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Re: Dense matrices


Small correction:
Blitz++: 1.7
ublas:   1.95

ublas (http://www.boost.org/libs/numeric/ublas/doc/index.htm) looks
really nice and provides everything I would like to have for a dense
matrix. It's a template library, we don't have to worry about linking to
it. If we use it, we could avoid a dependency by including the header
files in DOLFIN somewhere, something like dolfin/contrib?

Careful again -- blitz is templated but there is a small static library you do have to link against. Be careful about how many dependencies there are hidden underneath uBlas (especially as it's part of a bigger project). This is not a statement of knowledge but suspicion. I'm happen to be proven wrong. Also, templates can create portability/compiler problems if used too creatively (see blitz). I have not worked with uBlas, but suggest compiling with a couple of different versions of g++ on mac/linux/cygwin and also the intel compiler on some platforms before committing.

That said, I'm very much in favor of doing less code instead of more, but there can be corner cases in portability and other headaches.


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