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PythonFile: read_array()


I tried the new PythonFile format and ran into some problems.

Where is dolfin.read_array() that gets called when reading data
generated in the new PythonFile format?

It also looks like the Python format is dependent on PyDOLFIN. Is that
necessary? Maybe one would like to compute a solution with a C++
program and then visualize it from Python without having to install

Another topic while I'm at it: should we decide on some basic coding
styles? Nothing serious, but I would suggest the following to begin
with (it's basically what we have now):

    classes:   ClassName
    functions: functionName
    variables: variable_name

So read_array() would be readArray().

In addition, we should try to keep the number of function names and
variable names consisting of more than one word to a minimum (by
design, not by cryptic naming).


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