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Function now inherits \"sync\" and \"time\" from TimeDepenedent. Minor changes elsewhere to reflect the change.


Commit from garth (2005-09-16 12:08 CEST)

Function now inherits "sync" and "time" from TimeDepenedent. Minor changes elsewhere to reflect the change.

  dolfin  src/demo/solvers/ode/bistable/main.cpp                      1.21
  dolfin  src/demo/solvers/ode/wave/main.cpp                          1.19
  dolfin  src/kernel/function/Function.cpp                            1.24
  dolfin  src/kernel/function/dolfin/Function.h                       1.18
  dolfin  src/modules/convdiff/ConvectionDiffusionSolver.cpp          1.12
  dolfin  src/modules/elasticity/ElasticitySolver.cpp                 1.18
  dolfin  src/modules/elasticity-updated/ElasticityUpdatedSolver.cpp  1.45
  dolfin  src/modules/navierstokes/NSESolver.cpp                      1.23