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Re: pydolfin, seg. fault


Wrong err.log file. Sorry :)


Ola Skavhaug skrev den 15/09-2006 f�de:
> Hi,
> I'm trying the elasticitysolver.py example in Dolfin-0.6.2-1, and the script
> seg. faults on me. I have attached a modified version of the script that shows
> where things go wrong.
> Some software specs:
> Python: 2.4.3
> Dolfin: 0.6.2-1
> FFC:    0.3.3
> FIAT:   0.2.5
> SWIG:   1.3.29
> What is wrong?
> Ola

> Importing DOLFIN
> Computing mesh connectivity:
>   Found 125 vertices
>   Found 384 cells
>   Created 604 edges
>   Created 864 faces
>   Sorting mesh entities locally.

> import datetime
> from dolfin import *
> from math import *
> def save(counter, u, k, vtkfile):
>     savefrequency = 33.0
>     if(counter % int((1.0 / savefrequency / k)) == 0):
>         vtkfile << u
> class Source(Function):
>     def eval(self, point, i):
>         if(i == 1):
>             return -2.0
>         else:
>             return 0.0
> class InitialDisplacement(Function):
>     def eval(self, point, i):
>         return 0.0
> class InitialVelocity(Function):
>     def eval(self, point, i):
>         if(i == 1 and point.x > 0.0):
>             return 1.0
>         else:
>             return 0.0
> class SimpleBC(BoundaryCondition):
>     def eval(self, value, point, i):
>         if point.x == 0.0:
>             value.set(0.0)
>         return value
> f = Source()
> u0 = InitialDisplacement()
> v0 = InitialVelocity()
> bc = SimpleBC()
> mesh = Mesh("tetmesh-4.xml.gz")
> E = 20.0 # Young's modulus
> nu = 0.3 # Poisson's ratio
> lmbda = E * nu / ((1 + nu) * (1 - 2 * nu))
> mu = E / (2 * (1 + nu))
> elast_forms = import_formfile("Elasticity.form")
> print "Done importing Elasticity form"
> # FIXME: Need to use Constant to use coefficients with FFC and PyDOLFIN
> #a = elast_forms.ElasticityBilinearForm(lmbda, mu)
> a = elast_forms.ElasticityBilinearForm()
> print "Done constructing ElasticityBilinearForm"
> L = elast_forms.ElasticityLinearForm(f)
> print "Done constructing ElasticityLinearForm(f)"
> Lu0 = elast_forms.ElasticityLinearForm(u0)
> print "Done constructing ElasticityLinearForm(u0)"
> Lv0 = elast_forms.ElasticityLinearForm(v0)
> print "Done constructing ElasticityLinearForm(v0)"
> print "Done constructing Elasticity forms"
> mass_forms = import_formfile("ElasticityMass.form")
> amass = mass_forms.ElasticityMassBilinearForm()
> element = elast_forms.ElasticityBilinearFormTrialElement()
> A = Matrix()
> M = Matrix()
> xu0 = Vector()
> xv0 = Vector()
> xu1 = Vector()
> xv1 = Vector()
> xu1old = Vector()
> xv1old = Vector()
> stepresidual = Vector()
> m = Vector()
> b = Vector()
> xtmp1 = Vector()
> xtmp2 = Vector()
> t = 0.0  # time
> T = 5.0  # final time
> k = 0.01 # time step
> counter = 0 # step counter
> FEM_assemble(a, A, mesh)
> FEM_assemble(L, b, mesh)
> FEM_applyBC(A, b, mesh, element, bc)
> #print "A: "
> #A.disp(False)
> FEM_assemble(amass, M, mesh)
> # Lump mass matrix
> FEM_lump(M, m)
> # Assemble initial values
> FEM_assemble(Lu0, xu1, mesh)
> FEM_assemble(Lv0, xv1, mesh)
> # Solve for initial values
> xu1.div(m)
> xv1.div(m)
> # Initialize vectors
> xtmp1.init(xu1.size())
> # Solution functions
> u = Function(xu1, mesh, element);
> v = Function(xv1, mesh, element);
> vtkfile = File("elasticity.pvd")
> # Save
> save(counter, u, k, vtkfile)
> t1 = datetime.datetime.now()
> while(t < T):
>     # Make time step
>     # Copy values from previous time step
>     xu0.copy(xu1)
>     xv0.copy(xv1)
>     dolfin_log(False)
>     # Assemble load vector
>     FEM_assemble(L, b, mesh)
>     # Set boundary conditions
>     FEM_applyBC(A, b, mesh, element, bc)
>     dolfin_log(True)
>     # Fixed-point iteration
>     for fpiter in range(0, 50):
>         # Copy values from previous iteration
>         xu1old.copy(xu1)
>         xv1old.copy(xv1)
>         # Evaluate right-hand side of ODE: u' = f(u)
>         A.mult(xu1old, xtmp1);
>         # Compute residual of time step equation (discrete residual)
>         stepresidual.copy(b)
>         stepresidual -= xtmp1
>         stepresidual *= k
>         stepresidual.div(m)
>         stepresidual.axpy(1.0, xv0)
>         stepresidual.axpy(-1.0, xv1)
>         xv1.axpy(1, stepresidual)
>         xu1.copy(xu0)
>         xu1.axpy(k, xv1old)
>         # Compute increments
>         xtmp1.copy(xu1)
>         xtmp1.axpy(-1, xu1old)
>         xtmp2.copy(xv1)
>         xtmp2.axpy(-1, xv1old)
> #        print "Increments: ", xtmp1.norm(xtmp1.linf), \
> #              " ", xtmp2.norm(xtmp1.linf)
>         # Check convergence
>         if(max(xtmp1.norm(xtmp1.linf), xtmp2.norm(xtmp2.linf)) < 1e-8):
>             print "Fixed-point iteration converged. Iterations: ", fpiter
>             break
>     # Increment t and counter
>     t += k
>     counter += 1
>     print "t: ", t
>     save(counter, u, k, vtkfile)
> t2 = datetime.datetime.now()
> print "measured time: ", t2 - t1
> # Plot with Mayavi
> # Load mayavi
> from mayavi import *
> # Plot solution
> v = mayavi()
> d = v.open_vtk_xml("elasticity000000.vtu")
> f = v.load_filter('WarpVector', config=0) 
> m = v.load_module("BandedSurfaceMap")
> m.actor.GetProperty().SetColor((0.8, 0.8, 1.0))
> camera = v.renwin.camera
> camera.Zoom(1.0)
> camera.SetPosition(2.5, 1.5, 5.5)
> camera.SetFocalPoint(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
> camera.SetRoll(0.0)
> # Turn on sweeping
> d.sweep_delay.set(0.01)
> d.sweep_var.set(1)
> d.do_sweep()
> # Wait until window is closed
> v.master.wait_window()

