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Re: Install Dolfin


It is possible that Dolfin is not linking against:



On 11/29/06, Naboulsi, Samir K CTR USAF ASC/HP
<Samir.Naboulsi@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear All,

As new user, I tried to compile the demo case poisson problem. IF I
compile the Poisson.form using ffc and do "make" I get Poisson.h:76:
error: 'const class dolfin::Cell' has no member named 'vertexID'  which
created by ffc. I am using ffc-0.3.3

If I use the Poisson.h that came with dolfin 0.6.2-1, I get a different
error that has to do with PETSc running MPI

a(bjacobi.o)(.text+0x12a): In function `PCSetUp_BJacobi':
:26: undefined reference to `MPIUNI_TMP'
pc/impls/bjacobi/bjacobi.c:27: undefined reference to `MPIUNI_TMP'

I have compiled PETSc disabling MPI (i.e. I am using single processor
machine) and also when compiled Dolfin. i.e.

>> ./config/configure.py --prefix=/workspace/naboulsk/FX/petsc-2.3.2-p4
--with-c++-support --with-fortran --with-mpi=0

>> ./configure.local --enable-debug
--enable-petsc --with-petsc-dir=/workspace/naboulsk/FX/petsc-2.3.2-p4
--enable-pydolfin --disable-mpi

How can I fix these problems?

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