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[HG] Small fixes so all demos compile without errors.


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary DOLFIN repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   1840:68273b564ad1f4a511c52cb77819dfc891ea12a6
tag:         tip
user:        "Garth N. Wells <g.n.wells@xxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Tue Apr  4 23:02:21 2006 +0200
files:       configure.ac src/demo/fem/convergence/main.cpp src/demo/nls/cahn-hilliard/main.cpp src/demo/ode/wave/main.cpp src/demo/solvers/elasticity-updated/main.cpp
Small fixes so all demos compile without errors.

changeset:   1839:5e0cf34a8dcff399279b48c866f93f3af5734852
parent:      1837:050eb40f5e3b7853e28da903c844d106fc3e842f
parent:      1838:65ed3c40da2f93f0a1298db33ed1fd0a8b1912f9
user:        "Garth N. Wells <g.n.wells@xxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Tue Apr  4 21:36:47 2006 +0200
files:       configure configure.ac
Add -pedantic compiler flags, and add -Wno-long-long to avoid long long errors.

changeset:   1838:65ed3c40da2f93f0a1298db33ed1fd0a8b1912f9
parent:      1836:ed5966ccccc50e127fcdd2494a2a671b172e0504
user:        "Garth N. Wells <g.n.wells@xxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Tue Apr  4 21:09:54 2006 +0200
files:       configure configure.ac src/kernel/la/DenseMatrix.cpp src/kernel/la/DenseVector.cpp src/kernel/la/Makefile.am src/kernel/la/Makefile.in src/kernel/la/dolfin/DenseMatrix.h src/kernel/la/dolfin/DenseVector.h src/kernel/la/dolfin/Makefile.am src/kernel/la/dolfin/Makefile.in src/kernel/la/dolfin/dolfin_la.h src/kernel/main/dolfin.h src/test/main.cpp
Basic implementation of dense matrices and vectors using uBlas.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin