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Message #05903
Parallel assembly and SparsityPattern
The PETSc function MatCreateMPIAIJ
) takes a number of arguments. Two of the arguments are:
d_nnz: Array containing the number of nonzeros in the various rows of the
DIAGONAL portion of the local submatrix
o_nnz: Array containing the number of nonzeros in the various rows of the
OFF-DIAGONAL portion of the local submatrix
Currently we are using PETSC_NULL for these to values and a guess
(currently set to 50) for the number of non-zeroes on all rows. According
to the PETSc manual performance can be increased by more than a factor of
50 by setting these parameters accurately.
My question is how to create d_nnz and o_nnz?
For sequential matrices it is done by:
SparsityPattern::numNonZeroPerRow(uint nzrow[])
Maybe we could add methods to SparsityPattern?
SparsityPattern::numNonZeroPerDiagonalRow(uint nzdiagrow[])
SparsityPattern::numNonZeroPerOffDiagonalRow(uint nzoffdiagrow[])
- Magnus
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