegate to C{shouldStillKeepGoing}.
-        """
-        return (self.retriever.shouldKeepGoing(path) and
-                self.shouldStillKeepGoing(path))
-    def resultRetrieved(self, path, retrievedResult):
-        """
-        A result was retrieved.  Post-process it if desired.
-        Override this in subclasses to modify (non-None) results returned from
-        this L{DelegatingRetriever}'s C{retriever}'s C{retrieve} method.
-        By default, simply return the result retrieved.
-        """
-        return retrievedResult
-    def retrieve(self, path):
-        """
-        Delegate to this L{DelegatingRetriever}'s C{retriever}'s C{retrieve}
-        method, then post-process it with C{resultRetrieved}.
-        """
-        subResult = self.retriever.retrieve(path)
-        if subResult is None:
-            return None
-        return self.resultRetrieved(path, subResult)
-class Proximity(DelegatingRetriever):
-    """
-    L{Proximity} is a retriever which will continue traversing any path which
-    is shorter than its proscribed distance, but not any longer.
-    @ivar distance: the distance, in meters, to query for.
-    @type distance: L{float}
-    """
-    def __init__(self, distance, retriever):
-        DelegatingRetriever.__init__(self, retriever)
-        self.distance = distance
-    def shouldStillKeepGoing(self, path):
-        """
-        Implement L{IRetriever.shouldKeepGoing} to stop for paths whose sum of
-        L{IDistance} annotations is greater than L{Proximity.distance}.
-        """
-        dist = sum(vector.distance for vector in path.of(IDistance))
-        ok = (self.distance >= dist)
-        return ok
-class Reachable(DelegatingRetriever):
-    """
-    L{Reachable} is a navivator which will object to any path with an
-    L{IObstruction} annotation on it.
-    """
-    def moreObjectionsTo(self, path, result):
-        """
-        Yield an objection from each L{IObstruction.whyNot} method annotating
-        the given path.
-        """
-        if result is not None:
-            for obstruction in path.of(IObstruction):
-                yield obstruction.whyNot()
-class Traversability(DelegatingRetriever):
-    """
-    A path is only traversible if it terminates in *one* exit.  Once you've
-    gotten to an exit, you have to stop, because the player needs to go through
-    that exit to get to the next one.
-    """
-    def shouldStillKeepGoing(self, path):
-        """
-        Stop at the first exit that you find.
-        """
-        for index, target in enumerate(path.eachTargetAs(IExit)):
-            if index > 0:
-                return False
-        return True
-class Vector(record('distance direction')):
-    """
-    A L{Vector} is a link annotation which remembers a distance and a
-    direction; for example, a link through a 'north' exit between rooms will
-    have a direction of 'north' and a distance specified by that
-    L{imaginary.objects.Exit} (defaulting to 1 meter).
-    """
-    implements(IDistance)
-class ProviderOf(record("interface")):
-    """
-    L{ProviderOf} is a retriever which will retrieve the facet which provides
-    its C{interface}, if any exists at the terminus of the path.
-    @ivar interface: The interface which defines the type of values returned by
-        the C{retrieve} method.
-    @type interface: L{zope.interface.interfaces.IInterface}
-    """
-    implements(IRetriever)
-    def retrieve(self, path):
-        """
-        Retrieve the target of the path, as it provides the interface specified
-        by this L{ProviderOf}.
-        @return: the target of the path, adapted to this retriever's interface,
-            as defined by L{Path.targetAs}.
-        @rtype: L{ProviderOf.interface}
-        """
-        return path.targetAs(self.interface)
-    def objectionsTo(self, path, result):
-        """
-        Implement L{IRetriever.objectionsTo} to yield no objections.
-        """
-        return []
-    def shouldKeepGoing(self, path):
-        """
-        Implement L{IRetriever.shouldKeepGoing} to always return C{True}.
-        """
-        return True
-class AlsoKnownAs(record('name')):
-    """
-    L{AlsoKnownAs} is an annotation that indicates that the link it annotates
-    is known as a particular name.
-    @ivar name: The name that this L{AlsoKnownAs}'s link's target is also known
-        as.
-    @type name: C{unicode}
-    """
-    implements(INameable)
-    def knownTo(self, observer, name):
-        """
-        An L{AlsoKnownAs} is known to all observers as its C{name} attribute.
-        """
-        return (self.name == name)
-class Named(DelegatingRetriever):
-    """
-    A retriever which wraps another retriever, but yields only results known to
-    a particular observer by a particular name.
-    @ivar name: the name to search for.
-    @ivar observer: the observer who should identify the target by the name
-        this L{Named} is searching for.
-    @type observer: L{Thing}
-    """
-    def __init__(self, name, retriever, observer):
-        DelegatingRetriever.__init__(self, retriever)
-        self.name = name
-        self.observer = observer
-    def resultRetrieved(self, path, subResult):
-        """
-        Invoke C{retrieve} on the L{IRetriever} which we wrap, but only return
-        it if the L{INameable} target of the given path is known as this
-        L{Named}'s C{name}.
-        """
-        named = path.targetAs(INameable)
-        allAliases = list(path.links[-1].of(INameable))
-        if named is not None:
-            allAliases += [named]
-        for alias in allAliases:
-            if alias.knownTo(self.observer, self.name):
-                return subResult
-        return None
-class CanSee(DelegatingRetriever):
-    """
-    Wrap a L{ProviderOf}, yielding the results that it would yield, but
-    applying lighting to the ultimate target based on the last L{IThing} the
-    path.
-    @ivar retriever: The lowest-level retriever being wrapped.
-    @type retriever: L{ProviderOf} (Note: it might be a good idea to add an
-        'interface' attribute to L{IRetriever} so this no longer depends on a
-        more specific type than other L{DelegatingRetriever}s, to make the
-        order of composition more flexible.)
-    """
-    def resultRetrieved(self, path, subResult):
-        """
-        Post-process retrieved results by determining if lighting applies to
-        them.
-        """
-        litlinks = list(path.of(ILitLink))
-        if not litlinks:
-            return subResult
-        # XXX what if there aren't any IThings on the path?
-        litThing = list(path.eachTargetAs(IThing))[-1]
-        # you need to be able to look from a light room to a dark room, so only
-        # apply the most "recent" lighting properties.
-        return litlinks[-1].applyLighting(
-            litThing, subResult, self.retriever.interface)
-    def shouldStillKeepGoing(self, path):
-        """
-        Don't keep going through links that are opaque to the observer.
-        """
-        for opacity in path.of(IElectromagneticMedium):
-            if opacity.isOpaque():
-                return False
-        return True
-    def moreObjectionsTo(self, path, result):
-        """
-        Object to paths which have L{ILitLink} annotations which are not lit.
-        """
-        for lighting in path.of(ILitLink):
-            if not lighting.isItLit(path, result):
-                tmwn = lighting.whyNotLit()
-                yield tmwn

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/iimaginary.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/iimaginary.py	2013-08-23 09:41:28 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/iimaginary.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary -*-
-from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
-class IThingType(Interface):
-    """
-    Plugin interface for kinds of objects which can be created in the realm.
-    """
-    type = Attribute("Name of this type of object.")
-    def getType():
-        """
-        Return a two-argument callable which will be invoked with C{name},
-        C{description} to create a new instance of this type.  Should return an
-        L{IThing} provider.
-        """
-class ILinkContributor(Interface):
-    """
-    A powerup interface which can add more connections between objects in the
-    world graph.
-    All L{ILinkContributors} which are powered up on a particular
-    L{imaginary.objects.Thing} will be appended to that
-    L{imaginary.objects.Thing}'s value.
-    """
-    def links():
-        """
-        @return: an iterable of L{imaginary.idea.Link}s.
-        """
-class IDescriptionContributor(Interface):
-    """
-    A powerup interface which can add text to the description of an object.
-    All IDescriptionContributors which are powered up on a particular Object
-    will be given a chance to add to the output of its C{conceptualize} method.
-    """
-    def conceptualize():
-        """
-        Return an IConcept provider.
-        """
-class INameable(Interface):
-    """
-    A provider of L{INameable} is an object which can be identified by an
-    imaginary actor by a name.
-    """
-    def knownTo(observer, name):
-        """
-        Is this L{INameable} known to the given C{observer} by the given
-        C{name}?
-        @param name: the name to test for
-        @type name: L{unicode}
-        @param observer: the thing which is observing this namable.
-        @type observer: L{IThing}
-        @rtype: L{bool}
-        @return: L{True} if C{name} identifies this L{INameable}, L{False}
-            otherwise.
-        """
-class ILitLink(Interface):
-    """
-    This interface is an annotation interface for L{imaginary.idea.Link}
-    objects, for indicating that the link can apply lighting.
-    """
-    def applyLighting(litThing, eventualTarget, requestedInterface):
-        """
-        Apply a transformation to an object that an
-        L{imaginary.idea.Idea.obtain} is requesting, based on the light level
-        of this link and its surroundings.
-        @param litThing: The L{IThing} to apply lighting to.
-        @type litThing: L{IThing}
-        @param eventualTarget: The eventual, ultimate target of the path in
-            question.
-        @type eventualTarget: C{requestedInterface}
-        @param requestedInterface: The interface requested by the query that
-            resulted in this path; this is the interface which
-            C{eventualTarget} should implement.
-        @type requestedInterface: L{Interface}
-        @return: C{eventualTarget}, or, if this L{ILitLink} knows how to deal
-            with lighting specifically for C{requestedInterface}, a modified
-            version thereof which still implements C{requestedInterface}.  If
-            insufficient lighting results in the player being unable to access
-            the desired object at all, C{None} will be returned.
-        @rtype: C{NoneType}, or C{requestedInterface}
-        """
-class IThing(Interface):
-    """
-    A thing in the world.  It has a location and and might be relocateable.
-    """
-    location = Attribute("An IThing which contains this IThing")
-    proper = Attribute(
-        "A boolean indicating the definiteness of this thing's pronoun.")
-    name = Attribute(
-        "A unicode string, the name of this Thing.")
-    def moveTo(where, arrivalEventFactory=None):
-        """
-        Change this things location to the new location, if possible.
-        @type where: L{IThing} provider.
-        @param where: The new location to be moved to.
-        @type arrivalEventFactory: A callable which takes a single
-        argument, the thing being moved, and returns an event.
-        @param arrivalEventFactory: Will be called to produce the
-        event to be broadcast to the new location upon arrival of this
-        thing. If not specified (or None), no event will be broadcast.
-        """
-    def findProviders(interface, distance):
-        """
-        Retrieve all game objects which provide C{interface} within C{distance}.
-        @return: A generator of providers of C{interface}.
-        """
-class IMovementRestriction(Interface):
-    """
-    A L{MovementRestriction} is a powerup that can respond to a L{Thing}'s
-    movement before it occurs, and thereby restrict it.
-    Powerups of this type are consulted on L{Thing} before movement is allowed
-    to complete.
-    """
-    def movementImminent(movee, destination):
-        """
-        An object is about to move.  Implementations can raise an exception if
-        they wish to to prevent it.
-        @param movee: the object that is moving.
-        @type movee: L{Thing}
-        @param destination: The L{Thing} of the container that C{movee} will be
-            moving to.
-        @type destination: L{IThing}
-        @raise Exception: if the movement is to be prevented.
-        """
-class IActor(Interface):
-    hitpoints = Attribute("L{Points} instance representing hit points")
-    experience = Attribute("C{int} representing experience")
-    level = Attribute("C{int} representing player's level")
-    thing = Attribute("L{IThing} which represents the actor's physical body.")
-    def send(event):
-        """Describe something to the actor.
-        @type event: L{IConcept} provider
-        @param event: Something that will be described to the actor.
-        """
-    def getIntelligence():
-        """
-        Return the current intelligence associated with this actor, be it
-        ephemeral or enduring.
-        @rtype: L{IEventObserver}.
-        """
-    def setEphemeralIntelligence(intelligence):
-        """
-        Set the intelligence for this actor to an ephemeral L{IEventObserver}.
-        @type intelligence: L{IEventObserver} provider.
-        """
-    def setEnduringIntelligence(intelligence):
-        """
-        Set the intelligence for this actor to a persistent L{IEventObserver}.
-        @type intelligence: L{IEventObserver} provider.
-        """
-class IManipulator(Interface):
-    """
-    An L{IManipulator} provider is an actor who can perform direct
-    manipulations of a world's environment (or at least, try to).
-    """
-    def setIllumination(candelas):
-        """
-        Attempt to set the ambient illumination this L{IManipulator}'s
-        location.
-        @param candelas: the desired ambient illumination value of the location
-            in candelas.
-        @type candelas: L{int}
-        @return: The previous ambient light level (in candelas)
-        @raise imaginary.eimaginary.ActionFailure: if the action cannot be
-            completed (for example, if this L{IManipulator} doesn't have
-            permission to change the lighting in its location).
-        """
-class IEventObserver(Interface):
-    def prepare(concept):
-        """
-        Capture the given concept in a callable which will describe something
-        to this observer.
-        The callable will be invoked when it is entirely certain that the
-        concept is congruent with game reality.  For example, a concept for an
-        arrow striking its target might be prepared but the resulting callable
-        will not be invoked until the combat game system decides the arrow
-        really is striking its target.
-        This two-phase process is also used to deal with events occurring
-        during transactions.  While the event will be prepared immediately
-        during the execution of an action, the callable resulting from the
-        preparation will not be invoked until the transaction has completed.
-        If the transaction fails with an exception, then the callables will not
-        be invoked.
-        @type concept: L{IConcept} provider
-        @param concept: Something that will be described to the actor.
-        @return: a 0-argument callable which will deliver the given concept to
-            this observer.
-        """
-class ITransactionalEventBroadcaster(Interface):
-    """
-    A thing which mediates the deadly side-effects of event broadcast by
-    holding things back until a transaction has been successfully committed or
-    is being reverted.
-    """
-    def addEvent(event):
-        """
-        Add an event which will be broadcast when the transaction is committed
-        successfully.
-        """
-    def addRevertEvent(event):
-        """
-        Add an event which will be broadcast when the transaction is reverted.
-        """
-class IExit(Interface):
-    """
-    An interface representing one direction that a player may move in.  While
-    L{IExit} only represents one half of a passageway, it is not necessarily
-    one-way; in most cases, a parallel exit will exist on the other side.
-    (However, it I{may} be one-way; there is no guarantee that you will be able
-    to traverse it backwards, or even indeed that it will take you somewhere at
-    all!)
-    """
-    name = Attribute(
-        """
-        The name of this exit.  This must be something adaptable to
-        L{IConcept}, to display to players.
-        """)
-    def traverse(thing):
-        """
-        Attempt to move the given L{IThing} through this L{IExit} to the other
-        side.  (Note that this may not necessarily result in actual movement,
-        if the exit does something tricky like disorienting you or hurting
-        you.)
-        @param thing: Something which is passing through this exit.
-        @type thing: L{IThing}
-        """
-class IObstruction(Interface):
-    """
-    An L{IObstruction} is a link annotation indicating that there is a physical
-    obstruction preventing solid objects from reaching between the two ends of
-    the link.  For example, a closed door might annotate its link to its
-    destination with an L{IObstruction}.
-    """
-    def whyNot():
-        """
-        @return: a reason why this is obstructed.
-        @rtype: L{IWhyNot}
-        """
-class IContainer(Interface):
-    """
-    An object which can contain other objects.
-    """
-    capacity = Attribute(
-        """
-        The maximum weight this container is capable of holding.
-        """)
-    closed = Attribute(
-        """
-        A boolean indicating whether this container is closed.
-        """)
-    def add(object):
-        """
-        Place the given object into this container.
-        @type object: L{IThing}
-        @param object: The world object to be added to this container.  Its
-        C{location} attribute will be updated if it is successfully added.
-        @raise DoesntFit: If there is no room for C{object} in this container.
-        @raise Closed: If this container is not currently open.
-        """
-    def remove(object):
-        """
-        Remove the given object from this container.
-        @type object: L{IThing}
-        @param object: The world object which is currently in this container
-        which is to be removed.  If it is successfully removed, its C{location}
-        attribute will be set to C{None}.
-        @raise ValueError: If C{object} is not within this container.
-        @raise Closed: If this container is not currently open.
-        """
-    def contains(other):
-        """
-        @returns: True if other is in me. And by 'in', I mean 'IN'!  (And
-        by 'IN' he means to any arbitrarily deeply nested distance)
-        """
-    def getContents():
-        """
-        @returns: An iterable of the direct contents of this container.
-        """
-    def getExits():
-        """
-        @return: an L{axiom.store.ItemQuery} of the exits leading out of this
-        container.
-        """
-    def getExitNames():
-        """
-        @return: an L{axiom.store.AttributeQuery} of the names of the exits
-        leading out of this container.
-        """
-    def getExitNamed(name, default=None):
-        """
-        @return: The L{imaginary.objects.Exit} with the given name, or default
-        if none is found.
-        @raise KeyError: When an exit with the given name is not found and no
-        default was passed.
-        """
-class IConcept(Interface):
-    """
-    This represents a concept which can be expressed in English.
-    """
-    def plaintext(observer):
-        """
-        @param observer: the IThing provider who is asking to learn about this
-        concept, or None.  This comes from the argument to 'express'.
-        """
-    def capitalizeConcept():
-        """
-        Make this concept CAPITALISERD!
-        Oh man this is retarded.
-        XXX fix it or something pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeee
-        deletedeletedletedletledeltetledleltellxceltedlelt
-        """
-class ILinkAnnotator(Interface):
-    """
-    An L{ILinkAnnotator} provides annotations for links from one
-    L{imaginary.idea.Idea} to another.
-    """
-    def annotationsFor(link, idea):
-        """
-        Produce an iterator of annotations to be applied to a link whose source
-        or target is the L{Idea} that this L{ILinkAnnotator} has been applied
-        to.
-        """
-class ILocationLinkAnnotator(Interface):
-    """
-    L{ILocationLinkAnnotator} is a powerup interface to allow powerups for a
-    L{Thing} to act as L{ILinkAnnotator}s for every L{Thing} contained within
-    it.  This allows area-effect link annotators to be implemented simply,
-    without needing to monitor movement.
-    """
-    def annotationsFor(link, idea):
-        """
-        Produce an iterator of annotations to be applied to a link whose source
-        or target is an L{Idea} of a L{Thing} contained in the L{Thing} that
-        this L{ILocationLinkAnnotator} has been applied to.
-        """
-class IRetriever(Interface):
-    """
-    An L{IRetriever} examines a L{Path} and retrieves a desirable object from
-    it to yield from L{Idea.obtain}, if the L{Path} is suitable.
-    Every L{IRetriever} has a different definition of suitability; you should
-    examine some of their implementations for more detail.
-    """
-    def retrieve(path):
-        """
-        Return the suitable object described by C{path}, or None if the path is
-        unsuitable for this retriever's purposes.
-        """
-    def shouldKeepGoing(path):
-        """
-        Inspect a L{Path}. True if it should be searched, False if not.
-        """
-    def objectionsTo(path, result):
-        """
-        @return: an iterator of IWhyNot, if you object to this result being
-        yielded.
-        """
-class IContainmentRelationship(Interface):
-    """
-    Indicate the containment of one idea within another, via a link.
-    This is an annotation interface, used to annotate L{iimaginary.idea.Link}s
-    to specify that the relationship between linked objects is one of
-    containment.  In other words, the presence of an
-    L{IContainmentRelationship} annotation on a L{iimaginary.idea.Link}
-    indicates that the target of that link is contained by the source of that
-    link.
-    """
-    containedBy = Attribute(
-        """
-        A reference to the L{IContainer} which contains the target of the link
-        that this L{IContainmentRelationship} annotates.
-        """)
-class IVisible(Interface):
-    """
-    A thing which can be seen.
-    """
-    def visualize():
-        """
-        Return an IConcept which represents the visible aspects of this
-        visible thing.
-        """
-    def isViewOf(thing):
-        """
-        Is this L{IVisible} a view of a given L{Thing}?
-        @rtype: L{bool}
-        """
-class ILightSource(Interface):
-    """
-    Powerup interface for things which emit photons in measurable quantities.
-    """
-    candelas = Attribute("""
-    The luminous intensity in candelas.
-    See U{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candela}.
-    """)
-####### Below here is new, experimental stuff, which doesn't really work yet.
-class IThingPowerUp(Interface):
-    """
-    Utility super-interface of all interfaces which are designed to be used as
-    arguments to powerUp for Thing.
-    Objects which provide this interface must also provide IItem, obviously, as
-    only Items can be Powerups.
-    """
-class IClothingWearer(IThingPowerUp):
-    """
-    A person who can wear clothing.
-    """
-    def putOn(garment):
-        """
-        Put on an article of clothing.
-        @param garment: An article of clothing.
-        @type garment: L{IClothing} provider
-        @raise: L{TooBulky}, if the new article of clothing will not fit
-        because this wearer is already wearing a bulkier article of clothing in
-        that slot.
-        """
-    def takeOff(garment):
-        """
-        Remove an article of clothing.
-        @param garment: An article of clothing that this wearer is wearing.
-        @raise: L{InaccessibleGarment}: if the article of clothing is either
-        not being worn, or is being worn beneath another article of clothing
-        which must be removed first.
-        """
-class IClothing(IThingPowerUp):
-    """
-    A piece of clothing which can be worn by an L{IClothingWearer}.
-    """
-    garmentSlots = Attribute(
-        """
-        A list of unicode strings that describe the parts of the body where
-        this article of clothing can be worn, taken from the list of constants
-        in L{imaginary.garments.GARMENT_SLOTS}.
-        """)
-    bulk = Attribute(
-        """
-        An integer, 1 or greater, abstractly describing how thick this garment
-        is.  A bulkier garment cannot be worn over a less bulky one.
-        """)
-    def nowWornBy(wearer):
-        """
-        This article of clothing is now being worn by C{wearer}.
-        @param wearer: The wearer of the clothing.
-        @type wearer: L{IClothingWearer}
-        """
-    def noLongerWorn():
-        """
-        This article of clothing is no longer being worn.
-        """
-class ISittable(Interface):
-    """
-    Something you can sit on.
-    """
-    def seat(sitterThing):
-        """
-        @param sitterThing: The person sitting down on this sittable surface.
-        @type sitterThing: L{imaginary.objects.Thing}
-        """
-class IDescriptor(IThingPowerUp):
-    """
-    I provide a portion of a Thing's description.
-    Install IDescribable powerUps on Thing to influence how it will be shown to
-    the user.
-    """
-    def conceptualize():
-        """
-        Return an object adaptable to the IConcept for the language of an
-        observer.
-        """
-class IWhyNot(Interface):
-    """
-    This interface is an idea link annotation interface, designed to be applied
-    by L{ILinkAnnotator}s, that indicates a reason why a given path cannot
-    yield a provider.  This is respected by L{imaginary.idea.ProviderOf}.
-    """
-    def tellMeWhyNot():
-        """
-        Return something adaptable to L{IConcept}, that explains why this link
-        is unsuitable for producing results.  For example, the string "It's too
-        dark in here."
-        """
-class IDistance(Interface):
-    """
-    A link annotation that provides a distance.
-    """
-    distance = Attribute("floating point, distance in meters")
-class IElectromagneticMedium(Interface):
-    """
-    A medium through which electromagnetic radiation may or may not pass; used
-    as a link annotation.
-    """
-    def isOpaque():
-        """
-        Will this propagate radiation the visible spectrum?
-        """

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/iterutils.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/iterutils.py	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/iterutils.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-"""Utilities for dealing with iterators and such.
-def interlace(x, i):
-    """interlace(x, i) -> i0, x, i1, x, ..., x, iN
-    """
-    i = iter(i)
-    try:
-        yield i.next()
-    except StopIteration:
-        return
-    for e in i:
-        yield x
-        yield e

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/language.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/language.py	2013-07-24 22:10:49 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/language.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_concept -*-
-Textual formatting for game objects.
-import types
-from string import Formatter
-from zope.interface import implements, implementer
-from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
-from epsilon import structlike
-from imaginary import iimaginary, iterutils, text as T
-class Gender(object):
-    """
-    enum!
-    """
-    MALE = 1
-    FEMALE = 2
-    NEUTER = 3
-class Noun(object):
-    """
-    This is a language wrapper around a Thing.
-    It is separated into its own class for two reasons:
-     - You should try to keep your game-logic self-contained and avoid
-       polluting it with lots of constant strings, so that porting to new
-       interfaces (text prototype -> isometric final implementation) is easy.
-       It's easier to read the code that way and make changes to the logic even
-       if you don't want to move to a different interface.
-     - It would be nice if text games could be internationalized by separating
-       the formatting logic from the game logic.  In an extreme case, it would
-       be SUPER-COOL if people could be playing the same game in french and
-       english on the same server, simply by changing a setting on their
-       client.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, thing):
-        self.thing = thing
-    def shortName(self):
-        return ExpressString(self.thing.name)
-    def nounPhrase(self):
-        if self.thing.proper:
-            return self.shortName()
-        return ExpressList([self.indefiniteArticle(), self.shortName()])
-    def definiteNounPhrase(self):
-        if self.thing.proper:
-            return self.shortName()
-        return ExpressList([self.definiteArticle(), self.shortName()])
-    def indefiniteArticle(self):
-        if self.thing.name[0].lower() in u'aeiou':
-            return u'an '
-        return u'a '
-    def definiteArticle(self):
-        return u'the '
-    def heShe(self):
-        """
-        Return the personal pronoun for the wrapped thing.
-        """
-        x = {Gender.MALE: u'he',
-             Gender.FEMALE: u'she'
-             }.get(self.thing.gender, u'it')
-        return ExpressString(x)
-    def himHer(self):
-        """
-        Return the objective pronoun for the wrapped thing.
-        """
-        x = {Gender.MALE: u'him',
-             Gender.FEMALE: u'her'
-             }.get(self.thing.gender, u'it')
-        return ExpressString(x)
-    def hisHer(self):
-        """
-        Return a possessive pronoun that cannot be used after 'is'.
-        """
-        x = {Gender.MALE: u'his',
-             Gender.FEMALE: u'her' # <-- OMG! hers!
-             }.get(self.thing.gender, u'its')
-        return ExpressString(x)
-    #FIXME: add his/hers LATER
-def flattenWithoutColors(vt102):
-    return T.flatten(vt102, useColors=False)
-class BaseExpress(object):
-    def __init__(self, original):
-        self.original = original
-    def plaintext(self, observer):
-        return flattenWithoutColors(self.vt102(observer))
-class DescriptionConcept(structlike.record('name description exits others',
-                                           description=u"", exits=(), others=())):
-    """
-    A concept which is expressed as the description of a Thing as well as
-    any concepts which power up that thing for IDescriptionContributor.
-    Concepts will be ordered by the C{preferredOrder} class attribute.
-    Concepts not named in this list will appear last in an unpredictable
-    order.
-    @ivar name: The name of the thing being described.
-    @ivar description: A basic description of the thing being described, the
-        first thing to show up.
-    @ivar exits: An iterable of L{IExit}, to be listed as exits in the
-        description.
-    @ivar others: An iterable of L{IDescriptionContributor} that will
-        supplement the description.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    # This may not be the most awesome solution to the ordering problem, but
-    # it is the best I can think of right now.  This is strictly a
-    # user-interface level problem.  Only the ordering in the string output
-    # send to the user should depend on this; nothing in the world should be
-    # affected.
-    preferredOrder = ['ExpressCondition',
-                      'ExpressClothing',
-                      'ExpressSurroundings',
-                      ]
-    def plaintext(self, observer):
-        return flattenWithoutColors(self.vt102(observer))
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        exits = u''
-        if self.exits:
-            exits = [T.bold, T.fg.green, u'( ',
-                     [T.fg.normal, T.fg.yellow,
-                      iterutils.interlace(u' ',
-                                          (exit.name for exit in self.exits))],
-                     u' )', u'\n']
-        description = self.description or u""
-        if description:
-            description = (T.fg.green, self.description, u'\n')
-        descriptionConcepts = []
-        for pup in self.others:
-            descriptionConcepts.append(pup.conceptualize())
-        def index(c):
-            try:
-                return self.preferredOrder.index(c.__class__.__name__)
-            except ValueError:
-                # Anything unrecognized goes after anything recognized.
-                return len(self.preferredOrder)
-        descriptionConcepts.sort(key=index)
-        descriptionComponents = []
-        for c in descriptionConcepts:
-            s = c.vt102(observer)
-            if s:
-                descriptionComponents.extend([s, u'\n'])
-        if descriptionComponents:
-            descriptionComponents.pop()
-        return [
-            [T.bold, T.fg.green, u'[ ', [T.fg.normal, self.name], u' ]\n'],
-            exits,
-            description,
-            descriptionComponents]
-class ExpressNumber(BaseExpress):
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        return str(self.original)
-class ExpressString(BaseExpress):
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    def __init__(self, original, capitalized=False):
-        self.original = original
-        self._cap = capitalized
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        if self._cap:
-            return self.original[:1].upper() + self.original[1:]
-        return self.original
-    def capitalizeConcept(self):
-        return ExpressString(self.original, True)
-class ExpressList(BaseExpress):
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    def concepts(self, observer):
-        return map(iimaginary.IConcept, self.original)
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        return [x.vt102(observer) for x in self.concepts(observer)]
-    def capitalizeConcept(self):
-        return Sentence(self.original)
-class Sentence(ExpressList):
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        o = self.concepts(observer)
-        if o:
-            o[0] = o[0].capitalizeConcept()
-        return [x.vt102(observer) for x in o]
-    def capitalizeConcept(self):
-        return self
-registerAdapter(ExpressNumber, int, iimaginary.IConcept)
-registerAdapter(ExpressNumber, long, iimaginary.IConcept)
-registerAdapter(ExpressString, str, iimaginary.IConcept)
-registerAdapter(ExpressString, unicode, iimaginary.IConcept)
-registerAdapter(ExpressList, list, iimaginary.IConcept)
-registerAdapter(ExpressList, tuple, iimaginary.IConcept)
-registerAdapter(ExpressList, types.GeneratorType, iimaginary.IConcept)
-class ItemizedList(BaseExpress):
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    def __init__(self, listOfConcepts):
-        self.listOfConcepts = listOfConcepts
-    def concepts(self, observer):
-        return self.listOfConcepts
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        return ExpressList(
-            itemizedStringList(self.concepts(observer))).vt102(observer)
-    def capitalizeConcept(self):
-        listOfConcepts = self.listOfConcepts[:]
-        if listOfConcepts:
-            listOfConcepts[0] = iimaginary.IConcept(listOfConcepts[0]).capitalizeConcept()
-        return ItemizedList(listOfConcepts)
-def itemizedStringList(desc):
-    if len(desc) == 1:
-        yield desc[0]
-    elif len(desc) == 2:
-        yield desc[0]
-        yield u' and '
-        yield desc[1]
-    elif len(desc) > 2:
-        for ele in desc[:-1]:
-            yield ele
-            yield u', '
-        yield u'and '
-        yield desc[-1]
-class ConceptTemplate(object):
-    """
-    A L{ConceptTemplate} wraps a text template which may intersperse literal
-    strings with markers for substitution.
-    Substitution markers follow U{the syntax for str.format<http://docs.python.org/2/library/string.html#format-string-syntax>}.
-    Values for field names are supplied to the L{expand} method.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, templateText):
-        """
-        @param templateText: The text of the template.  For example,
-            C{u"Hello, {target:name}."}.
-        @type templateText: L{unicode}
-        """
-        self.templateText = templateText
-    def expand(self, values):
-        """
-        Generate concepts based on the template.
-        @param values: A L{dict} mapping substitution markers to application
-            objects from which to take values for those substitutions.  For
-            example, a key might be C{u"target"}.  The associated value will be
-            sustituted each place C{u"{target}"} appears in the template
-            string.  Or, the value's name will be substituted each place
-            C{u"{target:name}"} appears in the template string.
-        @type values: L{dict} mapping L{unicode} to L{object}
-        @return: An iterator the combined elements of which represent the
-            result of expansion of the template.  The elements are adaptable to
-            L{IConcept}.
-        """
-        parts = Formatter().parse(self.templateText)
-        for (literalText, fieldName, formatSpec, conversion) in parts:
-            if literalText:
-                yield ExpressString(literalText)
-            if fieldName:
-                try:
-                    target = values[fieldName.lower()]
-                except KeyError:
-                    extra = u""
-                    if formatSpec:
-                        extra = u" '%s'" % (formatSpec,)
-                    yield u"<missing target '%s' for%s expansion>" % (
-                        fieldName, extra)
-                else:
-                    if formatSpec:
-                        # A nice enhancement would be to delegate this logic to target
-                        try:
-                            expander = getattr(self, '_expand_' + formatSpec.upper())
-                        except AttributeError:
-                            yield u"<'%s' unsupported by target '%s'>" % (
-                                formatSpec, fieldName)
-                        else:
-                            yield expander(target)
-                    else:
-                        yield target
-    def _expand_NAME(self, target):
-        """
-        Get the name of a L{Thing}.
-        """
-        return target.name
-    def _expand_PRONOUN(self, target):
-        """
-        Get the personal pronoun of a L{Thing}.
-        """
-        return Noun(target).heShe()

