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Re: [FFC-dev] dof locations


Anders Logg wrote:
On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 02:14:51PM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
Could we add something to FFC to describe where the various degrees of freedom live (on vertices, edges, internal)?


Yes we could, but I'd rather not. Why do we need it? I'd prefer if
DOLFIN did not know anything about dofs, other than how to reorder

Not sure that it's this simple if you want to assemble some terms block-wise. Also, for parallel assembly we might need to know where dofs lie. I'm still thinking about this so I can't be concrete in what's needed just yet.

I see two options:

 1. Reorder the dofs computed by FFC, not knowing why and how they
    are numbered.

This is one option I'm considering. Just take the FFC numbering, and run a renumbering algorithm over it to minimise bandwidth.

 2. Compute a different mapping in FFC.

This could be difficult as it depends on properties of the mesh, partition, etc. I think that this should remain simple.

I can be convinced otherwise of course, but I don't understand why
this is needed.

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