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Updated Tecplot interface


Attached are updated Tecplot files (src/kernel/io/TecplotFile.cpp and

I'm trying to stop with Tecplot for postprocessing and have started using Paraview
(www.paraview.org) which is open source. If there is interest, I'd be happy to
contribute the DOLFIN interface.

Is it possible to compute second derivatives of the basis functions with FFC +
FIAT? Now that higher-order elements can be implemented, I'd find this very useful.

// Copyright (C) 2004 Harald Svensson.
// Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
// Modified by Anders Logg, 2004.
// Modified by Garth N. Wells, 2005.

#include <dolfin/Mesh.h>
#include <dolfin/TecplotFile.h>
#include <dolfin/FiniteElement.h>

using namespace dolfin;

TecplotFile::TecplotFile(const std::string filename) : GenericFile(filename)
  type = "TECPLOT";
  // Do nothing
void TecplotFile::operator<<(Mesh& mesh)

  dolfin_info("Saving mesh to Tecplot file.");

  // Open file
  FILE* fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "a");

	// Write header
  fprintf(fp, "TITLE = \"Dolfin output\"  \n");
  fprintf(fp, "VARIABLES = ");
  if ( mesh.type() == Mesh::tetrahedra ){
	  fprintf(fp, " X1  X2  X3 \n");
	  fprintf(fp, "ZONE T = \" - \" N = %8d, E = %8d, DATAPACKING = POINT, ZONETYPE=FETETRAHEDRON \n", mesh.noNodes(), mesh.noCells());
	if ( mesh.type() == Mesh::triangles ){    
	  fprintf(fp, " X1  X2  X3 \n");
    fprintf(fp, "ZONE T = \" - \"  N = %8d, E = %8d,  DATAPACKING = POINT, ZONETYPE=FETRIANGLE \n",   mesh.noNodes(), mesh.noCells());

  // Write node locations
  for (NodeIterator n(mesh); !n.end(); ++n)
    Point   p = n->coord();

    if ( mesh.type() == Mesh::tetrahedra )  fprintf(fp," %e %e %e \n",p.x, p.y, p.z);
    if ( mesh.type() == Mesh::triangles )     fprintf(fp," %e %e  ",p.x, p.y);


  // Write cell connectivity
  for (CellIterator c(mesh); !c.end(); ++c)
    for (NodeIterator n(c); !n.end(); ++n) fprintf(fp," %8d ",n->id()+1);
    fprintf(fp," \n");

  // Close file

void TecplotFile::operator<<(Function& u)

  const FiniteElement& element = u.element();
	FILE *fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "a");
  uint ShapeDim  = element.shapedim();
  uint VectorDim = 0;

  if ( element.rank() == 0 )
    VectorDim = 1;
  else if ( element.rank() == 1 )
    VectorDim = element.tensordim(0);
  // Write mesh the first time
  if ( u.number() == 0 )
	  // Write header
    fprintf(fp, "TITLE = \"Dolfin output\"  \n");
    fprintf(fp, "VARIABLES = ");
    for (uint i=0; i<ShapeDim; ++i)   fprintf(fp, " X%d  ", i+1);	  
    for (uint i=0; i<VectorDim; ++i)  fprintf(fp, " U%d  ", i+1);	  
    fprintf(fp, "\n");	  
    if ( u.mesh().type() == Mesh::tetrahedra )
	     fprintf(fp, "ZONE T = \"%6d\" N = %8d, E = %8d, DATAPACKING = POINT, ZONETYPE=FETETRAHEDRON \n", u.number()+1, u.mesh().noNodes(), u.mesh().noCells());
    if ( u.mesh().type() == Mesh::triangles )
       fprintf(fp, "ZONE T = \"%6d\"  N = %8d, E = %8d, DATAPACKING = POINT, ZONETYPE=FETRIANGLE \n",   u.number()+1, u.mesh().noNodes(), u.mesh().noCells());

    // Write node locations and results
    for (NodeIterator n(u.mesh()); !n.end(); ++n)
      Point p = n->coord();

      if ( u.mesh().type() == Mesh::tetrahedra )  fprintf(fp," %e %e %e \n", p.x, p.y, p.z);
      if ( u.mesh().type() == Mesh::triangles )     fprintf(fp," %e %e  ", p.x, p.y);
      for (uint i=0; i < VectorDim; ++i) fprintf(fp,"%e ", u(*n,i) );


      // Write cell connectivity
     for (CellIterator c(u.mesh()); !c.end(); ++c)
       for (NodeIterator n(c); !n.end(); ++n) fprintf(fp," %8d ",n->id()+1);
       fprintf(fp," \n");


  // Write data for seccond and subsequent times
  if ( u.number() != 0 )
      // Write header
	  if ( u.mesh().type() == Mesh::tetrahedra )
      	   fprintf(fp, "ZONE T = \"%6d\" N = %8d, E = %8d,  DATAPACKING = POINT, ZONETYPE=FETETRAHEDRON, VARSHARELIST = ([1-3]=1) CONNECTIVITYSHAREZONE=1 \n", u.number()+1, u.mesh().noNodes(), u.mesh().noCells());
     if ( u.mesh().type() == Mesh::triangles )
           fprintf(fp, "ZONE T = \"%6d\"  N = %8d, E = %8d, DATAPACKING = POINT, ZONETYPE=FETRIANGLE, VARSHARELIST = ([1,2]=1) CONNECTIVITYSHAREZONE=1 \n", u.number()+1, u.mesh().noNodes(), u.mesh().noCells());

      // Write node locations and results
      for (NodeIterator n(u.mesh()); !n.end(); ++n)

        for (uint i=0; i < VectorDim; ++i) fprintf(fp,"%e ", u(*n,i) );

  // Close file
  // Increase the number of times we have saved the function

  cout << "Saved function " << u.name() << " (" << u.label()
       << ") to file " << filename << " in Tecplot format." << endl;

// Copyright (C) 2004 Harald Svensson.
// Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
// Modified by Garth N. Wells, 2005.
// Modified by Anders Logg, 2005.
// Modified by Garth N. Wells, 2005.

#ifndef __TECPLOT_FILE_H
#define __TECPLOT_FILE_H

#include <dolfin/GenericFile.h>

namespace dolfin

  class TecplotFile : public GenericFile

    TecplotFile(const std::string filename);

    // Input

    // Output
    void operator<< (Mesh& mesh);
    void operator<< (Function& u);



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