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Message #05088
Problem with non-linear solver
Hi everyone,
I have a problem with the non-linear solver. I want to solve a
non-linear pde of the form f(u,grad(u))*dot(grad(u),grad(v)) = 0 for all
v. If I define f inside the form-file everything works fine, but if I
define f as a function which is calculated outside the form-file it only
works when f=f(u) but not when f=f(grad(u)).
I have attached an example of this discrepancy.
Regards, Jesper
# Copyright (C) 2007 Jesper Carlsson.
# Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
# Modified by Jesper Carlsson
# First added: 2007-04-03
# Last changed: 2007-04-03
# The linear form L(v) for the gradient product at each cell.
# Compile this form with FFC: ffc MassMat.form.
element0 = FiniteElement("Discontinuous Lagrange", "triangle", 0)
element1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
v = TestFunction(element0)
f = Function(element1)
# Used to assemble gradients of functions
L = dot(grad(f), grad(f))*v*dx
# Copyright (C) 2007 Jesper Carlsson.
# Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
# Modified by Jesper Carlsson
# First added: 2007-05-25
# Last changed: 2007-06-01
element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
v = TestFunction(element)
u = TrialFunction(element)
# Alternative 1 (works)
u0= Function(element)
a = (1+u0*u0)*dot(grad(u),grad(v))*dx + 2*u0*u*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
L = -(1+u0*u0)*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
# Copyright (C) 2007 Jesper Carlsson.
# Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
# Modified by Jesper Carlsson
# First added: 2007-05-25
# Last changed: 2007-06-01
element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
v = TestFunction(element)
u = TrialFunction(element)
# Alternative 2 (?)
u0= Function(element)
f = Function(element) # f=1+u0^2
fp = Function(element) # fp=1
a = f*dot(grad(u),grad(v))*dx + 2*fp*u0*u*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
L = -f*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
# Copyright (C) 2007 Jesper Carlsson.
# Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
# Modified by Jesper Carlsson
# First added: 2007-05-25
# Last changed: 2007-06-01
element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
v = TestFunction(element)
u = TrialFunction(element)
# Alternative 3 (works)
u0= Function(element)
a = (1+dot(grad(u0),grad(u0)))*dot(grad(u),grad(v))*dx + 2*dot(grad(u0),grad(u))*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
L = -(1+dot(grad(u0),grad(u0)))*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
# Copyright (C) 2007 Jesper Carlsson.
# Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
# Modified by Jesper Carlsson
# First added: 2007-05-25
# Last changed: 2007-06-01
element0 = FiniteElement("Discontinuous Lagrange", "triangle", 0)
element1 = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "triangle", 1)
v = TestFunction(element1)
u = TrialFunction(element1)
# Alternative 4 (does not work)
u0= Function(element1)
f= Function(element0) # f = 1 + |grad(u)|^2
fp= Function(element0) # fp = 1
a = f*dot(grad(u),grad(v))*dx + 2*fp*dot(grad(u0),grad(u))*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
L = -f*dot(grad(u0),grad(v))*dx
// Copyright (C) 2007 Jesper Carlsson.
// Licensed under the GNU GPL Version 2.
// Modified by Jesper Carlsson
// First added: 2007-05-29
// Last changed: 2007-05-29
#include <dolfin.h>
#include "dolfin/Test1.h"
#include "dolfin/Test2.h"
#include "dolfin/Test3.h"
#include "dolfin/Test4.h"
#include "dolfin/GradProd.h"
using namespace dolfin;
int TEST = 4;
// Dirichlet boundary condition
class DirichletBC : public BoundaryCondition {
void eval(BoundaryValue& value, const Point& p, unsigned int i) {
if ( fabs(p.x()) < DOLFIN_EPS )
value = 0.25-pow(p.y()-0.5, 2);
value = 0.0;
// User defined nonlinear problem
class MyNonlinearProblem : public NonlinearProblem
// Constructor
MyNonlinearProblem(Mesh& mesh, BoundaryCondition& dbc, Function& U,
Function& F, Function& Fprim)
: NonlinearProblem(), _mesh(&mesh), _dbc(&dbc), _U(&U), _F(&F), _Fprim(&Fprim)
// Create forms
if (TEST==1)
// Alternative 1 (OK)
a = new Test1::BilinearForm(U);
L = new Test1::LinearForm(U);
else if (TEST==2)
// Alternative 2 (OK)
a = new Test2::BilinearForm(U, F, Fprim);
L = new Test2::LinearForm(U, F);
else if (TEST==3)
// Alternative 1 (OK)
a = new Test3::BilinearForm(U);
L = new Test3::LinearForm(U);
else if (TEST==4)
// Alternative 4 (NOT OK)
a = new Test4::BilinearForm(U, F, Fprim);
L = new Test4::LinearForm(U, F);
gp = new GradProd::LinearForm(U);
// Initialise solution vector u
U.init(mesh, a->test());
// Initialise cell-wise defined vectors
F.init(mesh, gp->test());
Fprim.init(mesh, gp->test());
// Destructor
delete a;
delete L;
delete gp;
// User defined assemble of Jacobian and residual vector
void form(GenericMatrix& A, GenericVector& b, const GenericVector& x)
// Assemble gradients
FEM::assemble(*gp, grad2, *_mesh);
// Calculate f and fp
for (int i=0; i<grad2.size(); ++i)
if (TEST==2)
// Alternative 2
_F->vector()(i) = 1+pow(_U->vector().get(i), 2);
_Fprim->vector()(i) = 1;
else if (TEST==4)
// Alternative 4
_F->vector()(i) = 1+grad2(i);
_Fprim->vector()(i) = 1;
FEM::assemble(*a, *L, A, b, *_mesh);
FEM::applyBC(A, *_mesh, a->test(), *_dbc);
FEM::applyResidualBC(b, x, *_mesh, a->test(), *_dbc);
// Pointers to forms, mesh and boundary conditions
BilinearForm *a;
LinearForm *L, *gp;
Mesh* _mesh;
BoundaryCondition* _dbc;
Function *_U, *_F, *_Fprim;
Vector grad2;
int main()
// Set up problem
UnitSquare mesh(64, 64);
DirichletBC dbc;
Function U, F, Fprim;
// Create user-defined nonlinear problem
MyNonlinearProblem nonlinear_problem(mesh, dbc, U, F, Fprim);
// Create nonlinear solver and set parameters
NewtonSolver nonlinear_solver;
nonlinear_solver.set("Newton maximum iterations", 50);
nonlinear_solver.set("Newton relative tolerance", 1e-10);
nonlinear_solver.set("Newton absolute tolerance", 1e-10);
// Solve nonlinear problem
Vector& u = U.vector();
nonlinear_solver.solve(nonlinear_problem, u);
// Save function to file
File file("nonlinear_poisson.pvd");
file << U;
return 0;
Follow ups