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Re: Reduce number of attributes in dolfin namespace (python)


Johan Hake wrote:
On Saturday 29 March 2008 15:56:29 Anders Logg wrote:
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 02:42:24PM +0100, Joachim B Haga wrote:
I'm just starting finding my way around dolfin, and I think it would be
easier (more discoverable in ipython or your-ide-of-choice) if the dolfin
namespace weren't so cluttered.

At the moment there are 546 attributes in the dolfin namespace (with only
ublas). I don't know dolfin well enough to say which are pointless, but I
can make some educated guesses:

- 113 of the functions in the main namespace are called *_swigregister,
and are probably not meant to be called by the user.

- A number of functions seem to be "leaked" from c++. Examples: ios,
ios_base, ios_base_sync_with_stdio, ios_base_xalloc, iostream, istream,
istringstream, endl_cb_ptr, ends, ends_cb_ptr.

- Some utility functions which are not dolfin-specific. Example:
is_empty, tokens(?)

- Functions that duplicate native python functions or numpy/math
  functions. Examples: ipow, sqr, rand, DOLFIN_PI, Identity

- Some all-uppercase attributes are constants, other are classes. Are the
  constants used? If so, maybe use a submodule (namespace) for constants?
  Examples: LINE, TRIANGLE vs. ODE, LU.

- 20 other 1-2 character attributes. I know some of them are end-user
  relevant. Are all? D, a, b, cg, dS, ds, dx, f, i, j, k, l, m, n, t0,
t1, v, v0, v1, v2
  (Side note: the demos use "from dolfin import *". The common pattern of
"for i in N:" will rebind the variable "i" outside the loop, so this is
rather fragile in practice. The fully qualified variant "dolfin.i" is of
course immune to this problem.)

- 11 cpp_* functions. Are they meant to be called by the user?

- A few leaks from other modules. Examples: Set (sets.Set), array

- Variables that are probably used internally in the library.
  vecs = [array([ 2.,  0.,  0.]), array([ 0.,  2.,  0.])]
  a = (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)
  b = (1.0, -1.0, -1.0)
  cg = 0
  alpha = 0.0

- Class methods that are also exposed directly. Examples:
  MatrixFactory_computeConvectionMatrix (MatrixFactory.computeConv...)
  MatrixFactory_computeLoadVector (MatrixFactory.computeLoad...)
  MatrixFactory_computeMassMatrix (MatrixFactory.computeMass...)
  MatrixFactory_computeStiffnessMatrix (MatrixFactory.computeStiff...)

- Some non-obvious names. Examples: dolfin_{add,get,set} which could
perhaps be called {add,get,set}_parameter. I was actually looking for
this functionality but didn't find it before compiling this list :)
Good suggestion.

- The 23 methods called ublas_* or uBlas* are an obvious candidate for a
  submodule, or are they supposed to be used directly instead of through
  GenericMatrix etc? I don't have petsc, but that's probably another

I could make a patch myself, but I don't know enough about this stuff to
feel comfortable making these decisions (especially since some of the
choices are probably made for c++/python equivalence, and I don't plan to
use the c++ part).

You are right, there are too many things being imported. This is
because we've been lazy and done import * in many places.

If you want to make a patch (hg export) or bundle, that would be
excellent. Remove as much as you can, as long as it's possible to
run the demos.

I agree with Joachim and Anders that the namespace is too cluttered. Some are probably easy to remove, eg. all swig_ names and the polutions from other packages that is internally used. But some of the pointed out names are imported from FFC, should we eg. place this in dolfin.ffc? In a demo or program you could then from dolfin.ffc import *. I would also suggest to modularize the actuall dolfin namespace too, a la the c++ modules, eg. put all mesh related things in dolfin.mesh aso.

How close is the python interface ment to be to the c++ interface?

I would like to keep them similar.

I have a
feeling that modularization of namespaces is good practice in python. Doing this in a more extensive manner would ofcourse diverge the two interfaces with regard to namespaces.

If we refine the C++ namespace, how hard would it be to reflect this in the Python code (i.e. can Swig deal with it automatically)? It would be nice to have dolfin::mesh and dolfin.mesh, dolfin::la and dolfin.la, etc.


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