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assemebling process for a trilinearform


I just wanted to ask if there is any progress with the assembling
process of a trilinearform.
As a little reminder, here is what I wrote in December:
I have the following problem. I defined a trilinearform with the help of
FFC. Now I wanted to write the results into a 3D tensor which is
assembled with the help of assemble.h . What I already did I implemented
a subclass of GenericTensor called Tensor. But unfortunately I am still
not able to assemble such a tenor. The reason is
SparsityPatternBuilder.cpp which is not implemented for problems >2D:

 void SparsityPatternBuilder::build(SparsityPattern& sparsity_pattern,
 Mesh& mesh,
                    UFC& ufc)
   if (ufc.form.rank() == 0)
    else if (ufc.form.rank() == 1)
     vectorBuild(sparsity_pattern, ufc);
   else if (ufc.form.rank() == 2)
    matrixBuild(sparsity_pattern, mesh, ufc);
     error("Cannot compute sparsity patterm for size > 2.");
I know that you all are very busy that's why I would be already pleased
if you would be able to tell how much longer I may have to wait?!

Thanks for your help

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