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Message #05793
assemble 3D tensor with entries of a trilinear form
I want to calculate a 3D Tensor which is build with the help of a
trilinear form. I think that I can assemble this tensor with the help of
Dolfin assemble.h
The problem is that all examples in Dolfin (e.g. MassMatrix or
StiffnessMatrix) are with matrices (assembled with the help of a
bilinear form) and not with tensors (assembled with the help of
trilinear forms). I think it must be possible to assemble a tensor
instead a matrix because the definition in assemble.h is really general
(there they use GenericTensor for the assembled A).
So is there anybody who tried to program something similar or may be
knows how I must declare A so that I can assemble it with help of
Thanks for your help
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