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Re: Status of linear algebra


Anders Logg wrote:
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 03:28:19PM +0200, Johan Jansson wrote:
On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 09:52:36AM +0200, Anders Logg wrote:
Garth, what is the status of the linear algebra? If you are happy,
I'll take another look and then we can take care of the remaining stuff.

Here's a suggested plan:

       1. Review/cleanup (Garth)
       2. Review/cleanup/class diagram (Anders)
       3. Fix PyDOLFIN linear algebra including typedefs (Johan J)
       3. Finish linear algebra section in manual (Johan H)
       4. Remove PETSc ifdefs from Navier-Stokes module (Johan H)
       4. Remove PETSc ifdefs from elasticity module (Johan J)
       4. Unit tests for linear algebra (Anders, Garth)
       4. Demos for linear algebra (Garth)
       4. Benchmarks for linear algebra (Garth)
       4. Review/cleanup of ODE solvers (Anders)

What more do we want to finish before the next release?

Hopefully we can make a concentrated effort and make the release
quickly so we can move on to work on the mesh.

Ok, good plan. I'd also like to review the TimeDependentPDE class
before release. It's related to the linear algebra and to the ODE
solvers. For example, it depends on both DenseVector (from ODE) and
Vector (for storing dofs), so it requires that those have a consistent
relationship and that there exists functions to translate between

DenseVector is now called uBlasVector in the ODE solver. Even if
DenseVector is a synonym for uBlasVector, it could potentially be
changed in the future.

The class Vector (PETScVector) and uBlasVector are not compatible, but
maybe we should add some functionality for copying data between the
two, like constructors in both that take the other.

Another option would be to change to uBlasVector in Ko instead of

I'm not completely happy with defining the ODE solver interface in
terms of uBlasVector. It sounds very specific. I would like to say
just Vector or dolfin::ode::Vector.

I too think that it would be better to have just Vector. The difficulty was that PETSc is not very flexible for manipulating vectors element-wise or working with columns and rows of (sparse) matrices, and the ODE solvers are pretty demanding in this respect. Perhaps a few cleverly put together functions in PETScVector and PETScMatrix would do the trick?


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