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Message #02365
Re: Problems with compiling DOLFIN on Redhat
Hi Anders,
Configuration says:
/using PETSC_DIR=/data/alireza/petsc-2.3.1-p11
disabling compilation of PyDOLFIN
checking for configarch... yes/
but exactly after that when I try to compile demo the error appears:
//data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2: Permission denied
/data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2/bmake/linux-gnu-intel: Permission denied
/data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2/include: Permission denied
/data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2/include/mpiuni: Permission denied
/data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2: Permission denied
/data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2/bmake/linux-gnu-intel: Permission denied
/data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2/include: Permission denied
/data/daan/FeNics/petsc-2.3.1-p2/include/mpiuni: Permission denied
make[3]: *** [main.o] Error 1/
As you see it tries to use another library.
I also used:
/export PATH="data/alireza/dolfin0.6.1/local/bin:$PATH"/
and these are what exactly PETSc says after configuration:
Configuring PETSc to compile on your system
C Compiler: mpicc -fPIC -Wall -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -fomit-frame-pointer -g3
Fortran Compiler: mpif77 -fPIC -Wall -g
Shared linker: mpicc -shared -fPIC -Wall -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -fomit-frame-pointer -g3
Dynamic linker: mpicc -shared -fPIC -Wall -Wshadow -Wwrite-strings -fomit-frame-pointer -g3
** Before running "make" your PETSC_ARCH must be specified with:
** ** setenv PETSC_ARCH linux-gnu-c-real-debug (csh/tcsh)
** ** PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-real-debug; export PETSC_ARCH (sh/bash)
PETSC_DIR: /data/alireza/petsc-2.3.1-p11
** Now build and test the libraries with "make all test"
Scalar type:real
Clanguage: C
PETSc shared libraries: disabled
PETSc dynamic libraries: disabled
Includes: ['-I/usr/X11R6/include']
Library: ['-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11']
BLAS/LAPACK: -Wl,-rpath,/data/alireza/petsc-2.3.1-p11/externalpackages/fblaslapack/linux-gnu-c-real-debug -L/data/alireza/petsc-2.3.1-p11/externalpackages/fblaslapack/linux-gnu-c-real-debug -lflapack -Wl,-rpath,/data/alireza/petsc-2.3.1-p11/externalpackages/fblaslapack/linux-gnu-c-real-debug -L/data/alireza/petsc-2.3.1-p11/externalpackages/fblaslapack/linux-gnu-c-real-debug -lfblas
Thank You,
PS.: I did these steps and I installed and compiled demos of DOLFIN on Cygwin/x successfully.
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 17:57:39 -0500
From: Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DOLFIN-dev] Problems with compiling DOLFIN on Redhat
To: Discussion of DOLFIN development <dolfin-dev@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20060406225739.GA24308@xxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
What does configure say about PETSc during configure? Look for
something like
using PETSC_DIR=/usr/local/lib/petsc
Another thing to check is if you have set the PATH correctly. Did you
add <path to dolfin>/local/bin to PATH?
On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 12:22:49PM -0700, Alireza Forghani wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to install DOLFIN on a local (not root ) accont on RedHat and I
> followed these steps:
> 1- installing PETSC
> 2- assigning PETSC_DIR to local folder of PETSC
> 3- configure dolfine using configure.local option
> ( in configuration process dolfin accepted my local PETSC folder as the
> source for libraries of PETSC
> 4- make
> 5- make install
> the problem is when I wanna compile demo files, dolfin calls a PETSC
> liberary which is installed on another account on this redhat server and
> gives the error message: permission denied.
> It seems that although I have assigned my local PETSC to be the source
> for PETSC, DOLFIN is trying to use another PETSC which is installed on
> another account.
> Alireza Forghani,
> PhD Student, Structural Engineering
> Room 1007D, Dep. of Civil Engineering
> The University of British Columbia
> Vancouver, BC, Canada
> Tel: 778 241 5316
> Email: forghani@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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