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Re: PArray status: in or out?


PArray will be removed as soon as possible. It's only used in the mesh
so as soon as we have moved to Sieve for the mesh, PArray will be

In the meantime, any suggestions for how to remove this error are
welcome. The code in question is

  template <class T> typename PArray<T>::Iterator::Iterator& 
    if ( _index == (size - 1) )
      at_end = true;
    else {
      at_end = false;
    element = array + _index;
    return *this;


On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 08:41:20PM -0500, tomtzigt wrote:
>    Having trouble cross compile PArray with MSDev. However, the source code
>    mentions that PArray is on its way out, so maybe this is a non-issue for
>    the present code drop (dolphin-0.5.10):
>    PArray is not compiling for some unknown reason
>    Compiling...
>    Form.cpp
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(445)
>    : warning C4346: 'dolfin::PArray<T>::Iterator::__ctor' : dependent name is
>    not a type
>            prefix with 'typename' to indicate a type
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(445)
>    : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '&'
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(445)
>    : error C2350: 'dolfin::PArray<T>::Iterator::__ctor' is not a static
>    member
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(446)
>    : error C2065: 'T' : undeclared identifier
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(446)
>    : error C2955: 'dolfin::PArray' : use of class template requires template
>    argument list
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(187)
>    : see declaration of 'dolfin::PArray'
>    In kernel/function some thing:
>    Compiling...
>    Function.cpp
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(445)
>    : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '&'
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(445)
>    : error C2350: 'dolfin::PArray<T>::Iterator::__ctor' is not a static
>    member
>    c:\Development\oss\src\Applications\FEniCS\dolfin\dolfin-0.5.10\src\kernel\common\dolfin\PArray.h(445)
>    : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping
>    compilation

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Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
