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Debian/ubuntu repositories not working with debian


Just a heads-up. The packages from http://www.fenics.org/debian/ are not
installable on recent debian (unstable/testing):

$ aptitude install fenics
syfi: Depends: python (>= 2.5) but 2.4.4-6 is installed.
meshbuilder: Depends: libopenscenegraph4 (>= 1.2.0) which is a virtual package.
             Depends: libopenthreads4 (>= 1.2.0) which is a virtual package.
             Depends: libproducer4 (>= 1.2.0) which is a virtual package.
             Depends: libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.3.8really3.3.7) but 3:3.3.8b-4 is installed.

The python dependency could be fixed by depending on "python (>=2.5) ||
python2.5". As for libqt3-mt; 3.3.8really3.3.7 is a strange version number, but
I'm guessing the debian version would also work fine.

However, libopenscenegraph4 and libopenthreads4 are not available, only the
*6 variants are, and no libproducer at all (maybe it's subsumed in osg6).

I did manage to get what I wanted though, by installing the rest:
$ aptitude install libdolfin-dev ferari fiat instant
and it seems to work so far (the wiki/Tutorial example runs fine).

"Note: The packages are built and tested only on Ubuntu 7.10. Whether it will
work on earlier releases of Ubuntu or on Debian is currently unknown."

Now you know ;-)
