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Stokes on complex geometries



did anyone play around with the stokes solver on more complex geometries? I only seem to get something senseful using a stabalized stokes like:

scalar = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
vector = FiniteElement("Vector Lagrange", "triangle", 2)
system = vector + scalar

(v, q) = TestFunctions(system)
(u, p) = TrialFunctions(system)

f = Function(vector)
h = Function(scalar)
nu = Function(scalar)

beta  = 0.2
delta = beta*h*h

a = (nu*dot(grad(v), grad(u)) - div(v)*p + q*div(u) + delta*dot(grad(q), grad(p)))*dx
L = dot(v + mult(delta, grad(q)), f)*dx

which is fine, but when I compare the solution to another FEM package, they do not quite match. Was there already some benchmarking done?



Alexander H. Jarosch

Jarðvísindastofnun Háskólans
Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
Náttúrufræðahús, Askja
Building of Natural Sciences, Askja
Sturlugata 7
IS - 101 Reykjavík

Tel.: +354 525 4906

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