Anders Logg wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 07:10:31PM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
>> Anders Logg wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 03:07:43PM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
>>>> Why do we need a class AssemblyMatrix? GenericMatrix/GenericVector
>>>> should provide the necessary virtual functions for assembly.
>>>> Garth
>>> Yes, definitely. The assembler assumes it gets a GenericTensor that
>>> has a function
>>> void add(real* block, uint* size, uint** entries)
>>> (entries is probably a bad choice of name here, let's change it)
>>> This makes it possible to implement just one assembly function and
>>> keep the Assembler class small.
>> Then GenericVector and GenericMatrix should then derive from GenericTensor?
> Yes. So far it is just two functions that are needed, init() and add().
>>> Anyway, the class AssemblyMatrix is just a temporary implementation of
>>> something that implements the GenericTensor interface. My suggestion
>>> is that we overload the add() function above in both GenericMatrix and
>>> GenericVector. The overloaded functions will map to the correct add()
>>> function in the respective classes. For GenericMatrix, we'll have
>>> void add(real* block, uint* size, uint** entries)
>>> {
>>> add(block, size[0], entries[0], size[1], entries[1]);
>>> }
>>> So, even if AssemblyMatrix could be of some use (it seems to be a fast
>>> option for assembly, the STL vector of maps beat PETSc in at least one
>>> benchmark I made)
>> Don't draw conclusions too quickly. STL vector of maps is fast to
>> assemble, but is close to useless for linear algebra. The current
>> implementation for the assembly uBLAS matrices use something like STL
>> vector of maps (fast to assemble but slow for linear algebra) and
>> converts it to compressed row storage (fast for linear algebra). The
>> conversion can take some time. A STL vector of integer maps should be
>> created and then used to initialise a particular sparse storage format
>> (before first use only). Then we wouldn't have to convert matrix formats.
> Do you mean this should be done in DofMap?
Yes. The STL vector of maps is cheap to construct, and can be used to
initialise the non-zero layout of a sparse matrix.