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Message #03941
Re: DOLFIN-stable
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 03:02:32PM +0100, Anders Logg wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 01:33:29PM +0100, Johan Jansson wrote:
>> > I've created a branch of DOLFIN called DOLFIN-stable. Since every
>> > repository (every time you clone for example) is also a branch, this
>> > is nothing dramatic. The only difference is that this branch is
>> > publically available in the same way as DOLFIN is.
>> >
>> > The purpose of this branch is to keep the kernel stable. The only
>> > kernel changes allowed are backports of bugfixes and possibly
>> > important overlooked functionality from the DOLFIN
>> > repository.
>> >
>> > However, module changes are allowed as before. Kernel development is
>> > supposed to happen in the DOLFIN repository (where applications need
>> > to be stable to test the kernel) and application development is
>> > supposed to happen in the DOLFIN-stable repository (where the kernel
>> > needs to be stable to test the application).
>> >
>> > At regular intervals (at least at DOLFIN releases), the DOLFIN and
>> > DOLFIN-stable branches will be merged. Thus the DOLFIN and
>> > DOLFIN-stable branches will be equivalent at the time of every
>> > release.
>> Who does the merge?
>> The maintainer of dolfin or the maintainer(s) of dolfin-dev?
>> And who maintains what? Jansson maintains dolfin-stable. Garth/me
>> maintains dolfin?
> I will be the primary maintainer of dolfin-stable
> (applications/modules), and I guess the logical thing is for you and
> Garth to be primary maintainers of dolfin (kernel). I will still be
> involved in the kernel however, and I expect everyone else to still be
> involved in the modules as well.
> I think a reasonable labor division is that I have the final
> responsibility for the merge, and you (Anders and Garth) have the
> final responsibility for release? This does not of course forbid
> helping out, but there needs to be someone who steps in when things do
> not happen by themselves.
> How does that sound?
> I'm still not sure where PyDOLFIN (or Python code related to DOLFIN in
> general) fits in. I guess it also has a partition into kernel and
> modules. Right now the kernel part is mainly just the Python interface
> to the kernel, but it could grow (the projection interface is an
> example).
> Johan
Sounds good to me. As things look now, I will not be able to take any but
minor responsibility for maintaining, although I plan to develop both in
kernel and modules.
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