> _______________________________________________
> DOLFIN-dev mailing list
> DOLFIN-dev@xxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.fenics.org/mailman/listinfo/dolfin-dev

skavhaug@hesten:~/devel/dolfin-0.6.2-1/src/demo/scripting/pydolfin/solvers/elasticity$ python elasticitysolver.py
Importing DOLFIN
Computing mesh connectivity:
  Found 125 vertices
  Found 384 cells
  Created 604 edges
  Created 864 faces
  Sorting mesh entities locally.
Compiling form: Elasticity.form
Generating the SWIG interface file for the Elasticity form
Building the Python module
SWIG:1: Warning(123): dangerous, use -nodefaultctor, -nodefaultdtor instead.
elasticityform.i:12: Warning(124): Specifying the language name in %typemap is
deprecated - use #ifdef SWIG<LANG> instead.
elasticityform.i:13: Warning(124): Specifying the language name in %typemap is
deprecated - use #ifdef SWIG<LANG> instead.
elasticityform.i:14: Warning(124): Specifying the language name in %typemap is
deprecated - use #ifdef SWIG<LANG> instead.
elasticityform.i:15: Warning(124): Specifying the language name in %typemap is
deprecated - use #ifdef SWIG<LANG> instead.
/home/skavhaug/extsoft/include/dolfin/Function.h:79: Warning(389): operator[]
ignored (consider using %extend)
/home/skavhaug/extsoft/include/dolfin/Function.h:82: Warning(362): operator=
/home/skavhaug/extsoft/include/dolfin/FiniteElement.h:58: Warning(389):
operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
/home/skavhaug/extsoft/include/dolfin/FiniteElement.h:61: Warning(389):
operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:128: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:133: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:256: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:261: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:637: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:642: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:765: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
Elasticity.h:770: Warning(389): operator[] ignored (consider using %extend)
/home/skavhaug/extsoft/include/dolfin/Function.h:39: Warning(401): Nothing
known about base class 'Variable'. Ignored.
/home/skavhaug/extsoft/include/dolfin/Function.h:39: Warning(401): Nothing
known about base class 'TimeDependent'. Ignored.
Done importing Elasticity form
Done constructing ElasticityBilinearForm
Segmentation fault

Follow ups
