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Re: Functions for applying boundary conditions to the RHS vector only now accept the solution vector x. Where Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied, b = x - bc.The is useful for applying boundary conditions within Newton iterations. [...]


That sounds good.

One option that we should probably think about is to allow setting
boundary conditions based on a Vector of degrees of freedom (similarly
to what you do), so one does not need to supply an expression in terms
of x, y, z. Maybe we can use the Function class for this, since
it already has similar functionality?

Then you would be able to have one applyBC() function but in your case
you give it a special boundary condition that returns the residual.

I have not looked much yet at the new nonlinear solver so I don't
understand all the issues. But I think it will become very useful to
automate some of the solution process. I have some plans to let
FFC generate a subclass of PDE (in addition to the classes it now
generates), which would allow the following:

    MyFunction f; // Right-hand side
    Function u;   // Solution
    Poisson::PDE poisson(mesh, f, bc);

No need to create any vectors and attach to Functions and no need to
solve a linear (or nonlinear system), which is handled automatically
by the PDE class. (It would choose the correct solver based on the
given problem.)

By the way, any thoughts on which option is best, either

    u = poisson.solve();




Another thing I'm not completely happy with is that the subclass of
PDE gets named Poisson::PDE (similarly to Poisson::BilinearForm etc in
the Poisson namespace generated by FFC). Naturally, one would have the
name PDE::Poisson. Another option would be to name it Equation, so
that one can declare

Poisson::BilinearForm a;
Poisson::LinearForm L;
Poisson::Equation pde;

Any thoughts?


On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 10:53:29AM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> Now that I'm thinking properly, a function like FEM::assembleBCresidual should
> return the residual for both Neumann and Dirichlet BCs (since non-zero Neumann
> BCs are not yet implemented, I'm starting to forget that they even exist!)
> I'll revert to the old applyBC to keep things consistent and add
> FEM::assembleBCresidual which we can discuss if needed.
> Garth  
> Quoting Johan Hoffman <jhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > I think that would be a good idea. And the name is an accurate description
> > of what is going on.
> > 
> > /Johan
> > 
> > 
> > > A possibility would be a function "FEM::assembleBCresidual".
> > >
> > > Garth
> > >
> > > On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 09:11 +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> > >> Quoting Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > >>
> > >> > This looks strange to me, but maybe I don't understand it.
> > >> >
> > >> > What if you don't even have a vector x? What vector should x should
> > >> > you then give as an argument?
> > >>
> > >> If you don't have a vector x, you don't want to use this function :-).
> > >> It's
> > >> basically returning the Dirichlet boundary condition "residual".
> > >>
> > >> >
> > >> > Maybe it is better to just call the standard version of applyBC()
> > >> > without x and then do
> > >> >
> > >> > b *= -1.0;
> > >> > b += x;
> > >>
> > >> This would add x to all elements of b, not just to elements where
> > >> Dirichlet
> > >> boundary conditions are applied. I originally used the old applyBC for a
> > >> vector
> > >> to use an analogous procedure to the above, but this required two
> > >> temporary
> > >> vectors to be created, initialised and have boundary conditions applied
> > >> at each
> > >> Newton iteration (in addtion to the usual assemble of b) - not very
> > >> nice.
> > >>
> > >> >
> > >> > This would be two lines of code extra (one if you put them on the same
> > >> > line... :-). It's probably better to put this in the Newton solver
> > >> > since the Newton solver knows why this operation should be performed.
> > >>
> > >> The Newton solver knows nothing about the boundary coniditons. The BC's
> > >> need to
> > >> be applied by the user in the resdiudal vector b. This is done in the
> > >> class
> > >> NonlinearFunction.
> > >>
> > >> A possibility is a function that inserts components of x into b (rather
> > >> than the
> > >> BC value), where Dirichlet BCs are applied. PETSc has a function to the
> > >> set the
> > >> vector R, where F(u) = R is being solved, so R would contain the
> > >> Dirichlet BCs.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Garth
> > >>
> > >> >
> > >> > /Anders
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 02:16:12PM +0100, dolfin@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > >> > > Commit from garth (2005-12-01 14:16 CET)
> > >> > > -----------------
> > >> > >
> > >> > > Functions for applying boundary conditions to the RHS vector only
> > >> > now accept the solution vector x. Where Dirichlet boundary conditions
> > >> > are applied, b = x - bc.The is useful for applying boundary conditions
> > >> > within Newton iterations.
> > >> > >
> > >> > > This is not consistent with the other applyBC functions which return
> > >> b = bc
> > >> > (no minus sign). This is due to the definition of the nonlinear
> > >> function
> > >> > F(u)=0.
> > >> > > For Poisson's equation, I've been using the format F(u) = (grad
> > >> v,grad u) -
> > >> > (v,f), hence the need for the minus. Is there a preference as to how
> > >> we
> > >> > set-up nonlinear problems?
> > >> > >
> > >> > > Would it be better to use a different name for funtions that return
> > >> the
> > >> > difference between the current approximate solution and the Dirichlet
> > >> BC?
> > >> > >
> > >> > >   dolfin  src/kernel/fem/FEM.cpp       1.43
> > >> > >   dolfin  src/kernel/fem/dolfin/FEM.h  1.23
> > >> > >
> > >> > > _______________________________________________
> > >> > > DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> > >> > > DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
> > >> > > http://www.fenics.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev
> > >> > >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > _______________________________________________
> > >> > DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> > >> > DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
> > >> > http://www.fenics.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >> _______________________________________________
> > >> DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> > >> DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
> > >> http://www.fenics.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev
> > >
> > > tel.     +31 15 278 7922
> > > fax.     +31 15 278 6383
> > > e-mail   g.n.wells@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > url      http://www.mechanics.citg.tudelft.nl/~garth
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> > > DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
> > > http://www.fenics.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> > DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
> > http://www.fenics.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev
> > 
> _______________________________________________
> DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.fenics.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev

Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

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