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Re: Work on VTK section of manual. bibliography.bib is missing so citations are broken.


Garth (and others), feel free to jump in and write a section or two in
the manual if you'd like. Here's the current status of the manual:

    chapters/about.tex				done
    chapters/introduction.tex			empty
    chapters/quickstart.tex			done
    chapters/linearalgebra.tex			started
    chapters/functions.tex			empty
    chapters/mesh.tex				empty
    chapters/ode.tex				empty
    chapters/pde.tex				started
    chapters/io.tex				done (but could add more)
    chapters/logsystem.tex			done
    chapters/parameters.tex			done
    chapters/solvers.tex			started

    chapters/referenceelements.tex		done
    chapters/installation.tex			done
    chapters/contributing.tex			done
    chapters/license.tex}			done

Johan Hoffman has started writing on pde.tex and linearalgebra.tex and
hopefully he will finish early next week. Johan Jansson has started
writing on solvers.tex and has perhaps started working on
functions.tex. Is this correct?

Johan, a comment on linearalgebra.tex: Maybe the manual should be more
of an overview than just listing each class in the linear algebra
library. Perhaps the different classes can be grouped together in some
way. One suggestion is to first have a \section{Overview}, then a
\section{Matrices and vectors}, then a \section{Solvers}.


On Sat, Oct 01, 2005 at 11:02:39AM +0200, dolfin@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Commit from garth (2005-10-01 11:02 CEST)
> -----------------
> Work on VTK section of manual. bibliography.bib is missing so citations are broken.
>   dolfin  doc/manual/dolfin-user-manual.pdf  1.18
>   dolfin  doc/manual/chapters/io.tex         1.4
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Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

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