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Modifications for new matrix classes. Warning: the old hpsolve() method [...]


Commit from logg (2005-04-01 02:07 CEST)

Modifications for new matrix classes. Warning: the old hpsolve() method
for solving linear systems with high-precision (LU factorization and then
iterative improvement) has been replaced by a call to PETSc. This might
result in lower accuracy for computation of Gauss points and cG(q)/dG(q)
weights. Needs to be examined more closely.

All old linear algebra should now be removed. Everything is now PETSc.

The following classes are wrappers for PETSc linear algebra:

Matrix, Vector, VirtualMatrix
GMRES, LU, Preconditioner

  dolfin  src/kernel/la/PETScManager.cpp                1.8
  dolfin  src/kernel/ode/Homotopy.cpp                   1.15
  dolfin  src/kernel/ode/NewcGqMethod.cpp               1.7
  dolfin  src/kernel/ode/NewdGqMethod.cpp               1.6
  dolfin  src/kernel/quadrature/GaussianQuadrature.cpp  1.13