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Re: DG viz


Garth N. Wells wrote:

Jake Ostien wrote:

If even possible, does anyone know how to view the fully discontinuous solution (without the interpolation to the vertices)?

It's not possible at the moment. The best approach for now is to project the discontinuous solution onto a continuous basis, and plot the continuous field.
OK. Here's a related question, I need to check that my weakly enforced Dirichlet BCs are being properly handled. Right now I think I need to sample the discontinuous function along a given subset of the boundary (which I do by iterating through all the vertices and selected solution components by position), and manually integrate those values along the boundary for comparison with the prescribed value, say zero for simplicity. Is there a better way to do this? I am observing some noise (oscillations) in the projected solution near the boundaries and I am trying to figure out why.



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