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Re: os x 10.5


Gideon Simpson wrote:
I've recently acquired a new machine which came loaded with OS X 10.5. Has anyone had any experience loading up the various FEniCS components on such a system?

Yes, I have, and things work mostly[1] as advertised. Here are some broad instructions:

1. Bootstrap an installation of Fink. This defaults it's installation to /sw.

2. Using fink (fink install blah), install the following:
     i. python25
    ii. mercurial-py25
   iii. numpy-py25
    iv. boost1.33
     v. swig (1.3.31-2)
    vi. suitesparse (3.0.0-1)
   vii. gts (0.7.3-1003)
  viii. vtk-py25

3. With those dependencies in place, fetch and build the following FEniCS projects in order using mercurial and their standard python build systems.
     i. FIAT
    ii. Instant
   iii. Ferari
    iv. UFC
     v. FFC
    vi. Viper

4. Install DOLFIN with the autotools makesystem using something like:
./configure --prefix=/Random/FEniCS/build --with-boost=/sw --with-umfpack-lib=/sw/include --with-umfpack-include=/sw/include/suitesparse --with-amd-lib=/sw/lib --with-amd-include=/sw/include/suitesparse

Following the above steps should result in a fairly functional installation of FEniCS.

[1] Some caveats:
i. Swig seems broken, and hence things which use it, like pydolfin, do not work.
    ii. This installation route bypasses PETSc.
iii. I'm working out a parallel route involving GiNaC and SyFi, which also runs into some Swig issues on my machine.


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