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Updated class diagram


Here is the updated class diagram.


Any objections?

My suggestion is that we finalize on this design (with some minor
adjustments for preconditioner fixes) and try to keep this design
stable from now on.

We might want to make some minor modifications (extensions) of the
GenericMatrix and GenericVector interfaces in the future though.

Here's an updated suggested work plan for the next release:

   1. Fix class DefaultPreconditioner, start work on Preconditioner (Anders)
   1. Fix classes LU and GMRES (Anders)
   2. Finishing touches on Preconditioners (Garth)
   3. Finish linear algebra section in manual (Johan H)
   3. Make sure PyDOLFIN works for linear algebra (Johan J)
   4. Review/cleanup of ODE solvers (Anders)

In addition, we should try to add some more unit tests, demos and

Is this list ok? Any changes? Time plan?

I'll do 1 + 1 today.


Follow ups