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Re: Debugging scons


That's right. The script is meant for standalone use - when running through scons, the exceptions are captured, and unfortunately I don't think we put the errormessage in our secret log yet... I'll have a look and see if it's easy to fix

I find all the output that autotools puts into configure.log invaluable when trying to debug installs. It would also help users submit something and the developers be able to see where the configuration step failed. So if this can be done that would be great =)

    * How does scons tell that a file has changed?  I tried changing the
    code a bit and it doesn't seem to be spitting out all the g++ commands
    as I expected for the specific files.

This is actually an area where scons is supposed to be quite good. It use MD5 sums of files to detect changes. Could you say a bit more about what you changed, and what happend?

I just missed an error with hg, since dolfin/src is now a link to dolfin/dolfin, the code I changed was not in the correct directory.