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/manipulation.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/manipulation.py	2009-01-14 05:21:23 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/manipulation.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2009 Divmod, Inc.  See LICENSE for details
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_illumination -*-
-This module contains code that administrators can invoke to directly manipulate
-@see: L{imaginary.iimaginary.IManipulator}, the interface which this module
-    provides implementations of.
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
-from epsilon.structlike import record
-from axiom.item import Item
-from axiom.attributes import reference
-from imaginary.iimaginary import IManipulator, IThing
-from imaginary.objects import LocationLighting, Thing
-from imaginary.eimaginary import ActionFailure
-from imaginary.events import ThatDoesntWork
-class NonManipulator(record("thing")):
-    """
-    A L{NonManipulator} is the ephemeral actor, implementing the responses that
-    normal users will see when they attempt to perform administrative actions.
-    """
-    implements(IManipulator)
-    def setIllumination(self, candelas):
-        """
-        Don't actually set the illumination of the manipulator.
-        """
-        raise ActionFailure(ThatDoesntWork(
-            actor=self.thing,
-            actorMessage=
-            "You are insufficiently brilliant to do that directly."))
-registerAdapter(NonManipulator, IThing, IManipulator)
-class Manipulator(Item):
-    """
-    A L{Manipulator} is the actor for actions which can directly change the
-    properties of objects in an Imaginary world.
-    """
-    implements(IManipulator)
-    powerupInterfaces = [IManipulator]
-    thing = reference(allowNone=False,
-                      doc="""
-                      The L{IThing} for the underlying actor.
-                      """,
-                      reftype=Thing, whenDeleted=reference.CASCADE)
-    def setIllumination(self, candelas):
-        """
-        Set the ambient illumination of this L{Manipulator}'s C{thing}'s
-        location.
-        @return: the location's previous ambient illumination in candelas.
-        """
-        ll = self.thing.store.findOrCreate(
-            LocationLighting,
-            lambda ll: self.thing.location.powerUp(ll),
-            thing=self.thing.location)
-        oldCandelas = ll.candelas
-        otherMessage = None
-        ll.candelas = candelas
-        return oldCandelas

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/objects.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/objects.py	2013-08-23 13:42:36 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/objects.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_objects,imaginary.test.test_actions -*-
-This module contains the core, basic objects in Imaginary.
-L{imaginary.objects} contains the physical simulation (L{Thing}), objects
-associated with scoring (L{Points}), and the basic actor interface which allows
-the user to perform simple actions (L{Actor}).
-from __future__ import division
-import math
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.python import reflect, components
-from epsilon import structlike
-from epsilon.remember import remembered
-from axiom import item, attributes
-from imaginary import iimaginary, eimaginary, text as T, events, language
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement as _Enhancement
-from imaginary.idea import (
-    Idea, Link, Proximity, Reachable, ProviderOf, Named, AlsoKnownAs, CanSee,
-    Vector, DelegatingRetriever)
-class Points(item.Item):
-    max = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    Maximum number of points.
-    """, allowNone=False)
-    current = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    Current number of points.
-    """, allowNone=False)
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        if 'max' in kw and 'current' not in kw:
-            kw['current'] = kw['max']
-        super(Points, self).__init__(**kw)
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        return cmp(self.current, other)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '%d/%d' % (self.current, self.max)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        d = {'class': reflect.qual(self.__class__),
-             'current': self.current,
-             'max': self.max}
-        return '%(class)s(%(max)d, %(current)d)' % d
-    def increase(self, amount):
-        return self.modify(amount)
-    def decrease(self, amount):
-        return self.modify(-amount)
-    def modify(self, amount):
-        self.current = max(min(self.current + amount, self.max), 0)
-        return self.current
-class Thing(item.Item):
-    """
-    A L{Thing} is a physically located object in the game world.
-    While a game object in Imaginary is composed of many different Python
-    objects, the L{Thing} is the central object that most game objects will
-    share.  It's central for several reasons.
-    First, a L{Thing} is connected to the point-of-interest simulation that
-    makes up the environment of an Imaginary game.  A L{Thing} has a location,
-    and a L{Container} can list the L{Thing}s located within it, which is how
-    you can see the objects in your surroundings or a container.
-    Each L{Thing} has an associated L{Idea}, which provides the graph that can
-    be traversed to find other L{Thing}s to be the target for actions or
-    events.
-    A L{Thing} is also the object which serves as the persistent nexus of
-    powerups that define behavior.  An L{_Enhancement} is a powerup for a
-    L{Thing}.  L{Thing}s can be powered up for a number of different interfaces:
-        - L{iimaginary.IMovementRestriction}, for preventing the L{Thing} from
-          moving around,
-        - L{iimaginary.ILinkContributor}, which can provide links from the
-          L{Thing}'s L{Idea} to other L{Idea}s,
-        - L{iimaginary.ILinkAnnotator}, which can provide annotations on links
-          incoming to or outgoing from the L{Thing}'s L{Idea},
-        - L{iimaginary.ILocationLinkAnnotator}, which can provide annotations on
-          links to or from any L{Thing}'s L{Idea} which is ultimately located
-          within the powered-up L{Thing}.
-        - L{iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor}, which provide components of
-          the L{Thing}'s description when viewed with the L{Look} action.
-        - and finally, any interface used as a target for an action or event.
-    The way this all fits together is as follows: if you wanted to make a
-    shirt, for example, you would make a L{Thing}, give it an appropriate name
-    and description, make a new L{Enhancement} class which implements
-    L{IMovementRestriction} to prevent the shirt from moving around unless it
-    is correctly in the un-worn state, and then power up that L{Enhancement} on
-    the L{Thing}.  This particular example is implemented in
-    L{imaginary.garments}, but almost any game-logic implementation will follow
-    this general pattern.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IThing, iimaginary.IVisible, iimaginary.INameable,
-               iimaginary.ILinkAnnotator, iimaginary.ILinkContributor)
-    weight = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    Units of weight of this object.
-    """, default=1, allowNone=False)
-    location = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    Direct reference to the location of this object
-    """)
-    portable = attributes.boolean(doc="""
-    Whether this can be picked up, pushed around, relocated, etc
-    """, default=True, allowNone=False)
-    name = attributes.text(doc="""
-    The name of this object.
-    """, allowNone=False)
-    description = attributes.text(doc="""
-    What this object looks like.
-    """, default=u"")
-    gender = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    The grammatical gender of this thing.  One of L{language.Gender.MALE},
-    L{language.Gender.FEMALE}, or L{language.Gender.NEUTER}.
-    """, default=language.Gender.NEUTER, allowNone=False)
-    proper = attributes.boolean(doc="""
-    Whether my name is a proper noun.
-    """, default=False, allowNone=False)
-    def destroy(self):
-        if self.location is not None:
-            iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).remove(self)
-        self.deleteFromStore()
-    def links(self):
-        """
-        Implement L{ILinkContributor.links()} by offering a link to this
-        L{Thing}'s C{location} (if it has one).
-        """
-        # since my link contribution is to go up (out), put this last, since
-        # containment (i.e. going down (in)) is a powerup.  we want to explore
-        # contained items first.
-        for pup in self.powerupsFor(iimaginary.ILinkContributor):
-            for link in pup.links():
-                # wooo composition
-                yield link
-        if self.location is not None:
-            l = Link(self.idea, self.location.idea)
-            # XXX this incorrectly identifies any container with an object in
-            # it as 'here', since it doesn't distinguish the observer; however,
-            # cycle detection will prevent these links from being considered in
-            # any case I can think of.  However, 'here' is ambiguous in the
-            # case where you are present inside a container, and that should
-            # probably be dealt with.
-            l.annotate([AlsoKnownAs('here')])
-            yield l
-    def allAnnotators(self):
-        """
-        A generator which yields all L{iimaginary.ILinkAnnotator} providers
-        that should affect this L{Thing}'s L{Idea}.  This includes:
-            - all L{iimaginary.ILocationLinkAnnotator} powerups on all
-              L{Thing}s which contain this L{Thing} (the container it's in, the
-              room its container is in, etc)
-            - all L{iimaginary.ILinkAnnotator} powerups on this L{Thing}.
-        """
-        loc = self
-        while loc is not None:
-            # TODO Test the loc is None case
-            if loc is not None:
-                for pup in loc.powerupsFor(iimaginary.ILocationLinkAnnotator):
-                    yield pup
-            loc = loc.location
-        for pup in self.powerupsFor(iimaginary.ILinkAnnotator):
-            yield pup
-    def annotationsFor(self, link, idea):
-        """
-        Implement L{ILinkAnnotator.annotationsFor} to consult each
-        L{ILinkAnnotator} for this L{Thing}, as defined by
-        L{Thing.allAnnotators}, and yield each annotation for the given L{Link}
-        and L{Idea}.
-        """
-        for annotator in self.allAnnotators():
-            for annotation in annotator.annotationsFor(link, idea):
-                yield annotation
-    @remembered
-    def idea(self):
-        """
-        An L{Idea} which represents this L{Thing}.
-        """
-        idea = Idea(self)
-        idea.linkers.append(self)
-        idea.annotators.append(self)
-        return idea
-    def findProviders(self, interface, distance):
-        """
-        Temporary emulation of the old way of doing things so that I can
-        surgically replace findProviders.
-        """
-        return self.idea.obtain(
-            Proximity(distance, CanSee(ProviderOf(interface))))
-    def obtainOrReportWhyNot(self, retriever):
-        """
-        Invoke L{Idea.obtain} on C{self.idea} with the given C{retriever}.
-        If no results are yielded, then investigate the reasons why no results
-        have been yielded, and raise an exception describing one of them.
-        Objections may be registered by:
-            - an L{iimaginary.IWhyNot} annotation on any link traversed in the
-              attempt to discover results, or,
-            - an L{iimaginary.IWhyNot} yielded by the given C{retriever}'s
-              L{iimaginary.IRetriever.objectionsTo} method.
-        @return: a list of objects returned by C{retriever.retrieve}
-        @rtype: C{list}
-        @raise eimaginary.ActionFailure: if no results are available, and an
-            objection has been registered.
-        """
-        obt = self.idea.obtain(retriever)
-        results = list(obt)
-        if not results:
-            reasons = list(obt.reasonsWhyNot)
-            if reasons:
-                raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                        actor=self,
-                        actorMessage=reasons[0].tellMeWhyNot()))
-        return results
-    def search(self, distance, interface, name):
-        """
-        Retrieve game objects answering to the given name which provide the
-        given interface and are within the given distance.
-        @param distance: How many steps to traverse (note: this is wrong, it
-            will become a real distance-y thing with real game-meaning
-            someday).
-        @type distance: C{float}
-        @param interface: The interface which objects within the required range
-            must be adaptable to in order to be returned.
-        @param name: The name of the stuff.
-        @type name: C{str}
-        @return: An iterable of L{iimaginary.IThing} providers which are found.
-        """
-        return self.obtainOrReportWhyNot(
-            Proximity(
-                distance,
-                Reachable(Named(name, CanSee(ProviderOf(interface)), self))))
-    def moveTo(self, where, arrivalEventFactory=None):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.IThing.moveTo} to change the C{location} of this
-        L{Thing} to a new L{Thing}, broadcasting an L{events.DepartureEvent} to
-        note this object's departure from its current C{location}.
-        Before moving it, invoke each L{IMovementRestriction} powerup on this
-        L{Thing} to allow them to prevent this movement.
-        """
-        whereContainer = iimaginary.IContainer(where, None)
-        if (whereContainer is
-            iimaginary.IContainer(self.location, None)):
-            # Early out if I'm being moved to the same location that I was
-            # already in.
-            return
-        if whereContainer is None:
-            whereThing = None
-        else:
-            whereThing = whereContainer.thing
-        if whereThing is not None and whereThing.location is self:
-            # XXX should be checked against _all_ locations of whereThing, not
-            # just the proximate one.
-            # XXX actor= here is wrong, who knows who is moving this thing.
-            raise eimaginary.ActionFailure(events.ThatDoesntWork(
-                    actor=self,
-                    actorMessage=[
-                        language.Noun(where.thing).definiteNounPhrase()
-                        .capitalizeConcept(),
-                        " won't fit inside itself."]))
-        oldLocation = self.location
-        for restriction in self.powerupsFor(iimaginary.IMovementRestriction):
-            restriction.movementImminent(self, where)
-        if oldLocation is not None:
-            events.DepartureEvent(oldLocation, self).broadcast()
-        if where is not None:
-            where = iimaginary.IContainer(where)
-            if oldLocation is not None and not self.portable:
-                raise eimaginary.CannotMove(self, where)
-            where.add(self)
-            if arrivalEventFactory is not None:
-                arrivalEventFactory(self).broadcast()
-        if oldLocation is not None:
-            iimaginary.IContainer(oldLocation).remove(self)
-    def knownTo(self, observer, name):
-        """
-        Implement L{INameable.knownTo} to compare the name to L{Thing.name} as
-        well as few constant values based on the relationship of the observer
-        to this L{Thing}, such as 'me', 'self', and 'here'.
-        @param observer: an L{IThing} provider.
-        """
-        mine = self.name.lower()
-        name = name.lower()
-        if name == mine or name in mine.split():
-            return True
-        if observer == self:
-            if name in ('me', 'self'):
-                return True
-        return False
-    # IVisible
-    def visualize(self):
-        """
-        Implement L{IVisible.visualize} to return a
-        L{language.DescriptionConcept} that describes this L{Thing}, including
-        all its L{iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor} powerups.
-        """
-        container = iimaginary.IContainer(self, None)
-        if container is not None:
-            exits = list(container.getExits())
-        else:
-            exits = ()
-        return language.DescriptionConcept(
-            self.name,
-            self.description,
-            exits,
-            # Maybe we should listify this or something; see
-            # http://divmod.org/trac/ticket/2905
-            self.powerupsFor(iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor))
-    def isViewOf(self, thing):
-        """
-        Implement L{IVisible.isViewOf} to return C{True} if its argument is
-        C{self}.  In other words, this L{Thing} is only a view of itself.
-        """
-        return (thing is self)
-components.registerAdapter(lambda thing: language.Noun(thing).nounPhrase(),
-                           Thing,
-                           iimaginary.IConcept)
-def _eventuallyContains(containerThing, containeeThing):
-    """
-    Does a container, or any containers within it (or any containers within any
-    of those, etc etc) contain some object?
-    @param containeeThing: The L{Thing} which may be contained.
-    @param containerThing: The L{Thing} which may have a L{Container} that
-    contains C{containeeThing}.
-    @return: L{True} if the containee is contained by the container.
-    """
-    while containeeThing is not None:
-        if containeeThing is containerThing:
-            return True
-        containeeThing = containeeThing.location
-    return False
-    u"north": u"south",
-    u"west": u"east",
-    u"northwest": u"southeast",
-    u"northeast": u"southwest"}
-def _populateOpposite():
-    """
-    Populate L{OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS} with inverse directions.
-    (Without leaking any loop locals into the global scope, thank you very
-    much.)
-    """
-    for (k, v) in OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS.items():
-    u"n": u"north",
-    u"s": u"south",
-    u"w": u"west",
-    u"e": u"east",
-    u"nw": u"northwest",
-    u"se": u"southeast",
-    u"ne": u"northeast",
-    u"sw": u"southwest"}
-class Exit(item.Item):
-    """
-    An L{Exit} is an oriented pathway between two L{Thing}s which each
-    represent a room.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.INameable, iimaginary.IExit)
-    fromLocation = attributes.reference(
-        doc="""
-        Where this exit leads from.
-        """, allowNone=False,
-        whenDeleted=attributes.reference.CASCADE, reftype=Thing)
-    toLocation = attributes.reference(
-        doc="""
-        Where this exit leads to.
-        """, allowNone=False,
-        whenDeleted=attributes.reference.CASCADE, reftype=Thing)
-    name = attributes.text(doc="""
-    What this exit is called/which direction it is in.
-    """, allowNone=False)
-    sibling = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    The reverse exit object, if one exists.
-    """)
-    distance = attributes.ieee754_double(
-        doc="""
-        How far, in meters, does a user have to travel to traverse this exit?
-        """, allowNone=False, default=1.0)
-    def knownTo(self, observer, name):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.INameable.knownTo} to identify this L{Exit} as
-        its C{name} attribute.
-        """
-        return name == self.name
-    def traverse(self, thing):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.IExit} to move the given L{Thing} to this
-        L{Exit}'s C{toLocation}.
-        """
-        if self.sibling is not None:
-            arriveDirection = self.sibling.name
-        else:
-            arriveDirection = OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS.get(self.name)
-        thing.moveTo(
-            self.toLocation,
-            arrivalEventFactory=lambda player: events.MovementArrivalEvent(
-                thing=thing,
-                origin=None,
-                direction=arriveDirection))
-    # XXX This really needs to be renamed now that links are a thing.
-    @classmethod
-    def link(cls, a, b, forwardName, backwardName=None, distance=1.0):
-        """
-        Create two L{Exit}s connecting two rooms.
-        @param a: The first room.
-        @type a: L{Thing}
-        @param b: The second room.
-        @type b: L{Thing}
-        @param forwardName: The name of the link going from C{a} to C{b}.  For
-            example, u'east'.
-        @type forwardName: L{unicode}
-        @param backwardName: the name of the link going from C{b} to C{a}.  For
-            example, u'west'.  If not provided or L{None}, this will be
-            computed based on L{OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS}.
-        @type backwardName: L{unicode}
-        """
-        if backwardName is None:
-            backwardName = OPPOSITE_DIRECTIONS[forwardName]
-        forward = cls(store=a.store, fromLocation=a, toLocation=b,
-                 name=forwardName, distance=distance)
-        backward = cls(store=b.store, fromLocation=b, toLocation=a,
-                  name=backwardName, distance=distance)
-        forward.sibling = backward
-        backward.sibling = forward
-    def destroy(self):
-        if self.sibling is not None:
-            self.sibling.deleteFromStore()
-        self.deleteFromStore()
-    @remembered
-    def exitIdea(self):
-        """
-        This property is the L{Idea} representing this L{Exit}; this is a
-        fairly simple L{Idea} that will link only to the L{Exit.toLocation}
-        pointed to by this L{Exit}, with a distance annotation indicating the
-        distance traversed to go through this L{Exit}.
-        """
-        x = Idea(self)
-        x.linkers.append(self)
-        return x
-    def links(self):
-        """
-        Generate a link to the location that this exit points at.
-        @return: an iterator which yields a single L{Link}, annotated with a
-            L{Vector} that indicates a distance of 1.0 (a temporary measure,
-            since L{Exit}s don't have distances yet) and a direction of this
-            exit's C{name}.
-        """
-        l = Link(self.exitIdea, self.toLocation.idea)
-        l.annotate([Vector(self.distance, self.name),
-                    # We annotate this link with ourselves because the 'Named'
-                    # retriever will use the last link in the path to determine
-                    # if an object has any aliases.  We want this direction
-                    # name to be an alias for the room itself as well as the
-                    # exit, so we want to annotate the link with an INameable.
-                    # This also has an effect of annotating the link with an
-                    # IExit, and possibly one day an IItem as well (if such a
-                    # thing ever comes to exist), so perhaps we eventually want
-                    # a wrapper which elides all references here except
-                    # INameable since that's what we want.  proxyForInterface
-                    # perhaps?  However, for the moment, the extra annotations
-                    # do no harm, so we'll leave them there.
-                    self])
-        yield l
-    def conceptualize(self):
-        return language.ExpressList(
-            [u'the exit to ', language.Noun(self.toLocation).nounPhrase()])
-components.registerAdapter(lambda exit: exit.conceptualize(),
-                           Exit, iimaginary.IConcept)
-class ContainmentRelationship(structlike.record("containedBy")):
-    """
-    Implementation of L{iimaginary.IContainmentRelationship}.  The interface
-    specifies no methods or attributes.  See its documentation for more
-    information.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IContainmentRelationship)
-class Containment(object):
-    """
-    Functionality for containment to be used as a mixin in Powerups.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IContainer, iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor,
-               iimaginary.ILinkContributor)
-    powerupInterfaces = (iimaginary.IContainer,
-                         iimaginary.ILinkContributor,
-                         iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor)
-    # Units of weight which can be contained
-    capacity = None
-    # Boolean indicating whether the container is currently closed or open.
-    closed = False
-    # IContainer
-    def contains(self, other):
-        for child in self.getContents():
-            if other is child:
-                return True
-            cchild = iimaginary.IContainer(child, None)
-            if cchild is not None and cchild.contains(other):
-                return True
-        return False
-    def getContents(self):
-        if self.thing is None:
-            return []
-        return self.store.query(Thing, Thing.location == self.thing)
-    def add(self, obj):
-        if self.closed:
-            raise eimaginary.Closed(self, obj)
-        containedWeight = self.getContents().getColumn("weight").sum()
-        if containedWeight + obj.weight > self.capacity:
-            raise eimaginary.DoesntFit(self, obj)
-        assert self.thing is not None
-        obj.location = self.thing
-    def remove(self, obj):
-        if self.closed:
-            raise eimaginary.Closed(self, obj)
-        if obj.location is self.thing:
-            obj.location = None
-    def getExits(self):
-        return self.store.query(Exit, Exit.fromLocation == self.thing)
-    def getExitNames(self):
-        return self.getExits().getColumn("name")
-    _marker = object()
-    def getExitNamed(self, name, default=_marker):
-        result = self.store.findUnique(
-            Exit,
-            attributes.AND(Exit.fromLocation == self.thing,
-                           Exit.name == name),
-            default=default)
-        if result is self._marker:
-            raise KeyError(name)
-        return result
-    # ILinkContributor
-    def links(self):
-        """
-        Implement L{ILinkContributor} to contribute L{Link}s to all contents of
-        this container, as well as all of its exits, and its entrance from its
-        location.
-        """
-        if not self.closed:
-            for ob in self.getContents():
-                content = Link(self.thing.idea, ob.idea)
-                content.annotate([ContainmentRelationship(self)])
-                yield content
-        yield Link(self.thing.idea, self._entranceIdea)
-        yield Link(self.thing.idea, self._exitIdea)
-        for exit in self.getExits():
-            yield Link(self.thing.idea, exit.exitIdea)
-    @remembered
-    def _entranceIdea(self):
-        """
-        Return an L{Idea} that reflects the implicit entrance from this
-        container's location to the interior of the container.
-        """
-        return Idea(delegate=_ContainerEntrance(self))
-    @remembered
-    def _exitIdea(self):
-        """
-        Return an L{Idea} that reflects the implicit exit from this container
-        to its location.
-        """
-        return Idea(delegate=_ContainerExit(self))
-    # IDescriptionContributor
-    def conceptualize(self):
-        """
-        Implement L{IDescriptionContributor} to enumerate the contents of this
-        containment.
-        @return: an L{ExpressSurroundings} with an iterable of all visible
-        contents of this container.
-        """
-        return ExpressContents(self)
-class _ContainedBy(DelegatingRetriever):
-    """
-    An L{iimaginary.IRetriever} which discovers only things present in a given
-    container.  Currently used only for discovering the list of things to list
-    in a container's description.
-    @ivar retriever: a retriever to delegate to.
-    @type retriever: L{iimaginary.IRetriever}
-    @ivar container: the container to test containment by
-    @type container: L{IThing}
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IRetriever)
-    def __init__(self, retriever, container):
-        DelegatingRetriever.__init__(self, retriever)
-        self.container = container
-    def resultRetrieved(self, path, result):
-        """
-        If this L{_ContainedBy}'s container contains the last L{IThing} target
-        of the given path, return the result of this L{_ContainedBy}'s
-        retriever retrieving from the given C{path}, otherwise C{None}.
-        """
-        containments = list(path.of(iimaginary.IContainmentRelationship))
-        if containments:
-            if containments[-1].containedBy is self.container:
-                return result
-class _ContainerEntrance(structlike.record('container')):
-    """
-    A L{_ContainerEntrance} is the implicit entrance to a container from its
-    location.  If a container is open, and big enough, it can be entered.
-    @ivar container: the container that this L{_ContainerEntrance} points to.
-    @type container: L{Containment}
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IExit, iimaginary.INameable)
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.IExit.name} to return a descriptive name for the
-        inward exit of this specific container.
-        """
-        return 'into ', language.Noun(self.container.thing).definiteNounPhrase()
-    def traverse(self, thing):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.IExit.traverse} to move the thing in transit to
-        the container specified.
-        """
-        thing.moveTo(self.container)
-    def knownTo(self, observer, name):
-        """
-        Delegate L{iimaginary.INameable.knownTo} to this
-        L{_ContainerEntrance}'s container's thing.
-        """
-        return self.container.thing.knownTo(observer, name)
-class _ContainerExit(structlike.record('container')):
-    """
-    A L{_ContainerExit} is the exit from a container, or specifically, a
-    L{Containment}; an exit by which actors may move to the container's
-    container.
-    @ivar container: the container that this L{_ContainerExit} points out from.
-    @type container: L{Containment}
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IExit, iimaginary.INameable)
-    @property
-    def name(self):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.IExit.name} to return a descriptive name for the
-        outward exit of this specific container.
-        """
-        return 'out of ', language.Noun(self.container.thing).definiteNounPhrase()
-    def traverse(self, thing):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.IExit.traverse} to move the thing in transit to
-        the container specified.
-        """
-        thing.moveTo(self.container.thing.location)
-    def knownTo(self, observer, name):
-        """
-        This L{_ContainerExit} is known to observers inside it as 'out'
-        (i.e. 'go out', 'look out'), but otherwise it has no known description.
-        """
-        return (observer.location == self.container.thing) and (name == 'out')
-class ExpressSurroundings(language.ItemizedList):
-    def concepts(self, observer):
-        return [iimaginary.IConcept(o)
-                for o in super(ExpressSurroundings, self).concepts(observer)
-                if o is not observer]
-class Container(item.Item, Containment, _Enhancement):
-    """
-    A generic L{_Enhancement} that implements containment.
-    """
-    contentsTemplate = attributes.text(
-        doc="""
-        Define how the contents of this container are presented to observers.
-        Certain substrings will be given special treatment.
-        @see: L{imaginary.language.ConceptTemplate}
-        """,
-        allowNone=True, default=None)
-    capacity = attributes.integer(
-        doc="""
-        Units of weight which can be contained.
-        """, allowNone=False, default=1)
-    closed = attributes.boolean(
-        doc="""
-        Indicates whether the container is currently closed or open.
-        """, allowNone=False, default=False)
-    thing = attributes.reference(
-        doc="""
-        The object this container powers up.
-        """)
-class ExpressContents(language.Sentence):
-    """
-    A concept representing the things contained by another thing - excluding
-    the observer of the concept.
-    """
-    _CONDITION = CanSee(ProviderOf(iimaginary.IThing))
-    def _contentConcepts(self, observer):
-        """
-        Get concepts for the contents of the thing wrapped by this concept.
-        @param observer: The L{objects.Thing} which will observe these
-            concepts.
-        @return: A L{list} of the contents of C{self.original}, excluding
-            C{observer}.
-        """
-        container = self.original
-        idea = container.thing.idea
-        return [
-            concept
-            for concept
-            in idea.obtain(_ContainedBy(self._CONDITION, container))
-            if concept is not observer]
-    @property
-    def template(self):
-        """
-        This is the template string which is used to construct the overall
-        concept, indicating what the container is and what its contents are.
-        """
-        template = self.original.contentsTemplate
-        if template is None:
-            template = u"{subject:pronoun} contains {contents}."
-        return template
-    def expand(self, template, observer):
-        """
-        Expand the given template using the wrapped container's L{Thing} as the
-        subject.
-        C{u"contents"} is also available for substitution with the contents of
-        the container.
-        @return: An iterator of concepts derived from the given template.
-        """
-        return language.ConceptTemplate(template).expand(dict(
-                subject=self.original.thing,
-                contents=language.ItemizedList(self._contentConcepts(observer))))
-    def concepts(self, observer):
-        """
-        Return a L{list} of L{IConcept} providers which express the contents of
-        the wrapped container.
-        """
-        if self._contentConcepts(observer):
-            return list(self.expand(self.template, observer))
-        return []
-class ExpressCondition(language.BaseExpress):
-    implements(iimaginary.IConcept)
-    def vt102(self, observer):
-        return [
-            [T.bold, T.fg.yellow, language.Noun(
-                    self.original.thing).shortName().plaintext(observer)],
-            u" is ",
-            [T.bold, T.fg.red, self.original._condition(), u"."]]
-class Actable(object):
-    implements(iimaginary.IActor, iimaginary.IEventObserver)
-    powerupInterfaces = (iimaginary.IActor, iimaginary.IEventObserver,
-                         iimaginary.IDescriptionContributor)
-    # Yay, experience!
-    experience = 0
-    level = 0
-        'dead',
-        'dying',
-        'incapacitated',
-        'mortally wounded',
-        'injured',
-        'bleeding',
-        'shaken up',
-        'fine',
-        'chipper',
-        'great')
-    # IDescriptionContributor
-    def conceptualize(self):
-        return ExpressCondition(self)
-    def _condition(self):
-        if self.hitpoints.current == 0:
-            return self.CONDITIONS[0]
-        ratio = self.hitpoints.current / self.hitpoints.max
-        idx = int(ratio * (len(self.CONDITIONS) - 2))
-        return self.CONDITIONS[idx + 1]
-    # IActor
-    def send(self, *event):
-        if len(event) != 1 or isinstance(event[0], (str, tuple)):
-            event = events.Success(
-                actor=self.thing,
-                actorMessage=event)
-        else:
-            event = event[0]
-        self.prepare(event)()
-    # IEventObserver
-    def prepare(self, concept):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.IEventObserver.prepare} to prepare C{concept}
-        with this L{Actable}'s C{intelligence}, if it has one; otherwise,
-        return a callable that does nothing.
-        """
-        intelligence = self.getIntelligence()
-        if intelligence is not None:
-            return intelligence.prepare(concept)
-        return lambda: None
-    def gainExperience(self, amount):
-        experience = self.experience + amount
-        level = int(math.log(experience) / math.log(2))
-        evt = None
-        if level > self.level:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=self.thing,
-                actorMessage=("You gain ", level - self.level, " levels!\n"))
-        elif level < self.level:
-            evt = events.Success(
-                actor=self.thing,
-                actorMessage=("You lose ", self.level - level, " levels!\n"))
-        self.level = level
-        self.experience = experience
-        if evt is not None:
-            self.send(evt)
-class Actor(item.Item, Actable, _Enhancement):
-    hitpoints = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    """)
-    stamina = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    """)
-    strength = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    """)
-    _ephemeralIntelligence = attributes.inmemory(doc="""
-    Maybe the L{IEventObserver} associated with this actor, generally a
-    L{wiring.player.Player} instance.
-    """)
-    _enduringIntelligence = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    Maybe the persistent L{IEventObserver} associated with this actor.
-    Generally used with NPCs.
-    """)
-    thing = attributes.reference(doc="""
-    The L{IThing} that this is installed on.
-    """)
-    level = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    Don't you hate level-based games?  They're so stupid.
-    """, default=0, allowNone=False)
-    experience = attributes.integer(doc="""
-    XP!  Come on, you know what this is.
-    """, default=0, allowNone=False)
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        super(Actor, self).__init__(**kw)
-        if self.hitpoints is None:
-            self.hitpoints = Points(store=self.store, max=100)
-        if self.stamina is None:
-            self.stamina = Points(store=self.store, max=100)
-        if self.strength is None:
-            self.strength = Points(store=self.store, max=100)
-    def activate(self):
-        self._ephemeralIntelligence = None
-    def setEphemeralIntelligence(self, intelligence):
-        """
-        Set the ephemeral intelligence, generally one representing a PC's user
-        interface.
-        """
-        if self._enduringIntelligence:
-            raise ValueError("Tried setting an ephemeral intelligence %r when "
-                             "an enduring intelligence %r already existed"
-                             % (intelligence, self._enduringIntelligence))
-        self._ephemeralIntelligence = intelligence
-    def setEnduringIntelligence(self, intelligence):
-        """
-        Set the enduring intelligence, generally one representing an NPC's AI.
-        """
-        if self._ephemeralIntelligence:
-            raise ValueError("Tried setting an enduring intelligence %r when "
-                             "an ephemeral intelligence %r already existed"
-                             % (intelligence, self._ephemeralIntelligence))
-        self._enduringIntelligence = intelligence
-    def getIntelligence(self):
-        """
-        Get the current intelligence, be it ephemeral or enduring.
-        """
-        if self._ephemeralIntelligence is not None:
-            return self._ephemeralIntelligence
-        return self._enduringIntelligence
-class LocationLighting(item.Item, _Enhancement):
-    """
-    A L{LocationLighting} is an enhancement for a location which allows the
-    location's description and behavior to depend on its lighting.  While
-    L{LocationLighting} includes its own ambient lighting number, it is not
-    really a light source, it's just a location which is I{affected by} light
-    sources; for lighting, you should use L{LightSource}.
-    By default, in Imaginary, rooms are considered by to be lit to an
-    acceptable level that actors can see and interact with both the room and
-    everything in it without worrying about light.  By contrast, any room that
-    can be dark needs to have a L{LocationLighting} installed.  A room affected
-    by a L{LocationLighting} which is lit will behave like a normal room, but a
-    room affected by a L{LocationLighting} with no available light sources will
-    prevent players from performing actions which require targets that need to
-    be seen, and seeing the room's description.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.ILocationLinkAnnotator)
-    powerupInterfaces = (iimaginary.ILocationLinkAnnotator,)
-    candelas = attributes.integer(
-        doc="""
-        The ambient luminous intensity in candelas.
-        See U{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candela}.
-        """, default=100, allowNone=False)
-    thing = attributes.reference(
-        doc="""
-        The location being affected by lighting.
-        """,
-        reftype=Thing,
-        allowNone=False,
-        whenDeleted=attributes.reference.CASCADE)
-    def getCandelas(self):
-        """
-        Sum the candelas of all light sources within a limited distance from
-        the location this is installed on and return the result.
-        """
-        sum = self.candelas
-        for candle in self.thing.idea.obtain(
-            Proximity(1, ProviderOf(iimaginary.ILightSource))):
-            sum += candle.candelas
-        return sum
-    def annotationsFor(self, link, idea):
-        """
-        Yield a L{_PossiblyDark} annotation for all links pointing to objects
-        located in the C{thing} attribute of this L{LocationLighting}.
-        """
-        if link.target is idea:
-            yield _PossiblyDark(self)
-class _DarkLocationProxy(structlike.record('thing')):
-    """
-    An L{IVisible} implementation for darkened locations.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IVisible)
-    def visualize(self):
-        """
-        Return a L{DescriptionConcept} that tells the player they can't see.
-        """
-        return language.DescriptionConcept(
-            u"Blackness",
-            u"You cannot see anything because it is very dark.")
-    def isViewOf(self, thing):
-        """
-        Implement L{IVisible.isViewOf} to delegate to this
-        L{_DarkLocationProxy}'s L{Thing}'s L{IVisible.isViewOf}.
-        In other words, this L{_DarkLocationProxy} C{isViewOf} its C{thing}.
-        """
-        return self.thing.isViewOf(thing)
-class LightSource(item.Item, _Enhancement):
-    """
-    A simple implementation of L{ILightSource} which provides a fixed number of
-    candelas of luminous intensity, assumed to be emitted uniformly in all
-    directions.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.ILightSource)
-    powerupInterfaces = (iimaginary.ILightSource,)
-    candelas = attributes.integer(
-        doc="""
-        The luminous intensity in candelas.
-        See U{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candela}.
-        """, default=1, allowNone=False)
-    thing = attributes.reference(
-        doc="""
-        The physical body emitting the light.
-        """,
-        reftype=Thing,
-        allowNone=False,
-        whenDeleted=attributes.reference.CASCADE)
-class _PossiblyDark(structlike.record("lighting")):
-    """
-    A L{_PossiblyDark} is a link annotation which specifies that the target of
-    the link may be affected by lighting.
-    @ivar lighting: the lighting for a particular location.
-    @type lighting: L{LocationLighting}
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IWhyNot, iimaginary.ILitLink)
-    def tellMeWhyNot(self):
-        """
-        Return a helpful message explaining why something may not be accessible
-        due to poor lighting.
-        """
-        return "It's too dark to see."
-    def isItLit(self, path, result):
-        """
-        Determine if the given result, viewed via the given path, appears to be
-        lit.
-        @return: L{True} if the result should be lit, L{False} if it is dark.
-        @rtype: C{bool}
-        """
-        # XXX wrong, we need to examine this exactly the same way applyLighting
-        # does.  CanSee and Visibility *are* the same object now so it is
-        # possible to do.
-        if self.lighting.getCandelas():
-            return True
-        litThing = list(path.eachTargetAs(iimaginary.IThing))[-1]
-        if _eventuallyContains(self.lighting.thing, litThing):
-            val = litThing is self.lighting.thing
-            #print 'checking if', litThing, 'is lit:', val
-            return val
-        else:
-            return True
-    def whyNotLit(self):
-        """
-        Return an L{iimaginary.IWhyNot} provider explaining why the target of
-        this link is not lit.  (Return 'self', since L{_PossiblyDark} is an
-        L{iimaginary.IWhyNot} provider itself.)
-        """
-        return self
-    def applyLighting(self, litThing, eventualTarget, requestedInterface):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.ILitLink.applyLighting} to return a
-        L{_DarkLocationProxy} for the room lit by this
-        L{_PossiblyDark.lighting}, C{None} for any items in that room, or
-        C{eventualTarget} if the target is in a different place.
-        """
-        if self.lighting.getCandelas():
-            return eventualTarget
-        elif (eventualTarget is self.lighting.thing and
-              requestedInterface is iimaginary.IVisible):
-            return _DarkLocationProxy(self.lighting.thing)
-        elif _eventuallyContains(self.lighting.thing, litThing):
-            return None
-        else:
-            return eventualTarget

