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Re: LA: [...]


Great work.

I think we should avoid using the PETSc types KSPType/PCType and
provide our own types to minimize the amount of PETSc that is visible
and also be consistent with the rest of the code.

In other cases, we have a nested enum type called Type in classes
where a type is specified.

I found the following type declarations in the current code:

Function.h:  enum Type { user, functionpointer, discrete };
File.h:      enum Type { xml, matlab, matrixmarket, octave, opendx, gid, tecplot, vtk, python };
Vector.h:    enum NormType { l1, l2, linf };
Buffer.h:    enum Type { info, debug, warning, error };
LogStream.h: enum Type {COUT, ENDL};
Cell.h:      enum Type { triangle, tetrahedron, none };
Mesh.h:      enum Type { triangles, tetrahedra };
Method.h:    enum Type { cG, dG, none };
Parameter.h: enum Type { REAL, INT, BOOL, STRING, NONE };

As you see, we have not been very consistent with capitalization
of the identifiers. Any thoughts on this? The current standard seems
to be that we don't capitalize at all. We used to capitalize
everything (XML, MATLAB, TRIANGLE) etc but I thought it was ugly so I


On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 11:46:45AM +0100, dolfin@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Commit from garth (2005-12-05 11:46 CET)
> -----------------
> LA:
> Add functions to KrylovSolver to choose PETSc preconditioner.
> For GMRES,
> GMRES solver;        // GMRES solver + default preconditioner
> GMRES solver(PCILU); // GMRES solver + incomplete LU preconditioner
> For KrylovSolver
> KrylovSolver solver; // default solver + preconditioner
> KrylovSolver solver(KSPBCGS); // BiCGStab + default preconditioner
> KrylovSolver solver (KSPBCGS, PCICC); // BiCGStab + incomplete Cholesky precon.
>   dolfin  src/kernel/la/GMRES.cpp                1.16
>   dolfin  src/kernel/la/KrylovSolver.cpp         1.35
>   dolfin  src/kernel/la/dolfin/GMRES.h           1.12
>   dolfin  src/kernel/la/dolfin/KrylovSolver.h    1.17
>   dolfin  src/kernel/la/dolfin/Preconditioner.h  1.6
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Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

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