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On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 01:40:26PM +0200, Johan Jansson wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 03:37:51PM +0200, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> > With version 1.3.24 of SWIG, I can compile without fatal errors. Running
> > test.sh, I'm getting a similar error to what Anders has been seeing,
> > 
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "swigtest.py", line 1, in ?
> >     import dolfin
> >   File
> > "/usr/local/garth/fenics/dolfin/cvs/dolfin/src/demo/scripting/pydolfin/dolfin.py",
> > line
> >     import _dolfin
> > ImportError:
> > /usr/local/garth/fenics/dolfin/cvs/dolfin/src/demo/scripting/pydolfin/_dolfin.so:
> >  ymbol: _ZN6dolfin12EdgeIteratorC1ERKNS_4NodeE
> > 
> > 
> > Garth
> > 
> Ok, that's a much more reasonable error. I don't think we have sorted
> linking very well in DOLFIN yet, and I guess it shows up here when
> dealing with shared libraries. GCC wants libraries listed in order of
> dependence, but the way we've solved this is just to repeat the
> libraries several times until GCC is happy.

That might be true, but the problem with the missing symbol (here 
_ZN6dolfin12EdgeIteratorC1ERKNS_4NodeE) was simpler than that --- this
function was simply not implemented in EdgeIterator.cpp... I think
this is fixed now.

> At one point I got a similar error to yours on AffineMap::cell(). The
> way I solved it was to repeat the libraries once more:
> $(CXX) -shared $< $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $(LFLAGS)
> This is obviously not a robust solution, and we should try to do the
> right thing instead. I'll try to find a better solution.

Another thing to think about (we discussed it earlier I think) is if
we should not do a manual "install" in $toplevel/lib and
$toplevel/include during make. Maybe to compile the demos, one should
need to do a proper make install? Then we can cleanup all Makefiles
and remove ../../ etc before dolfin-config.

And then PyDOLFIN would also need to be built against a proper

Also, perhaps the PyDOLFIN interface could go in src/pydolfin or
src/swig (or something similar). Only the demo script needs to be
under src/demo.

A 'make install' of DOLFIN would then install both the C++ library and
the Python bindings. Then some of the demos in src/demo could be
C++ and some Python.


Follow ups