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/imaginary/plugins'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/__init__.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/__init__.py	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys
-__path__ = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(x, *__name__.split('.'))) for x in sys.path]
-__all__ = []                    # nothing to see here, move along, move along

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/clothes.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/clothes.py	2007-08-17 04:46:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/clothes.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_garments -*-
-from imaginary.creation import CreationPluginHelper
-from imaginary.garments import (createShirt, createPants, createUnderwear)
-shirtPlugin = CreationPluginHelper('shirt', createShirt)
-pantsPlugin = CreationPluginHelper('pants', createPants)
-underwearPlugin = CreationPluginHelper('underwear', createUnderwear)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/imaginary_basic.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/imaginary_basic.py	2008-04-06 18:53:16 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/imaginary_basic.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test.test_create -*-
-Imaginary-supplied plugins for simple built-in functionality.
-from imaginary.creation import CreationPluginHelper, createCreator
-thingPlugin = CreationPluginHelper("thing", createCreator())

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/lighting.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/lighting.py	2007-08-17 04:46:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/plugins/lighting.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from imaginary.objects import LightSource
-from imaginary.creation import CreationPluginHelper, createCreator
-theTorchPlugin = CreationPluginHelper(
-    u"torch", createCreator((LightSource, {"candelas": 80})))

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/pyparsing.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/pyparsing.py	2007-08-17 04:46:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/pyparsing.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,2641 +0,0 @@
-# module pyparsing.py
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2006  Paul T. McGuire
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-# the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#  Todo:
-#  - add pprint() - pretty-print output of defined BNF
-#from __future__ import generators
-__doc__ = \
-pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars
-The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and executing simple grammars, 
-vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the use of regular expressions.  With pyparsing, you
-don't need to learn a new syntax for defining grammars or matching expressions - the parsing module 
-provides a library of classes that you use to construct the grammar directly in Python.
-Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form "<salutation>, <addressee>!")::
-    from pyparsing import Word, alphas
-    # define grammar of a greeting
-    greet = Word( alphas ) + "," + Word( alphas ) + "!" 
-    hello = "Hello, World!"
-    print hello, "->", greet.parseString( hello )
-The program outputs the following::
-    Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!']
-The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the self-explanatory 
-class names, and the use of '+', '|' and '^' operators.
-The parsed results returned from parseString() can be accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an 
-object with named attributes.
-The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically vexing when writing text parsers:
- - extra or missing whitespace (the above program will also handle "Hello,World!", "Hello  ,  World  !", etc.)
- - quoted strings
- - embedded comments
-__version__ = "1.4.2"
-__versionTime__ = "31 March 2006 17:53"
-__author__ = "Paul McGuire <ptmcg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
-import string
-import copy,sys
-import warnings
-import re
-#~ sys.stderr.write( "testing pyparsing module, version %s, %s\n" % (__version__,__versionTime__ ) )
-def _ustr(obj):
-    """Drop-in replacement for str(obj) that tries to be Unicode friendly. It first tries
-       str(obj). If that fails with a UnicodeEncodeError, then it tries unicode(obj). It
-       then < returns the unicode object | encodes it with the default encoding | ... >.
-    """
-    try:
-        # If this works, then _ustr(obj) has the same behaviour as str(obj), so
-        # it won't break any existing code.
-        return str(obj)
-    except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
-        # The Python docs (http://docs.python.org/ref/customization.html#l2h-182)
-        # state that "The return value must be a string object". However, does a
-        # unicode object (being a subclass of basestring) count as a "string
-        # object"?
-        # If so, then return a unicode object:
-        return unicode(obj)
-        # Else encode it... but how? There are many choices... :)
-        # Replace unprintables with escape codes?
-        #return unicode(obj).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'backslashreplace_errors')
-        # Replace unprintables with question marks?
-        #return unicode(obj).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace')
-        # ...
-def _str2dict(strg):
-    return dict( [(c,0) for c in strg] )
-alphas     = string.lowercase + string.uppercase
-nums       = string.digits
-hexnums    = nums + "ABCDEFabcdef"
-alphanums  = alphas + nums    
-class ParseBaseException(Exception):
-    """base exception class for all parsing runtime exceptions"""
-    __slots__ = ( "loc","msg","pstr","parserElement" )
-    # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this
-    # constructor as small and fast as possible        
-    def __init__( self, pstr, loc, msg, elem=None ):
-        self.loc = loc
-        self.msg = msg
-        self.pstr = pstr
-        self.parserElement = elem
-    def __getattr__( self, aname ):
-        """supported attributes by name are:
-            - lineno - returns the line number of the exception text
-            - col - returns the column number of the exception text
-            - line - returns the line containing the exception text
-        """
-        if( aname == "lineno" ):
-            return lineno( self.loc, self.pstr )
-        elif( aname in ("col", "column") ):
-            return col( self.loc, self.pstr )
-        elif( aname == "line" ):
-            return line( self.loc, self.pstr )
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError, aname
-    def __str__( self ):
-        return "%s (at char %d), (line:%d, col:%d)" % ( self.msg, self.loc, self.lineno, self.column )
-    def __repr__( self ):
-        return _ustr(self)
-    def markInputline( self, markerString = ">!<" ):
-        """Extracts the exception line from the input string, and marks 
-           the location of the exception with a special symbol.
-        """
-        line_str = self.line
-        line_column = self.column - 1
-        if markerString:
-            line_str = "".join( [line_str[:line_column], markerString, line_str[line_column:]])
-        return line_str.strip()
-class ParseException(ParseBaseException):
-    """exception thrown when parse expressions don't match class"""
-    """supported attributes by name are:
-        - lineno - returns the line number of the exception text
-        - col - returns the column number of the exception text
-        - line - returns the line containing the exception text
-    """
-    pass
-class ParseFatalException(ParseBaseException):
-    """user-throwable exception thrown when inconsistent parse content
-       is found; stops all parsing immediately"""
-    pass
-class RecursiveGrammarException(Exception):
-    """exception thrown by validate() if the grammar could be improperly recursive"""
-    def __init__( self, parseElementList ):
-        self.parseElementTrace = parseElementList
-    def __str__( self ):
-        return "RecursiveGrammarException: %s" % self.parseElementTrace
-class ParseResults(object):
-    """Structured parse results, to provide multiple means of access to the parsed data:
-       - as a list (len(results))
-       - by list index (results[0], results[1], etc.)
-       - by attribute (results.<resultsName>)
-       """
-    __slots__ = ( "__toklist", "__tokdict", "__doinit", "__name", "__parent", "__modal" )
-    def __new__(cls, toklist, name=None, asList=True, modal=True ):
-        if isinstance(toklist, cls):
-            return toklist
-        retobj = object.__new__(cls)
-        retobj.__doinit = True
-        return retobj
-    # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this
-    # constructor as small and fast as possible
-    def __init__( self, toklist, name=None, asList=True, modal=True ):
-        if self.__doinit:
-            self.__doinit = False
-            self.__name = None
-            self.__parent = None
-            self.__modal = modal
-            if isinstance(toklist, list):
-                self.__toklist = toklist[:]
-            else:
-                self.__toklist = [toklist]
-            self.__tokdict = dict()
-        # this line is related to debugging the asXML bug
-        #~ asList = False
-        if name:
-            if not self.__name:
-                self.__modal = self.__modal and modal
-            if isinstance(name,int):
-                name = _ustr(name) # will always return a str, but use _ustr for consistency
-            self.__name = name
-            if not toklist in (None,'',[]):
-                if isinstance(toklist,basestring): 
-                    toklist = [ toklist ]
-                if asList:
-                    if isinstance(toklist,ParseResults):
-                        self[name] = (toklist.copy(),-1)
-                    else:
-                        self[name] = (ParseResults(toklist[0]),-1)
-                    self[name].__name = name
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        self[name] = toklist[0]
-                    except TypeError:
-                        self[name] = toklist
-    def __getitem__( self, i ):
-        if isinstance( i, (int,slice) ):
-            return self.__toklist[i]
-        else:
-            if self.__modal:
-                return self.__tokdict[i][-1][0]
-            else:
-                return ParseResults([ v[0] for v in self.__tokdict[i] ])
-    def __setitem__( self, k, v ):
-        if isinstance(v,tuple):
-            self.__tokdict[k] = self.__tokdict.get(k,list()) + [v]
-            sub = v[0]
-        else:
-            self.__tokdict[k] = self.__tokdict.get(k,list()) + [(v,0)]
-            sub = v
-        if isinstance(sub,ParseResults):
-            sub.__parent = self
-    def __delitem__( self, i ):
-        del self.__toklist[i]
-    def __contains__( self, k ):
-        return self.__tokdict.has_key(k)
-    def __len__( self ): return len( self.__toklist )
-    def __iter__( self ): return iter( self.__toklist )
-    def keys( self ): 
-        """Returns all named result keys."""
-        return self.__tokdict.keys()
-    def items( self ): 
-        """Returns all named result keys and values as a list of tuples."""
-        return [(k,v[-1][0]) for k,v in self.__tokdict.items()]
-    def values( self ): 
-        """Returns all named result values."""
-        return [ v[-1][0] for v in self.__tokdict.values() ]
-    def __getattr__( self, name ):
-        if name not in self.__slots__:
-            if self.__tokdict.has_key( name ):
-                if self.__modal:
-                    return self.__tokdict[name][-1][0]
-                else:
-                    return ParseResults([ v[0] for v in self.__tokdict[name] ])
-            else:
-                return ""
-        return None
-    def __iadd__( self, other ):
-        if other.__tokdict:
-            offset = len(self.__toklist)
-            addoffset = ( lambda a: (a<0 and offset) or (a+offset) )
-            otherdictitems = [(k,(v[0],addoffset(v[1])) ) for (k,vlist) in other.__tokdict.items() for v in vlist]
-            for k,v in otherdictitems:
-                self[k] = v
-                if isinstance(v[0],ParseResults):
-                    v[0].__parent = self
-        self.__toklist += other.__toklist
-        del other
-        return self
-    def __repr__( self ):
-        return "(%s, %s)" % ( repr( self.__toklist ), repr( self.__tokdict ) )
-    def __str__( self ):
-        out = "["
-        sep = ""
-        for i in self.__toklist:
-            if isinstance(i, ParseResults):
-                out += sep + _ustr(i)
-            else:
-                out += sep + repr(i)
-            sep = ", "
-        out += "]"
-        return out
-    def _asStringList( self, sep='' ):
-        out = []
-        for item in self.__toklist:
-            if out and sep:
-                out.append(sep)
-            if isinstance( item, ParseResults ):
-                out += item._asStringList()
-            else:
-                out.append( _ustr(item) )
-        return out
-    def asList( self ):
-        """Returns the parse results as a nested list of matching tokens, all converted to strings."""
-        out = []
-        for res in self.__toklist:
-            if isinstance(res,ParseResults):
-                out.append( res.asList() )
-            else:
-                out.append( res )
-        return out
-    def asDict( self ):
-        """Returns the named parse results as dictionary."""
-        return dict( self.items() )
-    def copy( self ):
-        """Returns a new copy of a ParseResults object."""
-        ret = ParseResults( self.__toklist )
-        ret.__tokdict = self.__tokdict.copy()
-        ret.__parent = self.__parent
-        ret.__modal = self.__modal
-        ret.__name = self.__name
-        return ret
-    def asXML( self, doctag=None, namedItemsOnly=False, indent="", formatted=True ):
-        """Returns the parse results as XML. Tags are created for tokens and lists that have defined results names."""
-        nl = "\n"
-        out = []
-        namedItems = dict( [ (v[1],k) for (k,vlist) in self.__tokdict.items() for v in vlist ] )
-        nextLevelIndent = indent + "  "
-        # collapse out indents if formatting is not desired
-        if not formatted:
-            indent = ""
-            nextLevelIndent = ""
-            nl = ""
-        selfTag = None
-        if doctag is not None:
-            selfTag = doctag
-        else:
-            if self.__name:
-                selfTag = self.__name
-        if not selfTag:
-            if namedItemsOnly:
-                return ""
-            else:
-                selfTag = "ITEM"
-        out += [ nl, indent, "<", selfTag, ">" ]
-        worklist = self.__toklist
-        for i,res in enumerate(worklist):
-            if isinstance(res,ParseResults):
-                if i in namedItems:
-                    out += [ res.asXML(namedItems[i], namedItemsOnly and doctag is None, nextLevelIndent,formatted)]
-                else:
-                    out += [ res.asXML(None, namedItemsOnly and doctag is None, nextLevelIndent,formatted)]
-            else:
-                # individual token, see if there is a name for it
-                resTag = None
-                if i in namedItems:
-                    resTag = namedItems[i]
-                if not resTag:
-                    if namedItemsOnly:
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        resTag = "ITEM"
-                out += [ nl, nextLevelIndent, "<", resTag, ">", _ustr(res), "</", resTag, ">" ]
-        out += [ nl, indent, "</", selfTag, ">" ]
-        return "".join(out)
-    def __lookup(self,sub):
-        for k,vlist in self.__tokdict.items():
-            for v,loc in vlist:
-                if sub is v:
-                    return k
-        return None
-    def getName(self):
-        """Returns the results name for this token expression."""
-        if self.__name:
-            return self.__name
-        elif self.__parent:
-            par = self.__parent
-            if par:
-                return par.__lookup(self)
-            else:
-                return None
-        elif (len(self) == 1 and 
-               len(self.__tokdict) == 1 and
-               self.__tokdict.values()[0][0][1] in (0,-1)):
-            return self.__tokdict.keys()[0]
-        else:
-            return None
-    def dump(self,indent='',depth=0):
-        """Diagnostic method for listing out the contents of a ParseResults.
-           Accepts an optional indent argument so that this string can be embedded
-           in a nested display of other data."""
-        out = []
-        keys = self.items()
-        keys.sort()
-        for k,v in keys:
-            if out:
-                out.append('\n')
-            out.append( "%s%s- %s: " % (indent,('  '*depth), k) )
-            if isinstance(v,ParseResults):
-                if v.keys():
-                    out.append('\n')
-                    out.append( self.dump(v,indent,depth+1) )
-                    out.append('\n')
-                else:
-                    out.append(str(v))
-            else:
-                out.append(str(v))
-        out.append('\n')
-        out.append( indent+str(self.asList()) )
-        return "".join(out)
-def col (loc,strg):
-    """Returns current column within a string, counting newlines as line separators.
-   The first column is number 1.
-   """
-    return loc - strg.rfind("\n", 0, loc)
-def lineno(loc,strg):
-    """Returns current line number within a string, counting newlines as line separators.
-   The first line is number 1.
-   """
-    return strg.count("\n",0,loc) + 1
-def line( loc, strg ):
-    """Returns the line of text containing loc within a string, counting newlines as line separators.
-       """
-    lastCR = strg.rfind("\n", 0, loc)
-    nextCR = strg.find("\n", loc)
-    if nextCR > 0:
-        return strg[lastCR+1:nextCR]
-    else:
-        return strg[lastCR+1:]
-def _defaultStartDebugAction( instring, loc, expr ):
-    print "Match",expr,"at loc",loc,"(%d,%d)" % ( lineno(loc,instring), col(loc,instring) )
-def _defaultSuccessDebugAction( instring, startloc, endloc, expr, toks ):
-    print "Matched",expr,"->",toks.asList()
-def _defaultExceptionDebugAction( instring, loc, expr, exc ):
-    print "Exception raised:", exc
-def nullDebugAction(*args):
-    """'Do-nothing' debug action, to suppress debugging output during parsing."""
-    pass
-class ParserElement(object):
-    """Abstract base level parser element class."""
-    DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = " \n\t\r"
-    def setDefaultWhitespaceChars( chars ):
-        """Overrides the default whitespace chars
-        """
-        ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = chars
-    setDefaultWhitespaceChars = staticmethod(setDefaultWhitespaceChars)
-    def __init__( self, savelist=False ):
-        self.parseAction = list()
-        #~ self.name = "<unknown>"  # don't define self.name, let subclasses try/except upcall
-        self.strRepr = None
-        self.resultsName = None
-        self.saveAsList = savelist
-        self.skipWhitespace = True
-        self.whiteChars = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = False
-        self.keepTabs = False
-        self.ignoreExprs = list()
-        self.debug = False
-        self.streamlined = False
-        self.mayIndexError = True
-        self.errmsg = ""
-        self.modalResults = True
-        self.debugActions = ( None, None, None )
-        self.re = None
-    def copy( self ):
-        """Make a copy of this ParserElement.  Useful for defining different parse actions
-           for the same parsing pattern, using copies of the original parse element."""
-        cpy = copy.copy( self )
-        cpy.parseAction = self.parseAction[:]
-        cpy.ignoreExprs = self.ignoreExprs[:]
-        cpy.whiteChars = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
-        return cpy
-    def setName( self, name ):
-        """Define name for this expression, for use in debugging."""
-        self.name = name
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        return self
-    def setResultsName( self, name, listAllMatches=False ):
-        """Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute 
-           of the returned parse results.
-           NOTE: this returns a *copy* of the original ParserElement object;
-           this is so that the client can define a basic element, such as an
-           integer, and reference it in multiple places with different names.
-        """
-        newself = self.copy()
-        newself.resultsName = name
-        newself.modalResults = not listAllMatches
-        return newself
-    def setParseAction( self, *fns ):
-        """Define action to perform when successfully matching parse element definition.
-           Parse action fn is a callable method with the arguments (s, loc, toks) where:
-            - s   = the original string being parsed
-            - loc = the location of the matching substring
-            - toks = a list of the matched tokens, packaged as a ParseResults object
-           If the functions in fns modify the tokens, it can return them as the return
-           value from fn, and the modified list of tokens will replace the original.
-           Otherwise, fn does not need to return any value.
-        """
-        self.parseAction += fns
-        return self
-    def skipIgnorables( self, instring, loc ):
-        exprsFound = True
-        while exprsFound:
-            exprsFound = False
-            for e in self.ignoreExprs:
-                try:
-                    while 1:
-                        loc,dummy = e._parse( instring, loc )
-                        exprsFound = True
-                except ParseException:
-                    pass
-        return loc
-    def preParse( self, instring, loc ):
-        if self.ignoreExprs:
-            loc = self.skipIgnorables( instring, loc )
-        if self.skipWhitespace:
-            wt = self.whiteChars
-            instrlen = len(instring)
-            while loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in wt:
-                loc += 1
-        return loc
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        return loc, []
-    def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ):
-        return tokenlist
-    #~ @profile
-    def _parseNoCache( self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True ):
-        debugging = ( self.debug ) #and doActions )
-        if debugging:
-            #~ print "Match",self,"at loc",loc,"(%d,%d)" % ( lineno(loc,instring), col(loc,instring) )
-            if (self.debugActions[0] ):
-                self.debugActions[0]( instring, loc, self )
-            if callPreParse:
-                loc = self.preParse( instring, loc )
-            tokensStart = loc
-            try:
-                try:
-                    loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, loc, doActions )
-                except IndexError:
-                    raise ParseException( instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self )
-            except ParseException, err:
-                #~ print "Exception raised:", err
-                if (self.debugActions[2] ):
-                    self.debugActions[2]( instring, tokensStart, self, err )
-                raise
-        else:
-            if callPreParse:
-                loc = self.preParse( instring, loc )
-            tokensStart = loc
-            if self.mayIndexError or loc >= len(instring):
-                try:
-                    loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, loc, doActions )
-                except IndexError:
-                    raise ParseException( instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self )
-            else:
-                loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, loc, doActions )
-        tokens = self.postParse( instring, loc, tokens )
-        retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, self.resultsName, asList=self.saveAsList, modal=self.modalResults )
-        if self.parseAction and doActions:
-            if debugging:
-                try:
-                    for fn in self.parseAction:
-                        tokens = fn( instring, tokensStart, retTokens )
-                        if tokens is not None:
-                            if isinstance(tokens,tuple):
-                                tokens = tokens[1]
-                                warnings.warn("Returning loc from parse actions is deprecated, return only modified tokens", DeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2)
-                            retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, 
-                                                      self.resultsName, 
-                                                      asList=self.saveAsList and isinstance(tokens,(ParseResults,list)), 
-                                                      modal=self.modalResults )
-                except ParseException, err:
-                    #~ print "Exception raised in user parse action:", err
-                    if (self.debugActions[2] ):
-                        self.debugActions[2]( instring, tokensStart, self, err )
-                    raise
-            else:
-                for fn in self.parseAction:
-                    tokens = fn( instring, tokensStart, retTokens )
-                    if tokens is not None:
-                        if isinstance(tokens,tuple):
-                            tokens = tokens[1]
-                            warnings.warn("Returning loc from parse actions is deprecated, return only modified tokens", DeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2)
-                        retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, 
-                                                  self.resultsName, 
-                                                  asList=self.saveAsList and isinstance(tokens,(ParseResults,list)), 
-                                                  modal=self.modalResults )
-        if debugging:
-            #~ print "Matched",self,"->",retTokens.asList()
-            if (self.debugActions[1] ):
-                self.debugActions[1]( instring, tokensStart, loc, self, retTokens )
-        return loc, retTokens
-    def tryParse( self, instring, loc ):
-        return self._parse( instring, loc, doActions=False )[0]
-    # this method gets repeatedly called during backtracking with the same arguments -
-    # we can cache these arguments and save ourselves the trouble of re-parsing the contained expression
-    def _parseCache( self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True ):
-        lookup = (self,instring,loc,callPreParse)
-        if lookup in ParserElement._exprArgCache:
-            value = ParserElement._exprArgCache[ lookup ]
-            if isinstance(value,Exception):
-                if isinstance(value,ParseBaseException):
-                    value.loc = loc
-                raise value
-            return value
-        else:
-            try:
-                ParserElement._exprArgCache[ lookup ] = \
-                    value = self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
-                return value
-            except Exception, pe:
-                ParserElement._exprArgCache[ lookup ] = pe
-                raise
-    _parse = _parseNoCache
-    # argument cache for optimizing repeated calls when backtracking through recursive expressions
-    _exprArgCache = {}
-    def resetCache():
-        ParserElement._exprArgCache.clear()
-    resetCache = staticmethod(resetCache)
-    _packratEnabled = False
-    def enablePackrat():
-        """Enables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic.
-           Repeated parse attempts at the same string location (which happens 
-           often in many complex grammars) can immediately return a cached value, 
-           instead of re-executing parsing/validating code.  Memoizing is done of
-           both valid results and parsing exceptions.
-           This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that 
-           have side-effects.  For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when
-           you first import pyparsing.  To activate the packrat feature, your
-           program must call the class method ParserElement.enablePackrat().  If
-           your program uses psyco to "compile as you go", you must call 
-           enablePackrat before calling psyco.full().  If you do not do this,
-           Python will crash.  For best results, call enablePackrat() immediately
-           after importing pyparsing.
-        """
-        if not ParserElement._packratEnabled:
-            ParserElement._packratEnabled = True
-            ParserElement._parse = ParserElement._parseCache
-    enablePackrat = staticmethod(enablePackrat)
-    def parseString( self, instring ):
-        """Execute the parse expression with the given string.
-           This is the main interface to the client code, once the complete 
-           expression has been built.
-        """
-        ParserElement.resetCache()
-        if not self.streamlined:
-            self.streamline()
-            self.saveAsList = True
-        for e in self.ignoreExprs:
-            e.streamline()
-        if self.keepTabs:
-            loc, tokens = self._parse( instring, 0 )
-        else:
-            loc, tokens = self._parse( instring.expandtabs(), 0 )
-        return tokens
-    def scanString( self, instring ):
-        """Scan the input string for expression matches.  Each match will return the matching tokens, start location, and end location."""
-        if not self.streamlined:
-            self.streamline()
-        for e in self.ignoreExprs:
-            e.streamline()
-        if not self.keepTabs:
-            instring = instring.expandtabs()
-        instrlen = len(instring)
-        loc = 0
-        preparseFn = self.preParse
-        parseFn = self._parse
-        ParserElement.resetCache()
-        while loc < instrlen:
-            try:
-                loc = preparseFn( instring, loc )
-                nextLoc,tokens = parseFn( instring, loc, callPreParse=False )
-            except ParseException:
-                loc += 1
-            else:
-                yield tokens, loc, nextLoc
-                loc = nextLoc
-    def transformString( self, instring ):
-        """Extension to scanString, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may
-           be returned from a parse action.  To use transformString, define a grammar and 
-           attach a parse action to it that modifies the returned token list.  
-           Invoking transformString() on a target string will then scan for matches, 
-           and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse 
-           action.  transformString() returns the resulting transformed string."""
-        out = []
-        lastE = 0
-        # force preservation of <TAB>s, to minimize unwanted transformation of string, and to
-        # keep string locs straight between transformString and scanString
-        self.keepTabs = True
-        for t,s,e in self.scanString( instring ):
-            out.append( instring[lastE:s] )
-            if t:
-                if isinstance(t,ParseResults):
-                    out += t.asList()
-                elif isinstance(t,list):
-                    out += t
-                else:
-                    out.append(t)
-            lastE = e
-        out.append(instring[lastE:])
-        return "".join(out)
-    def searchString( self, instring ):
-        """Another extension to scanString, simplifying the access to the tokens found
-           to match the given parse expression.
-        """
-        return [ t[0] for t,s,e in self.scanString( instring ) ]
-    def __add__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of + operator - returns And"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return And( [ self, other ] )
-    def __radd__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of += operator"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return other + self
-    def __or__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of | operator - returns MatchFirst"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return MatchFirst( [ self, other ] )
-    def __ror__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of |= operator"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return other | self
-    def __xor__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of ^ operator - returns Or"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return Or( [ self, other ] )
-    def __rxor__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of ^= operator"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return other ^ self
-    def __and__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of & operator - returns Each"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return Each( [ self, other ] )
-    def __rand__(self, other ):
-        """Implementation of right-& operator"""
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ):
-            warnings.warn("Cannot add element of type %s to ParserElement" % type(other),
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        return other & self
-    def __invert__( self ):
-        """Implementation of ~ operator - returns NotAny"""
-        return NotAny( self )
-    def suppress( self ):
-        """Suppresses the output of this ParserElement; useful to keep punctuation from
-           cluttering up returned output.
-        """
-        return Suppress( self )
-    def leaveWhitespace( self ):
-        """Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the 
-           ParserElement's defined pattern.  This is normally only used internally by
-           the pyparsing module, but may be needed in some whitespace-sensitive grammars.
-        """
-        self.skipWhitespace = False
-        return self
-    def setWhitespaceChars( self, chars ):
-        """Overrides the default whitespace chars
-        """
-        self.skipWhitespace = True
-        self.whiteChars = chars
-    def parseWithTabs( self ):
-        """Overrides default behavior to expand <TAB>s to spaces before parsing the input string.
-           Must be called before parseString when the input grammar contains elements that 
-           match <TAB> characters."""
-        self.keepTabs = True
-        return self
-    def ignore( self, other ):
-        """Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern 
-           matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other
-           ignorable patterns.
-        """
-        if isinstance( other, Suppress ):
-            if other not in self.ignoreExprs:
-                self.ignoreExprs.append( other )
-        else:
-            self.ignoreExprs.append( Suppress( other ) )
-        return self
-    def setDebugActions( self, startAction, successAction, exceptionAction ):
-        """Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching."""
-        self.debugActions = (startAction or _defaultStartDebugAction, 
-                             successAction or _defaultSuccessDebugAction, 
-                             exceptionAction or _defaultExceptionDebugAction)
-        self.debug = True
-        return self
-    def setDebug( self, flag=True ):
-        """Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching."""
-        if flag:
-            self.setDebugActions( _defaultStartDebugAction, _defaultSuccessDebugAction, _defaultExceptionDebugAction )
-        else:
-            self.debug = False
-        return self
-    def __str__( self ):
-        return self.name
-    def __repr__( self ):
-        return _ustr(self)
-    def streamline( self ):
-        self.streamlined = True
-        self.strRepr = None
-        return self
-    def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ):
-        pass
-    def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ):
-        """Check defined expressions for valid structure, check for infinite recursive definitions."""
-        self.checkRecursion( [] )
-    def parseFile( self, file_or_filename ):
-        """Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename.
-           If a filename is specified (instead of a file object),
-           the entire file is opened, read, and closed before parsing.
-        """
-        try:
-            file_contents = file_or_filename.read()
-        except AttributeError:
-            f = open(file_or_filename, "rb")
-            file_contents = f.read()
-            f.close()
-        return self.parseString(file_contents)
-class Token(ParserElement):
-    """Abstract ParserElement subclass, for defining atomic matching patterns."""
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(Token,self).__init__( savelist=False )
-        self.myException = ParseException("",0,"",self)
-    def setName(self, name):
-        s = super(Token,self).setName(name)
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        s.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        return s
-class Empty(Token):
-    """An empty token, will always match."""
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(Empty,self).__init__()
-        self.name = "Empty"
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-class NoMatch(Token):
-    """A token that will never match."""
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(NoMatch,self).__init__()
-        self.name = "NoMatch"
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-        self.errmsg = "Unmatchable token"
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        exc = self.myException
-        exc.loc = loc
-        exc.pstr = instring
-        raise exc
-class Literal(Token):
-    """Token to exactly match a specified string."""
-    def __init__( self, matchString ):
-        super(Literal,self).__init__()
-        self.match = matchString
-        self.matchLen = len(matchString)
-        try:
-            self.firstMatchChar = matchString[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            warnings.warn("null string passed to Literal; use Empty() instead", 
-                            SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-            self.__class__ = Empty
-        self.name = '"%s"' % self.match
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = False
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-    # Performance tuning: this routine gets called a *lot*
-    # if this is a single character match string  and the first character matches,
-    # short-circuit as quickly as possible, and avoid calling startswith
-    #~ @profile
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if (instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and
-            (self.matchLen==1 or instring.startswith(self.match,loc)) ):
-            return loc+self.matchLen, self.match
-        #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-        exc = self.myException
-        exc.loc = loc
-        exc.pstr = instring
-        raise exc
-class Keyword(Token):
-    """Token to exactly match a specified string as a keyword, that is, it must be 
-       immediately followed by a non-keyword character.  Compare with Literal::
-         Literal("if") will match the leading 'if' in 'ifAndOnlyIf'.
-         Keyword("if") will not; it will only match the leading 'if in 'if x=1', or 'if(y==2)'
-       Accepts two optional constructor arguments in addition to the keyword string:
-       identChars is a string of characters that would be valid identifier characters,
-       defaulting to all alphanumerics + "_" and "$"; caseless allows case-insensitive
-       matching, default is False.
-    """
-    DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = alphanums+"_$"
-    def __init__( self, matchString, identChars=DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS, caseless=False ):
-        super(Keyword,self).__init__()
-        self.match = matchString
-        self.matchLen = len(matchString)
-        try:
-            self.firstMatchChar = matchString[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            warnings.warn("null string passed to Keyword; use Empty() instead", 
-                            SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        self.name = '"%s"' % self.match
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = False
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-        self.caseless = caseless
-        if caseless:
-            self.caselessmatch = matchString.upper()
-            identChars = identChars.upper()
-        self.identChars = _str2dict(identChars)
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if self.caseless:
-            if ( (instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.caselessmatch) and
-                 (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars) and
-                 (loc == 0 or instring[loc-1].upper() not in self.identChars) ):
-                return loc+self.matchLen, self.match
-        else:
-            if (instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and
-                (self.matchLen==1 or instring.startswith(self.match,loc)) and
-                (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen] not in self.identChars) and
-                (loc == 0 or instring[loc-1] not in self.identChars) ):
-                return loc+self.matchLen, self.match
-        #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-        exc = self.myException
-        exc.loc = loc
-        exc.pstr = instring
-        raise exc
-    def copy(self):
-        c = super(Keyword,self).copy()
-        c.identChars = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS
-        return c
-    def setDefaultKeywordChars( chars ):
-        """Overrides the default Keyword chars
-        """
-        Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = chars
-    setDefaultKeywordChars = staticmethod(setDefaultKeywordChars)        
-class CaselessLiteral(Literal):
-    """Token to match a specified string, ignoring case of letters.
-       Note: the matched results will always be in the case of the given
-       match string, NOT the case of the input text.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, matchString ):
-        super(CaselessLiteral,self).__init__( matchString.upper() )
-        # Preserve the defining literal.
-        self.returnString = matchString
-        self.name = "'%s'" % self.returnString
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.match:
-            return loc+self.matchLen, self.returnString
-        #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-        exc = self.myException
-        exc.loc = loc
-        exc.pstr = instring
-        raise exc
-class CaselessKeyword(Keyword):
-    def __init__( self, matchString, identChars=Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS ):
-        super(CaselessKeyword,self).__init__( matchString, identChars, caseless=True )
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if ( (instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.caselessmatch) and
-             (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars) ):
-            return loc+self.matchLen, self.match
-        #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-        exc = self.myException
-        exc.loc = loc
-        exc.pstr = instring
-        raise exc
-class Word(Token):
-    """Token for matching words composed of allowed character sets.
-       Defined with string containing all allowed initial characters,
-       an optional string containing allowed body characters (if omitted,
-       defaults to the initial character set), and an optional minimum,
-       maximum, and/or exact length.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, initChars, bodyChars=None, min=1, max=0, exact=0 ):
-        super(Word,self).__init__()
-        self.initCharsOrig = initChars
-        self.initChars = _str2dict(initChars)
-        if bodyChars :
-            self.bodyCharsOrig = bodyChars
-            self.bodyChars = _str2dict(bodyChars)
-        else:
-            self.bodyCharsOrig = initChars
-            self.bodyChars = _str2dict(initChars)
-        self.maxSpecified = max > 0
-        self.minLen = min
-        if max > 0:
-            self.maxLen = max
-        else:
-            self.maxLen = sys.maxint
-        if exact > 0:
-            self.maxLen = exact
-            self.minLen = exact
-        self.name = _ustr(self)
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-        if ' ' not in self.initCharsOrig+self.bodyCharsOrig and (min==1 and max==0 and exact==0):
-            if self.bodyCharsOrig == self.initCharsOrig:
-                self.reString = "[%s]+" % _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.initCharsOrig)
-            elif len(self.bodyCharsOrig) == 1:
-                self.reString = "%s[%s]*" % \
-                                      (re.escape(self.initCharsOrig),
-                                      _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.bodyCharsOrig),)
-            else:
-                self.reString = "[%s][%s]*" % \
-                                      (_escapeRegexRangeChars(self.initCharsOrig),
-                                      _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.bodyCharsOrig),)
-            try:
-                self.re = re.compile( self.reString )
-            except:
-                self.re = None
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if self.re:
-            result = self.re.match(instring,loc)
-            if not result:
-                exc = self.myException
-                exc.loc = loc
-                exc.pstr = instring
-                raise exc
-            loc = result.end()
-            return loc,result.group()
-        if not(instring[ loc ] in self.initChars):
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        start = loc
-        loc += 1
-        instrlen = len(instring)
-        bodychars = self.bodyChars
-        maxloc = start + self.maxLen
-        maxloc = min( maxloc, instrlen )
-        while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in bodychars:
-            loc += 1
-        throwException = False
-        if loc - start < self.minLen:
-            throwException = True
-        if self.maxSpecified and loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in bodychars:
-            throwException = True
-        if throwException:
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        return loc, instring[start:loc]
-    def __str__( self ):
-        try:
-            return super(Word,self).__str__()
-        except:
-            pass
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            def charsAsStr(s):
-                if len(s)>4:
-                    return s[:4]+"..."
-                else:
-                    return s
-            if ( self.initCharsOrig != self.bodyCharsOrig ):
-                self.strRepr = "W:(%s,%s)" % ( charsAsStr(self.initCharsOrig), charsAsStr(self.bodyCharsOrig) )
-            else:
-                self.strRepr = "W:(%s)" % charsAsStr(self.initCharsOrig)
-        return self.strRepr
-class Regex(Token):
-    """Token for matching strings that match a given regular expression.
-       Defined with string specifying the regular expression in a form recognized by the inbuilt Python re module.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, pattern, flags=0):
-        """The parameters pattern and flags are passed to the re.compile() function as-is. See the Python re module for an explanation of the acceptable patterns and flags."""
-        super(Regex,self).__init__()
-        if len(pattern) == 0:
-            warnings.warn("null string passed to Regex; use Empty() instead", 
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        self.pattern = pattern
-        self.flags = flags
-        try:
-            self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags)
-            self.reString = self.pattern
-        except Exception,e:
-            warnings.warn("invalid pattern (%s) passed to Regex" % pattern, 
-                SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-            raise
-        self.name = _ustr(self)
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        result = self.re.match(instring,loc)
-        if not result:
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        loc = result.end()
-        d = result.groupdict()
-        ret = ParseResults(result.group())
-        if d:
-            for k in d.keys():
-                ret[k] = d[k]
-        return loc,ret
-    def __str__( self ):
-        try:
-            return super(Regex,self).__str__()
-        except:
-            pass
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "Re:(%s)" % repr(self.pattern)
-        return self.strRepr
-class QuotedString(Token):
-    """Token for matching strings that are delimited by quoting characters.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, quoteChar, escChar=None, escQuote=None, multiline=False, unquoteResults=True, endQuoteChar=None):
-        """
-           Defined with the following parameters:
-           - quoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the quote delimiting string
-           - escChar - character to escape quotes, typically backslash (default=None)
-           - escQuote - special quote sequence to escape an embedded quote string (such as SQL's "" to escape an embedded ") (default=None)
-           - multiline - boolean indicating whether quotes can span multiple lines (default=False)
-           - unquoteResults - boolean indicating whether the matched text should be unquoted (default=True)
-           - endQuoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the end of the quote delimited string (default=None => same as quoteChar)
-        """
-        super(QuotedString,self).__init__()
-        # remove white space from quote chars - wont work anyway
-        quoteChar = quoteChar.strip()
-        if len(quoteChar) == 0:
-            warnings.warn("quoteChar cannot be the empty string",SyntaxWarning,stacklevel=2)
-            raise SyntaxError()
-        if endQuoteChar is None:
-            endQuoteChar = quoteChar
-        else:
-            endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar.strip()
-            if len(endQuoteChar) == 0:
-                warnings.warn("endQuoteChar cannot be the empty string",SyntaxWarning,stacklevel=2)
-                raise SyntaxError()
-        self.quoteChar = quoteChar
