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Re: Adding quadratic elements


---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:24:59 -0600
>From: Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>  
>Subject: Re: [DOLFIN-dev] Adding quadratic elements  
>To: Discussion of DOLFIN development <dolfin-dev@xxxxxxxxxx>
>I think we should do arbitrary order isoparametric. We also 
need more
>general support for non-affine mappings like Piola for H
(div) or
>H(curl) conforming elements.

Be careful here -- Piola mapping is separate from how the 
geometry is transformed.  It would be relatively simple to 
put in the Piola transform for affine geometry (what we 
currently have).  It would be more difficult if the geometry 
were curvilinear (but the main difficulty would be in 
incorporating the geometry.

For some thoughts on doing general curved geometry, I refer 
the reader to Gary Miller et al at CMU.


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