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Re: pointmap


On Sun, Mar 25, 2007 at 10:44:58AM +0200, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> Anders Logg wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 24, 2007 at 06:52:04PM +0100, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> >> In the old FFC output format, the function
> >>
> >>    void pointmap(Point points[], unsigned int components[],
> >>                  const AffineMap& map) const
> >>
> >> returns in components[] a degree of freedom identifier (e.g. 0 for u, 1 
> >> for v, 2 for p, etc) for each entry in the element tensor. How can we 
> >> get this information with the new UFC format? (or how can we avoid 
> >> requiring it?)
> >>
> >> Garth
> > 
> > Do you mean for evaluating dofs on user-defined functions (to get the
> > expansion coefficients in the nodal basis to put in the array w) or
> > for setting boundary conditions?
> > 
> > I think that in both cases it should be enough to evaluate the dofs on
> > the ufc::function, but we might have missed something. The function
> > evaluate_dof() takes a function f that may or may not be vector-valued
> > and computes the scalar value of dof i. So for a 2D vector-valued
> > Lagrange element of degree 1, dof 0 will be f_0(v0), dof 1 will be
> > f_0(v1), dof 2 will be f_0(v2), dof 3 will be f_1(v0) etc. The
> > function evaluate() in ufc::function needs to compute all values of
> > the possibly tensor-valued function.
> > 
> What I don't see is how to make the link between a user-defined function 
> in terms of x and j (j being u0, u1 and p for Stokes), and ufc::function 
> which is in terms of x and i (i = 0 --> space_dimension).
> Garth

The ufc::function needs to evaluate all values at once, not one at a
time. So for 2D Stokes, the array values would be of length 3.

We could keep the current interface eval(p, i) for Function and then
call this for each i to fill in the array values, but perhaps we
should change the interface of the class Function in DOLFIN so that
for a vector-valued function one needs to set all the values at once.
An advantage of this would be that one would not need the

   if ( i == 0 )
     return 3.0;
   else if ( i == 1 )
     return 5.0;
     return 6.0;

Instead, one would write

   values[0] = 3.0;
   values[1] = 5.0;
   values[2] = 6.0;

The array values is a contiguous array that may represent something
tensor-valued as well. If the function takes values in R^{3x3} then
the array has length 9.

There's one thing I don't know how to handle yet though. So far (in
the implementation of assembly) we have only needed to send data into
the UFC interface, so we can take a DOLFIN::Cell, create a ufc::cell
from that and send it through the interface. But now, we need to send
in a ufc::function to evaluate_dof(), which will call the
ufc::function which will in turn call the users eval method. The
evaluate() method in ufc::function gets a ufc::cell, but there is no
way to convert this to a DOLFIN::Cell (since we don't know the global
cell number).

I guess the solution could be to do as we do know, when the Cell is
not an argument to eval() but it can be accessed by a call to
Function::cell() if needed?


Follow ups
