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Re: compiler flags and compile time


I guess you mean the -O2 that you get with dolfin-config --cflags?

Perhaps we should avoid exporting optimization flags and debugging
flags to dolfin-config so these flags may be adjusted by users.

For now, just edit your dolfin-config script and remove the -O2. That
should take care of it.

Another option is to compile the forms with the option -f blas given
to FFC. This should generate much smaller h-files.

A warning: the -f blas option has not been tested for a while so I'm
not sure it works (it definitely does not work for forms that include
boundary integrals).


On Tue, Sep 12, 2006 at 05:46:30PM +0200, Dag Lindbo wrote:
> Hi all,
> Version 0.6.2-1 seems to be defaulting to some other optimization flags
> than 0.6.1 did. This is hurting compile-times to the extent that I can not
> use quadratic elements in my solvers (some h-files are rather big,
> ~2Mb)...
> What's cusing the slowdown? How do I control what flags are used by libtool?
> Thanks,
> Dag Lindbo
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