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bug: VTK output


Hi Andres,
I found a bug in writing a mesh to a VTK file. I always received a segmentation fault while writing the file.

I solved the problem by rewriting the function within the file VTKFile.cpp:
void VTKFile::operator<<(Mesh& mesh)

  std::string filestart;
  std::ostringstream newfilename;

  filestart.assign(filename, 0, filename.find("."));

  newfilename << filestart << ".vtu";

  vtu_filename = newfilename.str();

  // Make sure file is empty
  FILE* fp = fopen(vtu_filename.c_str(), "w");

  // Write headers

  // Write mesh

  // Write headers

Now opening a file with 
File   file_mesh("out/mesh.pvd");
produces an empty(?) file "out/mesh.pvd" and the mesh within "out/mesh.vtu"

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