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[HG] Merge.


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary DOLFIN repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   1705:b607b5c492ef9332bbbfe96999c9015f3cb78d60
tag:         tip
parent:      1704:60d9d9506b40e72a7870bde75dc4d379ecfdbbcd
parent:      1703:8932e200aa0636addfe3d35dbd77e652a959213f
user:        "Johan Jansson <johanjan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Fri Feb 17 13:51:17 2006 +0100

changeset:   1704:60d9d9506b40e72a7870bde75dc4d379ecfdbbcd
parent:      1702:bd265ee357ec0359bdcf32ec3877b3c14f1efc35
user:        "Johan Jansson <johanjan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Fri Feb 17 13:50:12 2006 +0100
files:       src/utils/matlab/xmlmesh.m

Updated xmlmesh convert utility to reflect change node->vertex in mesh.

changeset:   1703:8932e200aa0636addfe3d35dbd77e652a959213f
user:        "Garth N. Wells <g.n.wells@xxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Fri Feb 17 13:44:23 2006 +0100
files:       src/demo/pde/elasticity/Elasticity.h src/demo/pde/elasticity/ElasticityStrain.form src/demo/pde/elasticity/ElasticityStrain.h src/demo/pde/elasticity/main.cpp
Add post-proceessing step to compute and output strain in /src/demo/pde/elasticty.

The computation of the strain is very slow because in the constructor of PDE, the linear solver set to direct, and it's not possible for the user to chanage this before the solve is peformed.  

The VTK format can handle tensors, so when Function supports tensors, the processing will become simpler.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin