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[HG dolfin] merge


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary DOLFIN repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   2648:1faa8087f9d98cd33efe784a226d08dcfd4e70da
tag:         tip
parent:      2647:c41b6a974aed8d8471b5f4a787846466d96326ef
parent:      2646:ab72b8d4c5890abc39df3e2c391bd4755049dd1a
user:        "Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Thu Feb 01 17:11:53 2007 +0100

changeset:   2647:c41b6a974aed8d8471b5f4a787846466d96326ef
parent:      2643:7febd88dfba49ea89b86224e5acb0c82922717a3
user:        "Anders Logg <logg@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Thu Feb 01 17:11:40 2007 +0100
files:       configure src/demo/pde/poisson/main.cpp src/demo/pde/poisson/plot.py src/kernel/function/Function.cpp src/kernel/function/dolfin/Function.h
Enable simple input of Functions: Function f("file.xml").
Same as for mesh, no need to declare a File and then use >>.

Use built-in plot for Poisson demo:

    from dolfin import *

    f = Function("poisson.xml")

changeset:   2646:ab72b8d4c5890abc39df3e2c391bd4755049dd1a
user:        "Garth N. Wells <g.n.wells@xxxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Thu Feb 01 14:35:22 2007 +0100
files:       src/demo/solvers/convdiff/main.cpp src/demo/solvers/elasticity-updated/main.cpp src/demo/solvers/elasticity/main.cpp src/demo/solvers/heat/main.cpp src/demo/solvers/navierstokes/benchmark/main.cpp src/demo/solvers/plasticity/main.cpp src/modules/dolfin/Solver.h
Fix includes so all module demos compile.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin