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Message #00025
Re: Elasticity Stationary Module
On Mon, Aug 02, 2004 at 03:28:00PM -0400, Bing Jian wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of questions on elasticity stationary module.
> First of all, what's elasticity stationary equation? I googled
> "Elasticity Stationary Equation" but did not find a clear answer.
I have put up a definition (from a book by Peter Hansbo) here (page 12):
Here is the ASCII version:
sigma = lambda * div(u) * I + 2 * mu * epsilon(u) (1)
-div(sigma) = f (2)
Where lambda and mu are positive coefficients (material coefficients)
and epsilon is defined as:
epsilon_ij(u) = 0.5 * (du_i / dx_j + du_j / dx_i)
and div(sigma) is defined as:
(sum_j=1^3 dsigma_ij / dx_j)_i=1^3
Note that equation 1 (the definition of sigma) has 9 components (the
terms are matrices) while equation 2 (the actual equation we use in
the end) has 3 components.
We use some intermediate expressions as "learning wheels" in the
DOLFIN module which I think are helpful for clarity:
sigma00 = lambda * (u(0).ddx() + u(1).ddy() + u(2).ddz()) + 2 * mu * epsilon00;
sigma01 = 2 * mu * epsilon01;
sigma02 = 2 * mu * epsilon02;
sigma10 = 2 * mu * epsilon10;
sigma11 = lambda * (u(0).ddx() + u(1).ddy() + u(2).ddz()) + 2 * mu * epsilon11;
sigma12 = 2 * mu * epsilon12;
sigma20 = 2 * mu * epsilon20;
sigma21 = 2 * mu * epsilon21;
sigma22 = lambda * (u(0).ddx() + u(1).ddy() + u(2).ddz()) + 2 * mu * epsilon22;
Those are the components of sigma. Then just apply the divergence as
defined and you have the left hand side of the equation (multiply by
-1 also).
> From jj's reply to my previous questions, it seems to me that
> elasticity-stationary is also a system of PDEs. However, according
> to the code in src/demo/solvers/elasticity-stationary/main.cpp,
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
> Mesh mesh("tetmesh-4.xml.gz");
> Problem elasticitystationary("elasticity-stationary", mesh);
> elasticitystationary.set("source", f);
> elasticitystationary.set("diffusivity", a);
> elasticitystationary.set("convection", b);
> elasticitystationary.set("boundary condition", mybc);
> elasticitystationary.set("final time", 2.0);
> elasticitystationary.set("time step", 0.1);
> elasticitystationary.solve();
> return 0;
> }
> It looks like this equation depends on the parameters f(),a(),b(),
> right? What's the exact formula of it in forms of something like
> -div(c*grad(u))+a*u=f
See above. a and b are not used, they have been now been removed from
the file.
> By reading the source files, I assume the statement
> elasticitystationary.solve();
> will call the function void ElasticityStationarySolver::solve()
> defined in
> modules/elasticity-stationary/ElasticityStationarySolver.cpp
> void ElasticityStationarySolver::solve()
> {
> Matrix A;
> Vector x10, x11, x20, x21, b, xcomp;
> Function::Vector u0(mesh, x10, 3);
> Function::Vector u1(mesh, x11, 3);
> Function::Vector w0(mesh, x20, 3);
> Function::Vector w1(mesh, x21, 3);
> Function::Vector f("source", 3);
> ElasticityStationary elasticity(f, u0, w0);
> KrylovSolver solver;
> File file("elasticitystationary.m");
> // Time independent
> // Assemble matrix and vector
> FEM::assemble(elasticity, mesh, A, b);
> // Solve the linear system
> //solver.setMethod(KrylovSolver::CG);
> //solver.setPreconditioner(KrylovSolver::ILU0);
> solver.solve(A, x11, b);
> //;
> //;
> //;
> //cout << "dot(b, b): " << (b * b) << endl;
> //cout << "dot(x, x): " << (x11 * x11) << endl;
> //printf("dot(b, b): %30.30lf\n", (b * b));
> //printf("dot(x, x): %30.30lf\n", (x11 * x11));
> file << u1;
> }
> But I am really confused by above code. I can not see
> (1) how the parameters f,a,b set in main.cpp are used here,
> seems the only thing passed in is the mesh.
The key function is this:
FEM::assemble(elasticity, mesh, A, b);
which does this (for the left hand side, corresponding to A):
(for every cell)
// Iterate over test and trial functions
for (FiniteElement::Vector::TestFunctionIterator v(element); !v.end(); ++v)
for (FiniteElement::Vector::TrialFunctionIterator u(element); !u.end(); ++u)
A(v.dof(cell), u.dof(cell)) += pde.lhs(*u, *v);
For the stationary elasticity case, pde.lhs() is defined in
ElasticityStationary.h as:
real lhs(ShapeFunction::Vector& u, ShapeFunction::Vector& v)
(sigma00 * epsilonv00 + sigma01 * epsilonv01 + sigma02 * epsilonv02 +
sigma10 * epsilonv10 + sigma11 * epsilonv11 + sigma12 * epsilonv12 +
sigma20 * epsilonv20 + sigma21 * epsilonv21 + sigma22 * epsilonv22)
* dx;
and is exactly the left hand side of the weak form of the elasticity
equation, which is derived on pages 12-13 in the Hansbo document.
The right hand side is defined as:
real rhs(ShapeFunction::Vector& v)
return (f(0) * v(0) + f(1) * v(1) + f(2) * v(2)) * dx;
and there you have the f().
> (2) what are the meanings of those local variables A,u0,u1,w0,w1,
> x10,x11,x20,x21,f,b? seems they are initialized by mesh only
> (3) how the execution of solver.solve(A,x11,b) changes the
> value of u1? looks like the result is stored in the u1.
In the stationary case, only A, b, f, u1 and x11 (we could call them
just u and x instead) are used. u1 is the solution function and x11 is
the vector containing the nodal values. They are coupled through:
Function::Vector u1(mesh, x11, 3);
If you have the mesh and the nodal values x11, then u1 (the solution)
is known, since it is defined as a linear interpolation of the nodal
values on the mesh (in the implementation, u1 becomes a DofFunction IIRC).
> I would be rather thankful if anybody can clarify my above
> questions.
Hope this helps,
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