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Cleanup of linear algebra


I have made a class diagram for the linear algebra classes, which can
be found either in doc/manual/{dia,eps}/class-diagram-la.{dia,eps} or 


>From this diagram, it is clear there are some inconsistencies. Here
are some suggestions:

1. Rename PETScSparseMatrix --> PETScMatrix since there is only one
PETSc matrix.

2. Rename DenseVector --> uBlasVector. DenseVector can be a typedef.

3. Break up LinearSolver in two classes: PETScLinearSolver and
uBlasLinearSolver and make both pure virtual interfaces.

4. Rename PETScLU --> PETScLUSolver to make it consistent.

5. Rename VirtualMatrix --> PETScKrylovMatrix to make it consistent
with uBlasKrylovMatrix.

6. Rename Preconditioner --> PETScPreconditioner to make it consistent
with uBlasPreconditioner.

7. Typedefs for common default types should include the following:


   DenseVector    (something that works with DenseMatrix)

   SparseVector   (something that works with SparseVector)


   VirtualMatrix  (something that works with KrylovSolver)
   Preconditioner (something that works with KrylovSolver)

Here's a little list of things I think we should fix before releasing 0.6.2:

 - Fix the above cleanups

 - Make sure the linear algebra works nicely in PyDOLFIN

 - Update the class diagram

 - Complete the linear algebra chapter in the manual

 - Add a linear algebra benchmark in src/bench

 - Add a linear algebra test in src/test

 - Add a linear algebra demo in src/demo

It would be great if we could all help out so everyone agrees on and
knows the design of the linear algebra library. We would then have a
well functioning and stable linear algebra library that would require
little maintenance so we can focus on other things (like porting to
the new mesh library).


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