-        self.quoteCharLen = len(quoteChar)
-        self.firstQuoteChar = quoteChar[0]
-        self.endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar
-        self.endQuoteCharLen = len(endQuoteChar)
-        self.escChar = escChar
-        self.escQuote = escQuote
-        self.unquoteResults = unquoteResults
-        if multiline:
-            self.flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
-            self.pattern = r'%s([^%s%s]' % \
-                ( re.escape(self.quoteChar),
-                  _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[0]),
-                  (escChar is not None and _escapeRegexRangeChars(escChar) or '') )
-        else:
-            self.flags = 0
-            self.pattern = r'%s([^%s\n\r%s]' % \
-                ( re.escape(self.quoteChar),
-                  _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[0]),
-                  (escChar is not None and _escapeRegexRangeChars(escChar) or '') )
-        if len(self.endQuoteChar) > 1:
-            self.pattern += (
-                '|(' + ')|('.join(["%s[^%s]" % (re.escape(self.endQuoteChar[:i]),
-                                               _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[i])) 
-                                    for i in range(len(self.endQuoteChar)-1,0,-1)]) + ')'
-                )
-        if escQuote:
-            self.pattern += (r'|(%s)' % re.escape(escQuote))
-        if escChar:
-            self.pattern += (r'|(%s.)' % re.escape(escChar))
-            self.escCharReplacePattern = re.escape(self.escChar)+"(.)"
-        self.pattern += (r')*%s' % re.escape(self.endQuoteChar))
-        try:
-            self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags)
-            self.reString = self.pattern
-        except Exception,e:
-            warnings.warn("invalid pattern (%s) passed to Regex" % self.pattern, 
-                SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-            raise
-        self.name = _ustr(self)
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        result = instring[loc] == self.firstQuoteChar and self.re.match(instring,loc) or None
-        if not result:
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        loc = result.end()
-        ret = result.group()
-        if self.unquoteResults:
-            # strip off quotes
-            ret = ret[self.quoteCharLen:-self.endQuoteCharLen]
-            if isinstance(ret,basestring):
-                # replace escaped characters
-                if self.escChar:
-                    ret = re.sub(self.escCharReplacePattern,"\g<1>",ret)
-                # replace escaped quotes
-                if self.escQuote:
-                    ret = ret.replace(self.escQuote, self.endQuoteChar)
-        return loc, ret
-    def __str__( self ):
-        try:
-            return super(QuotedString,self).__str__()
-        except:
-            pass
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "quoted string, starting with %s ending with %s" % (self.quoteChar, self.endQuoteChar)
-        return self.strRepr
-class CharsNotIn(Token):
-    """Token for matching words composed of characters *not* in a given set.
-       Defined with string containing all disallowed characters, and an optional 
-       minimum, maximum, and/or exact length.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, notChars, min=1, max=0, exact=0 ):
-        super(CharsNotIn,self).__init__()
-        self.skipWhitespace = False
-        self.notChars = notChars
-        self.minLen = min
-        if max > 0:
-            self.maxLen = max
-        else:
-            self.maxLen = sys.maxint
-        if exact > 0:
-            self.maxLen = exact
-            self.minLen = exact
-        self.name = _ustr(self)
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = ( self.minLen == 0 )
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if instring[loc] in self.notChars:
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        start = loc
-        loc += 1
-        notchars = self.notChars
-        maxlen = min( start+self.maxLen, len(instring) )
-        while loc < maxlen and \
-              (instring[loc] not in notchars):
-            loc += 1
-        if loc - start < self.minLen:
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        return loc, instring[start:loc]
-    def __str__( self ):
-        try:
-            return super(CharsNotIn, self).__str__()
-        except:
-            pass
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            if len(self.notChars) > 4:
-                self.strRepr = "!W:(%s...)" % self.notChars[:4]
-            else:
-                self.strRepr = "!W:(%s)" % self.notChars
-        return self.strRepr
-class White(Token):
-    """Special matching class for matching whitespace.  Normally, whitespace is ignored
-       by pyparsing grammars.  This class is included when some whitespace structures
-       are significant.  Define with a string containing the whitespace characters to be
-       matched; default is " \\t\\n".  Also takes optional min, max, and exact arguments,
-       as defined for the Word class."""
-    whiteStrs = {
-        " " : "<SPC>",
-        "\t": "<TAB>",
-        "\n": "<LF>",
-        "\r": "<CR>",
-        "\f": "<FF>",
-        }
-    def __init__(self, ws=" \t\r\n", min=1, max=0, exact=0):
-        super(White,self).__init__()
-        self.matchWhite = ws
-        self.whiteChars = "".join([c for c in self.whiteChars if c not in self.matchWhite])
-        #~ self.leaveWhitespace()
-        self.name = ("".join([White.whiteStrs[c] for c in self.matchWhite]))
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-        self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-        self.minLen = min
-        if max > 0:
-            self.maxLen = max
-        else:
-            self.maxLen = sys.maxint
-        if exact > 0:
-            self.maxLen = exact
-            self.minLen = exact
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if not(instring[ loc ] in self.matchWhite):
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        start = loc
-        loc += 1
-        maxloc = start + self.maxLen
-        maxloc = min( maxloc, len(instring) )
-        while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in self.matchWhite:
-            loc += 1
-        if loc - start < self.minLen:
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        return loc, instring[start:loc]
-class PositionToken(Token):
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(PositionToken,self).__init__()
-        self.name=self.__class__.__name__
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-class GoToColumn(PositionToken):
-    """Token to advance to a specific column of input text; useful for tabular report scraping."""
-    def __init__( self, colno ):
-        super(GoToColumn,self).__init__()
-        self.col = colno
-    def preParse( self, instring, loc ):
-        if col(loc,instring) != self.col:
-            instrlen = len(instring)
-            if self.ignoreExprs:
-                loc = self.skipIgnorables( instring, loc )
-            while loc < instrlen and instring[loc].isspace() and col( loc, instring ) != self.col :
-                loc += 1
-        return loc
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        thiscol = col( loc, instring )
-        if thiscol > self.col:
-            raise ParseException( instring, loc, "Text not in expected column", self )
-        newloc = loc + self.col - thiscol
-        ret = instring[ loc: newloc ]
-        return newloc, ret
-class LineStart(PositionToken):
-    """Matches if current position is at the beginning of a line within the parse string"""
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(LineStart,self).__init__()
-        self.whiteChars = " \t"
-        self.errmsg = "Expected start of line"
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-    def preParse( self, instring, loc ):
-        loc = super(LineStart,self).preParse(instring,loc)
-        if instring[loc] == "\n":
-            loc += 1
-        return loc
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if not( loc==0 or ( loc<len(instring) and instring[loc-1] == "\n" ) ): #col(loc, instring) != 1:
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, "Expected start of line" )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        return loc, []
-class LineEnd(PositionToken):
-    """Matches if current position is at the end of a line within the parse string"""
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(LineEnd,self).__init__()
-        self.whiteChars = " \t"
-        self.errmsg = "Expected end of line"
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if loc<len(instring):
-            if instring[loc] == "\n":
-                return loc+1, "\n"
-            else:
-                #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, "Expected end of line" )
-                exc = self.myException
-                exc.loc = loc
-                exc.pstr = instring
-                raise exc
-        else:
-            return loc, []
-class StringStart(PositionToken):
-    """Matches if current position is at the beginning of the parse string"""
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(StringStart,self).__init__()
-        self.errmsg = "Expected start of text"
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if loc != 0:
-            # see if entire string up to here is just whitespace and ignoreables
-            if loc != self.preParse( instring, 0 ):
-                #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, "Expected start of text" )
-                exc = self.myException
-                exc.loc = loc
-                exc.pstr = instring
-                raise exc
-        return loc, []
-class StringEnd(PositionToken):
-    """Matches if current position is at the end of the parse string"""
-    def __init__( self ):
-        super(StringEnd,self).__init__()
-        self.errmsg = "Expected end of text"
-        self.myException.msg = self.errmsg
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if loc < len(instring):
-            #~ raise ParseException( instring, loc, "Expected end of text" )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        return loc, []
-class ParseExpression(ParserElement):
-    """Abstract subclass of ParserElement, for combining and post-processing parsed tokens."""
-    def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = False ):
-        super(ParseExpression,self).__init__(savelist)
-        if isinstance( exprs, list ):
-            self.exprs = exprs
-        elif isinstance( exprs, basestring ):
-            self.exprs = [ Literal( exprs ) ]
-        else:
-            self.exprs = [ exprs ]
-    def __getitem__( self, i ):
-        return self.exprs[i]
-    def append( self, other ):
-        self.exprs.append( other )
-        self.strRepr = None
-        return self
-    def leaveWhitespace( self ):
-        """Extends leaveWhitespace defined in base class, and also invokes leaveWhitespace on
-           all contained expressions."""
-        self.skipWhitespace = False
-        self.exprs = [ copy.copy(e) for e in self.exprs ]
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            e.leaveWhitespace()
-        return self
-    def ignore( self, other ):
-        if isinstance( other, Suppress ):
-            if other not in self.ignoreExprs:
-                super( ParseExpression, self).ignore( other )
-                for e in self.exprs:
-                    e.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] )
-        else:
-            super( ParseExpression, self).ignore( other )
-            for e in self.exprs:
-                e.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] )
-        return self
-    def __str__( self ):
-        try:
-            return super(ParseExpression,self).__str__()
-        except:
-            pass
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "%s:(%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, _ustr(self.exprs) )
-        return self.strRepr
-    def streamline( self ):
-        super(ParseExpression,self).streamline()
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            e.streamline()
-        # collapse nested And's of the form And( And( And( a,b), c), d) to And( a,b,c,d )
-        # but only if there are no parse actions or resultsNames on the nested And's
-        # (likewise for Or's and MatchFirst's)
-        if ( len(self.exprs) == 2 ):
-            other = self.exprs[0]
-            if ( isinstance( other, self.__class__ ) and
-                  not(other.parseAction) and
-                  other.resultsName is None and
-                  not other.debug ):
-                self.exprs = other.exprs[:] + [ self.exprs[1] ]
-                self.strRepr = None
-            other = self.exprs[-1]
-            if ( isinstance( other, self.__class__ ) and
-                  not(other.parseAction) and
-                  other.resultsName is None and
-                  not other.debug ):
-                self.exprs = self.exprs[:-1] + other.exprs[:]
-                self.strRepr = None
-        return self
-    def setResultsName( self, name, listAllMatches=False ):
-        ret = super(ParseExpression,self).setResultsName(name,listAllMatches)
-        #~ ret.saveAsList = True
-        return ret
-    def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ):
-        tmp = validateTrace[:]+[self]
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            e.validate(tmp)
-        self.checkRecursion( [] )
-    def _parseCache( self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True ):
-        if self.parseAction and doActions:
-            return self._parseNoCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
-        return super(ParseExpression,self)._parseCache( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse )
-class And(ParseExpression):
-    """Requires all given ParseExpressions to be found in the given order.
-       Expressions may be separated by whitespace.
-       May be constructed using the '+' operator.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = True ):
-        super(And,self).__init__(exprs, savelist)
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            if not e.mayReturnEmpty:
-                self.mayReturnEmpty = False
-                break
-        self.skipWhitespace = exprs[0].skipWhitespace
-        self.whiteChars = exprs[0].whiteChars
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        loc, resultlist = self.exprs[0]._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-        for e in self.exprs[1:]:
-            loc, exprtokens = e._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-            if exprtokens or exprtokens.keys():
-                resultlist += exprtokens
-        return loc, resultlist
-    def __iadd__(self, other ):
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        return self.append( other ) #And( [ self, other ] )
-    def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ):
-        subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ]
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList )
-            if not e.mayReturnEmpty:
-                break
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "{" + " ".join( [ _ustr(e) for e in self.exprs ] ) + "}"
-        return self.strRepr
-class Or(ParseExpression):
-    """Requires that at least one ParseExpression is found.
-       If two expressions match, the expression that matches the longest string will be used.
-       May be constructed using the '^' operator.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = False ):
-        super(Or,self).__init__(exprs, savelist)
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = False
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            if e.mayReturnEmpty:
-                self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-                break
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        maxExcLoc = -1
-        maxMatchLoc = -1
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            try:
-                loc2 = e.tryParse( instring, loc )
-            except ParseException, err:
-                if err.loc > maxExcLoc:
-                    maxException = err
-                    maxExcLoc = err.loc
-            except IndexError, err:
-                if len(instring) > maxExcLoc:
-                    maxException = ParseException(instring,len(instring),e.errmsg,self)
-                    maxExcLoc = len(instring)
-            else:
-                if loc2 > maxMatchLoc:
-                    maxMatchLoc = loc2
-                    maxMatchExp = e
-        if maxMatchLoc < 0:
-            if self.exprs:
-                raise maxException
-            else:
-                raise ParseException(instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self)
-        return maxMatchExp._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-    def __ixor__(self, other ):
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        return self.append( other ) #Or( [ self, other ] )
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "{" + " ^ ".join( [ _ustr(e) for e in self.exprs ] ) + "}"
-        return self.strRepr
-    def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ):
-        subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ]
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList )
-class MatchFirst(ParseExpression):
-    """Requires that at least one ParseExpression is found.
-       If two expressions match, the first one listed is the one that will match.
-       May be constructed using the '|' operator.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = False ):
-        super(MatchFirst,self).__init__(exprs, savelist)
-        if exprs:
-            self.mayReturnEmpty = False
-            for e in self.exprs:
-                if e.mayReturnEmpty:
-                    self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-                    break
-        else:
-            self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        maxExcLoc = -1
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            try:
-                ret = e._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-                return ret
-            except ParseException, err:
-                if err.loc > maxExcLoc:
-                    maxException = err
-                    maxExcLoc = err.loc
-            except IndexError, err:
-                if len(instring) > maxExcLoc:
-                    maxException = ParseException(instring,len(instring),e.errmsg,self)
-                    maxExcLoc = len(instring)
-        # only got here if no expression matched, raise exception for match that made it the furthest
-        else:
-            if self.exprs:
-                raise maxException
-            else:
-                raise ParseException(instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self)
-    def __ior__(self, other ):
-        if isinstance( other, basestring ):
-            other = Literal( other )
-        return self.append( other ) #MatchFirst( [ self, other ] )
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "{" + " | ".join( [ _ustr(e) for e in self.exprs ] ) + "}"
-        return self.strRepr
-    def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ):
-        subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ]
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList )
-class Each(ParseExpression):
-    """Requires all given ParseExpressions to be found, but in any order.
-       Expressions may be separated by whitespace.
-       May be constructed using the '&' operator.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = True ):
-        super(Each,self).__init__(exprs, savelist)
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            if not e.mayReturnEmpty:
-                self.mayReturnEmpty = False
-                break
-        self.skipWhitespace = True
-        self.optionals = [ e.expr for e in exprs if isinstance(e,Optional) ]
-        self.multioptionals = [ e.expr for e in exprs if isinstance(e,ZeroOrMore) ]
-        self.multirequired = [ e.expr for e in exprs if isinstance(e,OneOrMore) ]
-        self.required = [ e for e in exprs if not isinstance(e,(Optional,ZeroOrMore,OneOrMore)) ]
-        self.required += self.multirequired
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        tmpLoc = loc
-        tmpReqd = self.required[:]
-        tmpOpt  = self.optionals[:]
-        matchOrder = []
-        keepMatching = True
-        while keepMatching:
-            tmpExprs = tmpReqd + tmpOpt + self.multioptionals + self.multirequired
-            failed = []
-            for e in tmpExprs:
-                try:
-                    tmpLoc = e.tryParse( instring, tmpLoc )
-                except ParseException:
-                    failed.append(e)
-                else:
-                    matchOrder.append(e)
-                    if e in tmpReqd:
-                        tmpReqd.remove(e)
-                    elif e in tmpOpt:
-                        tmpOpt.remove(e)
-            if len(failed) == len(tmpExprs):
-                keepMatching = False
-        if tmpReqd:
-            missing = ", ".join( [ str(e) for e in tmpReqd ] )
-            raise ParseException(instring,loc,"Missing one or more required elements (%s)" % missing )
-        resultlist = []
-        for e in matchOrder:
-            loc,results = e._parse(instring,loc,doActions)
-            resultlist.append(results)
-        finalResults = ParseResults([])
-        for r in resultlist:
-            dups = {}
-            for k in r.keys():
-                if k in finalResults.keys():
-                    tmp = ParseResults(finalResults[k])
-                    tmp += ParseResults(r[k])
-                    dups[k] = tmp
-            finalResults += ParseResults(r)
-            for k,v in dups.items():
-                finalResults[k] = v
-        return loc, finalResults
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "{" + " & ".join( [ _ustr(e) for e in self.exprs ] ) + "}"
-        return self.strRepr
-    def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ):
-        subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ]
-        for e in self.exprs:
-            e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList )
-class ParseElementEnhance(ParserElement):
-    """Abstract subclass of ParserElement, for combining and post-processing parsed tokens."""
-    def __init__( self, expr, savelist=False ):
-        super(ParseElementEnhance,self).__init__(savelist)
-        if isinstance( expr, basestring ):
-            expr = Literal(expr)
-        self.expr = expr
-        self.strRepr = None
-        if expr is not None:
-            self.mayIndexError = expr.mayIndexError
-            self.skipWhitespace = expr.skipWhitespace
-            self.whiteChars = expr.whiteChars
-            self.saveAsList = expr.saveAsList
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        if self.expr is not None:
-            return self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-        else:
-            raise ParseException("",loc,self.errmsg,self)
-    def leaveWhitespace( self ):
-        self.skipWhitespace = False
-        self.expr = copy.copy(self.expr)
-        if self.expr is not None:
-            self.expr.leaveWhitespace()
-        return self
-    def ignore( self, other ):
-        if isinstance( other, Suppress ):
-            if other not in self.ignoreExprs:
-                super( ParseElementEnhance, self).ignore( other )
-                if self.expr is not None:
-                    self.expr.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] )
-        else:
-            super( ParseElementEnhance, self).ignore( other )
-            if self.expr is not None:
-                self.expr.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] )
-        return self
-    def streamline( self ):
-        super(ParseElementEnhance,self).streamline()
-        if self.expr is not None:
-            self.expr.streamline()
-        return self
-    def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ):
-        if self in parseElementList:
-            raise RecursiveGrammarException( parseElementList+[self] )
-        subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ]
-        if self.expr is not None:
-            self.expr.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList )
-    def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ):
-        tmp = validateTrace[:]+[self]
-        if self.expr is not None:
-            self.expr.validate(tmp)
-        self.checkRecursion( [] )
-    def __str__( self ):
-        try:
-            return super(ParseElementEnhance,self).__str__()
-        except:
-            pass
-        if self.strRepr is None and self.expr is not None:
-            self.strRepr = "%s:(%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, _ustr(self.expr) )
-        return self.strRepr
-class FollowedBy(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Lookahead matching of the given parse expression.  FollowedBy
-    does *not* advance the parsing position within the input string, it only 
-    verifies that the specified parse expression matches at the current 
-    position.  FollowedBy always returns a null token list."""
-    def __init__( self, expr ):
-        super(FollowedBy,self).__init__(expr)
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        self.expr.tryParse( instring, loc )
-        return loc, []
-class NotAny(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Lookahead to disallow matching with the given parse expression.  NotAny
-    does *not* advance the parsing position within the input string, it only 
-    verifies that the specified parse expression does *not* match at the current 
-    position.  Also, NotAny does *not* skip over leading whitespace. NotAny 
-    always returns a null token list.  May be constructed using the '~' operator."""
-    def __init__( self, expr ):
-        super(NotAny,self).__init__(expr)
-        #~ self.leaveWhitespace()
-        self.skipWhitespace = False  # do NOT use self.leaveWhitespace(), don't want to propagate to exprs
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-        self.errmsg = "Found unexpected token, "+_ustr(self.expr)
-        self.myException = ParseException("",0,self.errmsg,self)
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        try:
-            self.expr.tryParse( instring, loc )
-        except (ParseException,IndexError):
-            pass
-        else:
-            #~ raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg )
-            exc = self.myException
-            exc.loc = loc
-            exc.pstr = instring
-            raise exc
-        return loc, []
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "~{" + _ustr(self.expr) + "}"
-        return self.strRepr
-class ZeroOrMore(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Optional repetition of zero or more of the given expression."""
-    def __init__( self, expr ):
-        super(ZeroOrMore,self).__init__(expr)
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        tokens = []
-        try:
-            loc, tokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-            hasIgnoreExprs = ( len(self.ignoreExprs) > 0 )
-            while 1:
-                if hasIgnoreExprs:
-                    loc = self.skipIgnorables( instring, loc )
-                loc, tmptokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-                if tmptokens or tmptokens.keys():
-                    tokens += tmptokens
-        except (ParseException,IndexError):
-            pass
-        except Exception,e:
-            print "####",e
-        return loc, tokens
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "[" + _ustr(self.expr) + "]..."
-        return self.strRepr
-    def setResultsName( self, name, listAllMatches=False ):
-        ret = super(ZeroOrMore,self).setResultsName(name,listAllMatches)
-        ret.saveAsList = True
-        return ret
-class OneOrMore(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Repetition of one or more of the given expression."""
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        # must be at least one
-        loc, tokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-        try:
-            hasIgnoreExprs = ( len(self.ignoreExprs) > 0 )
-            while 1:
-                if hasIgnoreExprs:
-                    loc = self.skipIgnorables( instring, loc )
-                loc, tmptokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-                if tmptokens or tmptokens.keys():
-                    tokens += tmptokens
-        except (ParseException,IndexError):
-            pass
-        return loc, tokens
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "{" + _ustr(self.expr) + "}..."
-        return self.strRepr
-    def setResultsName( self, name, listAllMatches=False ):
-        ret = super(OneOrMore,self).setResultsName(name,listAllMatches)
-        ret.saveAsList = True
-        return ret
-class _NullToken(object):
-    def __bool__(self):
-        return False
-    def __str__(self):
-        return ""
-_optionalNotMatched = _NullToken()
-class Optional(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Optional matching of the given expression.
-       A default return string can also be specified, if the optional expression
-       is not found.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, exprs, default=_optionalNotMatched ):
-        super(Optional,self).__init__( exprs, savelist=False )
-        self.defaultValue = default
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        try:
-            loc, tokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions )
-        except (ParseException,IndexError):
-            if self.defaultValue is not _optionalNotMatched:
-                tokens = [ self.defaultValue ]
-            else:
-                tokens = []
-        return loc, tokens
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        if self.strRepr is None:
-            self.strRepr = "[" + _ustr(self.expr) + "]"
-        return self.strRepr
-class SkipTo(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Token for skipping over all undefined text until the matched expression is found.
-       If include is set to true, the matched expression is also consumed.  The ignore
-       argument is used to define grammars (typically quoted strings and comments) that 
-       might contain false matches.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, other, include=False, ignore=None ):
-        super( SkipTo, self ).__init__( other )
-        if ignore is not None:
-            self.expr = copy.copy( self.expr )
-            self.expr.ignore(ignore)
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = True
-        self.mayIndexError = False
-        self.includeMatch = include
-        self.errmsg = "No match found for "+_ustr(self.expr)
-        self.myException = ParseException("",0,self.errmsg,self)
-    def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ):
-        startLoc = loc
-        instrlen = len(instring)
-        expr = self.expr
-        while loc < instrlen:
-            try:
-                loc = expr.skipIgnorables( instring, loc )
-                expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions=False, callPreParse=False )
-                if self.includeMatch:
-                    skipText = instring[startLoc:loc]
-                    loc,mat = expr._parse(instring,loc)
-                    if mat:
-                        return loc, [ skipText, mat ]
-                    else:
-                        return loc, [ skipText ]
-                else:
-                    return loc, [ instring[startLoc:loc] ]
-            except (ParseException,IndexError):
-                loc += 1
-        exc = self.myException
-        exc.loc = loc
-        exc.pstr = instring
-        raise exc
-class Forward(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Forward declaration of an expression to be defined later -
-       used for recursive grammars, such as algebraic infix notation.
-       When the expression is known, it is assigned to the Forward variable using the '<<' operator.
-       Note: take care when assigning to Forward to not overlook precedence of operators.
-       Specifically, '|' has a lower precedence than '<<', so that::
-          fwdExpr << a | b | c
-       will actually be evaluated as::
-          (fwdExpr << a) | b | c
-       thereby leaving b and c out as parseable alternatives.  It is recommended that you
-       explicitly group the values inserted into the Forward::
-          fwdExpr << (a | b | c)
-    """
-    def __init__( self, other=None ):
-        super(Forward,self).__init__( other, savelist=False )
-    def __lshift__( self, other ):
-        self.expr = other
-        self.mayReturnEmpty = other.mayReturnEmpty
-        self.strRepr = None
-        return self
-    def leaveWhitespace( self ):
-        self.skipWhitespace = False
-        return self
-    def streamline( self ):
-        if not self.streamlined:
-            self.streamlined = True
-            if self.expr is not None: 
-                self.expr.streamline()
-        return self
-    def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ):
-        if self not in validateTrace:
-            tmp = validateTrace[:]+[self]
-            if self.expr is not None: 
-                self.expr.validate(tmp)
-        self.checkRecursion([])        
-    def __str__( self ):
-        if hasattr(self,"name"):
-            return self.name
-        self.__class__ = _ForwardNoRecurse
-        try:
-            if self.expr is not None: 
-                retString = _ustr(self.expr)
-            else:
-                retString = "None"
-        finally:
-            self.__class__ = Forward
-        return "Forward: "+retString
-class _ForwardNoRecurse(Forward):
-    def __str__( self ):
-        return "..."
-class TokenConverter(ParseElementEnhance):
-    """Abstract subclass of ParseExpression, for converting parsed results."""
-    def __init__( self, expr, savelist=False ):
-        super(TokenConverter,self).__init__( expr )#, savelist )
-        self.saveAsList = False
-class Upcase(TokenConverter):
-    """Converter to upper case all matching tokens."""
-    def __init__(self, *args):
-        super(Upcase,self).__init__(*args)
-        warnings.warn("Upcase class is deprecated, use upcaseTokens parse action instead", 
-                       DeprecationWarning,stacklevel=2)
-    def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ):
-        return map( string.upper, tokenlist )
-class Combine(TokenConverter):
-    """Converter to concatenate all matching tokens to a single string.
-       By default, the matching patterns must also be contiguous in the input string;
-       this can be disabled by specifying 'adjacent=False' in the constructor.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, expr, joinString="", adjacent=True ):
-        super(Combine,self).__init__( expr )
-        # suppress whitespace-stripping in contained parse expressions, but re-enable it on the Combine itself
-        if adjacent:
-            self.leaveWhitespace()
-        self.adjacent = adjacent
-        self.skipWhitespace = True
-        self.joinString = joinString
-    def ignore( self, other ):
-        if self.adjacent:
-            ParserElement.ignore(self, other)
-        else:
-            super( Combine, self).ignore( other )
-        return self
-    def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ):
-        retToks = tokenlist.copy()
-        del retToks[:]
-        retToks += ParseResults([ "".join(tokenlist._asStringList(self.joinString)) ], modal=self.modalResults)
-        if self.resultsName and len(retToks.keys())>0:
-            return [ retToks ]
-        else:
-            return retToks
-class Group(TokenConverter):
-    """Converter to return the matched tokens as a list - useful for returning tokens of ZeroOrMore and OneOrMore expressions."""
-    def __init__( self, expr ):
-        super(Group,self).__init__( expr )
-        self.saveAsList = True
-    def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ):
-        return [ tokenlist ]
-class Dict(TokenConverter):
-    """Converter to return a repetitive expression as a list, but also as a dictionary.
-       Each element can also be referenced using the first token in the expression as its key.
-       Useful for tabular report scraping when the first column can be used as a item key.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, exprs ):
-        super(Dict,self).__init__( exprs )
-        self.saveAsList = True
-    def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ):
-        for i,tok in enumerate(tokenlist):
-            ikey = _ustr(tok[0]).strip()
-            if len(tok)==1:
-                tokenlist[ikey] = ("",i)
-            elif len(tok)==2 and not isinstance(tok[1],ParseResults):
-                tokenlist[ikey] = (tok[1],i)
-            else:
-                dictvalue = tok.copy() #ParseResults(i)
-                del dictvalue[0]
-                if len(dictvalue)!= 1 or (isinstance(dictvalue,ParseResults) and dictvalue.keys()):
-                    tokenlist[ikey] = (dictvalue,i)
-                else:
-                    tokenlist[ikey] = (dictvalue[0],i)
-        if self.resultsName:
-            return [ tokenlist ]
-        else:
-            return tokenlist
-class Suppress(TokenConverter):
-    """Converter for ignoring the results of a parsed expression."""
-    def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ):
-        return []
-    def suppress( self ):
-        return self
-# global helpers
-def delimitedList( expr, delim=",", combine=False ):
-    """Helper to define a delimited list of expressions - the delimiter defaults to ','.
-       By default, the list elements and delimiters can have intervening whitespace, and 
-       comments, but this can be overridden by passing 'combine=True' in the constructor.
-       If combine is set to True, the matching tokens are returned as a single token
-       string, with the delimiters included; otherwise, the matching tokens are returned
-       as a list of tokens, with the delimiters suppressed.
-    """
-    if combine:
-        return Combine( expr + ZeroOrMore( delim + expr ) ).setName(_ustr(expr)+_ustr(delim)+"...")
-    else:
-        return ( expr + ZeroOrMore( Suppress( delim ) + expr ) ).setName(_ustr(expr)+_ustr(delim)+"...")
-def countedArray( expr ):
-    """Helper to define a counted list of expressions.
-       This helper defines a pattern of the form::
-           integer expr expr expr...
-       where the leading integer tells how many expr expressions follow.
-       The matched tokens returns the array of expr tokens as a list - the leading count token is suppressed.
-    """
-    arrayExpr = Forward()
-    def countFieldParseAction(s,l,t):
-        n = int(t[0])
-        arrayExpr << (n and Group(And([expr]*n)) or Group(empty))
-        return []
-    return ( Word(nums).setParseAction(countFieldParseAction) + arrayExpr )
-def _escapeRegexRangeChars(s):
-    #~  escape these chars: ^-]
-    for c in r"\^-]":
-        s = s.replace(c,"\\"+c)
-    s = s.replace("\n",r"\n")
-    s = s.replace("\t",r"\t")
-    return _ustr(s)
-def oneOf( strs, caseless=False, useRegex=True ):
-    """Helper to quickly define a set of alternative Literals, and makes sure to do 
-       longest-first testing when there is a conflict, regardless of the input order, 
-       but returns a MatchFirst for best performance.  
-       Parameters:
-        - strs - a string of space-delimited literals, or a list of string literals
-        - caseless - (default=False) - treat all literals as caseless
-        - useRegex - (default=True) - as an optimization, will generate a Regex
-          object; otherwise, will generate a MatchFirst object (if caseless=True, or
-          if creating a Regex raises an exception)
-    """
-    if caseless:
-        isequal = ( lambda a,b: a.upper() == b.upper() )
-        masks = ( lambda a,b: b.upper().startswith(a.upper()) )
-        parseElementClass = CaselessLiteral
-    else:
-        isequal = ( lambda a,b: a == b )
-        masks = ( lambda a,b: b.startswith(a) )
-        parseElementClass = Literal
-    if isinstance(strs,(list,tuple)):
-        symbols = strs[:]
-    elif isinstance(strs,basestring):
-        symbols = strs.split()
-    else:
-        warnings.warn("Invalid argument to oneOf, expected string or list",
-                SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-    i = 0
-    while i < len(symbols)-1:
-        cur = symbols[i]
-        for j,other in enumerate(symbols[i+1:]):
-            if ( isequal(other, cur) ):
-                del symbols[i+j+1]
-                break
-            elif ( masks(cur, other) ):
-                del symbols[i+j+1]
-                symbols.insert(i,other)
-                cur = other
-                break
-        else:
-            i += 1
-    if not caseless and useRegex:
-        #~ print strs,"->", "|".join( [ _escapeRegexChars(sym) for sym in symbols] )
-        try:
-            if len(symbols)==len("".join(symbols)):
-                return Regex( "[%s]" % "".join( [ _escapeRegexRangeChars(sym) for sym in symbols] ) )
-            else:
-                return Regex( "|".join( [ re.escape(sym) for sym in symbols] ) )
-        except:
-            warnings.warn("Exception creating Regex for oneOf, building MatchFirst",
-                    SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2)
-    # last resort, just use MatchFirst
-    return MatchFirst( [ parseElementClass(sym) for sym in symbols ] )
-def dictOf( key, value ):
-    """Helper to easily and clearly define a dictionary by specifying the respective patterns
-       for the key and value.  Takes care of defining the Dict, ZeroOrMore, and Group tokens
-       in the proper order.  The key pattern can include delimiting markers or punctuation,
-       as long as they are suppressed, thereby leaving the significant key text.  The value
-       pattern can include named results, so that the Dict results can include named token 
-       fields.
-    """
-    return Dict( ZeroOrMore( Group ( key + value ) ) )
-_bslash = "\\"
-printables = "".join( [ c for c in string.printable if c not in string.whitespace ] )
-# convenience constants for positional expressions
-empty       = Empty().setName("empty")
-lineStart   = LineStart().setName("lineStart")
-lineEnd     = LineEnd().setName("lineEnd")
-stringStart = StringStart().setName("stringStart")
-stringEnd   = StringEnd().setName("stringEnd")
-_escapedPunc = Word( _bslash, r"\[]-*.$+^?()~ ", exact=2 ).setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0][1])
-_printables_less_backslash = "".join([ c for c in printables if c not in  r"\]" ])
-_escapedHexChar = Combine( Suppress(_bslash + "0x") + Word(hexnums) ).setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:unichr(int(t[0],16)))
-_escapedOctChar = Combine( Suppress(_bslash) + Word("0","01234567") ).setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:unichr(int(t[0],8)))
-_singleChar = _escapedPunc | _escapedHexChar | _escapedOctChar | Word(_printables_less_backslash,exact=1)
-_charRange = Group(_singleChar + Suppress("-") + _singleChar)
-_reBracketExpr = "[" + Optional("^").setResultsName("negate") + Group( OneOrMore( _charRange | _singleChar ) ).setResultsName("body") + "]"
-_expanded = lambda p: (isinstance(p,ParseResults) and ''.join([ unichr(c) for c in range(ord(p[0]),ord(p[1])+1) ]) or p)
-def srange(s):
-    r"""Helper to easily define string ranges for use in Word construction.  Borrows
-       syntax from regexp '[]' string range definitions::
-          srange("[0-9]")   -> "0123456789"
-          srange("[a-z]")   -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-          srange("[a-z$_]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$_"
-       The input string must be enclosed in []'s, and the returned string is the expanded 
-       character set joined into a single string.
-       The values enclosed in the []'s may be::
-          a single character
-          an escaped character with a leading backslash (such as \- or \])
-          an escaped hex character with a leading '\0x' (\0x21, which is a '!' character)
-          an escaped octal character with a leading '\0' (\041, which is a '!' character)
-          a range of any of the above, separated by a dash ('a-z', etc.)
-          any combination of the above ('aeiouy', 'a-zA-Z0-9_$', etc.)
-    """
-    try:
-        return "".join([_expanded(part) for part in _reBracketExpr.parseString(s).body])
-    except:
-        return ""
-def replaceWith(replStr):
-    """Helper method for common parse actions that simply return a literal value.  Especially 
-       useful when used with transformString().
-    """
-    def _replFunc(*args):
-        return [replStr]
-    return _replFunc
-def removeQuotes(s,l,t):
-    """Helper parse action for removing quotation marks from parsed quoted strings.
-       To use, add this parse action to quoted string using::
-         quotedString.setParseAction( removeQuotes )
-    """
-    return t[0][1:-1]
-def upcaseTokens(s,l,t):
-    """Helper parse action to convert tokens to upper case."""
-    return map( str.upper, t )
-def downcaseTokens(s,l,t):
-    """Helper parse action to convert tokens to lower case."""
-    return map( str.lower, t )
-def _makeTags(tagStr, xml):
-    """Internal helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions, given a tag name"""
-    tagAttrName = Word(alphanums)
-    if (xml):
-        tagAttrValue = dblQuotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes )
-        openTag = Suppress("<") + Keyword(tagStr) + \
-                Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group( tagAttrName + Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue ))) + \
-                Optional("/",default=[False]).setResultsName("empty").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0]=='/') + Suppress(">")
-    else:
-        printablesLessRAbrack = "".join( [ c for c in printables if c not in ">" ] )
-        tagAttrValue = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes ) | Word(printablesLessRAbrack)
-        openTag = Suppress("<") + Keyword(tagStr,caseless=True) + \
-                Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group( tagAttrName.setParseAction(downcaseTokens) + \
-                Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue ))) + \
-                Optional("/",default=[False]).setResultsName("empty").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0]=='/') + Suppress(">")
-    closeTag = Combine("</" + Keyword(tagStr,caseless=not xml) + ">")
-    openTag = openTag.setResultsName("start"+"".join(tagStr.replace(":"," ").title().split())).setName("<%s>" % tagStr)
-    closeTag = closeTag.setResultsName("end"+"".join(tagStr.replace(":"," ").title().split())).setName("</%s>" % tagStr)
-    return openTag, closeTag
-def makeHTMLTags(tagStr):
-    """Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for HTML, given a tag name"""
-    return _makeTags( tagStr, False )
-def makeXMLTags(tagStr):
-    """Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for XML, given a tag name"""
-    return _makeTags( tagStr, True )
-alphas8bit = srange(r"[\0xc0-\0xd6\0xd8-\0xf6\0xf8-\0xfe]")
-_escapedChar = Regex(r"\\.")
-dblQuotedString = Regex(r'"([^"\n\r\\]|("")|(\\.))*"').setName("string enclosed in double quotes")
-sglQuotedString = Regex(r"'([^'\n\r\\]|('')|(\\.))*'").setName("string enclosed in single quotes")
-quotedString = Regex(r'''("([^"\n\r\\]|("")|(\\.))*")|('([^'\n\r\\]|('')|(\\.))*')''').setName("quotedString using single or double quotes")
-# it's easy to get these comment structures wrong - they're very common, so may as well make them available
-cStyleComment = Regex(r"\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/").setName("C style comment")
-htmlComment = Regex(r"<!--[\s\S]*?-->")
-restOfLine = Regex(r".*").leaveWhitespace()
-dblSlashComment = Regex(r"\/\/.*").setName("// comment")
-cppStyleComment = Regex(r"(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)|(\/\/.*)").setName("C++ style comment")
-javaStyleComment = cppStyleComment
-pythonStyleComment = Regex(r"#.*").setName("Python style comment")
-_noncomma = "".join( [ c for c in printables if c != "," ] )
-_commasepitem = Combine(OneOrMore(Word(_noncomma) + 
-                                  Optional( Word(" \t") + 
-                                            ~Literal(",") + ~LineEnd() ) ) ).streamline().setName("commaItem")
-commaSeparatedList = delimitedList( Optional( quotedString | _commasepitem, default="") ).setName("commaSeparatedList")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    def test( teststring ):
-        print teststring,"->",
-        try:
-            tokens = simpleSQL.parseString( teststring )
-            tokenlist = tokens.asList()
-            print tokenlist
-            print "tokens = ",        tokens
-            print "tokens.columns =", tokens.columns
-            print "tokens.tables =",  tokens.tables
-            print tokens.asXML("SQL",True)
-        except ParseException, err:
-            print err.line
-            print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
-            print err
-        print
-    selectToken    = CaselessLiteral( "select" )
-    fromToken      = CaselessLiteral( "from" )
-    ident          = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_$" )
-    columnName     = delimitedList( ident, ".", combine=True ).setParseAction( upcaseTokens )
-    columnNameList = Group( delimitedList( columnName ) )#.setName("columns")
-    tableName      = delimitedList( ident, ".", combine=True ).setParseAction( upcaseTokens )
-    tableNameList  = Group( delimitedList( tableName ) )#.setName("tables")
-    simpleSQL      = ( selectToken + \
-                     ( '*' | columnNameList ).setResultsName( "columns" ) + \
-                     fromToken + \
-                     tableNameList.setResultsName( "tables" ) )
-    test( "SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC" )
-    test( "select * from SYS.XYZZY" )
-    test( "Select A from Sys.dual" )
-    test( "Select AA,BB,CC from Sys.dual" )
-    test( "Select A, B, C from Sys.dual" )
-    test( "Select A, B, C from Sys.dual" )
-    test( "Xelect A, B, C from Sys.dual" )
-    test( "Select A, B, C frox Sys.dual" )
-    test( "Select" )
-    test( "Select ^^^ frox Sys.dual" )
-    test( "Select A, B, C from Sys.dual, Table2   " )

