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Re: manager classes


On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 05:50:53PM +0000, Garth N. Wells wrote:
> Anders Logg wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 04, 2008 at 10:25:35AM -0600, Matthew Knepley wrote:
> >> On Jan 4, 2008 10:22 AM, Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>> We have a problem at the moment when using PETSc related to conflicts
> >>> between dolfin::MPIManager and dolfin::PETScManger as to who should
> >>> initialise and finalise MPI. The difficulty is that we can't control the
> >>> order in which MPIManager and PETScManager are destroyed.
> >>>
> >>> Given that we will probably have more 'manager' classes in the future
> >>> (e.g. for Trilinos), what is the best approach? Some possibilities are
> >>> one 'Manager' class that does the lot, or a SingletonManager which can
> >>> control the order in which singleton manager classes are destroyed. Ideas?
> >> When using multiple packages with  MPI, you should always have a single MPI
> >> manage class. If MPI is already initialized when PETSc is initialized,
> >> it won't mess
> >> with MPI (and won't finalize it either).
> >>
> >>   Matt
> > 
> > Good, if it's always the case that PETSc does not finalize when it has
> > not initialized, then maybe we just need to do the same?
> > 
> > As we have implemented it, MPIManager checks if someone else (maybe
> > PETSc, maybe someone else) has already initialized MPI and in that
> > case does not initialize it. Then it should also assume that someone
> > else will finalize it.
> > 
> > We can just add a bool member initialized_here and then do
> > 
> >   if (initialized_here)
> >     MPIManager::finalize();
> > 
> > in the destructor of MPIManager.
> > 
> > Would that help?
> > 
> Unfortunately not.
> The problem is that MPIManager might finalize MPI before PETSc has been 
> finalised. If MPI is initialised before PETSc, then PETSc should be 
> finalised before MPI is finalised. The problem is that we have no 
> control over the order in which MPIManager and PETScManager are destroyed.


> I'm thinking of a singleton class DolfinManager which is responsible for 
> the creation and destruction of various managers in the appropriate order.
> Garth

Perhaps it would be better to have a single class that takes care of
all initializations (rather than having a class that takes care of
manager classes) to keep things simple?

We could put a class named Init (for example) in src/kernel/main/
with some static functions:

  static void init(int argc, char* argv[]);

  static void initPETSc();
  static void initPETSc(int argc, char* argv[]);

  static void initMPI();

We can then remove init.cpp, init.h and also PETScManager.

MPIManager can be renamed to MPI and just contain MPI utility
functions (like everything in MPIManager now except init/finalize).


Follow ups
