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Re: loading shared libraries


Dag Lindbo wrote:
> Set LD_LOAD_PATH, i.e.
>> locate libdolfin.so
> # /usr/local/lib/libdolfin.so.0
>> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/
> this worked form me. For some reason the dolfin.conf file does not work in
> my install.

On most systems, you can add the line "/usr/local/lib" to the file
/etc/ld.so.conf. Then you won't have to augment the path each time.


> /Dag
>> In a newly cloned dolfin, I have problems when running the demos. It
>> appears that it may be connected to pkg-config?
>> Any ideas?
>> /Johan
>> [jhoffman@na41 poisson]$ pwd
>> /afs/nada.kth.se/home/m/u1qo8adm/work/computing2/dolfin/src/demo/solvers/poisson
>> [jhoffman@na41 poisson]$ make
>> `pkg-config --variable=compiler dolfin` `pkg-config --cflags dolfin` -c
>> main.cpp
>> `pkg-config --variable=compiler dolfin` -o dolfin-poisson main.o
>> `pkg-config --cflags dolfin` `pkg-config --libs dolfin`
>> [jhoffman@na41 poisson]$ ./dolfin-poisson
>> ./dolfin-poisson: error while loading shared libraries: libdolfin.so.0:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> [jhoffman@na41 poisson]$
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