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Re: Functions in KrylovSolver


> On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 16:28 -0600, Anders Logg wrote:
>> Do we need the following functions in KrylovSolver or can we remove
>> them?
>> It should be enough to specify the type of solver and preconditioner
>> in the constructor. I think it's good if we can minimize the number of
>> functions in the interfaces, in particular any setFoo() functions.
> If it's sufficient to set the solver type through the constructor, these
> functions can be removed.
> Garth

The only motivation would be if one wants to reuse a solver object with a
different precondotioner, for example. But then one might as well create a
new solver. And if one wants to change an existing solver object, one can
do that through the petsc-pointer. So for me, it is sufficient to have the
solver type through the constructor.


>>   /// Set Krylov method type
>>   void setType(const Type solvertype);
>>   /// Set PETSc preconditioner type
>>   void setPreconditioner(const Preconditioner::Type preconditionertype);
>>   /// Set preconditioner
>>   void setPreconditioner(Preconditioner &pc);
>> /Anders
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