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Re: Using iterative solvers from python


On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 02:01:13PM +0100, Kristen Kaasbjerg wrote:
> Hi
> I noticed that the LinearPDE class in python always uses
> the direct LU solver (the solver type is set by a call to
> get("PDE linear solver") which always returns "direct").
> I tried to change it to "iterative" and didn't experience
> any problems. Should I be careful using the iterative
> solvers since the direct are always used by default ?

Direct solvers are on by default since they work more often than
iterative solvers. But if you want to solve bigger problems, you most
likely will need to use an iterative solver (with an appropriate

These things are fairly untested in Python so comments/fixes are

> Kristen
> PS: there is a typo in line 205 of assemble.py:
> elif solve_type == "iterative":
> should of course be
> elif solver_type == "iterative":

ok, fixed.

