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Re: Electromagnetic FEM


On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:58:03AM +0200, Lezar, Evan, Mr <elezar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all
> I have recently come across Fenics in my search for a finite element library to
> use in my PhD research.  I am involved in computational electromagnetics and
> typically use tangentially continuous edge, face and volume based vector basis
> functions to solve Maxwell’s equations.  These are higher order Nedelec basis
> functions.
> At the moment I am trying to come to terms with what is going on the in the
> code base and thought a good start would be to implement a solver for a simple
> 2D waveguide eigenvalue problem (The source-free vector Helmholtz equation).
> Is there anyone that has tackled something similar, or can give me a couple of
> pointers to get going?
> Thanks in advance
> Evan Lezar

Not that I know of, so you may be the first. :-)

We have Nedelec elements (first kind H(curl)) of arbitrary order so
you should be able to do what you need. We also have a good eigenvalue
solver (SLEPc) that can be used.

If you manage to get something to work (and can write nice and clean
code), consider submitting it as a demo.