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/__init__.py'
=== removed directory 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/actions'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/actions	2013-06-09 16:07:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/actions	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: actions
-List all actions available to you.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/bury'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/bury	2013-09-22 10:10:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/bury	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Usage: bury <north | south | east | west>
-Block off the exit in the indicated direction.  Short directions (n, s, e, w)
-may be used in place of the full direction names.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/close'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/close	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/close	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: close <name>
-Attempt to close an open container.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/commands'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/commands	2013-06-09 16:07:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/commands	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-See: help actions

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/create'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/create	2008-04-28 01:46:25 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/create	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Usage: create [a | an | the] <type> named <name> [description]
-Bring a new object of the specified type into existence, using the given name
-and, if provided, the description.  If the "a" or "an" form is used, or if no
-article is supplied, the resulting object's name will be considered a common
-noun; if "the" is used, the name is considered a proper noun.  The object will
-be created in your inventory.  Creation may fail if you are unable to carry it.
-Anyone able to see you or the created object will witness the creation.  The
-list of type available for creation is determined from the available
-IObjectType plugins on the system.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/describe'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/describe	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/describe	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: describe <name> <description>
-Change the description of the object with the given name.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/dig'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/dig	2013-09-22 10:10:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/dig	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Usage: dig <north | south | east | west> <name>
-Create a new location with the indicated name and create a two-way
-passage between it and the current location.  The exit will be in
-the specified direction from the current location to the new
-location.  Short directions (n, s, e, w) may be used in place of the
-full direction names.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/drop'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/drop	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/drop	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Usage: drop <name>
-Get rid of the object in your inventory with the given name by
-depositing it in your current location.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/eat'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/eat	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/eat	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: eat <name>
-Consume the object with the given name.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/emote'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/emote	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/emote	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Usage: emote <expression>
-From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:
-  emote
-       v : give expression or emotion to, in a stage or movie role

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/equipment'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/equipment	2006-04-19 23:48:41 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/equipment	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: equipment
-Display the garments you are currently wearing.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/find'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/find	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/find	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: find <name>
-Look around the immediate area for an object with the given name.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/get'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/get	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/get	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Usage: get <name>
-Retrieve the object with the given name from the immediate vicinity
-and stash it in your inventory.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/go'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/go	2013-09-22 10:10:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/go	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Usage: go <north | south | east | west>
-Travel in the indicated direction.  Short directions (n, s, e, w) may be used
-in place of the full direction names.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/help'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/help	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/help	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: help <command>
-Provides information on the usage of the indicated command.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/hit'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/hit	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/hit	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: hit <name>
-Violently attack the animal, mineral, or vegetable with the given name.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/illuminate'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/illuminate	2006-05-14 03:23:29 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/illuminate	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Usage: illuminate <candelas>
-Set the ambient illumination level of your current location.  Candelas is a
-non-negative integer.  A hand-held torch is approximately 80 candelas.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/inventory'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/inventory	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/inventory	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: inventory
-Display the objects currently in your possession.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/list'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/list	2008-04-28 01:17:18 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/list	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Usage: list <listable>
-<listable> things are thus:
-  thing types
-See "help list <listable>" for more details.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/list thing types'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/list thing types	2008-04-28 01:17:18 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/list thing types	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: list thing types
-Show a list of names of things which can be created with the create command.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/look'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/look	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/look	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Usage: look [name]
-If a name is given, examine something in particular.  Otherwise, take
-in your immediate surroundings.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/name'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/name	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/name	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: name <old name> <new name>
-Change the name of something.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/open'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/open	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/open	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: open <name>
-Attempt to open a closed container.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/put'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/put	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/put	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: put <item name> in <container name>
-Attempt to place an object inside another object.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/quit'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/quit	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/quit	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: quit
-Depart the realm.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/rebuild'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/rebuild	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/rebuild	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: rebuild
-Load new source code from disk and attempt to incorporate it into the running world.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/remove'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/remove	2006-04-19 23:48:41 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/remove	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: remove <name>
-Take the piece of clothing named off of your body.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/restore'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/restore	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/restore	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: restore <name>
-Heal, revitalize, and rejuvenate the named animal, mineral, or vegetable.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/say'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/say	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/say	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: say <text>
-Utter the given words so as to be audible to those in your immediate surroundings.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/score'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/score	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/score	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: score
-Reveal the details of your personal progress.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/scrutinize'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/scrutinize	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/scrutinize	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: scrutinize <name>
-Reveal the innermost structure of the indicated object or actor.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/search'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/search	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/search	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: search <name>
-Look around the immediate area for an object with the given name.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/set'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/set	2008-05-05 00:17:30 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/set	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Usage: set <gender | proper> of <target> to <value>
-Change the value of a model attribute on a thing to a new value.  Acceptable
-values for gender are "male", "female", and "neuter".  Acceptable values for
-proper are "true" and "false".

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/take'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/take	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/take	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-See GET

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/wear'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/wear	2006-04-19 23:48:41 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/wear	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: wear <name>
-Put the piece of clothing named onto your body.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/who'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/who	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/help/who	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-Usage: who
-Display a list of currently connected characters.

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/resources/motd'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/resources/motd	2009-08-29 20:37:07 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/resources/motd	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-IMAGINARY %(imaginaryVersion)s
-TWISTED %(twistedVersion)s
-PYTHON %(pythonVersion)s

=== removed directory 'Imaginary/imaginary/test'
=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/__init__.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/__init__.py	2006-04-12 02:41:46 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/commandutils.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/commandutils.py	2013-07-03 22:43:56 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/commandutils.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test -*-
-import pprint
-from re import compile, escape as E
-E                               # export for other modules
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-from axiom import store, item, attributes
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects, text, language
-from imaginary.wiring import player
-from imaginary.world import ImaginaryWorld
-class PlayerProtocol(object):
-    def __init__(self, transport):
-        self.transport = transport
-    def write(self, crap):
-        self.transport.write(crap)
-class CommandTestCaseMixin:
-    """
-    A mixin for TestCase classes which provides support for testing Imaginary
-    environments via command-line transcripts.
-    @ivar store: the L{store.Store} containing all the relevant game objects.
-    @ivar location: The location where the test is taking place.
-    @ivar world: The L{ImaginaryWorld} that created the player.
-    @ivar player: The L{Thing} representing the main player.
-    @ivar observer: The L{Thing} representing the observer who sees the main
-        player's actions.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Set up a store with a location, a player and an observer.
-        """
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        locContainer = createLocation(
-            self.store, u"Test Location", u"Location for testing.")
-        self.location = locContainer.thing
-        self.world = ImaginaryWorld(store=self.store, origin=self.location)
-        self.player = self.world.create(
-            u"Test Player", gender=language.Gender.FEMALE)
-        self.playerContainer = iimaginary.IContainer(self.player)
-        self.playerWrapper = player.Player(self.player)
-        self.playerWrapper.useColors = False
-        locContainer.add(self.player)
-        self.transport = StringTransport()
-        self.playerWrapper.setProtocol(PlayerProtocol(self.transport))
-        self.observer = self.world.create(
-            u"Observer Player", gender=language.Gender.FEMALE)
-        self.observerWrapper = player.Player(self.observer)
-        locContainer.add(self.observer)
-        self.otransport = StringTransport()
-        self.observerWrapper.setProtocol(PlayerProtocol(self.otransport))
-        # Clear the transport, since we don't care about the observer
-        # arrival event.
-        self.transport.clear()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """
-        Disconnect the player and observer from their respective transports.
-        """
-        for p in self.player, self.observer:
-            try:
-                p.destroy()
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
-    def watchCommand(self, command):
-        """
-        Make C{self.player} run the given command and return the output both
-        she and C{self.observer} receive.
-        @param command: The textual command to run.
-        @type command: C{unicode}
-        @return: The player's output and the third-party observer's output.
-        @rtype: Two-tuple of C{unicode}
-        """
-        self.playerWrapper.parse(command)
-        return (
-            self.transport.value().decode('utf-8'),
-            self.otransport.value().decode('utf-8'))
-    def assertCommandOutput(self, command, output, observed=()):
-        """
-        Verify that when C{command} is executed by this
-        L{CommandTestCaseMixin.playerWrapper}, C{output} is produced (to the
-        actor) and C{observed} is produced (to the observer).
-        @param command: The string for L{CommandTestCaseMixin.playerWrapper} to
-            execute.
-        @type command: L{str}
-        @param output: The expected output of C{command} for
-            L{CommandTestCaseMixin.player} to observe.
-        @type output: iterable of L{str}
-        @param observed: The expected output that
-            L{CommandTestCaseMixin.observer} will observe.
-        @type observed: iterable of L{str}
-        """
-        if command is not None:
-            # Deprecate this or something
-            if not isinstance(command, unicode):
-                command = unicode(command, 'ascii')
-            self.playerWrapper.parse(command)
-            output.insert(0, "> " + command)
-        results = []
-        for perspective, xport, oput in ([
-                ('actor' ,self.transport, output),
-                ('observer', self.otransport, observed)]):
-            results.append([])
-            gotLines = xport.value().decode('utf-8').splitlines()
-            for i, (got, expected) in enumerate(map(None, gotLines, oput)):
-                got = got or ''
-                expected = expected or '$^'
-                m = compile(expected.rstrip() + '$').match(got.rstrip())
-                if m is None:
-                    s1 = pprint.pformat(gotLines)
-                    s2 = pprint.pformat(oput)
-                    raise unittest.FailTest(
-                        "\n%s %s\ndid not match expected\n%s\n(Line %d)" % (
-                            repr(perspective), s1, s2, i))
-                results[-1].append(m)
-            xport.clear()
-        return results
-    # Old alias.
-    _test = assertCommandOutput
-    def find(self, name):
-        return [
-            th
-            for th in self.player.findProviders(iimaginary.IThing, 1)
-            if th.name == name][0]
-def flatten(expr):
-    """
-    Test utility method to turn a list of strings character attribute
-    declarations and similar lists into a single string with all character
-    attribute information removed.
-    """
-    return u''.join(list(text.flatten(expr, currentAttrs=text.AttributeSet())))
-class LanguageMixin(object):
-    def flatten(self, expr):
-        return flatten(expr)
-class MockIntelligence(item.Item):
-    """
-    A persistent intelligence which accumulates observed events in a
-    list for later retrieval and assertion. This should be
-    instantiated and passed to
-    L{iimaginary.IActor.setEnduringIntelligence}.
-    XXX: This should probably be unnecessary at some point. It is used
-    with code which assumes a persistent intelligence is involved.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IEventObserver)
-    anAttribute = attributes.integer()
-    concepts = attributes.inmemory()
-    def activate(self):
-        self.concepts = []
-    def prepare(self, concept):
-        return lambda: self.concepts.append(concept)
-class MockEphemeralIntelligence(object):
-    """
-    Like L{MockIntelligence}, but it should be used with
-    L{iimaginary.IActor.setEphemeralIntelligence}.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IEventObserver)
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.events = []
-    def prepare(self, event):
-        return lambda: self.events.append(event)
-def createLocation(store, name, description):
-    """
-    Create a new L{Thing} and create an L{objects.Container} for it.
-    @param name: The name given to the created L{Thing}.
-    @type name: L{unicode}
-    @param description: The description given to the created L{Thing}.
-    @type description: L{unicode}
-    @return: The containment enhancement of the created L{Thing}.
-    @rtype: L{objects.Container}.
-    """
-    location = objects.Thing(
-        store=store, name=name, description=description, proper=True)
-    return objects.Container.createFor(
-        location, capacity=1000,
-        contentsTemplate=u"Here, you see {contents}.")
-def createPlayer(store, name):
-    """
-    Create a mock player with a mock intelligence with the given
-    name. The intelligence is a L{MockIntelligence} which can have its
-    concepts introspected.
-    @type store: L{axiom.store.Store}.
-    @type name: C{unicode}.
-    @param name: The name of the newly-created player.
-    @return: A three-tuple of (playerThing, playerActor, playerIntelligence).
-    """
-    player = objects.Thing(store=store, name=name)
-    objects.Container.createFor(player, capacity=100)
-    playerActor = objects.Actor.createFor(player)
-    playerIntelligence = MockIntelligence(store=store)
-    playerActor.setEnduringIntelligence(playerIntelligence)
-    return player, playerActor, playerIntelligence
-__all__ = ['E', 'CommandTestCaseMixin', 'createPlayer', 'MockIntelligence',
-           'PlayerProtocol']

