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Re: Comments on NewFunction


Sounds good. The priority is now to get the basic functionality going with FFC output and Petsc linear algebra. With NewFunction and support for systems we should be in a good position.

A new assembler is implemented, taking input from FFC, and using Petsc. For now, only interior assembly is performed, but later assembly over interior and boundary edges/faces is going to be added. This also needs corresponding updates in FFC with boundary measures ds etc.

The test problem in src/demo/form is updated, and the Poisson module has been updated using FFC and Petsc, and should probably work fine when NewFunction is in place. This module could then serve as a template for the other modules.


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005, Anders Logg wrote:

I've put up a preliminary version of NewFunction. To begin with, let's
keep it simple and not do the envelope-letter hierarchy of classes
until we know which types of functions we need.

To do assembly, we really only need to implement project(), which
computes the projection of the function to the current cell. In the
simplest case when the cell belongs to the mesh on which the function
is defined, it's just a matter of picking the values by calling
NewFiniteElement::dof(). We might want to wait with the general case.

Evaluation of the function (which is not implemented) is really only
needed for post-processing, like saving the values of the function at
the vertices.

For functions appearing in forms, I suggest that the class Form
contains a list of pointers to NewFunctions. The constructor of a
form then takes as arguments a number of NewFunctions and the pointer
of each is added to the list. Then Form::update() can iterate over all
the functions in the list and call NewFunction::project() to compute
the local values. I can fix this since some of this code needs to be
generated by FFC.


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