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Re: sub-functions


There are actually two copies when you pick a sub function, first when
you do u[0] and then when you do v = u[0].


    Function Function::operator[] (const uint i)
      // Create copy
      Function f(*this);

      // Restrict copy to sub function or component

      return f;


    const Function& Function::operator= (const Function& f)
      switch ( f._type )
      case discrete:
        // Don't delete data if not necessary (don't want to recreate vector)
        if ( _type == discrete )
          ((DiscreteFunction *) this->f)->copy(*((DiscreteFunction *) f.f));
          delete this->f;
          this->f = new DiscreteFunction(*((DiscreteFunction *) f.f));

When I first implemented the new Function classes, no copies where
made so all memory was shared:

    v = u; // v and u share the same x, mesh and element

I changed the behaviour when I implemented the new PDE class with the
solve Function, since we then need to create the Function inside
PDE::solve() and return it:

    Function u = pde.solve();

Then u must have a copy of everything (except the mesh, which is
user-supplied anyway).

I don't see an easy way to change this (if we don't do smart
pointers/reference counting), in particular for sub functions. Take
for example the Stokes problem. We then want to do

    Function u;
    Function p;
    stokes.solve(u, p);

Then u and p are sub functions of some w that is the system
solution. The Function w is hidden. It's created inside solve() and is
then destroyed so u and p must be copies. This is not optimal since u
and p will both have a copy of the same data (the entire w).

I'm sure there's a better way to do it. We just need to figure out

In the meantime, the current approach with copying of values is more
robust and the overhead is probably small: copying a vector with PETSc
compared to writing all the values to file or solving the linear system.


On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 05:14:07PM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> Would it be possible to define sub-functions that don't make a copy of
> the vector associated with the function, rather just have a pointer to
> the original vector? I use sub-functions primarily for post-processing,
> so it would be useful not to have 
>   v = u[0];
> every time the result is written to a file.  
> Garth
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Anders Logg
Research Assistant Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
