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Re: adaptivity and mesh-to-mesh projection



Yes, this is on the menu, in connection with reimplementing (and adding
new) mesh refinement/coarsening algorithms. Me and Johan J has discussed
the general case of two independent unstructured meshes. But of course the
specialized case may be of interest as well if we cannot make the generel
case as fast as needed.

I would expect this to be in place before Christmas.


> Hi all,
> Is the projection issue that we discussed a few months ago still on the
> menu (i.e. on the TODO list)?
> We were talking about being able to transfer a discrete function from one
> mesh to another in the adaptivity/mesh refinement process. Was this
> mentioned at Fenics '06? Is it a consideration during the reimplementation
> of the refinement algorithms in the new mesh class?
> There were two levels of this. One was the simple insertion of DOFS by
> splitting triangles - with the ability to set the value at the new DOFS by
> interpolation on the old edges. The more ambitious variant was to be able
> to project from one unstructured mesh to another.
> Best regards,
> Dag Lindbo and Alessio Quaglino
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