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Re: Parallel Petsc with Dolfin


We're working on parallel assembly and solution at the moment. It will use PETSc, and should in place in the not too distant future.

I just fixed the test program src/test/passembly/main.cpp in the development version. It should compile now. It is very much a test program, so it's pretty rough.

If you have any further questions, dolfin-dev@xxxxxxxxxx is the best place to ask.


Michael Ulbrich wrote:

I have a question concerning fenics/dolfin:

You write on the dolfin homepage that it can use parallel
linear algebra via PETSc.
I compiled dolfin with petsc und mpi enabled, but,
unfortunately, I am not able to run, e.g.,


with parallel performance. If I run it with (I use mpich
from the petsc externalpackages directory)

mpiexec -n 4 ./dolfin-elasticity-updated

it is started four times, but does not seem to do parallel
linear algebra. It just seems to compute four times the same.
Am I doing something wrong or is parallel PETSc not yet supported?

I also tried passembly, but got a compiler error message
that a.update(map) is not available.

Thanks and best regards,


Prof. Dr. Michael Ulbrich
Chair of Mathematical Optimization
Center for Mathematical Sciences
M1 - Optimization
TU Muenchen
Boltzmannstr. 3
85747 Garching b. Muenchen
Phone: +49 89 289-17931
Fax:   +49 89 289-17932
Email: mulbrich@xxxxxxxxx