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_actions.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_actions.py	2013-08-23 20:38:31 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_actions.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,842 +0,0 @@
-Unit tests for Imaginary actions.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python import filepath
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects, events
-from imaginary.action import Action, TargetAction, Help
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import E
-# Regular expression for matching variable parts of the output of certain
-# commands.
-PTR = "[A-F0-9]{1,16}"
-STOREID = "\\d+"
-class TransactionalEventBroadcasterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def testAddEvent(self):
-        L = []
-        teb = events.TransactionalEventBroadcaster()
-        teb.addEvent(lambda: L.append('win'))
-        teb.addRevertEvent(lambda: L.append('lose'))
-        teb.broadcastEvents()
-        self.assertEquals(L, ['win'])
-    def testAddRevertEvent(self):
-        L = []
-        teb = events.TransactionalEventBroadcaster()
-        teb.addEvent(lambda: L.append('lose'))
-        teb.addRevertEvent(lambda: L.append('win'))
-        teb.broadcastRevertEvents()
-        self.assertEquals(L, ['win'])
-    def testBadEvents(self):
-        teb = events.TransactionalEventBroadcaster()
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, teb.addEvent, None)
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, teb.addRevertEvent, None)
-class TargetActionTests(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for general functionality provided by L{TargetAction} which is not
-    specific to any particular action.
-    """
-    def test_resolveTarget(self):
-        """
-        L{TargetAction.resolve} finds things by name when passed a C{"target"}
-        string.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            TargetAction().resolve(self.player, "target", u"Observer Player"),
-            [self.observer])
-    def test_resolveTargetCaseInsensitively(self):
-        """
-        L{TargetAction.resolve} considers names case-insensitively when
-        searching for things.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            TargetAction().resolve(self.player, "target", u"observer player"),
-            [self.observer])
-class Actions(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    def testBadCommand(self):
-        self._test(
-            "jibber jabber",
-            ["Bad command or filename"])
-    def testInventory(self):
-        # There ain't no stuff
-        self._test(
-            "inventory",
-            ["Inventory:"])
-        playerContainer = iimaginary.IContainer(self.player)
-        # Give 'em something and make sure
-        # they show up
-        playerContainer.add(objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"foobar"))
-        self._test(
-            "inventory",
-            ["Inventory:",
-             "foobar"])
-        # Give 'em a couple more things
-        playerContainer.add(objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"barbaz"))
-        playerContainer.add(objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"barbaz"))
-        self._test(
-            "inventory",
-            ["Inventory:",
-             "foobar",
-             "barbaz",
-             "barbaz"])
-    def test_actions(self):
-        """
-        The I{actions} action lists all of the actions a character can take.
-        """
-        cmds = dict.fromkeys([
-                getattr(cls, 'actionName', cls.__name__.lower())
-                for cls
-                in Action.actions]).keys()
-        cmds.sort()
-        self._test(
-            "actions",
-            [' '.join(cmds)])
-    def test_commands(self):
-        """
-        The I{commands} action is a stub to help those unfamiliar with
-        Imaginary's action system find their way to the I{actions} command
-        instead.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "commands",
-            ["Try 'actions' instead."])
-    def testGet(self):
-        # Try to get something that does not exist
-        self._test(
-            "get foobar",
-            ["Nothing like that around here."])
-        # Try to get yourself
-        self._test(
-            "get self",
-            ["You cannot take Test Player."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.player.location, self.location)
-        # Try to get the location
-        self._test(
-            "get here",
-            ["You cannot take Test Location."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.location.location, None)
-        # Make an object and try to get it
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"foo")
-        iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).add(o)
-        self._test(
-            "get foo",
-            ["You take a foo."],
-            ["Test Player takes a foo."])
-        self.assertEquals(o.location, self.player)
-        # Try to get the observer
-        self._test(
-            "get 'Observer Player'",
-            ["Observer Player is too heavy to pick up."],
-            ["Test Player tries to pick you up, but fails."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.observer.location, self.location)
-        # Container stuff
-        self._test(
-            "get baz from bar",
-            ["Nothing like that around here."])
-        c = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"bar")
-        cContainer = objects.Container.createFor(c, capacity=1)
-        iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).add(c)
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"baz")
-        cContainer.add(o)
-        self._test(
-            "get baz from bar",
-            ["You take a baz from the bar."],
-            ["Test Player takes a baz from the bar."])
-        self.assertEquals(o.location, self.player)
-        # Can't get things from a closed container
-        o.moveTo(c)
-        cContainer.closed = True
-        self._test(
-            "get baz from bar",
-            ["Nothing like that around here."],
-            [])
-        self.assertEquals(o.location, c)
-        self.assertEquals(list(cContainer.getContents()), [o])
-    def testDrop(self):
-        self._test(
-            "drop foo",
-            ["Nothing like that around here."])
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"bar")
-        iimaginary.IContainer(self.player).add(o)
-        self._test(
-            "drop bar",
-            ["You drop the bar."],
-            ["Test Player drops a bar."])
-        self.assertEquals(o.location, self.location)
-    def testLook(self):
-        self._test(
-            "look",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."])
-        self._test(
-            "look here",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."])
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, self.location, u"north")
-        self._test(
-            "look here",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             E("( north south )"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."])
-        self._test(
-            "look me",
-            [E("[ Test Player ]"),
-             "Test Player is great.",
-             "She is naked."])
-        self._test(
-            "look at me",
-            [E("[ Test Player ]"),
-             "Test Player is great.",
-             "She is naked."])
-        self._test(
-            "look at Observer Player",
-            [E("[ Observer Player ]"),
-             "Observer Player is great.",
-             "She is naked."],
-            ["Test Player looks at you."])
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"foo")
-        iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).add(o)
-        self._test(
-            "look at foo",
-            [E("[ foo ]")])
-        self._test(
-            "look at bar",
-            ["You don't see that."])
-    def testSay(self):
-        self._test(
-            "say hello",
-            ["You say, 'hello'"],
-            ["Test Player says, 'hello'"])
-        self._test(
-            "'hello",
-            ["You say, 'hello'"],
-            ["Test Player says, 'hello'"])
-        self._test(
-            "'hello world! quote -> '",
-            ["You say, 'hello world! quote -> ''"],
-            ["Test Player says, 'hello world! quote -> ''"])
-    def testEmote(self):
-        self._test(
-            "emote jumps up and down",
-            ["Test Player jumps up and down"],
-            ["Test Player jumps up and down"])
-        self._test(
-            ":jumps up and down",
-            ["Test Player jumps up and down"],
-            ["Test Player jumps up and down"])
-    def testSearch(self):
-        self._test(
-            "search self",
-            [E("[ Test Player ]"),
-             "Test Player is great.",
-             "She is naked.",
-             ""])
-        self._test(
-            "search me",
-            [E("[ Test Player ]"),
-             "Test Player is great.",
-             "She is naked.",
-             ""])
-        self._test(
-            "search here",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player.",
-             ""])
-        self._test(
-            "search 'Test Player'",
-            [E("[ Test Player ]"),
-             "Test Player is great.",
-             "She is naked.",
-             ""])
-        self._test(
-            'search "Observer Player"',
-            [E("[ Observer Player ]"),
-             "Observer Player is great.",
-             "She is naked.",
-             ""])
-        self._test(
-            "search blub",
-            [""])
-    def testDescribe(self):
-        self._test(
-            "describe me test description",
-            ["You change Test Player's description."],
-            ["Test Player changes Test Player's description."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.player.description,
-                          "test description")
-        self._test(
-            "describe here description test",
-            ["You change Test Location's description."],
-            ["Test Player changes Test Location's description."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.location.description,
-                          "description test")
-    def testName(self):
-        self._test(
-            "name me fooix",
-            ["You change Test Player's name."],
-            ["Test Player changes Test Player's name to fooix."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.player.name,
-                          "fooix")
-        self._test(
-            "name here CRAP of CRAPness",
-            ["You change Test Location's name."],
-            ["Fooix changes Test Location's name to CRAP of CRAPness."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.location.name,
-                          "CRAP of CRAPness")
-    def testRestore(self):
-        self._test(
-            "restore foobar",
-            [E("Who's that?")])
-        self._test(
-            "restore here",
-            ["Test Location cannot be restored."])
-        actor = iimaginary.IActor(self.player)
-        actor.hitpoints.decrease(25)
-        actor.stamina.decrease(25)
-        self._test(
-            "restore self",
-            ["You have fully restored yourself."])
-        self.assertEquals(actor.hitpoints.current,
-                          actor.hitpoints.max)
-        self.assertEquals(actor.stamina.current,
-                          actor.stamina.max)
-        oactor = iimaginary.IActor(self.observer)
-        oactor.hitpoints.decrease(25)
-        oactor.stamina.decrease(25)
-        self._test(
-            "restore Observer Player",
-            ["You have restored Observer Player to full health."],
-            ["Test Player has restored you to full health."])
-        self.assertEquals(oactor.hitpoints.current,
-                          oactor.hitpoints.max)
-        self.assertEquals(oactor.stamina.current,
-                          oactor.stamina.max)
-    def testScore(self):
-        # XXX This is kind of weak.  How can this test be improved?
-        x, y = self._test(
-            "score",
-            [".*",
-             ".*Level: +(\\d+) Experience: +(\\d+)",
-             ".*Hitpoints: +(\\d+)/(\\d+)",
-             ".*Stamina: +(\\d+)/(\\d+)",
-             ".*"])
-        self.assertEquals(x[0].groups(), ()) # Extra line for the command
-        self.assertEquals(x[1].groups(), ())
-        self.assertEquals(x[2].groups(), ('0', '0'))
-        self.assertEquals(x[3].groups(), ('100', '100'))
-        self.assertEquals(x[4].groups(), ('100', '100'))
-        self.assertEquals(x[5].groups(), ())
-        actor = iimaginary.IActor(self.player)
-        actor.level = 3
-        actor.experience = 63
-        actor.hitpoints.current = 32
-        actor.hitpoints.max = 74
-        actor.stamina.current = 12
-        actor.stamina.max = 39
-        x, y = self._test(
-            "score",
-            [".*",
-             ".*Level: +(\\d+) Experience: +(\\d+)",
-             ".*Hitpoints: +(\\d+)/(\\d+)",
-             ".*Stamina: +(\\d+)/(\\d+)",
-             ".*"])
-        self.assertEquals(x[0].groups(), ())
-        self.assertEquals(x[1].groups(), ())
-        self.assertEquals(x[2].groups(), ('3', '63'))
-        self.assertEquals(x[3].groups(), ('32', '74'))
-        self.assertEquals(x[4].groups(), ('12', '39'))
-        self.assertEquals(x[5].groups(), ())
-    def test_dig(self):
-        """
-        The I{dig} action creates a new location connected to the current
-        location through an exit in the specified direction.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "dig west dark tunnel",
-            ["You create an exit."],
-            ["Test Player created an exit to the west."])
-        room = iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExitNamed(u'west').toLocation
-        self.assertEquals(room.name, u"dark tunnel")
-        self.assertEquals(room.description, u'')
-        self.assertIdentical(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExitNamed(u'east').toLocation,
-                             self.location)
-        self._test(
-            "dig east bright tunnel",
-            ["You create an exit."],
-            ["Test Player created an exit to the east."])
-        room = iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExitNamed(u'east').toLocation
-        self.assertEquals(room.name, u"bright tunnel")
-        self.assertEquals(room.description, u'')
-        self.assertIdentical(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExitNamed(u'west').toLocation, self.location)
-        self._test(
-            "dig west boring tunnel",
-            ["There is already an exit in that direction."])
-    def test_digWithDirectionAliases(self):
-        """
-        The I{dig} action creates a new location connected to the current
-        location through an exit in the specified direction even when that
-        direction is an alias.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "dig w dark tunnel",
-            ["You create an exit."],
-            ["Test Player created an exit to the west."])
-        room = iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExitNamed(u'west').toLocation
-        self.assertEquals(room.name, u"dark tunnel")
-        self.assertEquals(room.description, u'')
-        self.assertIdentical(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExitNamed(u'east').toLocation,
-                             self.location)
-        self._test(
-            "dig e bright tunnel",
-            ["You create an exit."],
-            ["Test Player created an exit to the east."])
-        room = iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExitNamed(u'east').toLocation
-        self.assertEquals(room.name, u"bright tunnel")
-        self.assertEquals(room.description, u'')
-        self.assertIdentical(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExitNamed(u'west').toLocation, self.location)
-        self._test(
-            "dig w boring tunnel",
-            ["There is already an exit in that direction."])
-    def test_bury(self):
-        """
-        The I{bury} action destroys an exit in the specified direction.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "bury south",
-            ["There isn't an exit in that direction."])
-        self.assertEquals(list(iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExits()), [])
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"destination", proper=True)
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(room, self.location, u'north')
-        self._test(
-            "bury south",
-            ["It's gone."],
-            ["Test Player destroyed the exit to destination."])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExits()),
-            [])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExits()),
-            [])
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, room, u'south')
-        self.observer.moveTo(room)
-        self._test(
-            "bury south",
-            ["It's gone."],
-            ["The exit to Test Location crumbles and disappears."])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExits()),
-            [])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExits()),
-            [])
-    def test_buryWithDirectionAliases(self):
-        """
-        The I{bury} action destroys an exit in the specified direction even
-        when that direction is an alias.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "bury s",
-            ["There isn't an exit in that direction."])
-        self.assertEquals(list(iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExits()), [])
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"destination", proper=True)
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(room, self.location, u'north')
-        self._test(
-            "bury s",
-            ["It's gone."],
-            ["Test Player destroyed the exit to destination."])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExits()),
-            [])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExits()),
-            [])
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, room, u'south')
-        self.observer.moveTo(room)
-        self._test(
-            "bury s",
-            ["It's gone."],
-            ["The exit to Test Location crumbles and disappears."])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).getExits()),
-            [])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getExits()),
-            [])
-    def test_go(self):
-        """
-        The I{go} action moves the player through an exit in the specified
-        direction.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "go west",
-            ["You can't go that way."])
-        self._test(
-            "west",
-            ["You can't go that way."])
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"destination")
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, room, u"west")
-        self._test(
-            "west",
-            [E("[ destination ]"),
-             E("( east )"),
-             ""],
-            ["Test Player leaves west."])
-        self._test(
-            "north",
-            ["You can't go that way."])
-        self._test(
-            "go east",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             E("( west )"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."],
-            ["Test Player arrives from the west."])
-    def test_goThroughDirectionAliases(self):
-        """
-        The I{go} action moves the player through an exit in the specified
-        direction even when that direction is an alias.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "go w",
-            ["You can't go that way."])
-        self._test(
-            "w",
-            ["You can't go that way."])
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"destination")
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, room, u"west")
-        self._test(
-            "w",
-            [E("[ destination ]"),
-             E("( east )"),
-             ""],
-            ["Test Player leaves west."])
-        self._test(
-            "n",
-            ["You can't go that way."])
-        self._test(
-            "go e",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             E("( west )"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."],
-            ["Test Player arrives from the west."])
-    def test_goThroughOneWayExit(self):
-        """
-        Going through a one-way exit with a known direction will announce that
-        the player arrived from that direction; with an unknown direction it
-        will simply announce that they have arrived.
-        """
-        secretRoom = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'Secret Room!')
-        objects.Container.createFor(secretRoom, capacity=1000)
-        myExit = objects.Exit(store=self.store, fromLocation=secretRoom,
-                              toLocation=self.location, name=u'north')
-        self.player.moveTo(secretRoom)
-        self._test(
-            "north",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."],
-            ["Test Player arrives from the south."])
-        self.player.moveTo(secretRoom)
-        myExit.name = u'elsewhere'
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "go elsewhere",
-            [E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."],
-            ["Test Player arrives."])
-    def test_goDoesntJumpOverExits(self):
-        """
-        You can't go through an exit without passing through exits which lead
-        to it.  Going through an exit named 'east' will only work if it is east
-        of your I{present} location, even if it is easily reachable from where
-        you stand.
-        """
-        northRoom = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'Northerly')
-        eastRoom = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'Easterly')
-        for room in northRoom, eastRoom:
-            objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, northRoom, u'north', distance=0.1)
-        objects.Exit.link(northRoom, eastRoom, u'east', distance=0.1)
-        self.assertCommandOutput("go east", [E("You can't go that way.")], [])
-    def test_directionalMovement(self):
-        """
-        You can move through exits in standard directions by just specifying
-        the direction.
-        """
-        # A couple tweaks to state to make the test simpler
-        self.observer.location = None
-        self.location.description = None
-        oldRoom = self.location
-        allDirections = ["northwest", "north", "northeast", "east",
-                         "west", "southwest", "south", "southeast"]
-        for d in allDirections[:len(allDirections) / 2]:
-            room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"destination")
-            objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-            objects.Exit.link(oldRoom, room, unicode(d, 'ascii'))
-            oldRoom = room
-        for d, rd in zip(allDirections, reversed(allDirections)):
-            self._test(
-                d,
-                [E("[ ") + ".*" + E(" ]"), # Not testing room description
-                 E("( ") + ".*" + E(" )"), # Just do enough to make sure it was not an error.
-                 ""])
-        shortDirections = ["nw", "n", "ne", "e", "w", "sw", "s", "se"]
-        for d, rd in zip(shortDirections, reversed(shortDirections)):
-            self._test(
-                d,
-                [E("[ ") + ".*" + E(" ]"), # Not testing room description
-                 E("( ") + ".*" + E(" )"), # Just do enough to make sure it was not an error.
-                 ""])
-    def test_scrutinize(self):
-        """
-        The scrutinize action takes a thing as a target and displays a lot of
-        details about its internal state and construction.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "scrutinize me",
-            [E("('Thing',"),
-             E(" {'contents': [],"),
-             E("  'description': u'',"),
-             E("  'gender': 2,"),
-             E("  'location': Thing(description=u'Location for testing.', "
-               "gender=3, location=None, name=u'Test Location', portable=True, "
-               "proper=True, weight=1, storeID=") + STOREID + E(")@0x") + PTR
-               + E(","),
-             E("  'name': u'Test Player',"),
-             E("  'portable': True,"),
-             E("  'proper': True,"),
-             E("  'weight': 100})"),
-             ])
-        self._test(
-            "scrutinize here",
-            [E("('Thing',"),
-             E(" {'contents': [Thing(description=u'', gender=2, location="
-               "reference(") +
-             STOREID + E("), name=u'Test Player', portable=True, proper="
-                         "True, weight=100, storeID=") +
-             STOREID + E(")@0x") + PTR + E(","),
-             E("               Thing(description=u'', gender=2, location="
-               "reference(") +
-             STOREID + E("), name=u'Observer Player', portable=True, "
-                         "proper=True, weight=100, storeID=") +
-             STOREID + E(")@0x") + PTR + E("],"),
-             E("  'description': u'Location for testing.',"),
-             E("  'gender': 3,"),
-             E("  'location': None,"),
-             E("  'name': u'Test Location',"),
-             E("  'portable': True,"),
-             E("  'proper': True,"),
-             E("  'weight': 1})")])
-    def test_scrutinizeNonContainer(self):
-        """
-        The scrutinize action produces results for a thing which is not a
-        container.
-        """
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"foo")
-        iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).add(o)
-        self._test(
-            "scrutinize foo",
-            [E(u"('Thing',"),
-             E(u" {'description': u'',"),
-             E(u"  'gender': 3,"),
-             E(u"  'location': Thing(description=u'Location for testing.', "
-               "gender=3, location=None, name=u'Test Location', portable="
-               "True, proper=True, weight=1, storeID=") +
-             STOREID + E(")@0x") + PTR + E(","),
-             E(u"  'name': u'foo',"),
-             E(u"  'portable': True,"),
-             E(u"  'proper': False,"),
-             E(u"  'weight': 1})")])
-    def testOpenClose(self):
-        container = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"container")
-        objects.Container.createFor(container, capacity=1)
-        iimaginary.IContainer(self.location).add(container)
-        self._test(
-            "close container",
-            ["You close the container."],
-            ["Test Player closes a container."])
-        self._test(
-            "close container",
-            ["The container is already closed."],
-            [])
-        self._test(
-            "open container",
-            ["You open the container."],
-            ["Test Player opens a container."])
-        self._test(
-            "open container",
-            ["The container is already open."],
-            [])
-    def test_invalidHelp(self):
-        """
-        The help action tells the player that there is no help for topics for
-        which there is no help.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            # Hope you don't make a command with this name.
-            "help abcxyz123",
-            ["No help available on abcxyz123."],
-            [])
-        self._test(
-            "help /etc/passwd",
-            ["No help available on /etc/passwd."],
-            [])
-    def test_help(self):
-        """
-        The help action displays information from files in the resource
-        directory.
-        """
-        resources = filepath.FilePath(__file__).parent().sibling("resources")
-        self._test(
-            "help help",
-            resources.child("help").child("help").getContent().splitlines(),
-            [])
-    def test_helpMultiword(self):
-        """
-        The help action supports arguments with spaces in them.
-        """
-        fakeHelp = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
-        fakeHelp.makedirs()
-        fakeHelp.child("foo bar").setContent("baz")
-        original = Help.helpContentPath
-        try:
-            Help.helpContentPath = fakeHelp
-            self._test("help foo bar", ["baz"], [])
-        finally:
-            Help.helpContentPath = original

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_actor.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_actor.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_actor.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-class ActorTest(unittest.TestCase, commandutils.LanguageMixin):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-    def testPoweringUp(self):
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"wannabe")
-        self.assertEquals(iimaginary.IActor(o, "hah"), "hah")
-        a = objects.Actor.createFor(o)
-        self.assertEquals(iimaginary.IActor(o, None), a)
-    def testCondition(self):
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"wannabe")
-        actor = objects.Actor.createFor(o)
-        self.failUnless("great" in self.flatten(actor.conceptualize().plaintext(o)))
-    def testHitPoints(self):
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"hitty")
-        a = objects.Actor.createFor(o)
-        self.assertEquals(a.hitpoints, 100)
-    def testExperience(self):
-        o = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"hitty")
-        a = objects.Actor.createFor(o)
-        self.assertEquals(a.experience, 0)
-        a.gainExperience(1100)
-        self.assertEquals(a.experience, 1100)
-        self.assertEquals(a.level, 10)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_concept.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_concept.py	2007-08-17 04:46:38 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_concept.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-Tests for the conversion between abstract objects representing the world or
-changes in the world into concrete per-user-interface content.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from epsilon import structlike
-from imaginary import language, unc, text as T
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-class FakeThing(object):
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
-        self.__dict__.update(kw)
-class FakeDescriptionContributor:
-    def __init__(self, description):
-        self.descr = description
-    def conceptualize(self):
-        return language.ExpressString(self.descr)
-class NounTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.thing = FakeThing(
-            name=u'fake thing',
-            description=u"Fake Thing Description",
-            gender="!@>",
-            proper=False,
-            powerupsFor=lambda iface: [],
-            )
-        self.male = FakeThing(
-            name=u"billy",
-            gender=language.Gender.MALE,
-            )
-        self.female = FakeThing(
-            name=u"janey",
-            gender=language.Gender.FEMALE,
-            )
-        self.observer = FakeThing()
-        self.noun = language.Noun(self.thing)
-        self.malenoun = language.Noun(self.male)
-        self.femalenoun = language.Noun(self.female)
-class SharedTextyTests(commandutils.LanguageMixin):
-    def format(self, concept):
-        raise NotImplementedError("Implement me")
-    def testExpressString(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.ExpressString(u"foo bar")), u"foo bar")
-    def testExpressList(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.ExpressList([
-            language.ExpressString(u"foo"),
-            u" ",
-            language.ExpressString(u"bar")])),
-                          u"foo bar")
-    def testItemizedList(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.ItemizedList([])),
-                          u'') # XXX Does this make sense?
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.ItemizedList([
-            u'foo'])),
-                          u'foo')
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.ItemizedList([
-            u'foo', u'bar'])),
-                          u'foo and bar')
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.ItemizedList([
-            u'foo', u'bar', u'baz'])),
-                          u'foo, bar, and baz')
-    def testShortName(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.shortName()), u"fake thing")
-    def testNounPhrase(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.nounPhrase()), u"a fake thing")
-    def testProperNounPhrase(self):
-        self.thing.proper = True
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.nounPhrase()), u"fake thing")
-    def testDefiniteNounPhrase(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.definiteNounPhrase()), u"the fake thing")
-    def testProperDefiniteNounPhrase(self):
-        self.thing.proper = True
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.definiteNounPhrase()), u"fake thing")
-    def testPersonalPronoun(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.malenoun.heShe()), u"he")
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.femalenoun.heShe()), u"she")
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.heShe()), u"it")
-    def testObjectivePronoun(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.malenoun.himHer()), u'him')
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.femalenoun.himHer()), u'her')
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.himHer()), u'it')
-    def testPossessivePronoun(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.malenoun.hisHer()), u'his')
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.femalenoun.hisHer()), u'her')
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(self.noun.hisHer()), u'its')
-    def testCapitalization(self):
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.format(language.ExpressString(u"foo").capitalizeConcept()),
-            u"Foo")
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.format(language.ExpressList([[[[u"hi"]]]]).capitalizeConcept()),
-            u"Hi")
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.format(language.ItemizedList([u"foo", u"bar", u"baz"]).capitalizeConcept()),
-            u"Foo, bar, and baz")
-    def testSentence(self):
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.format(language.Sentence([self.noun.nounPhrase(), u" is awesome."])),
-            u"A fake thing is awesome.")
-class BasicConceptTestCasePlaintext(NounTestCase, SharedTextyTests):
-    def format(self, concept):
-        return self.flatten(concept.plaintext(self.observer))
-    def testMissingDescription(self):
-        self.thing.description = None
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description)),
-                          u'[ fake thing ]\n')
-    def testEmptyDescription(self):
-        self.thing.description = u''
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description)),
-                          u'[ fake thing ]\n')
-    def testDescription(self):
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description)),
-                          u'[ fake thing ]\n'
-                          u'Fake Thing Description\n')
-    def testExitsDescription(self):
-        exits = [StubExit(name=u"north"), StubExit(name=u"west")]
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description, exits)),
-                          u'[ fake thing ]\n'
-                          u'( north west )\n'
-                          u'Fake Thing Description\n')
-    def testDescriptionContributors(self):
-        a = FakeDescriptionContributor(u"first part")
-        b = FakeDescriptionContributor(u"last part")
-        self.assertEquals(self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description, others=[a, b])),
-                          u'[ fake thing ]\n'
-                          u'Fake Thing Description\n' +
-                          a.descr + u"\n" +
-                          b.descr)
-class StubExit(structlike.record("name")):
-    pass
-class VT102Tests(NounTestCase, SharedTextyTests):
-    def format(self, concept):
-        return self.flatten(concept.vt102(self.observer))
-    def unparse(self, s):
-        print repr(s)
-        return list(unc.parser(unc.tokenize(s)))
-    def _assertECMA48Equality(self, a, b):
-        errorLines = ['%-38s|%38s' % ('received', 'expected')]
-        for la, lb in map(None,
-                          unc.prettystring(a).splitlines(),
-                          unc.prettystring(b).splitlines()):
-            errorLines.append('%-38s|%38s' % (la, lb))
-        self.assertEquals(a, b, '\nERROR!\n' + '\n'.join(errorLines))
-    def testMissingDescription(self):
-        self.thing.description = None
-        self._assertECMA48Equality(
-            self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description)),
-            self.flatten([T.bold, T.fg.green, u'[ ', [T.fg.normal, "fake thing"], u' ]\n']))
-    def testEmptyDescription(self):
-        self.thing.description = u''
-        self._assertECMA48Equality(
-            self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description)),
-            self.flatten([T.bold, T.fg.green, u'[ ', [T.fg.normal, "fake thing"], u' ]\n']))
-    def testDescription(self):
-        self._assertECMA48Equality(
-            self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description)),
-            self.flatten([[T.bold, T.fg.green, u'[ ', [T.fg.normal, "fake thing"], u' ]\n'],
-                          T.fg.green, u'Fake Thing Description\n']))
-    def testExitsDescription(self):
-        exits = [StubExit(name=u"north"), StubExit(name=u"west")]
-        self._assertECMA48Equality(
-            self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description, exits)),
-            self.flatten([[T.bold, T.fg.green, u'[ ', [T.fg.normal, "fake thing"], u' ]\n'],
-                          [T.bold, T.fg.green, u'( ', [T.fg.normal, T.fg.yellow, u'north west'], u' )', u'\n'],
-                          T.fg.green, u'Fake Thing Description\n']))
-    def testDescriptionContributors(self):
-        a = FakeDescriptionContributor(u"first part")
-        b = FakeDescriptionContributor(u"last part")
-        self._assertECMA48Equality(
-            self.format(language.DescriptionConcept(self.thing.name, self.thing.description, others=[a, b])),
-            self.flatten([[[T.bold, T.fg.green, u'[ ', [T.fg.normal, "fake thing"], u' ]\n'],
-                          T.fg.green, u'Fake Thing Description\n'], a.descr + u"\n" + b.descr]))

