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Problems with compiling DOLFIN on Redhat



I tried to install DOLFIN on a local (not root ) accont on RedHat and I followed these steps:
1- installing PETSC
2- assigning PETSC_DIR to local folder of PETSC
3- configure dolfine using configure.local option
( in configuration process dolfin accepted my local PETSC folder as the source for libraries of PETSC
4- make
5- make install

the problem is when I wanna compile demo files, dolfin calls a PETSC liberary which is installed on another account on this redhat server and gives the error message: permission denied. It seems that although I have assigned my local PETSC to be the source for PETSC, DOLFIN is trying to use another PETSC which is installed on another account.

Alireza Forghani,
PhD Student, Structural Engineering
Room 1007D, Dep. of Civil Engineering
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Tel: 778 241 5316
Email: forghani@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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