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[HG DOLFIN] merge.


One or more new changesets pushed to the primary dolfin repository.
A short summary of the last three changesets is included below.

changeset:   3678:3b1b573d69f2a98ad82d702011558e3258b86f4f
tag:         tip
parent:      3677:43070928b6304bd896bc1cbc0e4158626582ce3f
parent:      3676:7535f9279d66485c38a52c9b03af3acf9fe71e3a
user:        "Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Mon Mar 10 22:22:18 2008 +0000

changeset:   3677:43070928b6304bd896bc1cbc0e4158626582ce3f
parent:      3670:75ea8cb937c0faecfe786a9350bc5fcfe4dc30d2
user:        "Garth N. Wells <gnw20@xxxxxxxxx>"
date:        Mon Mar 10 22:22:03 2008 +0000
files:       SConstruct
Create dolfin.conf file like with old build system.

changeset:   3676:7535f9279d66485c38a52c9b03af3acf9fe71e3a
user:        Johannes Ring <johannr@xxxxxxxxx>
date:        Mon Mar 10 17:09:43 2008 +0100
files:       scons/simula-scons/simula_scons/__init__.py
Updated print statements in resolveModuleDependencies according to
Anders' request.

For more details, visit http://www.fenics.org/hg/dolfin