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scons build


As Ilmar suggested, doing scons enableUmfpack=0 enablePetsc=0   works.
Also, Jed Brown's observation is correct. My mpicc is a c++ compiler.
But at this moment I am without umfpack which slows the solvers, and
some demos crash. 

stargate:/home/osman/FENICS2/dolfin/demo/pde/mixed-poisson/cpp-bash-> ./demo
Creating linear PDE.
Solving linear PDE.
  Ordering mesh entities...
  Assembling over cells (finished)
  Ordering mesh entities...
  Ordering mesh entities...
  Assembling over cells (finished)
  Using direct solver.
  *** Warning: UMFPACK must be installed to peform a LU solve for uBlas
matrices. A Krylov iterative solver will be used instead.
  Solving linear system of size 2112 x 2112 (uBlas Krylov solver).
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  *** Error: Zero pivot detected in uBlas ILU preconditioner in
row 1600.
Aborted (core dumped)

Best regards,