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_container.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_container.py	2013-07-24 22:20:29 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_container.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-# -*- test-case-name: imaginary.test -*-
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import iimaginary, eimaginary, objects
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import (
-    CommandTestCaseMixin, E, createLocation, flatten)
-from imaginary.language import ExpressList
-class ContainerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.containmentCore = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"container")
-        self.container = objects.Container.createFor(self.containmentCore, capacity=1)
-        self.object = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"object")
-    def testAdd(self):
-        """
-        Test that successfully adding an object to a container properly adjusts
-        the world graph - in particular, the contents list of the container and
-        the location of the object.
-        """
-        self.container.add(self.object)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.container.getContents()), [self.object])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.object.location, self.containmentCore)
-    def testRemove(self):
-        """
-        Test that successfully removing an object from a container properly
-        adjusts the world graph - in particular, the contents list of the
-        container and the location of the object.
-        """
-        self.testAdd()
-        self.container.remove(self.object)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.container.getContents()), [])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.object.location, None)
-    def testOverflowing(self):
-        """
-        Test the capacity feature of the container implementation as it
-        interacts with the weight feature of the object implementation.
-        """
-        self.container.capacity = 1
-        self.object.weight = 2
-        self.assertRaises(eimaginary.DoesntFit, self.container.add, self.object)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.container.getContents()), [])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.object.location, None)
-    def testClosed(self):
-        """
-        Test the closed feature of the container implementation.
-        """
-        self.container.closed = True
-        self.assertRaises(eimaginary.Closed, self.container.add, self.object)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.container.getContents()), [])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.object.location, None)
-        self.container.closed = False
-        self.container.add(self.object)
-        self.container.closed = True
-        self.assertRaises(eimaginary.Closed, self.container.remove, self.object)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.container.getContents()), [self.object])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.object.location, self.containmentCore)
-class ExpressContentsTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{ExpressContents}.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.box = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"box")
-        self.container = objects.Container.createFor(self.box, capacity=123)
-        self.concept = objects.ExpressContents(self.container)
-        self.observer = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"observer")
-    def addContents(self, names):
-        """
-        Add a new L{Thing} to C{self.container} for each element of C{names}.
-        @param names: An iterable of L{unicode} giving the names of the things
-            to create and add.
-        """
-        things = []
-        for name in names:
-            thing = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=name, proper=True)
-            thing.moveTo(self.container)
-            things.append(thing)
-        return things
-    def test_interface(self):
-        """
-        An instance of L{ExpressContents} provides L{IConcept}.
-        """
-        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(iimaginary.IConcept, self.concept))
-    def test_contentConceptsEmpty(self):
-        """
-        L{ExpressContents._contentConcepts} returns an empty L{list} if the
-        L{Container} the L{ExpressContents} instance is initialized with has no
-        contents.
-        """
-        contents = self.concept._contentConcepts(self.observer)
-        self.assertEqual([], contents)
-    def test_contentConcepts(self):
-        """
-        L{ExpressContents._contentConcepts} returns a L{list} of L{IConcept}
-        providers representing the things contained by the L{Container} the
-        L{ExpressContents} instance is initialized with.
-        """
-        [something] = self.addContents([u"something"])
-        contents = self.concept._contentConcepts(self.observer)
-        self.assertEqual([something], contents)
-    def test_contentConceptsExcludesObserver(self):
-        """
-        The L{list} returned by L{ExpressContents._contentConcepts} does not
-        include the observer, even if the observer is contained by the
-        L{Container} the L{ExpressContents} instance is initialized with.
-        """
-        [something] = self.addContents([u"something"])
-        self.observer.moveTo(self.container)
-        concepts = self.concept._contentConcepts(self.observer)
-        self.assertEqual([something], concepts)
-    def test_contentConceptsExcludesUnseen(self):
-        """
-        If the L{Container} used to initialize L{ExpressContents} cannot be
-        seen by the observer passed to L{ExpressContents._contentConcepts}, it
-        is not included in the returned L{list}.
-        """
-        objects.LocationLighting.createFor(self.box, candelas=0)
-        [something] = self.addContents([u"something"])
-        concepts = self.concept._contentConcepts(self.observer)
-        self.assertEqual([], concepts)
-    def test_template(self):
-        """
-        L{ExpressContents.template} evaluates to the value of the
-        C{contentsTemplate} attribute of the L{Container} used to initialize
-        the L{ExpressContents} instance.
-        """
-        template = u"{pronoun} is carrying {contents}."
-        self.container.contentsTemplate = template
-        self.assertEqual(template, self.concept.template)
-    def test_defaultTemplate(self):
-        """
-        If the wrapped L{Container}'s C{contentsTemplate} is C{None},
-        L{ExpressContents.template} evaluates to a string giving a simple,
-        generic English-language template.
-        """
-        self.container.contentsTemplate = None
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"{subject:pronoun} contains {contents}.", self.concept.template)
-    def test_expandSubject(self):
-        """
-        L{ExpressContents.expand} expands a concept template string using
-        the wrapped L{Container}'s L{Thing} as I{subject}.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            [self.box.name],
-            list(self.concept.expand(u"{subject:name}", self.observer)))
-    def conceptAsText(self, concept, observer):
-        """
-        Express C{concept} to C{observer} and flatten the result into a
-        L{unicode} string.
-        @return: The text result expressing the concept.
-        """
-        return flatten(
-            ExpressList(concept.concepts(observer)).plaintext(observer))
-    def test_expandContents(self):
-        """
-        L{ExpressContents.expand} expands a concept template string using the
-        contents of the L{Thing} as I{contents}.
-        """
-        self.addContents([u"something", u"something else"])
-        contents = self.concept.expand(u"{contents}", self.observer)
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"something and something else",
-            self.conceptAsText(ExpressList(contents), self.observer))
-    def test_concepts(self):
-        """
-        L{ExpressContents.concepts} returns a L{list} expressing the contents
-        of the wrapped container to the given observer.
-        """
-        self.addContents([u"red fish", u"blue fish"])
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"it contains red fish and blue fish.",
-            self.conceptAsText(self.concept, self.observer))
-    def test_emptyConcepts(self):
-        """
-        If the wrapped container is empty, L{ExpressContents.concepts} returns
-        an empty list.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"", self.conceptAsText(self.concept, self.observer))
-class IngressAndEgressTestCase(CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    I should be able to enter and exit containers that are sufficiently big.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Create a container, C{self.box} that is large enough to stand in.
-        """
-        CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.container = createLocation(self.store, u"box", None)
-        self.box = self.container.thing
-        self.box.proper = False
-        self.box.moveTo(self.location)
-    def test_enterBox(self):
-        """
-        I should be able to enter the box.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            'enter box',
-            [E('[ Test Location ]'),
-             'Location for testing.',
-             'Here, you see Observer Player and a box.'],
-            ['Test Player leaves into the box.'])
-    def test_exitBox(self):
-        """
-        I should be able to exit the box.
-        """
-        self.player.moveTo(self.container)
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            'exit out',
-            [E('[ Test Location ]'),
-             'Location for testing.',
-             'Here, you see Observer Player and a box.'],
-            ['Test Player leaves out of the box.'])
-        self.assertEquals(self.player.location,
-                          self.location)
-    def test_enterWhileHoldingBox(self):
-        """
-        When I'm holding a container, I shouldn't be able to enter it.
-        """
-        self.container.thing.moveTo(self.player)
-        self.assertCommandOutput('enter box',
-                                 ["The box won't fit inside itself."],
-                                 [])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_create.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_create.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_create.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements, directlyProvides
-from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store, item, attributes
-from imaginary import iimaginary, plugins, creation
-from imaginary.creation import createCreator
-from imaginary.plugins import imaginary_basic
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-class ThingPlugin(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{imaginary_basic.thingPlugin}, a plugin for creating simple
-    things with no special behavior.
-    """
-    def test_createThing(self):
-        """
-        L{plugins.thingPlugin} creates a L{Thing} with no additional behavior.
-        """
-        st = store.Store()
-        thing = imaginary_basic.thingPlugin.getType()(store=st, name=u"foo")
-        self.assertTrue(verifyObject(iimaginary.IThing, thing))
-        self.assertIdentical(thing.store, st)
-        self.assertEqual(thing.name, u"foo")
-    def test_createThingCommand(self):
-        """
-        Things can be created with the I{create} command.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "create a thing named foo",
-            ["You create a foo."],
-            ["Test Player creates a foo."])
-        [foo] = self.playerContainer.getContents()
-        self.assertEqual(foo.name, u"foo")
-        self.assertFalse(foo.proper)
-class IFruit(Interface):
-    pass
-class Fruit(item.Item, Enhancement):
-    implements(IFruit)
-    powerupInterfaces = (IFruit,)
-    fresh = attributes.boolean(default=False)
-    thing = attributes.reference(allowNone=False)
-class FruitPlugin(object):
-    directlyProvides(iimaginary.IThingType)
-    type = 'fruit'
-    def getType(cls):
-        return createCreator((Fruit, {'fresh': True}))
-    getType = classmethod(getType)
-class CreateTest(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for the I{create} action.
-    """
-    def _getPlugins(self, iface, package):
-        self.assertIdentical(iface, iimaginary.IThingType)
-        self.assertIdentical(package, plugins)
-        return [FruitPlugin]
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.old_getPlugins = creation.getPlugins
-        creation.getPlugins = self._getPlugins
-        return commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        creation.getPlugins = self.old_getPlugins
-        return commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin.tearDown(self)
-    def test_createAThing(self):
-        """
-        The I{create a} form of the I{create} action makes a new L{Thing} using
-        the plugin which matches the type name specified and marks its name as
-        a common noun.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "create a fruit named apple",
-            ["You create an apple."],
-            ["Test Player creates an apple."])
-        apple = self.find(u"apple")
-        self.assertEquals(apple.name, "apple")
-        self.assertFalse(apple.proper)
-        self.assertEquals(apple.description, "an undescribed object")
-        self.assertEquals(apple.location, self.player)
-        fruit = IFruit(apple)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(fruit, Fruit))
-        self.assertTrue(fruit.fresh)
-    def test_createAnThing(self):
-        """
-        The I{create an} form of the I{create} action makes a new L{Thing}
-        using the plugin which matches the type name specified and marks its
-        name as a common noun.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "create an fruit named pear",
-            ["You create a pear."],
-            ["Test Player creates a pear."])
-        pear = self.find(u"pear")
-        self.assertEquals(pear.name, "pear")
-        self.assertFalse(pear.proper)
-        self.assertEquals(pear.description, "an undescribed object")
-        self.assertEquals(pear.location, self.player)
-        fruit = IFruit(pear)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(fruit, Fruit))
-        self.assertTrue(fruit.fresh)
-    def test_createImpliedCommonNounThing(self):
-        """
-        The I{create} form of the I{create} action implies a common noun name
-        and behaves the same way as the I{create a} and I{create an} forms.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "create fruit named 'bunch of grapes'",
-            ["You create a bunch of grapes."],
-            ["Test Player creates a bunch of grapes."])
-        pear = self.find(u"bunch of grapes")
-        self.assertEquals(pear.name, "bunch of grapes")
-        self.assertFalse(pear.proper)
-        self.assertEquals(pear.description, "an undescribed object")
-        self.assertEquals(pear.location, self.player)
-        fruit = IFruit(pear)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(fruit, Fruit))
-        self.assertTrue(fruit.fresh)
-    def test_createTheThing(self):
-        """
-        The I{create the} form of the I{create} action makes a new L{Thing}
-        using the plugin which matches the type name specified and marks its
-        name as a proper noun.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "create the fruit named 'The Golden Apple'",
-            ["You create The Golden Apple."],
-            ["Test Player creates The Golden Apple."])
-        apple = self.find(u"The Golden Apple")
-        self.assertEqual(apple.name, "The Golden Apple")
-        self.assertTrue(apple.proper)
-        self.assertEqual(apple.description, "an undescribed object")
-        self.assertEqual(apple.location, self.player)
-        fruit = IFruit(apple)
-        self.assertTrue(isinstance(fruit, Fruit))
-        self.assertTrue(fruit.fresh)
-    def test_createMultiwordWithDescription(self):
-        """
-        The I{create} command creates a thing of the type specified by its
-        first argument, with the name specified by its second argument, and
-        with a description specified by the remainder of the input line.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "create a fruit named 'described fruit' This is the fruit's description.",
-            ["You create a described fruit."],
-            ["Test Player creates a described fruit."])
-        [thing] = self.playerContainer.getContents()
-        self.assertEquals(thing.name, "described fruit")
-        self.assertEquals(thing.description, "This is the fruit's description.")
-        self.assertEquals(thing.location, self.player)
-class ListCreatablesTests(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for C{list creatables}.
-    """
-    def _getPlugins(self, interface, package):
-        """
-        A stub implementation of L{creation.getPlugins} meant to replace it
-        temporarily during tests.
-        @param interface: Must be IThingType.
-        @param package: Must be L{imaginary.plugins}.
-        @return: A list of two instances of L{FruitPlugin}.
-        """
-        self.assertIdentical(interface, iimaginary.IThingType)
-        self.assertIdentical(package, plugins)
-        foo = FruitPlugin()
-        bar = FruitPlugin()
-        foo.type = "foo"
-        # Include some non-ascii to make sure it supports non-ascii.
-        bar.type = u"bar\N{HIRAGANA LETTER A}"
-        return [foo, bar]
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Monkeypatch L{creation.getPlugins} with L{_getPlugins}.
-        """
-        self.oldGetPlugins = creation.getPlugins
-        creation.getPlugins = self._getPlugins
-        return commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """
-        Unmonkeypatch L{creation.getPlugins}.
-        """
-        creation.getPlugins = self.oldGetPlugins
-        return commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin.tearDown(self)
-    def test_listThingTypes(self):
-        """
-        L{listThingTypes} returns a list of strings in alphabetical order
-        describing types which can be created.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(creation.listThingTypes(),
-                         [u"bar\N{HIRAGANA LETTER A}", u"foo"])
-    def test_listThingTypesCommand(self):
-        """
-        I{list thing types} displays the names of all types which can be
-        created.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "list thing types",
-            [u"bar\N{HIRAGANA LETTER A}", u"foo"],
-            [])
-    def test_helpListThingTypes(self):
-        """
-        I{help list thing types} gives usage information for the I{list thing
-        types} action.
-        """
-        actorOutput, otherOutput = self.watchCommand("help list thing types")
-        self.assertIn("Show a list of names of things which can be created",
-                      actorOutput)
-        self.assertEquals(otherOutput, "")
-    def test_helpList(self):
-        """
-        The I{list} help text refers to I{list thing types}.
-        """
-        actorOutput, otherOutput = self.watchCommand("help list")
-        self.assertIn("thing types", actorOutput)
-        self.assertEqual(otherOutput, u"")

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_drop.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_drop.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_drop.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from axiom.store import Store
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import createPlayer
-from imaginary.objects import Thing, Container
-from imaginary.action import Drop
-from imaginary.events import ArrivalEvent
-class DropTestCase(TestCase):
-    def test_arrivalEvent(self):
-        """
-        Test that when a thing is dropped, an ArrivalEvent instance is
-        broadcast to the room it is dropped into.
-        """
-        st = Store()
-        player, actor, intelligence = createPlayer(st, u"Foo")
-        place = Thing(store=st, name=u"soko")
-        player.moveTo(Container.createFor(place, capacity=1000))
-        bauble = Thing(store=st, name=u"bauble")
-        bauble.moveTo(player)
-        Drop().runEventTransaction(player, None, dict(target=bauble.name))
-        self.assertEquals(len([concept for concept
-                               in intelligence.concepts
-                               if isinstance(concept, ArrivalEvent)]), 1)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_enhancement.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_enhancement.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_enhancement.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-Tests for L{imaginary.enhancement}.
-from zope.interface import Interface, implements
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from axiom.store import Store
-from axiom.item import Item
-from axiom.attributes import integer, reference, boolean
-from axiom.dependency import installOn
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary.objects import Thing
-class INonPowerupInterface(Interface):
-    """
-    This is an interface, but not a powerup interface.
-    """
-class IStubSimulation(Interface):
-    """
-    A stub interface for simulations.
-    """
-class StubEnhancement(Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    An enhancement for testing.  This adds functionality to a L{Thing}.
-    """
-    implements(IStubSimulation, INonPowerupInterface)
-    powerupInterfaces = [IStubSimulation]
-    thing = reference()
-    stubValue = integer()
-class StrictEnhancement(Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    An enhancement for testing with an attribute that has C{allowNone=False}
-    and no default.
-    """
-    requiredValue = integer(allowNone=False)
-    thing = reference(allowNone=False)
-class CustomizedEnhancement(Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    An enhancement which has customized apply / remove behavior.
-    """
-    thing = reference(allowNone=False)
-    applied = boolean()
-    removed = boolean()
-    def applyEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        The enhancement is about to be applied; modify our attributes to
-        account for that.
-        """
-        self.applied = True
-        super(CustomizedEnhancement, self).applyEnhancement()
-    def removeEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        The enhancement is about to be removed; modify our attributes to
-        account for that.
-        """
-        self.removed = True
-        super(CustomizedEnhancement, self).removeEnhancement()
-class EnhancementTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{Enhancement}
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        Create a store with a thing in it.
-        """
-        self.store = Store()
-        self.thing = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'test object')
-    def test_createForSimple(self):
-        """
-        L{Enhancement.createFor} will create an enhancement of the appropriate
-        type and install it as a powerup on the Thing it is passed.
-        """
-        stub = StubEnhancement.createFor(self.thing)
-        self.assertIdentical(stub.thing, self.thing)
-        self.assertIdentical(IStubSimulation(self.thing), stub)
-        self.assertIdentical(INonPowerupInterface(self.thing, None), None)
-    def test_createForArguments(self):
-        """
-        Keyword arguments passed to L{Enhancement.createFor} will be passed on
-        to the class.
-        """
-        stub = StubEnhancement.createFor(self.thing, stubValue=4321)
-        self.assertEquals(stub.stubValue, 4321)
-    def test_createForAllowNoneFalse(self):
-        """
-        If an L{Enhancement} subclass requires a particular attribute,
-        L{Enhancement.createFor} will require that argument just as
-        L{Item.__init__} would.
-        """
-        self.assertRaises(
-            TypeError, StrictEnhancement.createFor, self.thing)
-    def test_overrideApplyEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        Subclasses of L{Enhancement} can override applyEnhancement to determine
-        what happens when createFor does its powering up.
-        """
-        custom = CustomizedEnhancement.createFor(self.thing, applied=False)
-        self.assertEquals(custom.applied, True)
-    def test_dontRelyOnInstalledHook(self):
-        """
-        L{Enhancement.installed} raises a L{RuntimeError}, to make sure that
-        nothing uses L{installOn} to install enhancements any more.
-        """
-        se = StubEnhancement(store=self.store, thing=self.thing)
-        theError = self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, installOn, se, self.thing)
-        self.assertEquals(str(theError),
-                         "Use Enhancement.createFor, not installOn(), "
-                         "to apply an Enhancement to a Thing.")
-    def test_destroyFor(self):
-        """
-        L{Enhancement.destroyFor} powers down the L{Enhancement} from its
-        L{Thing}, and removes it from its store.
-        """
-        StubEnhancement.createFor(self.thing)
-        otherThing = Thing(store=self.store, name=u'test other thing')
-        stub2 = StubEnhancement.createFor(otherThing)
-        StubEnhancement.destroyFor(self.thing)
-        self.assertIdentical(IStubSimulation(self.thing, None), None)
-        self.assertEquals([stub2], list(self.store.query(StubEnhancement)))
-    def test_removeEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        L{Enhancement.removeEnhancement} removes the L{Enhancement} from its
-        L{Thing}, but leaves it in place.
-        """
-        stub = StubEnhancement.createFor(self.thing)
-        stub.removeEnhancement()
-        self.assertIdentical(IStubSimulation(self.thing, None), None)
-        self.assertEquals([stub], list(self.store.query(StubEnhancement)))
-    def test_destroyForRemovesEnhancement(self):
-        """
-        L{Enhancement.destroyFor} will first invoke C{removeEnhancement},
-        allowing subclasses to hook it to provide custom cleanup logic.
-        """
-        custom = CustomizedEnhancement.createFor(
-            self.thing, applied=False, removed=False)
-        CustomizedEnhancement.destroyFor(self.thing)
-        self.assertEquals(custom.removed, True)
-    def test_destroyForNothing(self):
-        """
-        L{Enhancement.destroyFor} does nothing when invoked on a Thing that
-        doesn't have any enhancements of the specified type installed.
-        """
-        # I have to write code in order to make this happen, rather than an
-        # exception getting raised; i.e. a 'default=None'.  So it's worth
-        # testing.  Unfortunately I don't actually have anything to assert
-        # about it except "an exception wasn't raised, and all the other stuff
-        # in the other tests still work"
-        StubEnhancement.destroyFor(self.thing)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_garments.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_garments.py	2013-06-30 19:00:05 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_garments.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects, garments, language
-from imaginary.eimaginary import ActionFailure
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import E
-from imaginary.world import ImaginaryWorld
-class WearIt(unittest.TestCase, commandutils.LanguageMixin):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.dummy = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'dummy')
-        self.dummyContainer = objects.Container.createFor(self.dummy, capacity=100)
-        self.shirt = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'shirt')
-        self.shirtGarment = garments.Garment.createFor(
-            self.shirt,
-            garmentDescription=u'a shirt',
-            garmentSlots=[garments.GarmentSlot.LEFT_ARM,
-                          garments.GarmentSlot.RIGHT_ARM,
-                          garments.GarmentSlot.CHEST,
-                          garments.GarmentSlot.BACK,
-                          ])
-        self.wearer = garments.Wearer.createFor(self.dummy)
-    def testWearing(self):
-        self.wearer.putOn(self.shirtGarment)
-        self.assertIdentical(self.shirt.location, self.dummy)
-class GarmentPluginTestCase(commandutils.LanguageMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.world = ImaginaryWorld(store=self.store)
-        self.daisy = self.world.create(u"daisy", gender=language.Gender.FEMALE)
-        self.observer = self.world.create(u"NONDESCRIPT", gender=language.Gender.MALE)
-        self.dukes = garments.createPants(store=self.store,
-                                          name=u'pair of Daisy Dukes')
-        self.blouse = garments.createShirt(store=self.store,
-                                           name=u"blue blouse")
-        self.undies = garments.createUnderwear(store=self.store,
-                                               name=u"pair of lacy underwear")
-    def _creationTest(self, garment):
-        self.failUnless(
-            iimaginary.IClothing.providedBy(iimaginary.IClothing(garment)))
-    def testShirtCreation(self):
-        self._creationTest(
-            garments.createShirt(store=self.store, name=u'red shirt'))
-    def testPantsCreation(self):
-        self._creationTest(
-            garments.createPants(store=self.store, name=u'blue pants'))
-    def testPersonIsAWearer(self):
-        self.failUnless(iimaginary.IClothingWearer.providedBy(
-            iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy)))
-    def testPersonWearsPants(self):
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        description = self.daisy.visualize()
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.flatten(description.plaintext(self.observer)),
-            u'[ daisy ]\n'
-            u'daisy is great.\n'
-            u'She is wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes.')
-    def testPersonRemovesPants(self):
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).takeOff(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        description = self.daisy.visualize()
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.flatten(description.plaintext(self.observer)),
-            u'[ daisy ]\n'
-            u'daisy is great.\n'
-            u'She is naked.\n'
-            u'She is carrying a pair of Daisy Dukes.'
-            )
-        self.assertIdentical(self.dukes.location, self.daisy)
-    def testPersonRemovesPantsAndUnderwear(self):
-        wearer = iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy)
-        wearer.putOn(iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-        wearer.putOn(iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        wearer.takeOff(iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        wearer.takeOff(iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-        description = self.daisy.visualize()
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.flatten(description.plaintext(self.observer)),
-            u'[ daisy ]\n'
-            u'daisy is great.\n'
-            u'She is naked.\n'
-            u'She is carrying a pair of Daisy Dukes and a pair of lacy '
-            u'underwear.'
-            )
-        self.assertIdentical(self.dukes.location, self.daisy)
-    def test_cantDropSomethingYouAreWearing(self):
-        """
-        If you're wearing an article of clothing, you should not be able to
-        drop it until you first take it off.  After taking it off, however, you
-        can move it around just fine.
-        """
-        wearer = iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy)
-        wearer.putOn(iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-        af = self.assertRaises(ActionFailure, self.undies.moveTo,
-                               self.daisy.location)
-        self.assertEquals(
-            u''.join(af.event.plaintext(self.daisy)),
-            u"You can't move the pair of lacy underwear "
-            u"without removing it first.\n")
-        wearer.takeOff(iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-        self.undies.moveTo(self.daisy.location)
-        self.assertEquals(self.daisy.location, self.undies.location)
-    def testTakeOffUnderwearBeforePants(self):
-        # TODO - underwear removal skill
-        wearer = iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy)
-        wearer.putOn(iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-        wearer.putOn(iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        self.assertRaises(garments.InaccessibleGarment,
-                          wearer.takeOff, iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-    def testPersonWearsPantsAndShirt(self):
-        description = self.daisy.visualize()
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.blouse))
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.flatten(description.plaintext(self.observer)),
-            u"[ daisy ]\n"
-            u"daisy is great.\n"
-            u"She is wearing a blue blouse and a pair of Daisy Dukes.")
-    def testPersonWearsUnderpantsAndPants(self):
-        description = self.daisy.visualize()
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        self.assertEquals(
-            self.flatten(description.plaintext(self.observer)),
-            u"[ daisy ]\n"
-            u"daisy is great.\n"
-            u"She is wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes.")
-    def testPersonWearsPantsAndFailsAtPuttingOnUnderpants(self):
-        description = self.daisy.visualize()
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        self.assertRaises(garments.TooBulky,
-                          iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn,
-                          iimaginary.IClothing(self.undies))
-    def testWornClothingIsFindable(self):
-        iimaginary.IClothingWearer(self.daisy).putOn(
-            iimaginary.IClothing(self.dukes))
-        dukes = list(self.daisy.findProviders(
-            iimaginary.IClothing, 0))
-        self.assertEquals(len(dukes), 1)
-        self.assertIdentical(dukes[0].thing, self.dukes)
-class FunSimulationStuff(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    def createPants(self):
-        """
-        Create a pair of Daisy Dukes for the test player to wear.
-        """
-        self._test("create pants named 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You create a pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player creates a pair of daisy dukes."])
-    def testWearIt(self):
-        self.createPants()
-        self._test("wear 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of daisy dukes."])
-    def test_takeItOff(self):
-        """
-        A garment can be removed with the I{take off} action or the
-        I{remove} action.
-        """
-        self.createPants()
-        self._test("wear 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of daisy dukes."])
-        self._test("take off 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You take off the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player takes off a pair of daisy dukes."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of daisy dukes."])
-        self._test("remove 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You take off the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player takes off a pair of daisy dukes."])
-    def testProperlyDressed(self):
-        self.createPants()
-        self._test("create underwear named 'pair of lace panties'",
-                   ["You create a pair of lace panties."],
-                   ["Test Player creates a pair of lace panties."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of lace panties'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of lace panties."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of lace panties."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of daisy dukes."])
-        self._test("look me",
-                   [E("[ Test Player ]"),
-                    E("Test Player is great."),
-                    E("She is wearing a pair of daisy dukes.")])
-    def testTooBulky(self):
-        self.createPants()
-        self._test("create pants named 'pair of overalls'",
-                   ["You create a pair of overalls."],
-                   ["Test Player creates a pair of overalls."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of overalls'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of overalls."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of overalls."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["The pair of overalls you are already wearing is too bulky for you to do that."],
-                   ["Test Player wrestles with basic personal problems."])
-        self._test("look me",
-                   [E("[ Test Player ]"),
-                    E("Test Player is great."),
-                    E("She is wearing a pair of overalls."),
-                    E("She is carrying a pair of daisy dukes."),
-                    ])
-    def testInaccessibleGarment(self):
-        self.createPants()
-        self._test("create underwear named 'pair of lace panties'",
-                   ["You create a pair of lace panties."],
-                   ["Test Player creates a pair of lace panties."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of lace panties'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of lace panties."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of lace panties."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of daisy dukes."])
-        self._test("remove 'pair of lace panties'",
-                   [E("You cannot take off the pair of lace panties because you are wearing a pair of daisy dukes.")],
-                   ["Test Player gets a dumb look on her face."])
-    def testEquipment(self):
-        self.createPants()
-        self._test("create underwear named 'pair of lace panties'",
-                   ["You create a pair of lace panties."],
-                   ["Test Player creates a pair of lace panties."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of lace panties'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of lace panties."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of lace panties."])
-        self._test("wear 'pair of daisy dukes'",
-                   ["You put on the pair of daisy dukes."],
-                   ["Test Player puts on a pair of daisy dukes."])
-        self._test("equipment",
-                   ["You are wearing a pair of daisy dukes and a pair of lace panties."]),
-    def testNoEquipment(self):
-        self._test("equipment",
-                   ["You aren't wearing any equipment."])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_hit.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_hit.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_hit.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import E
-from imaginary import objects, iimaginary
-class HitTestCase(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    def testHit(self):
-        self._test(
-            "hit self",
-            [E("Hit yourself?  Stupid.")])
-        self._test(
-            "hit foobar",
-            [E("Who's that?")])
-        actor = iimaginary.IActor(self.player)
-        actor.stamina.current = 0
-        self._test(
-            "hit Observer Player",
-            ["You're too tired!"])
-        actor.stamina.current = actor.stamina.max
-        x, y = self._test(
-            "hit Observer Player",
-            ["You hit Observer Player for (\\d+) hitpoints."],
-            ["Test Player hits you for (\\d+) hitpoints."])
-        self.assertEquals(x[1].groups(), y[0].groups())
-        actor.stamina.current = actor.stamina.max
-        x, y = self._test(
-            "attack Observer Player",
-            ["You hit Observer Player for (\\d+) hitpoints."],
-            ["Test Player hits you for (\\d+) hitpoints."])
-        self.assertEquals(x[1].groups(), y[0].groups())
-        monster = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"monster")
-        objects.Actor.createFor(monster)
-        monster.moveTo(self.location)
-        x, y = self._test(
-            "hit monster",
-            ["You hit the monster for (\\d+) hitpoints."],
-            ["Test Player hits a monster."])
-        monster.destroy()
-    def testInvalidAttacks(self):
-        self._test(
-            "hit here",
-            [E("Who's that?")],
-            [])
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"quiche")
-        obj.moveTo(self.location)
-        self._test(
-            "hit quiche",
-            [E("Who's that?")],
-            [])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_idea.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_idea.py	2010-04-24 21:54:09 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_idea.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-Some basic unit tests for L{imaginary.idea} (but many tests for this code are in
-other modules instead).
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from epsilon.structlike import record
-from imaginary.iimaginary import (
-    IWhyNot, INameable, ILinkContributor, IObstruction, ILinkAnnotator,
-    IElectromagneticMedium)
-from imaginary.language import ExpressString
-from imaginary.idea import (
-    Idea, Link, Path, AlsoKnownAs, ProviderOf, Named, DelegatingRetriever,
-    Reachable, CanSee)
-class Reprable(record('repr')):
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.repr
-class PathTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{imaginary.idea.Path}.
-    """
-    def test_repr(self):
-        """
-        A L{Path} instance can be rendered into a string by C{repr}.
-        """
-        key = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("key"))
-        table = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("table"))
-        hall = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("hall"))
-        path = Path([Link(hall, table), Link(table, key)])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            repr(path),
-            "Path(\n"
-            "\t'hall' => 'table' []\n"
-            "\t'table' => 'key' [])")
-    def test_unnamedDelegate(self):
-        """
-        The I{repr} of a L{Path} containing delegates without names includes the
-        I{repr} of the delegates.
-        """
-        key = Idea(Reprable("key"))
-        table = Idea(Reprable("table"))
-        hall = Idea(Reprable("hall"))
-        path = Path([Link(hall, table), Link(table, key)])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            repr(path),
-            "Path(\n"
-            "\thall => table []\n"
-            "\ttable => key [])")
-class OneLink(record('link')):
-    implements(ILinkContributor)
-    def links(self):
-        return [self.link]
-class TooHigh(object):
-    implements(IWhyNot)
-    def tellMeWhyNot(self):
-        return ExpressString("the table is too high")
-class ArmsReach(DelegatingRetriever):
-    """
-    Restrict retrievable to things within arm's reach.
-        alas for poor Alice! when she got to the door, she found he had
-        forgotten the little golden key, and when she went back to the table for
-        it, she found she could not possibly reach it:
-    """
-    def moreObjectionsTo(self, path, result):
-        """
-        Object to finding the key.
-        """
-        # This isn't a very good implementation of ArmsReach.  It doesn't
-        # actually check distances or paths or anything.  It just knows the
-        # key is on the table, and Alice is too short.
-        named = path.targetAs(INameable)
-        if named.knownTo(None, "key"):
-            return [TooHigh()]
-        return []
-class WonderlandSetupMixin:
-    """
-    A test case mixin which sets up a graph based on a scene from Alice in
-    Wonderland.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        garden = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("garden"))
-        door = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("door"))
-        hall = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("hall"))
-        alice = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("alice"))
-        key = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("key"))
-        table = Idea(AlsoKnownAs("table"))
-        alice.linkers.append(OneLink(Link(alice, hall)))
-        hall.linkers.append(OneLink(Link(hall, door)))
-        hall.linkers.append(OneLink(Link(hall, table)))
-        table.linkers.append(OneLink(Link(table, key)))
-        door.linkers.append(OneLink(Link(door, garden)))
-        self.alice = alice
-        self.hall = hall
-        self.door = door
-        self.garden = garden
-        self.table = table
-        self.key = key
-class IdeaTests(WonderlandSetupMixin, TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{imaginary.idea.Idea}.
-    """
-    def test_objections(self):
-        """
-        The L{IRetriver} passed to L{Idea.obtain} can object to certain results.
-        This excludes them from the result returned by L{Idea.obtain}.
-        """
-        # XXX The last argument is the observer, and is supposed to be an
-        # IThing.
-        retriever = Named("key", ProviderOf(INameable), self.alice)
-        # Sanity check.  Alice should be able to reach the key if we don't
-        # restrict things based on her height.
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.alice.obtain(retriever)), [self.key.delegate])
-        # But when we consider how short she is, she should not be able to reach
-        # it.
-        results = self.alice.obtain(ArmsReach(retriever))
-        self.assertEquals(list(results), [])
-class Closed(object):
-    implements(IObstruction)
-    def whyNot(self):
-        return ExpressString("the door is closed")
-class ConstantAnnotation(record('annotation')):
-    implements(ILinkAnnotator)
-    def annotationsFor(self, link, idea):
-        return [self.annotation]
-class ReachableTests(WonderlandSetupMixin, TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{imaginary.idea.Reachable}.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        WonderlandSetupMixin.setUp(self)
-        # XXX The last argument is the observer, and is supposed to be an
-        # IThing.
-        self.retriever = Reachable(
-            Named("garden", ProviderOf(INameable), self.alice))
-    def test_anyObstruction(self):
-        """
-        If there are any obstructions in the path traversed by the retriever
-        wrapped by L{Reachable}, L{Reachable} objects to them and they are not
-        returned by L{Idea.obtain}.
-        """
-        # Make the door closed..  Now Alice cannot reach the garden.
-        self.door.annotators.append(ConstantAnnotation(Closed()))
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.alice.obtain(self.retriever)), [])
-    def test_noObstruction(self):
-        """
-        If there are no obstructions in the path traversed by the retriever
-        wrapped by L{Reachable}, all results are returned by L{Idea.obtain}.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.alice.obtain(self.retriever)),
-            [self.garden.delegate])
-class Wood(object):
-    implements(IElectromagneticMedium)
-    def isOpaque(self):
-        return True
-class Glass(object):
-    implements(IElectromagneticMedium)
-    def isOpaque(self):
-        return False
-class CanSeeTests(WonderlandSetupMixin, TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{imaginary.idea.CanSee}.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        WonderlandSetupMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.retriever = CanSee(
-            Named("garden", ProviderOf(INameable), self.alice))
-    def test_throughTransparent(self):
-        """
-        L{Idea.obtain} continues past an L{IElectromagneticMedium} which returns
-        C{False} from its C{isOpaque} method.
-        """
-        self.door.annotators.append(ConstantAnnotation(Glass()))
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.alice.obtain(self.retriever)), [self.garden.delegate])
-    def test_notThroughOpaque(self):
-        """
-        L{Idea.obtain} does not continue past an L{IElectromagneticMedium} which
-        returns C{True} from its C{isOpaque} method.
-        """
-        # Make the door opaque.  Now Alice cannot see the garden.
-        self.door.annotators.append(ConstantAnnotation(Wood()))
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.alice.obtain(self.retriever)), [])

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_illumination.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_illumination.py	2013-06-30 19:00:05 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_illumination.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import implements
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store, item, attributes
-from imaginary.enhancement import Enhancement
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects, idea
-from imaginary.language import ExpressString
-from imaginary.manipulation import Manipulator
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-class DarknessTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.location = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Dark Room")
-        objects.Container.createFor(self.location, capacity=1000)
-        objects.LocationLighting.createFor(self.location, candelas=0)
-        self.rock = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Rock")
-        self.observer = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Observer")
-        self.rock.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.observer.moveTo(self.location)
-    def assertDarkRoom(self, visible):
-        """
-        Assert that the given L{IVisible} provider is a dark room.
-        """
-        descr = visible.visualize()
-        expressed = descr.plaintext(self.observer)
-        lines = commandutils.flatten(expressed).splitlines()
-        self.assertEquals(
-            lines,
-            [u"[ Blackness ]",
-             u"You cannot see anything because it is very dark."])
-    def testDarkenedRoom(self):
-        """
-        Test that when a 'dark' LocationLighting proxy is on a location,
-        only darkness can be seen.
-        """
-        darkThings = list(self.observer.findProviders(iimaginary.IVisible, 1))
-        self.assertDarkRoom(darkThings[0])
-        self.assertEquals(len(darkThings), 1)
-    def testLookingOut(self):
-        """
-        Test that when findProviders is called on an observer in a dark
-        location, objects in nearby illuminated rooms are returned.
-        """
-        nearby = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"other room")
-        objects.Container.createFor(nearby, capacity=1000)
-        ball = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"ball")
-        ball.moveTo(nearby)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, nearby, u"west")
-        found = list(self.observer.findProviders(iimaginary.IVisible, 3))
-        self.assertDarkRoom(found[0])
-        self.assertEquals(found[1:], [nearby, ball])
-        self.assertEquals(len(found), 3)
-    def test_nonVisibilityAffected(self):
-        """
-        L{LocationLightning} blocks out non-IVisible stuff from
-        L{Thing.findProviders} by default.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.observer.findProviders(iimaginary.IThing, 3)),
-            [])
-        # XXX need another test: not blocked out from ...
-    def test_nonVisibilityUnaffected(self):
-        """
-        L{LocationLightning} should not block out non-IVisible stuff from a
-        plain L{Idea.obtain} query.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.observer.idea.obtain(
-                    idea.Proximity(3, idea.ProviderOf(iimaginary.IThing)))),
-            [self.observer, self.location, self.rock]
-            )
-    def testLightSourceInLocation(self):
-        """
-        Test that a light source in a dark room causes things to be visible
-        again.
-        """
-        torch = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"torch")
-        objects.LightSource.createFor(torch, candelas=80)
-        torch.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.observer.findProviders(iimaginary.IVisible, 1)),
-            [self.observer, self.location, self.rock, torch])
-    def testHeldLightSource(self):
-        """
-        Test that a torch in an open container lights up a location.
-        """
-        torch = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"torch")
-        objects.LightSource.createFor(torch, candelas=80)
-        objects.Container.createFor(self.observer, capacity=1000)
-        torch.moveTo(self.observer)
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.observer.findProviders(iimaginary.IVisible, 1)),
-            [self.observer, torch, self.location, self.rock])
-    def testOccultedLightSource(self):
-        """
-        Test that a light source which is obscured somehow does not actually
-        illuminate a location.
-        """
-        torch = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"torch")
-        objects.LightSource.createFor(torch, candelas=80)
-        c = objects.Container.createFor(self.observer, capacity=1000)
-        torch.moveTo(self.observer)
-        c.closed = True
-        found = list(self.observer.findProviders(iimaginary.IVisible, 1))
-        self.assertDarkRoom(found[0])
-        self.assertEquals(len(found), 1)
-class DarknessCommandTestCase(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    def testLookingIntoDarkness(self):
-        objects.LocationLighting.createFor(self.location, candelas=0)
-        self._test(
-            "look",
-            [commandutils.E("[ Blackness ]"),
-             "You cannot see anything because it is very dark."])
-    def testTorch(self):
-        objects.LocationLighting.createFor(self.location, candelas=0)
-        self._test(
-            "create a torch named torch",
-            ["You create a torch."],
-            ["Test Player creates a torch."])
-        self._test(
-            "look",
-            [commandutils.E("[ Test Location ]"),
-             "Location for testing.",
-             "Here, you see Observer Player."])
-    def test_changeIlluminationLevel(self):
-        """
-        An administrator can change the illumination level of a room to a fixed
-        number by using the "illuminate" command.
-        """
-        fade_to_black = "Your environs fade to black due to Ineffable Spooky Magic."
-        no_change = "You do it.  Swell."
-        dark_to_light = "Your environs are suddenly alight."
-        brighten = "Your environs seem slightly brighter."
-        endarken = "Your environs seem slightly dimmer."
-        theAdmin = Manipulator(store=self.store, thing=self.playerWrapper.actor)
-        self.playerWrapper.actor.powerUp(theAdmin)
-        self._test(
-            "illuminate 0",
-            [fade_to_black],
-            [fade_to_black])
-        ll = self.store.findUnique(
-            objects.LocationLighting,
-            objects.LocationLighting.thing == self.location)
-        self.assertEquals(ll.candelas, 0)
-        self._test(
-            "illuminate 0",
-            [no_change])
-        self.assertEquals(ll.candelas, 0)
-        self._test(
-            "illuminate 100",
-            [dark_to_light],
-            [dark_to_light])
-        self.assertEquals(ll.candelas, 100)
-        self._test(
-            "illuminate 110",
-            [brighten],
-            [brighten])
-        self.assertEquals(ll.candelas, 110)
-        self._test(
-            "illuminate 100",
-            [endarken],
-            [endarken])
-        self.assertEquals(ll.candelas, 100)
-        self._test(
-            "illuminate 0",
-            [fade_to_black],
-            [fade_to_black])
-        self.assertEquals(ll.candelas, 0)
-    def test_regularUserCantIlluminate(self):
-        """
-        A regular, non-administrative user should not be able to illuminate a
-        room with the administrative command.
-        """
-        objects.LocationLighting(thing=self.location,
-                                 store=self.location.store,
-                                 candelas=100)
-        self._test(
-            "illuminate 0",
-            ["You are insufficiently brilliant to do that directly."])
-        self.assertEquals(self.store.findUnique(
-                objects.LocationLighting,
-                objects.LocationLighting.thing == self.location).candelas, 100)
-class ActionsInDarkRoomTestCase(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin,
-                                unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    Darkness interferes with other commands.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        """
-        There's a room which is dark, where the player is trying to do things.
-        """
-        commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.lighting = objects.LocationLighting.createFor(
-            self.location, candelas=0)
-    def test_actionWithTargetInDarkRoom(self):
-        """
-        By default, actions which require objects in a darkened room should
-        fail, because it's too dark.
-        """
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "create pants named 'pair of pants'",
-            ["You create a pair of pants."],
-            ["Test Player creates a pair of pants."])
-        # The action is going to try to locate its target.  During the graph
-        # traversal it shouldn't find _any_ pants.  Whether or not we find any
-        # pants, we want the message to note that it's too dark.  The reason is
-        # actually a property of a link (or perhaps a set of links: i.e. the
-        # me->me link, the me->chair link, the chair->room link) so the
-        # retriever is going to need to keep a list of those (Refusals) as it
-        # retrieves each one.
-        #
-        # resolve calls search
-        # search calls findProviders
-        # findProviders constructs a thingy, calls obtain()
-        self.test_actionWithNoTargetInDarkRoom()
-    def test_actionWithTargetInAdjacentDarkRoom(self):
-        """
-        If a player is standing I{next} to a dark room, they should not be able
-        to locate targets in the dark room, but the reporting in this case
-        should be normal, not the "It's too dark to see" that would result if
-        they were in the dark room themselves.
-        """
-        self.otherRoom = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'Elsewhere')
-        objects.Container.createFor(self.otherRoom, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, self.otherRoom, u'west')
-        self.player.moveTo(self.otherRoom)
-        self.observer.moveTo(self.otherRoom)
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "wear pants",
-            [commandutils.E(u"Who's that?")],
-            [])
-    def test_actionWithNoTargetInDarkRoom(self):
-        """
-        By default, actions which require objects in a darkened room should
-        fail because it's too dark, even if there is actually no target to be
-        picked up.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "wear pants",
-            ["It's too dark to see."], # to dark to see... the pants?  any pants?
-            [])
-    def test_examiningNonThing(self):
-        """
-        When examining an L{IVisible} which is not also an L{IThing}, it should
-        be dark.
-        """
-        t = objects.Thing(name=u"magic stone", store=self.store)
-        t.powerUp(MagicStone(thing=t, store=self.store))
-        t.moveTo(self.location)
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "look at rune",
-            ["It's too dark to see."],
-            [])
-        self.lighting.candelas = 100
-        self.assertCommandOutput(
-            "look at rune",
-            ["A totally mystical rune."],
-            [])
-class Rune(object):
-    """
-    This is an example provider of L{iimaginary.IVisible} which is not an
-    L{iimaginary.IThing}.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.IVisible, iimaginary.INameable)
-    def visualize(self):
-        """
-        Return an L{ExpressString} with a sample string that can be tested
-        against.
-        """
-        return ExpressString("A totally mystical rune.")
-    def knownTo(self, observer, asName):
-        """
-        Implement L{iimaginary.INameable.knownTo} to respond to the word 'rune'
-        and nothing else, so that this object may be found by
-        L{imaginary.idea.Idea.obtain}.
-        """
-        return (asName == "rune")
-class MagicStone(item.Item, Enhancement):
-    """
-    This is a magic stone that has a rune on it which you can examine.
-    """
-    implements(iimaginary.ILinkContributor)
-    powerupInterfaces = [iimaginary.ILinkContributor]
-    thing = attributes.reference()
-    def links(self):
-        """
-        Implement L{ILinkContributor} to yield a single link to a L{Rune}.
-        """
-        runeIdea = idea.Idea(Rune())
-        yield idea.Link(self.thing.idea, runeIdea)

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_language.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_language.py	2013-07-24 22:20:04 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_language.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
-from imaginary.objects import Thing
-from imaginary.language import Gender, ConceptTemplate, ExpressList
-from imaginary.test.commandutils import flatten
-class ConceptTemplateTests(TestCase):
-    """
-    Tests for L{imaginary.language.ConceptTemplate}.
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.thing = Thing(name=u"alice", gender=Gender.FEMALE)
-    def expandToText(self, template, values):
-        """
-        Expand the given L{ConceptTemplate} with the given values and flatten
-        the result into a L{unicode} string.
-        """
-        return flatten(ExpressList(template.expand(values)).plaintext(None))
-    def test_unexpandedLiteral(self):
-        """
-        A template string containing no substitution markers expands to itself.
-        """
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"hello world",
-            self.expandToText(ConceptTemplate(u"hello world"), {}))
-    def test_expandedName(self):
-        """
-        I{field:name} can be used to substitute the name of the value given by
-        C{"field"}.
-        """
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{a:name}")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"alice",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict(a=self.thing)))
-    def test_expandedPronoun(self):
-        """
-        I{field:pronoun} can be used to substitute the personal pronoun of the
-        value given by C{"field"}.
-        """
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{b:pronoun}")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"she",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict(b=self.thing)))
-    def test_intermixed(self):
-        """
-        Literals and subsitution markers may be combined in a single template.
-        """
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{c:pronoun} wins.")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"she wins.",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict(c=self.thing)))
-    def test_multiples(self):
-        """
-        Multiple substitution markers may be used in a single template.
-        """
-        another = Thing(name=u"bob", gender=Gender.FEMALE)
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{a:name} hits {b:name}.")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"alice hits bob.",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict(a=self.thing, b=another)))
-    def test_adjacent(self):
-        """
-        Adjacent substitution markers are expanded without introducing
-        extraneous intervening characters.
-        """
-        another = Thing(name=u"bob", gender=Gender.FEMALE)
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{a:name}{b:name}")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"alicebob",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict(a=self.thing, b=another)))
-    def test_missingTarget(self):
-        """
-        A missing target is expanded to a warning about a bad template.
-        """
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{c} wins.")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"<missing target 'c' for expansion> wins.",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict()))
-    def test_missingTargetWithSpecifier(self):
-        """
-        A missing target is expanded to a warning about a bad template.
-        """
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{c:pronoun} wins.")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"<missing target 'c' for 'pronoun' expansion> wins.",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict()))
-    def test_unsupportedSpecifier(self):
-        """
-        A specifier not supported on the identified target is expanded to a
-        warning about a bad template.
-        """
-        template = ConceptTemplate(u"{c:glorbex} wins.")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            u"<'glorbex' unsupported by target 'c'> wins.",
-            self.expandToText(template, dict(c=self.thing)))

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_look.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_look.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_look.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import iimaginary, objects, language, action, events
-from imaginary.world import ImaginaryWorld
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-class TestIntelligence(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.observedConcepts = []
-    def prepare(self, concept):
-        return lambda: self.observedConcepts.append(concept)
-class LookTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.location = objects.Thing(
-            store=self.store,
-            name=u"Test Location",
-            description=u"Location for testing.",
-            proper=True)
-        locContainer = objects.Container.createFor(
-            self.location, capacity=1000)
-        self.world = ImaginaryWorld(store=self.store)
-        self.player = self.world.create(u"Test Player", gender=language.Gender.FEMALE)
-        locContainer.add(self.player)
-        self.actor = iimaginary.IActor(self.player)
-        self.actor.setEphemeralIntelligence(TestIntelligence())
-    def testLookAroundEventBroadcasting(self):
-        action.LookAround().runEventTransaction(
-            self.player, u"look", {})
-        evts = self.actor.getIntelligence().observedConcepts
-        self.assertEquals(len(evts), 1)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(evts[0], events.Success))
-    def testLookAtExitNameEventBroadcasting(self):
-        target = objects.Thing(
-            store=self.store,
-            name=u"Visible Location",
-            description=u"Description of visible location.",
-            proper=True)
-        objects.Container.createFor(target, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.location, target, u"south")
-        action.LookAt().runEventTransaction(
-            self.player, u"look", {"target": u"south"})
-        evts = self.actor.getIntelligence().observedConcepts
-        self.assertEquals(len(evts), 1)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(evts[0], events.Success))
-        self.assertEquals(
-            commandutils.flatten(evts[0].actorMessage.plaintext(self.actor)),
-            u"[ Visible Location ]\n( north )\nDescription of visible location.\n")

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_objects.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_objects.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_objects.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-from zope.interface import Interface
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from twisted.python import components
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import iimaginary, eimaginary, objects, events
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-class PointsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-    def testInitialiation(self):
-        p = objects.Points(store=self.store, max=100)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, p.max)
-        self.assertEquals(p.max, 100)
-    def testMutation(self):
-        p = objects.Points(store=self.store, max=100)
-        p.increase(10)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, 100)
-        p.decrease(10)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, 90)
-        p.increase(20)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, 100)
-        p.decrease(110)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, 0)
-        p.decrease(10)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, 0)
-        p.modify(10)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, 10)
-        p.modify(-10)
-        self.assertEquals(p.current, 0)
-    def testRepresentation(self):
-        p = objects.Points(store=self.store, max=100)
-        self.assertEquals(str(p), '100/100')
-        self.assertEquals(repr(p), 'imaginary.objects.Points(100, 100)')
-        p.decrease(10)
-        self.assertEquals(str(p), '90/100')
-        self.assertEquals(repr(p), 'imaginary.objects.Points(100, 90)')
-        p.decrease(90)
-        self.assertEquals(str(p), '0/100')
-        self.assertEquals(repr(p), 'imaginary.objects.Points(100, 0)')
-class ObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-    def testCreation(self):
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"test object", description=u"lame description")
-        self.assertEquals(obj.name, u"test object")
-        self.assertEquals(obj.description, u"lame description")
-    def testDestroy(self):
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"x")
-        obj.destroy()
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"test location")
-        locContainer = objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"y")
-        obj.moveTo(room)
-        obj.destroy()
-        self.assertIdentical(obj.location, None)
-        self.assertEquals(list(locContainer.getContents()), [])
-    def testMoving(self):
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"DOG")
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"HOUSE")
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        obj.moveTo(room)
-        self.assertIdentical(obj.location, room)
-        obj.moveTo(room)
-        self.assertIdentical(obj.location, room)
-    def testNonPortable(self):
-        """
-        Test that the C{portable} flag is respected and prevents movement
-        between locations.
-        """
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"mountain")
-        obj.portable = False
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"place")
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        obj.moveTo(room)
-        elsewhere = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"different place")
-        container = objects.Container.createFor(elsewhere, capacity=1000)
-        self.assertRaises(eimaginary.CannotMove, obj.moveTo, elsewhere)
-        self.assertIdentical(obj.location, room)
-        self.assertEquals(list(iimaginary.IContainer(room).getContents()), [obj])
-        self.assertEquals(list(container.getContents()), [])
-class MovementTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"DOG")
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"HOUSE")
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        obj.moveTo(room)
-        observer = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"OBSERVER")
-        actor = objects.Actor.createFor(observer)
-        intelligence = commandutils.MockEphemeralIntelligence()
-        actor.setEphemeralIntelligence(intelligence)
-        self.obj = obj
-        self.room = room
-        self.observer = observer
-        self.intelligence = intelligence
-        self.actor = actor
-    def testMovementDepartureEvent(self):
-        """
-        Test that when a Thing is moved out of a location, a departure event is
-        broadcast to that location.
-        """
-        self.observer.moveTo(self.room)
-        self.intelligence.events[:] = []
-        self.obj.moveTo(None)
-        evts = self.intelligence.events
-        self.assertEquals(len(evts), 1)
-        self.failUnless(
-            isinstance(evts[0], events.DepartureEvent))
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].location, self.room)
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].actor, self.obj)
-    def testMovementArrivalEvent(self):
-        """
-        Test that when a Thing is moved to a location, an arrival event is
-        broadcast to that location.
-        """
-        destination = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'ELSEWHERE')
-        objects.Container.createFor(destination, capacity=1000)
-        self.observer.moveTo(destination,
-                             arrivalEventFactory=events.MovementArrivalEvent)
-        evts = self.intelligence.events
-        self.assertEquals(len(evts), 1)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(evts[0], events.MovementArrivalEvent))
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].thing, self.observer)
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].location, destination)
-        evts[:] = []
-        self.obj.moveTo(destination, arrivalEventFactory=events.MovementArrivalEvent)
-        evts = self.intelligence.events
-        self.assertEquals(len(evts), 1)
-        self.failUnless(
-            isinstance(evts[0], events.ArrivalEvent))
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].location, destination)
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].thing, self.obj)
-    # TODO - Test that a guy moving around sees first his own departure event
-    # and then his arrival event.
-    def test_parameterizedArrivalEvent(self):
-        """
-        moveTo should take a parameter which allows customization of
-        the arrival event that it emits.
-        """
-        destination = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'ELSEWHERE')
-        objects.Container.createFor(destination, capacity=1000)
-        class DroppedEvent(events.MovementArrivalEvent):
-            def conceptFor(self, observer):
-                return "you rock."
-        self.observer.moveTo(destination, arrivalEventFactory=DroppedEvent)
-        evts = self.intelligence.events
-        self.assertEquals(len(evts), 1)
-        self.failUnless(isinstance(evts[0], DroppedEvent))
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].thing, self.observer)
-        self.assertIdentical(evts[0].location, destination)
-    def test_parameterizedArrivalAsNone(self):
-        """
-        If the parameter for customizing the arrival event is None, no
-        arrival event should be broadcast.
-        """
-        destination = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'ELSEWHERE')
-        objects.Container.createFor(destination, capacity=1000)
-        self.observer.moveTo(destination, arrivalEventFactory=None)
-        self.assertEquals(self.intelligence.events, [])
-    def test_parameterizedArrivalDefaultsNone(self):
-        """
-        The default should be for moveTo not to broadcast an event.
-        """
-        destination = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'ELSEWHERE')
-        objects.Container.createFor(destination, capacity=1000)
-        self.observer.moveTo(destination)
-        self.assertEquals(self.intelligence.events, [])
-unexpected = object()
-class IFoo(Interface):
-    """
-    Stupid thing to help tests out.
-    """
-components.registerAdapter(lambda o: (unexpected, o), objects.Thing, IFoo)
-class FindProvidersTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.retained = []
-        obj = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"generic object")
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"room")
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        obj.moveTo(room)
-        self.obj = obj
-        self.room = room
-    def tearDown(self):
-        """
-        Allow the items retained with L{FindProvidersTestCase.retain} to be
-        garbage collected.
-        """
-        del self.retained
-    def retain(self, o):
-        """
-        Keep the given object in memory until the end of the test, so that its
-        'inmemory' attributes won't be garbage collected.
-        """
-        self.retained.append(o)
-    def testFindObjects(self):
-        """
-        Assert that searching for the most basic object interface, L{IObject},
-        returns the only two objects available in our test object graph: both
-        the location upon which the search was issued and the object which it
-        contains.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.room.findProviders(iimaginary.IThing, 1)),
-            [self.room, self.obj])
-    def testFindContainers(self):
-        """
-        Very much like testFindObjects, but searching for L{IContainer}, which
-        only the location provides, and so only the location should be
-        returned.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.room.findProviders(iimaginary.IContainer, 1)),
-            [iimaginary.IContainer(self.room)])
-    def testFindNothing(self):
-        """
-        Again, similar to testFindObjects, but search for an interface that
-        nothing provides, and assert that nothing is found.
-        """
-        class IUnprovidable(Interface):
-            """
-            Test-only interface that nothing provides.
-            """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.room.findProviders(IUnprovidable, 1)),
-            [])
-    def testFindOutward(self):
-        """
-        Conduct a search for all objects on our test graph, but start the
-        search on the contained object rather than the container and assert
-        that the same results come back, though in a different order: the
-        searched upon Thing always comes first.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.obj.findProviders(iimaginary.IThing, 1)),
-            [self.obj, self.room])
-    def testFindContainersOutward(self):
-        """
-        Combination of testFindOutward and testFindContainers.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.obj.findProviders(iimaginary.IContainer, 1)),
-            [iimaginary.IContainer(self.room)])
-    def testFindingArbitraryInterface(self):
-        """
-        Demonstration of the Thing -> IFoo adapter registered earlier in this
-        module.  If this test fails then some other tests are probably buggy
-        too, even if they pass.
-        Thing must be adaptable to IFoo or the tests which assert that certain
-        Things are B{not} present in result sets may incorrectly pass.
-        """
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.obj.findProviders(IFoo, 1)),
-            [(unexpected, self.obj), (unexpected, self.room)])
-    def test_exactlyKnownAs(self):
-        """
-        L{Thing.knownTo} returns C{True} when called with exactly the things
-        own name.
-        """
-        self.assertTrue(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, self.obj.name))
-    def test_caseInsensitivelyKnownAs(self):
-        """
-        L{Thing.knownTo} returns C{True} when called with a string which
-        differs from its name only in case.
-        """
-        self.assertTrue(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, self.obj.name.upper()))
-        self.assertTrue(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, self.obj.name.title()))
-    def test_wholeWordSubstringKnownAs(self):
-        """
-        L{Thing.knownTo} returns C{True} when called with a string which
-        appears in the thing's name delimited by spaces.
-        """
-        self.obj.name = u"one two three"
-        self.assertTrue(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, u"one"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, u"two"))
-        self.assertTrue(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, u"three"))
-    def test_notKnownAs(self):
-        """
-        L{Thing.knownTo} returns C{False} when called with a string which
-        doesn't satisfy one of the above positive cases.
-        """
-        self.assertFalse(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, u"gunk" + self.obj.name))
-        self.obj.name = u"one two three"
-        self.assertFalse(self.obj.knownTo(self.obj, u"ne tw"))
-    def test_searchForThings(self):
-        """
-        L{Thing.search} includes L{Thing} instances which are I{nearby} and
-        which have matching names.
-        """
-        name = u"box"
-        firstBox = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=name)
-        firstBox.moveTo(self.room)
-        secondBox = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=name)
-        secondBox.moveTo(self.room)
-        boxes = list(self.obj.search(1, iimaginary.IThing, name))
-        boxes.sort()
-        expected = [firstBox, secondBox]
-        expected.sort()
-        self.assertEqual(boxes, expected)
-    def testSearchFindsExits(self):
-        """
-        Test that search can find an exit.
-        """
-        room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"Northerly Room")
-        objects.Container.createFor(room, capacity=1000)
-        objects.Exit.link(self.room, room, u"north")
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.obj.search(1, iimaginary.IThing, u"north")),
-            [room])
-    def test_searchFindsRelativeExit(self):
-        """
-        L{Thing.search} should only find the exit known relative to the player
-        who is asking.  In other words, the room where the player is standing
-        may be north from I{somewhere}, but it should not be known as 'north'
-        to the player.
-        """
-        def mkroom(n):
-            room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=n)
-            room.powerUp(objects.Container(store=self.store, capacity=1000,
-                                           thing=room))
-            return room
-        north = mkroom(u"Northerly")
-        middle = self.room
-        south = mkroom(u"Southerly")
-        objects.Exit.link(south, middle, u"north")
-        objects.Exit.link(middle, north, u"north")
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.obj.search(100, iimaginary.IThing, u"north")),
-            [north])
-        self.assertEquals(
-            list(self.obj.search(100, iimaginary.IThing, u"south")),
-            [south])
-    # XXX Test: me
-    # XXX Test: here
-    # XXX Test: self

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_player.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_player.py	2009-08-17 02:40:03 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_player.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-Tests for L{imaginary.wiring.player}.
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from axiom import store
-from imaginary import objects
-from imaginary.objects import Container
-from imaginary.wiring import player
-class PlayerTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.store = store.Store()
-        self.bob = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"bob")
-        self.room = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"a place")
-        roomContainer = Container.createFor(self.room, capacity=1000)
-        self.bob.moveTo(roomContainer)
-        self.actor = objects.Actor.createFor(self.bob)
-        self.player = player.Player(self.bob)
-        self.player.useColors = False
-        from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransport
-        self.transport = StringTransport()
-        class Protocol:
-            write = self.transport.write
-        self.player.setProtocol(Protocol())
-    def testSend(self):
-        self.player.send("Hi\n")
-        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), "Hi\n")
-        self.player.send(("Hi", "\n"))
-        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), "Hi\nHi\n")
-        self.player.send(["Hi", "\n"])
-        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), "Hi\nHi\nHi\n")
-        self.player.send(i for i in ("Hi", "\n"))
-        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(), "Hi\nHi\nHi\nHi\n")
-    def testDisconnect(self):
-        self.player.proto.terminal = None
-        self.player.disconnect()
-        self.assertIdentical(self.actor.getIntelligence(), None)
-    def test_ambiguity(self):
-        """
-        When the player refers to something ambiguously, the error message
-        should enumerate the objects in question.
-        """
-        for color in [u'red', u'green', u'blue']:
-            it = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u'%s thing' % (color,))
-            it.moveTo(self.room)
-        self.player.parse("take thing")
-        self.assertEquals(self.transport.value(),
-                          "> take thing\n"
-                          "Could you be more specific?  When you said 'thing', "
-                          "did you mean: a red thing, a green thing, "
-                          "or a blue thing?\r\n")

=== removed file 'Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_put.py'
--- Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_put.py	2009-06-29 04:03:17 +0000
+++ Imaginary/imaginary/test/test_put.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-from twisted.trial import unittest
-from imaginary.test import commandutils
-from imaginary import objects
-class PutTestCase(commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin, unittest.TestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        r = commandutils.CommandTestCaseMixin.setUp(self)
-        self.object = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"foo")
-        self.object.moveTo(self.player)
-        self.container = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"bar")
-        self.containerContainer = objects.Container.createFor(self.container, capacity=1)
-        self.container.moveTo(self.location)
-        return r
-    def test_put(self):
-        """
-        The I{put} action changes the location of a thing from the actor's
-        inventory to the specified container.
-        """
-        self._test(
-            "put foo in bar",
-            ["You put the foo in the bar."],
-            ["Test Player puts a foo in a bar."])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.player.location, self.location)
-        self.assertIdentical(self.object.location, self.container)
-        self.assertIdentical(self.container.location, self.location)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.containerContainer.getContents()), [self.object])
-    def testPutHere(self):
-        self._test(
-            "put here in bar",
-            ["A thing cannot contain itself in euclidean space."],
-            [])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.location.location, None)
-        self.assertNotIn(self.location, self.containerContainer.getContents())
-    def testPutNonContainer(self):
-        self._test(
-            "put bar in foo",
-            ["That doesn't work."],
-            [])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.container.location, self.location)
-    def testPutRecursive(self):
-        self._test(
-            "put bar in bar",
-            ["A thing cannot contain itself in euclidean space."],
-            [])
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.containerContainer.getContents()), [])
-        self.assertEquals(self.container.location, self.location)
-    def testNestedContainment(self):
-        another = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"another")
-        objects.Container.createFor(another, capacity=1)
-        self.containerContainer.add(another)
-        self._test(
-            "put bar in another",
-            ["A thing cannot contain itself in euclidean space."],
-            [])
-        self.assertIdentical(another.location, self.container)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.containerContainer.getContents()), [another])
-    def testIndirectNestedContainment(self):
-        innermost = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"innermost")
-        innermostContainer = objects.Container.createFor(innermost, capacity=1)
-        middle = objects.Thing(store=self.store, name=u"middle")
-        middleContainer = objects.Container.createFor(middle, capacity=1)
-        middleContainer.add(innermost)
-        self.containerContainer.add(middle)
-        self._test(
-            "put bar in innermost",
-            ["A thing cannot contain itself in euclidean space."],
-            [])
-        self.assertIdentical(self.container.location, self.location)
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.containerContainer.getContents()), [middle])
-        self.assertIdentical(middle.location, self.container)
-        self.assertEquals(list(middleContainer.getContents()), [innermost])
-        self.assertIdentical(innermost.location, middle)
-        self.assertEquals(list(innermostContainer.getContents()), [])
-    def test_putClosedFails(self):
-        """
-        The I{put} action fails if the specified container is closed.
-        """
-        self.containerContainer.closed = True
-        self._test(
-            "put foo in bar",
-            ["The bar is closed."])
-        self.assertEquals(list(self.cont

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